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Negotiators representing Pakistani Taliban‘Without sharia, TTP won't accept talks’

Why is Pakistan averse to Shariah, it is an Islamic country after all :undecided:

Pakistan wants Islamic system law, and people in Pakistan should opt for it. It's better than the current system.

The problem is that TTP involvement in certain activities leave bad image of Islam as TTP deliberately uses Islamic card whilst engaging in haraam-activities to spread chaos. Hence, people are paranoid of the Islamic system, although it's more beneficial for the weak citizens, women, children, old persons, including minority. The system TTP wants to implement nowhere near the Islamic system, in fact it's contradictory.

If there is election held in Pakistan regarding the uploading Islamic law or democratic law, Islamic law would win by a large margin. The problem is not Islamic law, rather TTP-version of law, as it's founded on hypocrisy at best - spreading ideology by bomb-blasting, killing children, women and whatnot.

In Islam, giving education is a must especially for women. TTP popular opinion on women's education policy contradicts the real version of Islam. I truly hope the public is better informed, and should not stay away from promoting Islamic system in spite of TTP misrepresenting Islam on large-scale. There is a Authentic-Hadith mention for certain people, that they would be knowledgeable, worship God a lot, yet what they learn from Holy Qur'an won't reach below their throat [metaphor].
Well who is giving the TTP the right to enforce Shariah. Enforcement of shariah should be government's job, and they can do it the right way, the Islamic way?

I mean if implementing Shariah can end all this bloodletting, then whats the harm in it.
if the govt is willing to negotiate - it means they (taliban) are not "given the right" but they have taken the right to do so. if you do not want to give them any right or moral standing, then there is no scope for negotiation. Would you allow a state in your country to ask for communism/capitalism (or any ism not in your country) and get it enforced on everyone? the same way you cannot allow a bunch of people to push their religious vies on the others and make it a law.
the army needs to prepare for a massive operation.
send 200,000 thousands soldiers in to kpk and tribal areas and crush these rats once and for all
Mark my words...TTP terrorists are just buying time & making everyone fool.

Dialogue is done with humans, how can Pakistan talk with these creatures that are worst than brutal beasts?

The good thing is that General Raheel Shareef is not Rt Gen Ashfaq P Kiyani...He has already show this by his recent actions. He is serious & will possibly thrash these TTP'ers within a year.
Yes and there you are brothers. Talks with these savages are futile and even history has taught us that (please read Hazrat Ali's dealings with the Kwarij of the time).

THEIR Shariah has no place for nearly 90% of Pakistan's population.

Brelvis/Sufis who make up the majority are considered grave worshiping infidels who celebrate the evil of the Prophet's birth. They are seen as crazy for chanting the beautiful name of Allah in a congregation and therefore must be taught the "real Islam". If they don't listen it is halal to kill them. No way on Allah's green earth is anyone from the majority community going to accept anything from this gang of bandits.

The Shia community are considered infidels outright and they don't even dwell on any fiqh issues. It's a simple case of suicide bomb, massacre, move on, suicide bomb massacre and move on. Again the Shia consider them mortal enemies.

You then have the secular/liberal/non religious folks who are running scared 24 hours a day, especially with the TTP's fatwa of attacking the press. Do we need to go into the untold amount of damage they will do to traditional Pakistani culture, which they want to eradicate and replace with some weird Beduin desert/hybrid culture.

So who do we have left just the Deobandi community and the Salafis, and even they tread carefully now due to the sheer violent/unpredictable nature of these filth, even though they had the same teachers, came from the same religious schools etc.

No negotiations, no deals, no nothing it's time to burn them alive.

Talks begin with this


and end with this


Fuel air weapons are what should be fed down their throats.
nice try... :omghaha:
I thought you people were only against sharia demand if it is coming from taliban side but you people also have ganged up against some bareilvi members who talked about implementing sharia in pakistan. So you guyrt have problem with shariat whether its demand is from a deobandi or bareilvi.
Basically you people are of opinion that pakistan was created for muslims, not for islam.....perfectly understandable, the creator of pakistan was a clean-shaved irreligous secular who used name of islam to rally people behind him.
We have a Federal Shariat court which can be improved

Federal Shariat Court

people wanting better alignment with shariah law should work through the shariat court , taking up arms against the state under the excuse of shariah is not acceptable
tumhara taliban khan ka kya bana, pehley vote dete ho phir rote ho

Kia bana?

I don't regret voting for him.

I have been against his terrorism policy since before the election campaign, but he is correct on most others.
There are no negotiations, we are just trying to shut up those who want them. TTP's ludicrious claws will never be accepted by Pakistani people, even the TTP knows that.

We can only win the war when all negotiations options have exhausted and the Nation wants to get it over with brute and relentless use of force. A level of force TTP has never seen before.

Just wait and see. :D
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