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Netanyahu sinks teeth into Golan Heights

epeat my arguments
Please your arguments conists of anything tat supports the fake existence of a country that is built on an invasion is fine anything less than that is termed as anti s emetic. You deliberately choose to ignore how Invaders have open air worst blockade in modern times, you choose to ignore how your kid, my god kids, are being brainwashed against other races
Yes, having UN monitoring damage caused by exploding heavy artillery rounds
is certainly something worth looking forward to - not.
Israel have the RIGHT to occupy the Golan Heights as long as there is a war.
It would be stupid of them to unilaterally withdraw without a guaranteed peace agreement.

They do not have the right to annex, but the difference in practice between annexation and occupation is small.

Nethanyahu is clearly not the right man to give up the Golan Heights - ever.
He is only however only one election away from being removed from power.

If Syria wants the Golan Heights back, they must make it attractive for Israeli voters not to re-elect Nethanyahu.
So far, they are doing nothing to further their goals.

Its not like they are being bombarded by Syria now and then, it was more or less 50 years ago, and No, invaders have no fking right to annex it. Syria is not at war with them. So this is the most lamest justification

epeat my arguments
Please your arguments conists of anything tat supports the fake existence of a country that is built on an invasion is fine anything less than that is termed as anti s emetic. You deliberately choose to ignore how Invaders have open air worst blockade in modern times, you choose to ignore how your kid, my god kids, are being brainwashed against other races
Yes, having UN monitoring damage caused by exploding heavy artillery rounds
is certainly something worth looking forward to - not.
Israel have the RIGHT to occupy the Golan Heights as long as there is a war.
It would be stupid of them to unilaterally withdraw without a guaranteed peace agreement.

They do not have the right to annex, but the difference in practice between annexation and occupation is small.

Nethanyahu is clearly not the right man to give up the Golan Heights - ever.
He is only however only one election away from being removed from power.

If Syria wants the Golan Heights back, they must make it attractive for Israeli voters not to re-elect Nethanyahu.
So far, they are doing nothing to further their goals.

Its not ike they are being bombarded by Syria now and then, it was more or less 50 years ago, and No still has no fking right to
You're not stupid. I think you're scared to repeat the arguments and points I bring to the discussion.
Scared ??? Please. I only state the truth. So do you know dent the open air prison that invaders have on palestine ?
Please your arguments conists of anything tat supports the fake existence of a country that is built on an invasion is fine anything less than that is termed as anti s emetic.
Are you shaking so much that you can't type straight?

(For those not in the know, Pakistanis are taught Jews-are-a-religion-no-a-people, as a way to demonize Israel and deny Jews' rights to Israel. Can't blame them entirely, I first found this meme in the records of anti-Zionist British cabinet meetings from the 1940s.)

You deliberately choose to ignore how Invaders have open air worst blockade in modern times, you choose to ignore how your kid, my god kids, are being brainwashed against other races..I only state the truth.
In determining the truth, did you bother to check and weigh material that contradicted your preferred source? No? Then what worth is your judgment and by what right can you claim to "only state the truth"?

Reading the USCIRF report. Says Pakistani textbooks teach Israel exterminated Muslims in the areas it controlled and expelled the rest. You were raised on this stuff, right?

Really, salarskand, you already know that Pakistani leaders lie about matters close to you - their wealth, their election promises, East Pakistan, minorities, etc. And you know they do that for personal advantage, not for the good of Pakistani citizens. So why would you believe they'd tell the truth about a country far away from you if it served their material self-interest to tell lies about it?
Are you shaking so much that you can't type straight?

(For those not in the know, Pakistanis are taught Jews-are-a-religion-no-a-people, as a way to demonize Israel and deny Jews' rights to Israel. Can't blame them entirely, I first found this meme in the records of anti-Zionist British cabinet meetings from the 1940s.)

In determining the truth, did you bother to check and weigh material that contradicted your preferred source? No? Then what worth is your judgment and by what right can you claim to "only state the truth"?

