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Netanyahu sinks teeth into Golan Heights

The problem You are facing is that Nethanyahu and associates have given up on peace with the Palestinians.
So, it seems has the majority of voters in Israel.
You really think that demanding humiliation of an opponent is a good way to start a sense of cordiality.
I guess You nevered bothered to analyze the human mind.
So you rob my house beat me up, and if I demand and apology I am humiliating you, I suppose these are the objective values of our Israeli friends, BRAVO.
Lots of reasons given.

An interesting question is what will happen to those parts of the Golan Heights that used to
be part of the British Mandate that was occupied by Syria in 1948.
Obviously Syria has no rights to annex them.
So now old occupier will give it to new occupier
So you rob my house beat me up, and if I demand and apology I am humiliating you, I suppose these are the objective values of our Israeli friends, BRAVO.

Maybe they are not buying into the robbing part and are thinking more of the fact that Arabs started the war.
Are apologies for that forthcoming any time soon - quite overdue if You ask me?
When China does it the pakistanis are cheering ... when the Ummah sufferes suddenly "justice" comes into play. :rofl: Talk about double standards.
Maybe they are not buying into the robbing part and are thinking more of the fact that Arabs started the war.
Are apologies for that forthcoming any time soon - quite overdue if You ask me?
The world is not blind to the propaganda perpetuated by Zionist charlatans like Regev and co, just like it is not blind to the erroneous claims of Holocaust denier David Irving.kudos my fascist friend.
So now old occupier will give it to new occupier

No, Syria can only give what she owns, so they cannot give those parts.
Ottomans signed off their rights, and the British terminated the Mandate,
so they have no claim.

The world is not blind to the propaganda perpetuated by Zionist charlatans like Regev and co, just like it is not blind to the erroneous claims of Holocaust denier David Irving.kudos my fascist friend.

Post Reported.
No, Syria can only give what she owns, so they cannot give those parts.
Ottomans signed off their rights, and the British terminated the Mandate,
so they have no claim.

Post Reported.
On what basis are you reporting my post. I condemn both Regev and Irving.
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I presume you do support zionists and the IDF

I support International Law.
While casualties are much higher on the Arab side, I consider the nature of Arab crimes
are much more severe than those of the Israeli side.
Throughout history the Arab side has shown an absolute contempt for International Law.
The worst crime is probably sacrificing their own civilians for propaganda gains.

Israel at least considers the Geneva Convention, although it is often in conflict
with the world community about its interpretation.

Sometimes, it is also pretty obvious that the world community is wrong in such a conflict,
beeing led there by propagandists and incompetent journalists which are repeating myths.

Typical MYTHS: It is ALWAYS illegal in war to:
* bomb a hospital.
* kill a civilian
* board a ship in international waters
* shell a UN building
* Fire shells containg white phosphor at civilians
* Destroy Housing

* Fire unguided missiles at population centers
* Hi-Jack commercial airliners
* Break into homes cutting throats of infants
* Suddenly attack enemy soldiers while dressed as a civilian
* Blow yourself up in a market-square with a hidden bomb.
* Kidnap and kill civilians participating in Olympics
* Use kids as human shield while you are searching for enemy combatants

That does not give You the right to call me a Fascist.

Fascists believe in a one party state and a strong leader.
I believe in democracy and due process.
You owe me an apology.
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No, Syria can only give what she owns, so they cannot give those parts.
Ottomans signed off their rights, and the British terminated the Mandate,
so they have no claim.
Oh is it now, so what right does jews have to annex it

I support International Law.
While casualties are much higher on the Arab side, I consider the nature of Arab crimes
are much more severe than those of the Israeli side.
Throughout history the Arab side has shown an absolute contempt for International Law.
The worst crime is probably sacrificing their own civilians for propaganda gains.

Israel at least considers the Geneva Convention, although it is often in conflict
with the world community about its interpretation.

Sometimes, it is also pretty obvious that the world community is wrong in such a conflict,
beeing led there by propagandists and incompetent journalists which are repeating myths.

