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Naxals killed RSS leader in Chhattisgarh to avenge the abrogation of article 370

Both China & Pakistan have been supporting the Naxals in India for many decades now.

Does 26/11 ring a bell?
does idiotic false flags ring some bells for u?
My understanding is the 370 also effect the other states like Nagaland and that's the reason they announced their independence on 14th August from India.
The North eastern states typically hate people from Bihar and Bengal, and Muslims in general. You want traction there?
They advanced your backward nation of witch doctors. In fact, any invading race advanced your nation of witch doctors. It's high time you learned to be at peace with this reality and stop erasing your history and stop pretending Hindutva brought you to the place you're at in the world. Brits and Mughals did the heavy lifting and have now taken their leave hence have no active influence in the subcontinent. So to emulate or at the very least respect them is not "Stockholm syndrome", it's respect for history. Consider that next time you rename a historical treasure like Allahabad or Mughalsarai.

Lol. The "same" advanced nations tried to occupy this land since time immorial. For its riches and knowledge.

You are basically spitting on your own anchestors who built wonderful temples, archaeological marvels, cities, scientific texts and even vedas.

Stockholm syndrome :lol: What other Pakistanis say here is true. The ones living in UK are the most brainwashed lot who cant live here nor there. On Hindutva there was nothing called it nor there was a Book which was used as a one rule fits all. Even Vedas was changed as per will over centuries for your info.

Best of luck "backward nation" of the current region of Pakistan which advanced white Arabs helped you free.
Lol. The "same" advanced nations tried to occupy this land since time immorial. For its riches and knowledge.

You are basically spitting on your own anchestors who built wonderful temples, archaeological marvels, cities, scientific texts and even vedas.

Stockholm syndrome :lol: What other Pakistanis say here is true. The ones living in UK are the most brainwashed lot who cant live here nor there. On Hindutva there was nothing called it nor there was a Book which was used as a one rule fits all. Even Vedas was changed as per will over centuries for your info.

Best of luck "backward nation" of the current region of Pakistan which advanced white Arabs helped you free.

changing a religion is not spitting on ones past. in fact slavishly adhering to something which is obviously unjust to vast majority of south asian ancestors via caste system is actually spitting on ones ancestors. But i am guessing you are a brahmin so past according to you is all about robbing and stealing and accessing freely others resources. otherwise you are spitting on your ancestors.
changing a religion is not spitting on ones past. in fact slavishly adhering to something which is obviously unjust to vast majority of south asian ancestors via caste system is actually spitting on ones ancestors. But i am guessing you are a brahmin so past according to you is all about robbing and stealing and accessing freely others resources. otherwise you are spitting on your ancestors.

Changing the religion and culture of your ancestors IS considered disrespecting them. That is why most nations in the world pay so much importance to preserving their culture and values.

Abandoning one's roots for a bag of rice or a bar of soap is hardly considered a noble virtue in any civilized society.

BTW south Asians did not have the "caste system" till the british introduced them in India. They had Jaati and Varna , both distinct and separate. So yes, those who imitate the british are indeed spitting on their ancestors. But who is imitating the british more ? Hindus or christians ?
changing a religion is not spitting on ones past. in fact slavishly adhering to something which is obviously unjust to vast majority of south asian ancestors via caste system is actually spitting on ones ancestors. But i am guessing you are a brahmin so past according to you is all about robbing and stealing and accessing freely others resources. otherwise you are spitting on your ancestors.

Lol. You should ask him whom he just called "backward" nation freed by advanced Arabs and Afghans. I mean are Persians backward before Islam? Were Egyptians backward before Islam? The Chinese? What kinda stupid arguement is this? Southern India was doing sea business with Romans and Chinese. He did spit on his anchestors. I dont give an damn on what he does.

The one stupid arguement everyone makes here " I guess you are brahmin" when someone cant win an arguement. What does it matter? Do you need my community certificate to prove that I am not an brahmin that I belong to one of the Most Backward classes ( lesser than Backward classes in TN designation) or you going to believe it?

