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Negotiators representing Pakistani Taliban‘Without sharia, TTP won't accept talks’

Why is Pakistan averse to Shariah, it is an Islamic country after all :undecided:
Probably cos the "way" the sharia is being "forced" upon tons of people is very much non-islamic? and hence by definition the TTP is being very un-sharia like in trying to implement sharia!
TTP are just common criminals, thugs and gangsters.

Their demands are fake, they are just saying for the sake of saying and winning brownie points from dumb, deaf and blind religious community. You ask them to jump in a biblical voice, they will say how high, complete morons.

This is just time buying so they can regroup.

Its time we launch a ground offensive in North Waziristan and end this mafia group.
Why is Pakistan averse to Shariah, it is an Islamic country after all :undecided:

Actually there is no/lack of implementation of the constitution (which is mostly if not completely, according to Islamic teachings)

Thugs are approved by the election commission to sit in parliament, and what kind of lagislation these thugs would do? they dont do even that, they spend the funds given to them upon themselves and for the next time they are approved again by the election commission
results: corruption,chaos,decline in economy
Probably cos the "way" the sharia is being "forced" upon tons of people is very much non-islamic? and hence by definition the TTP is being very un-sharia like in trying to implement sharia!

Well who is giving the TTP the right to enforce Shariah. Enforcement of shariah should be government's job, and they can do it the right way, the Islamic way?

I mean if implementing Shariah can end all this bloodletting, then whats the harm in it.
Right now, it's democratically elected-government on power, and his silence is due to avoid any backlash from Pakistani public. Pakistan public, majority of Pakistani, are pro-TTP, as they are successfully misled by the banner of TTP whilst not knowing the true intention of TTP
This is incorrect, majority is against TTP. Those in supporting TTP are not misled by TTP but Media. Which keeps on changing colour like "GirGit"
Pakistan army doesn't enjoy the support from public at this moment, and neither has support from government yet. So, Pakistan army is waiting for government order to start operation against TTP. At the end, whether to conduct operation against TTP or to resolve the issues with TTP is strongly ties with the government. The government has final say on this.
Pakistan army does enjoy support of majority, but otherwise portrayed by media. Yes it is waiting for NS to take decision, as far as their own area is concerned they have already given befitting response.
Well who is giving the TTP the right to enforce Shariah. Enforcement of shariah should be government's job, and they can do it the right way, the Islamic way?

I mean if implementing Shariah can end all this bloodletting, then whats the harm in it.

the govt that is consisting of thugs and looters...how would they?
on the other hand, TTP have their new version of shariah...
Obviously this is a silly demand.

When will ground offensive in NW take place?
the govt that is consisting of thugs and looters...how would they?
on the other hand, TTP have their new version of shariah...

There has to be a way out right? There has to be someone who is acceptable to all the "parties" and someone who is not batshyte insane. Maybe someone like Imran Khan and PTI.
There has to be a way out right? There has to be someone who is acceptable to all the "parties" and someone who is not batshyte insane. Maybe someone like Imran Khan and PTI.

imran khan is way far from becoming a PM. next 5 years are crucial and they will decide either things get settled out with WAR or compromise with TTP
I wonder what percentage of Pakistanis would prefer Sharia over the current set up! The number might actually be not quite small.
So what's new?

This is how the negotations will pan out:

Taliban side: "Hum Shariah ka nifaz chahtay hain"

Govt: "Nhn, woh nhn ho sakta".

Taliban: "Theek hai phir, yeh muzakraat band kar dain, Khuda Hafiz"

Govt:"Khuda Hafiz".

tumhara taliban khan ka kya bana, pehley vote dete ho phir rote ho
This is incorrect, majority is against TTP. Those in supporting TTP are not misled by TTP but Media. Which keeps on changing colour like "GirGit"

Pakistan army does enjoy support of majority, but otherwise portrayed by media. Yes it is waiting for NS to take decision, as far as their own area is concerned they have already given befitting response.

After Musharraf has done, the public is not exactly fond of Pakistan army. There is reason why Pakistani army is being silent due to no longer enjoy support from the public at this moment.

You will be surprised to know that the minority opposes TTP whilst the majority supports TTP. There is reason why the current government is being cautious right now. TTP ideology represents somewhat-Islamic or half-Islamic whilst discarding the rest, and that's why TTP enjoys public support. We know the public can be naive and gullible. That's exactly why both Pakistan army and the government are on back-foot. TTP knows that, and in fact, it's utilizing that weakness for its benefits.
I wonder what percentage of Pakistanis would prefer Sharia over the current set up! The number might actually be not quite small.

this is not about shariah, its about talibans trying to enforce their own rule over pakistan by negotiations or through force
Yes and there you are brothers. Talks with these savages are futile and even history has taught us that (please read Hazrat Ali's dealings with the Kwarij of the time).

THEIR Shariah has no place for nearly 90% of Pakistan's population.

Brelvis/Sufis who make up the majority are considered grave worshiping infidels who celebrate the evil of the Prophet's birth. They are seen as crazy for chanting the beautiful name of Allah in a congregation and therefore must be taught the "real Islam". If they don't listen it is halal to kill them. No way on Allah's green earth is anyone from the majority community going to accept anything from this gang of bandits.

The Shia community are considered infidels outright and they don't even dwell on any fiqh issues. It's a simple case of suicide bomb, massacre, move on, suicide bomb massacre and move on. Again the Shia consider them mortal enemies.

You then have the secular/liberal/non religious folks who are running scared 24 hours a day, especially with the TTP's fatwa of attacking the press. Do we need to go into the untold amount of damage they will do to traditional Pakistani culture, which they want to eradicate and replace with some weird Beduin desert/hybrid culture.

So who do we have left just the Deobandi community and the Salafis, and even they tread carefully now due to the sheer violent/unpredictable nature of these filth, even though they had the same teachers, came from the same religious schools etc.

No negotiations, no deals, no nothing it's time to burn them alive.

Talks begin with this


and end with this


Fuel air weapons are what should be fed down their throats.
There has to be a way out right? There has to be someone who is acceptable to all the "parties" and someone who is not batshyte insane. Maybe someone like Imran Khan and PTI.

The only way out is to kill them.
And it is not me but Islam itself who tells us to kill such rebels(baghi). In the words of Holy Prophet(SAW) himself:

"There will be in my Community a dissent and a faction, a people with excellent words and vile deeds. They will read Qur'an, but their faith does not go past their throats. They will pass through religion the way an arrow passes through its quarry. They will no more come back to the religion than the arrow will come back to its original course. They are the worst of human beings and the worst of all creation. The one who kills them or is killed by them is blessed. They summon to the book of Allah but they have nothing to do with it. Whoever kills them is closer to Allah than they. Their sign is that they shave (their heads)."

One more...

On the authority of Abu Sa`id al-Khudri: "Verily in the wake of this time of mine comes a people who will recite Qur'an but it will not go past their throats. They will pass through religion the way an arrow passes through its quarry. They will kill the Muslims and leave the idolaters alone. If I saw them, verily I would kill them the way the tribe of `Aad was killed [i.e. all of them]."
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