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Netanyahu sinks teeth into Golan Heights

Is that why Pakistani authorities order that anyone showing Israel favorably is to be deprived at least their education, if not their life as well?

And my other points remain unanswered, which is answer enough, isn't it? So you don't consider yourself fit - nor do you have the ambition - to lead a free people, but only serfs. How long before Pakistanis get fed up and ask, as the Russians did, "What is to be done?"
We have a democratically elected government , we are not occupying any people nor seized any land that does not belong to us. What is your problem with Pakistan, please do not compare us to that fascist state Israel that projects it self as a liberal democracy, the truth is that nothing could be further from the truth.
We have a democratically elected government -
Umm, more like democratically-elected chief functionaries, since the military and "Deep State" hold a lot of power in their hands, yes?

....we are not occupying any people nor seized any land that does not belong to us -
Pakistan's rulers kicked out millions, lost millions more in a second partition, and still have lots of armed elements who contest the state's authority. And as for "not seized any land that does not belong to us" - well, that's not for lack of trying, yes?

What is your problem with Pakistan, please do not compare us to that fascist state Israel -
Putting the cart before the horse, have you? I did not need compare Pakistan to Israel to establish that fascism - corrupt government-business collaboration that deprives citizens of rights and property - is a large part of what's going on in Pakistan today. I have pointed out, repeatedly, that lies about Israel are allowed to be circulated in Pakistan while correctives to them are extra-legally suppressed. So whatever mean thing you say about Israel or Jews can't be accepted as truth, can it?

So what are Pakistanis supposed to do with the likes of django? That's what I wonder.
Umm, more like democratically-elected chief functionaries, since the military and "Deep State" hold a lot of power in their hands, yes?

You're confusing your puppet state America with Pakistan.

Pakistan's rulers kicked out millions, lost millions more in a second partition, and still have lots of armed elements who contest the state's authority. And as for "not seized any land that does not belong to us" - well, that's not for lack of trying, yes?

This is not zionazi media that you can publish your concocted history. Millions of Muslims migrated to Pakistan and millions of Hindus migrated to india after the Mountbatten declared creation of Pakistan and independence of india. Hindus swapped lands with Muslims.
You're confusing your puppet state America with Pakistan.
I've long thought that people who write everything in bold or caps aren't trying to win arguments but impose their "truth" upon others through force.

This is not zionazi media that you can publish your concocted history.
I've pointed out, repeatedly, that it's PAKISTAN that enforces "concocted history". How can it stick tarring ME with such a brush, especially when anti-Zionist history profs can preach and even thrive in Israel's own universities?

Millions of Muslims migrated to Pakistan and millions of Hindus migrated to india after the Mountbatten declared creation of Pakistan and independence of india. Hindus swapped lands with Muslims.
Just because a people in the subcontinent are Muslim doesn't mean they want to be part of Pakistan or subject to it, as your country's own experience shows. I'm rather surprised that you're taking Pakistan's side in this argument rather than that of Bangladesh.
Oh is it now, so what right does jews have to annex it

So invaders havent attacked on unarmed flotilla which went to end bloakcade of oppressors ?

So, Invaders haven't imposed harsh condition on poor innocents fishers ?
So invaders havent build illegal settlements which are not recognized by global community

Have I claimed that they have the rights,to annex it?

The Ships to Gaza flottilla committed a war crime, by not stopping for the legal inspection.
This makes it legal to take control over the vessel, by force, if the flottilla poses resistance.
The people making resistance have forfeited their status as civilians
and now have all the rights of an enemy soldier in Close Quarter combat.

Gaza is under blockade, which is an act of war.
What fishers can/can't do is regulated by laws of warfare not by civilian laws.

There has certainly been settlements built in the West Bank,
some are considered legal and some not by the Israeli Supreme court.
The settlements consider legal by the Israeli Supreme Court are not considered
legal by many/most countries.
The settlements inside Israel pre-67 borders is not considered legal by many
(Primarily Muslim) countries, while the rest of the world considers them legal.
Public opinion has very little to do what actually is right.
So called experts on International Law have difficulty agreeing
on what is legal on much smaller issues than the settlements.

Whether they are actually illegal needs to be proven in court.
There are no short nor long term plans to ever bring that up in court as far as I know.