Hinduism is changing. The culture is changing slow and steady. "Converted" muslims werent even offered positions of power by "advanced" countries. They were still reserved for Turks, Afghans, Persians and Arabs. Very rarely did an Indian Muslim was provided an position of power. So dont come and tell this BS that "We" ruled you. You guys (and us) were slaves for 800 years. South India, even less. You can never tell an single Muslim ruler from the current region of Pakistan and North India native to claim or celebrate as your own showing the intellectual capability of the people of the region and having to consider foreign invaders as your heroes. Imran Khan has to claim the legacy of Tipu Sultan showing there was not a single Islamic ruler of that breed from your country.

bhai we are afriad of fatf and shit! while the whole world is financing proxies and they have no issues!

And instead of finding creative ways around it... we keep accepting every restriction placed on us like a bunch of slaves.
The North eastern states typically hate people from Bihar and Bengal, and Muslims in general. You want traction there?

The last time I checked when local BJP was up in arms against what has happened in Assam.

More issues for India to deal with the better.
Lol. You should ask him whom he just called "backward" nation freed by advanced Arabs and Afghans. I mean are Persians backward before Islam? Were Egyptians backward before Islam? The Chinese? What kinda stupid arguement is this? Southern India was doing sea business with Romans and Chinese. He did spit on his anchestors. I dont give an damn on what he does.

The one stupid arguement everyone makes here " I guess you are brahmin" when someone cant win an arguement. What does it matter? Do you need my community certificate to prove that I am not an brahmin that I belong to one of the Most Backward classes ( lesser than Backward classes in TN designation) or you going to believe it?

Hinduism is changing. The culture is changing slow and steady. "Converted" muslims werent even offered positions of power by "advanced" countries. They were still reserved for Turks, Afghans, Persians and Arabs. Very rarely did an Indian Muslim was provided an position of power. So dont come and tell this BS that "We" ruled you. You guys (and us) were slaves for 800 years. South India, even less. You can never tell an single Muslim ruler from the current region of Pakistan and North India native to claim or celebrate as your own showing the intellectual capability of the people of the region and having to consider foreign invaders as your heroes. Imran Khan has to claim the legacy of Tipu Sultan showing there was not a single Islamic ruler of that breed from your country.


It is changing slooooooooooooooowly ? I see. So all that humiliation of your ancestors is forgotten as long as the brahmin at his comfortable pace will throw some bones at you.

Whether persians are backward or not is immaterial . They are still persians now, they still have their language and their pride but they also love their islam. So are french, english etc they converted to christianity did not mean they had to turn on their entire ancestor heritage. Only the bad aspects of it.

As south indian non-brahmin (if true) you have your own proud heritage and many local gods etc. Your number one enemy is the brahmin who occupied your temples and also prime economic and social levers. And control your access to your gods. Not the 5% muslims in your state.

Even if one of yours find some refuge in Islam - thats their personal choice.
Lol. You should ask him whom he just called "backward" nation freed by advanced Arabs and Afghans. I mean are Persians backward before Islam? Were Egyptians backward before Islam? The Chinese? What kinda stupid arguement is this? Southern India was doing sea business with Romans and Chinese. He did spit on his anchestors. I dont give an damn on what he does.

The one stupid arguement everyone makes here " I guess you are brahmin" when someone cant win an arguement. What does it matter? Do you need my community certificate to prove that I am not an brahmin that I belong to one of the Most Backward classes ( lesser than Backward classes in TN designation) or you going to believe it?

Hinduism is changing. The culture is changing slow and steady. "Converted" muslims werent even offered positions of power by "advanced" countries. They were still reserved for Turks, Afghans, Persians and Arabs. Very rarely did an Indian Muslim was provided an position of power. So dont come and tell this BS that "We" ruled you. You guys (and us) were slaves for 800 years. South India, even less. You can never tell an single Muslim ruler from the current region of Pakistan and North India native to claim or celebrate as your own showing the intellectual capability of the people of the region and having to consider foreign invaders as your heroes. Imran Khan has to claim the legacy of Tipu Sultan showing there was not a single Islamic ruler of that breed from your country.

Welcome to the Brahmin club.

Many times I have been called Brahmin just because the PDFians think that anyone supporting Hinduism is a Brahmin. They cannot stand the fact that MBC people like you and me are staunch followers are Hinduism.

It is changing slooooooooooooooowly ? I see. So all that humiliation of your ancestors is forgotten as long as the brahmin at his comfortable pace will throw some bones at you.

Whether persians are backward or not is immaterial . They are still persians now, they still have their language and their pride but they also love their islam. So are french, english etc they converted to christianity did not mean they had to turn on their entire ancestor heritage. Only the bad aspects of it.

