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Netanyahu sinks teeth into Golan Heights

Your only defense that you're not guilty of racism is to deny the word has meaning.
I have presented you with appropriate evidence and arguments to prove that I am not guilty of anything.

You on the other hand are hell bent on to prove me otherwise
Things are off here, and could we drop the whole race thing. As for being a Jew, it can mean a people and person who follows the faith. In europe he term has exclusively been associated with a people.
No matter how much you justify it, You guys have kept them Palestinians on an illegal blockade, just like how your ancestors were back in ww2 days, heck even survivors of those people are disgusted

Nope, Sweden has not blockaded anyone.
Our ancestor were living in peace during WWII.:crazy:.

Stop masquerading as a liberal democracy, ask the Arabs of Israel and the brutalised folk of the occupied territories you clown what kind of democracy is your Israel. I say the time has come for a one-state solution, let the vote commence," put your money where your mouth is" as they say, BUT NO no no, excuse after excuse will arise.

Yes I agree, the conflict between India and Pakistan has gone far enough.
A single state would be so much better.
Things are off here, and could we drop the whole race thing. As for being a Jew, it can mean a people and person who follows the faith. In europe he term has exclusively been associated with a people.
Jew is historically associated with anyone from Judea (Israel). Judeans (jew) when written in arabic / Hebrew becomes Yehudi. Thus a jew must not follow Judaism to become a jew.
Majority of jews in Israel are atheists or secular. Only a minority is practicing jews (followers of Judaism)

@Natan @500 is my definition of a jew correct?
As for being a Jew, it can mean a people and person who follows the faith.
That is incorrect. You're a Jew if you are born a Jew or have converted by a process akin to adoption. A person who "follows the faith" doesn't cut it.

I am aware that Pakistanis may be taught otherwise. It is a very important error for them, not just in their conception of Israel and Zionism but also in their comparison of Pakistan to Israel. Pakistanis often characterize both countries as "founded on faith" - but that only applies to Pakistan. Israel is founded upon Jewish peoplehood and there are no religious tests for citizenship or requirements for private observance. It's little different from Germany accepting as immigrant citizens Germans from the ex-Soviet Union - descendants of Germans who were invited to settle there since the days of Catherine the Great.

Things are off here, and could we drop the whole race thing.
It is not a "race thing." It is RACISM committed by salarskander. Either you condone it by letting it stand - earning a big black mark for PDF and Pakistanis in general - or you discipline him as you would if anybody had committed the same offense to the same degree against a Pakistani. @WebMaster
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I must have really torched a raw nerve lol.

Nope, just seeing the elephant in the glass warehouse.

The creation of Pakistan and Israel was based on similar thinking.
The creators of both states wanted their country to have a majority of people with the same religious belief.

There is no other reason for the creation of Pakistan.
The one state solution will be rejected by both due to demographics.
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Jew is historically associated with anyone from Judea (Israel). Judeans (jew) when written in arabic / Hebrew becomes Yehudi. Thus a jew must not follow Judaism to become a jew.
Majority of jews in Israel are atheists or secular. Only a minority is practicing jews (followers of Judaism)

@Natan @500 is my definition of a jew correct?

The term "Jew", comes from Judah (Yehuda), fourth son of Jacob, who is regarded as the ancestor of Tribe of Judah.

Tribes eventually became one Kingdom of Israel, but that vast united kingdom didn't last long and split into northern Kingdom of Israel, and southern Kingdom of Judah. The heart of the southern kingdom was Judea - Hebron, Bethlehem, and, of course, the capital Jerusalem.


Northern Kingdom of Israel was defeated by Assyrian Empire, and its tribes were taken to Assyria and lost.
Southern Kingdom of Judah, consisting mainly of Tribe of Judah and parts of tribes of Benjamin and Simeon, remained. The people of Kingdom of Judah became known as Yehudim / Yahudi / Jews.
So it was Judah, Tribe of Judah, Kingdom of Judah, who gave the name "Judea" to modern day Judea, and eventually the name "Jews" to the people.

Jewish tradition says that a Jew is someone who's mother was Jew. But throughout the history people also used to convert to Judaism and within one generation became Jews.

For almost 2000 years only followers of Judaism were considered Jews by themselves and by the surrounding nations. But in late 19th century and in 20th century, of course, situation changed. Some Jews began considering themselves Jews without following Judaism, and people of Jewish origin who were not following Judaism at all were prosecuted by surrounding nations equally to those who were strict believers.

So, now its is complicated. Modern Jews are either born-Jews, or converted-to-Judaism. Born-Jews are either followers of Judaism or not, but converted-to-Judaism obviously remain as followers.

In modern Israel some 40% of the Jews are secular atheists, another 50% are followers of Judaism (any kind from almost secular to almost ultra-orthodox), and another 10% are strictest ultra-orthodox.
I've long thought that people who write everything in bold or caps aren't trying to win arguments but impose their "truth" upon others through force.

I've pointed out, repeatedly, that it's PAKISTAN that enforces "concocted history". How can it stick tarring ME with such a brush, especially when anti-Zionist history profs can preach and even thrive in Israel's own universities?

Just because a people in the subcontinent are Muslim doesn't mean they want to be part of Pakistan or subject to it, as your country's own experience shows. I'm rather surprised that you're taking Pakistan's side in this argument rather than that of Bangladesh.

What zionazis think is obviously twisted view of the truth, imposing is their art but what I said stands. There's no argument over the fact that the US is controlled by the zionazi lobby. As for concocted history of yours, first you told tales of what happened in 1947 and when you got caught you shifted your focus to 1971.
The one state solution will be rejected by both due to demographics.
Then you clown why do you not give the Palestinians a viable state which is becoming more and more unlikely by the day due to your illegal expansions, admit it you will never accept a Palestinian state.
t is not a "race thing." It is RACISM committed by salarskander. Either you condone it by letting it stand - earning a big black mark for PDF and Pakistanis in general - or you discipline him as you would if anybody had committed the same offense to the same degree against a Pakistani. @WebMaster
See I told you I went to prove where you were wrong and from you Jewish quoted sources. If even then you have problem then you might wanna visit doctor, because that is your problem not mine.
Then you clown why do you not give the Palestinians a viable state which is becoming more and more unlikely by the day due to your illegal expansions, admit it you will never accept a Palestinian state.

Sweden has not been in a war for 200 years, and borders have been static.
So what illegal expansion are you talking about?:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Sweden's official policy is to support a two state solution.
We have already recognized Palestine, so you are OBVIOUSLY wrong! :crazy:
Sweden has not been in a war for 200 years, and borders have been static.
So what illegal expansion are you talking about?:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Sweden's official policy is to support a two state solution.
We have already recognized Palestine, so you are OBVIOUSLY wrong! :crazy:
Very funny, it is clear oppression is a big joke to you. I bid you farewell.
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