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Netanyahu sinks teeth into Golan Heights

Offered?? seriously. tell me how do you offer a thing which isnt yours
Israel captured Golan in defensive war and has full right to keep it until Syria agrees to make peace.

Israeli logic :enjoy:
No thats your and ur friends demagogy logic: invent arguments for opponents and then laugh at it.
has full right to keep it

What Right given by whom?
So basically you have captured their territory and your saying that they adhere to your peace plan which was not giving of the river tributaries back to their original owners.

So if I invade your home and then say that I have full right to keep until and unless you stop whining about it, how would ya feel ?
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What Right given by whom?
So basically you have captured their territory and your saying that they adhere to your peace plan which was not giving of the river tributaries back to their original owners.

So if I invade your home and then say that I have full right to keep until and unless you stop whining about it, how would ya feel ?
According to UN resolution 242 withdrawal from Golan should be only as part of peace agreement when Syria recognizes Israel and stops all hostilities.
According to UN resolution 242 withdrawal from Golan should be only as part of peace agreement when Syria recognizes Israel and stops all hostilities.
The Irony when you choose to ignore all other UN resolutions which also prohibits you from expanding illegally captured territories of Palestine. And it was you lot who at the end said they would not give up on the rivers of Syria
The Irony when you choose to ignore all other UN resolutions -
The difference is that Israel, too, supported Resolution 242.

- which also prohibits you from expanding illegally captured territories of Palestine.
It may surprise you (if you ever bother to study international law) that there isn't ANYTHING illegal about that. On the other hand, Jordanian rule of Judea/Samaria WAS illegal, and many of the U.N. resolutions condemning Israel for this-or-that are either non-binding or (if they contradict the Charter) illegal themselves.

If you read the recent statements of Arab leaders carefully you'll discover that a number of them omit references to international law when they talk about the Israel-Arab conflict in favor of international resolutions or some such. That's because law is on the side of the Zionists, not their enemies.

It is your burden as a Pakistani that your universities and government compel its citizens and students to accept the Emperor's new clothes. But you demean yourself and embarrass your silent countrymen by pretending it looks sumptuous, rather than ludicrous.
The difference is that Israel, too, supported Resolution 242.

It may surprise you (if you ever bother to study international law) that there isn't ANYTHING illegal about that. On the other hand, Jordanian rule of Judea/Samaria WAS illegal, and many of the U.N. resolutions condemning Israel for this-or-that are either non-binding or (if they contradict the Charter) illegal themselves.

If you read the recent statements of Arab leaders carefully you'll discover that a number of them omit references to international law when they talk about the Israel-Arab conflict in favor of international resolutions or some such. That's because law is on the side of the Zionists, not their enemies.

It is your burden as a Pakistani that your universities and government compel its citizens and students to accept the Emperor's new clothes. But you demean yourself and embarrass your silent countrymen by pretending it looks sumptuous, rather than ludicrous.

Then how about getting back to pre67 borders whats the harm in that ?
Losing the Golan Heights (Syrian and Arab land) is one of the many "accomplishments" of the Al-Assad regime. Not once since losing them have they even attempted to gain their OWN land back. Yet the Al-Assad regime is hailed as a bulwark against the Zionist regime by certain mentally challenged people. Israel itself is interested in Bashar remaining in power and they openly cooperate with Putin in his crusade against Muslims. A crusade that is doomed for failure and which will backfire.

I think You have forgotten the October War, 1973.

Legally, Israel can keep on occupying Golan, until a peace agreement is signed.
Israel can annex Golan as much as they want,
but the rest of the World have no reason to acknowledge the annexation.
If Syria falls apart then the situation is unclear.
Not sure International Law is able to handle that.
For sure, if Israel allows Golan inhabitants to vote for merging with Israel,
they can maybe assimilate the Golan Heights without legal problems.

Then how about getting back to pre67 borders whats the harm in that ?

You mean back to the time where Syrian artillery were firing artillery shells on Israel from positions of advantage?
Without a peace agreement?

Please clarify!
I think You have forgotten the October War, 1973.

Legally, Israel can keep on occupying Golan, until a peace agreement is signed.
Israel can annex Golan as much as they want,
but the rest of the World have no reason to acknowledge the annexation.
If Syria falls apart then the situation is unclear.
Not sure International Law is able to handle that.
For sure, if Israel allows Golan inhabitants to vote for merging with Israel,
they can maybe assimilate the Golan Heights without legal problems.

Which was an Israeli victory and mostly an Egyptian affair. My previous points remain. The difference is barely 6 years (1967-1973) in this case.

Yes, in theory the US could have annexed parts of Iraq or Afghanistan as well and after occupying it for decades proceed to ask the locals if they wanted to remain a part of the US or return to their previous "owner". That might be legally possibly (I am not a lawyer or expert in International Law) but it would raise serious questions for obvious reasons. Much like Israel's occupation of the Golan Heights do.

As of now I do not know a single country on the planet that does not recognize the integrity of the Syrian state. UN does at least. You have numerous states today which do not control their entire territory de facto. Yet if an outside force decided to occupy such areas and annex them it would be considered illegal from what I know of. International law can be interpreted in many ways and usually the strongest party dictates what is "wrong" and what is "right".

Fact of the matter is that the Golan Heights are Syrian territory.


You mean back to the time where Syrian artillery were firing artillery shells on Israel from positions of advantage?
Without a peace agreement?

Please clarify!

You mean back in 1948 when Israel was founded after flooding the modern-day territories of Israel and Palestine with foreign migrants who ethnically cleansed the native Palestinians from Jaffa, Al-Quds, Haifa, Netanya etc.

You don't think that this was perceived as a security threat and an act of war by neighboring Arab states?

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