Just to show the compexity. assume there was a Jewish Settlement on the West Bank.
The inhabitants fled to the new state of Israel in 1948.
They moved back and reclaimed the settlement after 1967.
Is that illegal?

Another argument from Israel is that there is no state which has legal claim to the area.
It is therefore up for grabs. Not an argument which flies with a lot of experts on
International Law, but still all arguments must be considered

Unlike settlements, the list I provided are of crimes that cannot be questioned.
Noone sane considers building a house on someone elses property
worse than cutting the throat of an infant.

We have a democratically elected government , we are not occupying any people nor seized any land that does not belong to us. What is your problem with Pakistan, please do not compare us to that fascist state Israel that projects it self as a liberal democracy, the truth is that nothing could be further from the truth.

You have a democratically elected government today, but situations can
change quickly, and has done so often in the history of Pakistan.

I think that many Indians would disagree with You on Kashmir.
You are occupying western Kashmir in their view.

From Wiki:
Fascists believe that liberal democracy is obsolete, and they regard the complete mobilization of society under a totalitarian one-party state as necessary to prepare a nation for armed conflict and to respond effectively to economic difficulties.[7]Such a state is led by a strong leader—such as a dictator and a martial government composed of the members of the governing fascist party—to forge national unity and maintain a stable and orderly society.

Just show You have no clue.
Nope, not defending anything.
I am just saying that there are arguments for and against.
The world considers the arguments for presented by Israel, rather weak.
Due process still requires a day in court.

And no, illegal settlements is not on the list crimes vs humanity.

And the list of crimes committed by Arabs are both worse in nature and easily judged.
No matter how much you justify it, You guys have kept them Palestinians on an illegal blockade, just like how your ancestors were back in ww2 days, heck even survivors of those people are disgusted
From Wiki:
Fascists believe that liberal democracy is obsolete, and they regard the complete mobilization of society under a totalitarian one-party state as necessary to prepare a nation for armed conflict and to respond effectively to economic difficulties.[7]Such a state is led by a strong leader—such as a dictator and a martial government composed of the members of the governing fascist party—to forge national unity and maintain a stable and orderly society.

Just show You have no clue.
Stop masquerading as a liberal democracy, ask the Arabs of Israel and the brutalised folk of the occupied territories you clown what kind of democracy is your Israel. I say the time has come for a one-state solution, let the vote commence," put your money where your mouth is" as they say, BUT NO no no, excuse after excuse will arise.
Stop masquerading as a liberal democracy, ask the Arabs of Israel and the brutalised folk of the occupied territories you clown what kind of democracy is your Israel. I say the time has come for a one-state solution, let the vote commence," put your money where your mouth is" as they say, BUT NO no no, excuse after excuse will arise.
Israel has " controlled democracy " with Jews traditions .
So what are Pakistanis supposed to do with the likes of django? That's what I wonder.
Your posts are becoming more ridiculous each and every time you post, your arguments have no basis, perhaps you still have not had your Bar Mitzwah lol. As for what are Pakistanis supposed to do with django? I say emulate him, as I am an extremely patriotic citizen of my nation, honest and law abiding......and no I do not live off the blood of others like a parasite, I live in a land where my forefathers have resided in for millenia, I did not move here from the other side of the world.Shalom

Israel has " controlled democracy " with Jews traditions .
A controlled democracy reminiscent of the apartheid regime in South Africa, and no it is not in Jewish tradition, if it was they would not treat their Abrahamiac cousins as ground worms.
Typical of a jew, Defending everythng when it is clearly not only illegal but crime against humanity
Ironically, slandering an entire people as you just have to justify their extermination IS a crime against humanity - Streicher was executed for it at Nuremburg.

Racism is forbidden by Forum rules, but I will accept your apology rather than flagging you, if you do so in the next half-hour.

Stop masquerading as a liberal democracy -
Israel isn't the entity engaged in masquerade here.
since when did Jews become a race ? rather than a religion ?
Since always. The correct formulation is that Jews are a people with Judaism as their religion. The Jews-are-religion-not-people meme appears to have its roots in 1940s British cabinet discussions about how to justify Britain cheating the Jews out of the Palestine Mandate.

You have nineteen minutes.
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