As south indian non-brahmin (if true) you have your own proud heritage and many local gods etc. Your number one enemy is the brahmin who occupied your temples and also prime economic and social levers. And control your access to your gods. Not the 5% muslims in your state.

Even if one of yours find some refuge in Islam - thats their personal choice.
We know who our enemy is and have started dealing with it. No worries, grab the popcorn and ensoy the show.

FYI... we are 10000 year old unbowed heads and will never bow to anyone other than our native Gods.

Now go back and enjoy humiliating your ancestors.
Welcome to the Brahmin club.

Many times I have been called Brahmin just because the PDFians think that anyone supporting Hinduism is a Brahmin. They cannot stand the fact that MBC people like you and me are staunch followers are Hinduism.

We know who our enemy is and have started dealing with it. No worries, grab the popcorn and ensoy the show.

FYI... we are 10000 year old unbowed heads and will never bow to anyone other than our native Gods.

Now go back and enjoy humiliating your ancestors.

Its not about "they cant stand" ..more like wonder at the sheet dumbness or gutlesness of those supporting organized hinduism despite being non-brahmins.

If you really love your native gods you would know who captured and controls them - its brahmin not the muslim.
Lol. The "same" advanced nations tried to occupy this land since time immorial. For its riches and knowledge.

You are basically spitting on your own anchestors who built wonderful temples, archaeological marvels, cities, scientific texts and even vedas.

Stockholm syndrome :lol: What other Pakistanis say here is true. The ones living in UK are the most brainwashed lot who cant live here nor there. On Hindutva there was nothing called it nor there was a Book which was used as a one rule fits all. Even Vedas was changed as per will over centuries for your info.

Best of luck "backward nation" of the current region of Pakistan which advanced white Arabs helped you free.
Ehh?? What are you banging on about man? Mughals most certainly took what was good in brahminland and most certainly built on it. But if it wasn't for mughals, someone else would have wandered along and easily exploited and dominated this jungle full of witch doctors. Caste and mystic based superstitious cultural habits rendered ancient gangadesh a very easy Nation to take over. Why blame the mughals, Brits, afghans, Arabs, Macedonians (you get my point)...etc for simply walking in and taking over? Yes you had some serious wealth stored in some nice temples and some great mathematical knowledge - no doubt there - but you should have used some of that to create an army and a society beyond a few witch doctors riding on elephants. I really don't see how ancient gangadesh was any different to the Aztec empire. The highly advanced catholics obliterated them, hence ending their superstitious and self-defeating human sacrifice once and for all.

Conversely (and as it transpires, foolishly) the mughals SPARED your nonsense from complete annihilation, perhaps assuming these superstitions would always hold Hindus back and they would never threaten Mughal rule. Then BRITAIN happened, and supported the resurgence of your nonsense simply to thwart the REAL competition - the Mughal empire. Clever Brits.

And here we are today. One of our nations is proud of its Mughal heritage, who brought some semblance of civilization to a disparate collection of tribes, while the other nation treads water in a cesspool of caste based social order and yes.... Human Sacrifice. Why is India liKe this? because the modern Hindutva movement sees the Mughal history of India as a threat, instead of as an age of enlightenment and prosperity.

Pakistanis simply don't have this bizarre inferiority complex that bhaktistanis regularly take pride in and seem keen to demonstrate.
The arguments I see from the anti-Pakistani side all seem to be centered around ethnicity, all based on nationalism.

This only makes me feel sad.

I saw a video of the Nazis chanting "Deutschland uber alles" ("Germany over everything").

Deutschland uber alles means putting Deutschland before God.

It's not wrong to love Deutschland. To put Deutschland before God, however... I don't even need to tell you that is abhorrent. Your very fitrah tells you that such is abhorrent.

I see one side dedicated to Deutschland uber alles and I see one side dedicated to God. It won't be Deutschland judging our souls. It will be God judging us.

Whether you worship a cow, a rock or Deutschland- only Allah is worthy of worship. Deutschland uber alles ended in humiliation for the Germans.