Typical MYTHS: It is ALWAYS illegal in war to:
* bomb a hospital.
* kill a civilian
* board a ship in international waters
* shell a UN building
* Fire shells containg white phosphor at civilians
* Destroy Housing

* Fire unguided missiles at population centers
* Hi-Jack commercial airliners
* Break into homes cutting throats of infants
* Suddenly attack enemy soldiers while dressed as a civilian
* Blow yourself up in a market-square with a hidden bomb.
* Kidnap and kill civilians participating in Olympics
* Use kids as human shield while you are searching for enemy combatants

That does not give You the right to call me a Fascist.

Fascists believe in a one party state and a strong leader.
I believe in democracy and due process.
You owe me an apology.

So invaders havent attacked on unarmed flotilla which went to end bloakcade of oppressors ?

So, Invaders haven't imposed harsh condition on poor innocents fishers ?
So invaders havent build illegal settlements which are not recognized by global community
Listen Mr Soloman , most believe a two state solution is not feasible as the Israelis will never let -
Are such beliefs tenable in light of the facts and context that contradict them? No, because even the presumptives you present are phony.

If you want to campaign for the rights of folks being unjustly deprived of property, you can write about Bahria Town.

.... I want to see tears of shame strolling from the cheeks of Netanyahu and his fascist acolytes -
Sure you do. Not gonna happen because what in the world does Netanyahu & co. have to be afraid of? If you understand what "fascists" are you can apply them with more sense to Pakistan's government-criminal mafias. Standing up for the truth isn't a matter for "tears of shame".

You're INVERTING the truth, django, turning it upside-down.

- only then and believe me ONLY THEN can their be a resolution and a sense of cordiality between the two peoples -
The choice for the Jews of Israel is between living and building honorable law-abiding lives accompanied by friction with neighbors, or accepting they have the right to be dispossessed, enslaved, and eliminated for the sake of "cordiality between two peoples." For in no way, shape, or form have you implied Jews have a right to life, liberty, or property if their Muslim or Arab neighbors say otherwise.

Basically, I see you as one of the oppressors of Pakistan, intent on keeping people down and diverted while mercilessly exploiting them. The Americans kicked out the Brits, the French guillotined their royalty, and the Russians hung their masters from lamp-posts. It doesn't have to happen to Pakistan, but it's all building up, isn't it - thanks to people like you, right?
Are such beliefs tenable in light of the facts and context that contradict them? No, because even the presumptives you present are phony.

If you want to campaign for the rights of folks being unjustly deprived of property, you can write about Bahria Town.

Sure you do. Not gonna happen because what in the world does Netanyahu & co. have to be afraid of? If you understand what "fascists" are you can apply them with more sense to Pakistan's government-criminal mafias. Standing up for the truth isn't a matter for "tears of shame".

You're INVERTING the truth, django, turning it upside-down.

The choice for the Jews of Israel is between living and building honorable law-abiding lives accompanied by friction with neighbors, or accepting they have the right to be dispossessed, enslaved, and eliminated for the sake of "cordiality between two peoples." For in no way, shape, or form have you implied Jews have a right to life, liberty, or property if their Muslim or Arab neighbors say otherwise.

Basically, I see you as one of the oppressors of Pakistan, intent on keeping people down and diverted while mercilessly exploiting them. The Americans kicked out the Brits, the French guillotined their royalty, and the Russians hung their masters from lamp-posts. It doesn't have to happen to Pakistan, but it's all building up, isn't it - thanks to people like you, right?
Now I truly understand why their can never be peace in the mid-east, your posts/drivel have all summed it up, their is an old saying "By their fruits ye shall know them", my dear chap the whole world knows what Israel is about, no matter how hard charlatans like Regev put a spin on the truth and no matter how dogmatic your opinions are in regards to your perceived truth of Israel. Shalom
... my dear chap the whole world knows what Israel is about -
Is that why Pakistani authorities order that anyone showing Israel favorably is to be deprived at least their education, if not their life as well?

And my other points remain unanswered, which is answer enough, isn't it? So you don't consider yourself fit - nor do you have the ambition - to lead a free people, but only serfs. How long before Pakistanis get fed up and ask, as the Russians did, "What is to be done?"
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