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Naxals killed RSS leader in Chhattisgarh to avenge the abrogation of article 370

Arvind Kejriwal's Aam Aadami Party and Mamatha's Trinamool Congress are allies of BJP who act as opposition to cut the votes of the Congress party.

Even the current leader of Dalit's in India, Mayawati of BSP supported Abrogation of Article 370.

Queen of quick flip-flops, how Mayawati is now cosying up to BJP


Mayawati on Article 370

Mayawati has backed Narendra Modi government's decision of abrogating the Article 370, effectively removing the special status of Jammu and Kashmir and dividing the state in two Union territories, saying that Dr BR Ambedkar never supported the idea of divided India.

Posting a series of tweets on Monday, the former UP CM reiterated her support over the scrapping of Article 370 in J&K. She also slammed the decision of Congress and other opposition parties to visit Kashmir to take stock of the ground situation.

No leader from her party was part of the opposition protest at Jantar Mantar in Delhi recently demanding release of former J&K CMs Farooq Abdullah, Omar Abdullah, Mehbooba Mufti and others who are under detention in J&K.

Dalits are certainly downtrodden, but they almost seem to have this Stockholm syndrome type relationship with their brahministani abusers. It's always been as though Dalits cry because they want the chance to be Brahmins, rather than to be free of this caste nonsense once and for all. I am also very uncomfortable when Dalits, rather than supporting other downtrodden groups in India, seem to take up the Brahmin's blade with greater zeal as if to try and impress their slave masters to the point that their brutality towards Muslims is rewarded with slightly more break time during excrement cleaning.

Muslims shouldn't really expect anything from Dalits unless those Dalits completely renounce the shackles of brahminism.
Dalits are certainly downtrodden, but they almost seem to have this Stockholm syndrome type relationship with their brahministani abusers. It's always been as though Dalits cry because they want the chance to be Brahmins, rather than to be free of this caste nonsense once and for all. I am also very uncomfortable when Dalits, rather than supporting other downtrodden groups in India, seem to take up the Brahmin's blade with greater zeal as if to try and impress their slave masters to the point that their brutality towards Muslims is rewarded with slightly more break time during excrement cleaning.

Muslims shouldn't really expect anything from Dalits unless those Dalits completely renounce the shackles of brahminism.
As far as I know, there are differences of status and caste among Dalits as there is in the general Hindu hierarchy, resulting in the higher status Dalits shunning the lower status Dalits.
I find this fact quite entertaining and enlightening at the same time.
As far as I know, there are differences of status and caste among Dalits as there is in the general Hindu hierarchy, resulting in the higher status Dalits shunning the lower status Dalits.
I find this fact quite entertaining and enlightening at the same time.

You should know that there is sub caste hierarchy in every caste including Brahmins.
You should know that there is sub caste hierarchy in every caste including Brahmins.
I do, but what I found rather hypocritical was that that the higher status Dalits were complaining about the Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishysas etc discriminating against them but they themselves were happy to discriminate against lower status Dalits.
I do, but what I found rather hypocritical was that that the higher status Dalits were complaining about the Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishysas etc discriminating against them but they themselves were happy to discriminate against lower status Dalits.

Its natural. That's how life works.

A worker wants to be come Foreman.
A Foreman wants to become Manager.
A Manager wants to become Director.
A Director wants to become a Vice-President.
A Vice-President wants to become the President.
The President want to become the Owner.

People in India move up the caste as they become richer and richer.

For example, in AP state

A Kaapu becomes Pedda Kaapu.
A Pedda Kaapu becomes Naidu
A Naidu becomes Choudary
and so on...
Its natural. That's how life works.

A worker wants to be come Foreman.
A Foreman wants to become Manager.
A Manager wants to become Director.
A Director wants to become a Vice-President.
A Vice-President wants to become the President.
The President want to become the Owner.

People in India move up the caste as they become richer and richer.

For example, in AP state

A Kaapu becomes Pedda Kaapu.
A Pedda Kaapu becomes Naidu
A Naidu becomes Choudary
and so on...
They should be fighting against the principle and concept of discrimination rather than accepting the principle and trying to clamber higher up the ladder so that they themselves can discriminate against others. In doing so they are no better than the higher castes whom they criticise and deserve no sympathy for the discrimination they receive.
They should be fighting against the principle and concept of discrimination rather than accepting the principle and trying to clamber higher up the ladder so that they themselves can discriminate against others. In doing so they are no better than the higher castes whom they criticise and deserve no sympathy for the discrimination they receive.

You are looking for utopia. You cannot find it in this world. Whether people accept it or not, the class differences exists in societies across the world. In India, people are open about it while it is brushed under the carpet in other societies of the world. That is the only difference.
there is no place of hindu extremism in subcontinent,india will soon disintegrate into small parts,their end is near
Dalits are certainly downtrodden, but they almost seem to have this Stockholm syndrome type relationship with their brahministani abusers. It's always been as though Dalits cry because they want the chance to be Brahmins, rather than to be free of this caste nonsense once and for all. I am also very uncomfortable when Dalits, rather than supporting other downtrodden groups in India, seem to take up the Brahmin's blade with greater zeal as if to try and impress their slave masters to the point that their brutality towards Muslims is rewarded with slightly more break time during excrement cleaning.

Muslims shouldn't really expect anything from Dalits unless those Dalits completely renounce the shackles of brahminism.

Getting converted by foreigners and naming missiles after your conqueror isnt Stockholm syndrome? :what:
In India they call staunch communist militants as "Naxal", I have never understood why they call Far Left/Communists as "Naxals" in india. Well these staunch communist militants have no burden of religion over their shoulders because like all communists they don't give any **** to hindu religion.

They have their strongholds in indians states like Chhatisgarh, Madhyapradesh, Orisa etc. in central parts of india. I think these are the "best allies" for Pakistan to use against India and in this case these Naxals will fight their staunch communist war against indian government and the ruling party particularly the extreme religious hindu groups like RSS/BJP because they hate the "religious parties" the most because of their staunch communist ideology.
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In India they call staunch communist militants as "Naxal", I have never understood why they call Far Left/Cummunists as "Naxals" in india. Well these far left communist militants have no burden of religion over their shoulders because like all commies they don't give any **** to religion, in this case hinduism. They are spread throught central india from north to south. I think these are the "potential allies" for Pakistan to use as a weapon against India.

They are called Naxals because this anti-capitalist movement started at a place called Naxalbari.

You are looking for utopia. You cannot find it in this world. Whether people accept it or not, the class differences exists in societies across the world. In India, people are open about it while it is brushed under the carpet in other societies of the world. That is the only difference.
It's called principle and equality.
Getting converted by foreigners and naming missiles after your conqueror isnt Stockholm syndrome? :what:
I too never heard arab armies bought their woman from arab to create millions of Arabs here ..These special breeds are shah se zaida shah ka wafadar types..
Getting converted by foreigners and naming missiles after your conqueror isnt Stockholm syndrome? :what:
They advanced your backward nation of witch doctors. In fact, any invading race advanced your nation of witch doctors. It's high time you learned to be at peace with this reality and stop erasing your history and stop pretending Hindutva brought you to the place you're at in the world. Brits and Mughals did the heavy lifting and have now taken their leave hence have no active influence in the subcontinent. So to emulate or at the very least respect them is not "Stockholm syndrome", it's respect for history. Consider that next time you rename a historical treasure like Allahabad or Mughalsarai.
It's being reported as ISI action.
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