Reading the USCIRF report. Says Pakistani textbooks teach Israel exterminated Muslims in the areas it controlled and expelled the rest. You were raised on this stuff, right?

Really, salarskand, you already know that Pakistani leaders lie about matters close to you - their wealth, their election promises, East Pakistan, minorities, etc. And you know they do that for personal advantage, not for the good of Pakistani citizens. So why would you believe they'd tell the truth about a country far away from you if it served their material self-interest to tell lies about it?
Giving a source as blog and that too which is non functional :tup:

I dont need to hear from he leader, its not like you can continue t deny the apartheid state you have there, is that the reason why you guys shoot at unarmed flotilla that attempts to break the lines set by invaders in Palestine ?

For those of you who do not now, jews have famous saying, by way of deception thou shalt do war So yes, this another form of that
Giving a source as blog and that too which is non functional :tup:
Let's see if any Pakistani is willing to call salarskander's bluff on this.

...apartheid state...unarmed flotilla...invaders -
Ah, his topical arguments don't work, so now he's resorting to calumnies as a distraction. Doesn't mitigate my arguments one bit, of course.

For those of you who do not now, jews have famous saying, by way of deception thou shalt do war So yes, this another form of that
On your part, yes. I think that's pretty well established now.

The sad thing is, you're propagation of lies serve to rob Pakistanis of hope that their government cares about the truth, about protecting them, and is worthy of loyalty in return. That promotes the disintegration of the state, not its preservation. People will either flee abroad or work to create a revolution - peaceful or otherwise.
Let's see if any Pakistani is willing to call salarskander's bluff on this.

Ah, his topical arguments don't work, so now he's resorting to calumnies as a distraction. Doesn't mitigate my arguments one bit, of course.

On your part, yes. I think that's pretty well established now.

The sad thing is, you're propagation of lies serve to rob Pakistanis of hope that their government cares about the truth, about protecting them, and is worthy of loyalty in return. That promotes the disintegration of the state, not its preservation. People will either flee abroad or work to create a revolution - peaceful or otherwise.
Typical of you, Denial, dismissal and the digression from real question

Let's see if any Pakistani is willing to call salarskander's bluff on this.
Isnt that blog ? you tell me

Its not like they are being bombarded by Syria now and then, it was more or less 50 years ago, and No, invaders have no fking right to annex it. Syria is not at war with them. So this is the most lamest justification
Ehhmmmm, WRONG!
Syrian Artillery does not have the range to fire against true Israel due to the occupation.
(and Israel frequently attacks things like weapon shipments inside Syria)

Israel and Syria are still at war.
There is an armistice in place which is occasionally broken.
No peace agreement exists, thus occupation, but not annexation is legal.

Maybe You should try to follow the Middle East news a little bit better.
Ehhmmmm, WRONG!
Syrian Artillery does not have the range to fire against true Israel due to the occupation.
(and Israel frequently attacks things like weapon shipments inside Syria)

Israel and Syria are still at war.
There is an armistice in place which is occasionally broken.
No peace agreement exists, thus occupation, but not annexation is legal.

Maybe You should try to follow the Middle East news a little bit better.

See thats where you're at fault here. not only portraying yourself as occupier but actually occupying it. So tell me why did they refuse to give the rivers back in 1999 when they were having a peace agreement

See thats where you're at fault here. not only portraying yourself as occupier but actually occupying it. So tell me why did they refuse to give the rivers back in 1999 when they were having a peace agreement

Nah, Sweden does not occupy anything...
We are world record holders on not fighting wars. 202 years and counting...

And there was no peace agreement in 1999.
During peace negotiations everyone are free to propose any terms.
I do not think there is any International Laws which governs what terms
that should be considered during such talks, so anything goes.
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Note the strategy: don't acknowledge the Zionists points, just resort to gross distortion and accuse him of more crimes, relying on the fact that schools and society prevent the truth from being disseminated to counter them. Pakistanis aren't tired of this approach yet, are they?
Listen Mr Soloman , most believe a two state solution is not feasible as the Israelis will never let the Palestinian have viable state, however if the Israelis withdraw to pre-67 borders, and hold a national event, which will see them march and beg for forgiveness for brutalizing and plundering the Palestinians ever since the inception of Israel and for lying in the name of Jehovah.......... I want to see tears of shame strolling from the cheeks of Netanyahu and his fascist acolytes , only then and believe me ONLY THEN can their be a resolution and a sense of cordiality between the two peoples, if you have any sense and from your previous posts I certainly see a LACK of that, I would urge you to follow this advice and propagate it to as many of your Zionist associates as you possibly can. Shalom
Published — Monday 18 April 2016

JERUSALEM: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed Sunday that the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights would “forever” remain in his country’s hands as his Cabinet held its first meeting in the territory.
“The Golan Heights will remain in the hands of Israel forever,” Netanyahu said at the start of the cabinet meeting, in comments broadcast on public radio. “Israel will never withdraw from the Golan Heights.”
Israeli media have reported that Netanyahu planned the Cabinet meeting as a statement amid fears Israel could come under pressure to return the Golan — which it seized from Syria in 1967 — as part of a future peace deal for its war-torn neighbor.
Urging the international community to recognize Israel’s claim on the territory, Netanyahu said he told US Secretary of State John Kerry in a conversation on Saturday night that it was doubtful Syria can return to what it was.
The premier also plans to meet President Vladimir Putin in Russia, a key backer of Syria’s President Bashar Assad, on Thursday.
“The time has come for the international community to recognize reality, especially two basic facts,” Netanyahu said.
“One, whatever is beyond the border, the boundary itself will not change. Two, after 50 years, the time has come for the international community to finally recognize that the Golan Heights will remain under Israel’s sovereignty permanently.”
Israel keeps the territory usurped for unfounded fears that Lebanese militia Hezbollah could establish a front against it along the Syrian border.

@Solomon2 Please give us your views on this illegal expansionism
There is a war coming this winter. We dont know who Bibi will attack now. But Hillary will come save his @SS if something goes wrong.
Nah, Sweden does not occupy anything...
We are world record holders on not fighting wars. 202 years and counting...

And there was no peace agreement in 1999.
During peace negotiations everyone are free to propose any terms.
I do not think there is any International Laws which governs what terms
that should be considered during such talks, so anything goes.

Read why the peace agreement broke in first place and what prompted ehud to do this
Listen Mr Soloman , most believe a two state solution is not feasible as the Israelis will never let the Palestinian have viable state, however if the Israelis withdraw to pre-67 borders, and hold a national event, which will see them march and beg for forgiveness for brutalizing and plundering the Palestinians ever since the inception of Israel and for lying in the name of Jehovah.......... I want to see tears of shame strolling from the cheeks of Netanyahu and his fascist acolytes , only then and believe me ONLY THEN can their be a resolution and a sense of cordiality between the two peoples, if you have any sense and from your previous posts I certainly see a LACK of that, I would urge you to follow this advice and propagate it to as many of your Zionist associates as you possibly can. Shalom

The problem You are facing is that Nethanyahu and associates have given up on peace with the Palestinians.
So, it seems has the majority of voters in Israel.
You really think that demanding humiliation of an opponent is a good way to start a sense of cordiality.
I guess You nevered bothered to analyze the human mind.
The problem You are facing is that Nethanyahu and associates have given up on peace with the Palestinians.
So, it seems has the majority of voters in Israel.
That is 100% correct.

A recent poll also shows that only 18% of the Israeli 11th graders and 12th graders believe there is a chance of peace with the Palestinians.
In the coming years the majority of voters in Israel is going to shift even more to conservatism and hawkish attitude.

Read why the peace agreement broke in first place and what prompted ehud to do this

Lots of reasons given.

An interesting question is what will happen to those parts of the Golan Heights that used to
be part of the British Mandate that was occupied by Syria in 1948.
Obviously Syria has no rights to annex them.

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