It makes me sad that in this day and age, people are still blind enough to think that race is the ultimate value. I had thought at one time that such thinking was an error of the past. It saddens me that there is blindness in their hearts and that they are unable to understand that there is that which is higher. Thus, this is a conflict between that which is lower with that which is higher. No evil and no oppression, no abuse of Muslims who serve God- none of this will ever prevail against justice. God will ensure justice and God is the protector of the Muslims in Kashmir, India, Pakistan and in all parts of the world. People can put their faith in rocks, cows or Deutschland but none of these will save them on the Day of Judgement. Only Allah is worthy of worship and when it is my time to leave this transient world I want my last words to be the Shahadah- not with my last words being dedicated to the praise of rocks, of a farm animal or an expression of nationalism. My nationality and/or ethnicity don't make me better or lesser than anyone. Only by taqwa can one of us be greater than another.
Now go back and enjoy humiliating your ancestors.
What kind of ridiculous false equivalency is this?? Are you for real? Do modern Greeks who follow orthodox Christianity humiliate Plato and Aristotle by doing so??

Seriously can some mod remove this individual for his intellectually vacant irrelevance? Just for his sheer stupidity and lack of a damn brain cell , no other reason.

Once again, so you all understand... I shall in fact use the Greek analogy. Modern Greeks absorbed sensible knowledge and skills from their ancestors, who were - as a population - composed of natives (whatever that word means because we all migrated to some other patch of land or invaded some other tribe at some point, but anyway) and immigrants/settlers/invaders. They discarded the polytheism in favour of a more structured, sociologically advanced and politically advantageous monotheistic doctrine. And indeed, the transition to this new religious doctrine was at times violent and involved violent overthrow of the old order.

This doesn't mean they spit upon everything their their ancestors ever stood for or discovered.

Indeed, religion is in its barest sense just another dogma or doctrine that forms a set of guidelines for governance. It's like a constitution in many ways, especially if it is a majority state religion.

Islam's arrival in the subcontinent was inevitable and its enablers were the inevitable evolution of the polytheists who existed there before. Modern Hindus shouldn't feel threatened or inferior due to this history, especially not to the point where they feel the need to erase that important history from existence.
It is changing slooooooooooooooowly ? I see. So all that humiliation of your ancestors is forgotten as long as the brahmin at his comfortable pace will throw some bones at you.

Whether persians are backward or not is immaterial . They are still persians now, they still have their language and their pride but they also love their islam. So are french, english etc they converted to christianity did not mean they had to turn on their entire ancestor heritage. Only the bad aspects of it.

As south indian non-brahmin (if true) you have your own proud heritage and many local gods etc. Your number one enemy is the brahmin who occupied your temples and also prime economic and social levers. And control your access to your gods. Not the 5% muslims in your state.

Even if one of yours find some refuge in Islam - thats their personal choice.

So tell me. Is Islam kinder towards Native Gods? It doesnt differentiate. We had a whole generation of Parsis when persecution took over in Iran and Syrian Christians in Syria. So dont give me this BS.

I have no enemy nor I claimed Muslims are my enemy. I didnt do that. Its your assumption every hindu hates Muslim. Have you ever met an Hindu in your school, coll days in Pakistan? We interact with them every day and literally grow up with them and so we know each other better than you know "us".

And yes, have you ever wondered the surnames of Taylor, Smith, Brickmason in English language? They had caste and they later evolved out of it. We are evolving. We have brahmin brides in my family and I am going to get married to an caste slightly upper to mine (as in current constitution).
Having an bad system doesnt mean you cast out my native way of life or religion, just the bad aspects of it. Its what we are doing through laws and changing people mindset. We have problems and we will solve it. It will take for my generations (90's kids) to take charge which is not far after. But if you want to think otherwise I cannot do anything.

Ehh?? What are you banging on about man? Mughals most certainly took what was good in brahminland and most certainly built on it. But if it wasn't for mughals, someone else would have wandered along and easily exploited and dominated this jungle full of witch doctors. Caste and mystic based superstitious cultural habits rendered ancient gangadesh a very easy Nation to take over. Why blame the mughals, Brits, afghans, Arabs, Macedonians (you get my point)...etc for simply walking in and taking over? Yes you had some serious wealth stored in some nice temples and some great mathematical knowledge - no doubt there - but you should have used some of that to create an army and a society beyond a few witch doctors riding on elephants. I really don't see how ancient gangadesh was any different to the Aztec empire. The highly advanced catholics obliterated them, hence ending their superstitious and self-defeating human sacrifice once and for all.

Conversely (and as it transpires, foolishly) the mughals SPARED your nonsense from complete annihilation, perhaps assuming these superstitions would always hold Hindus back and they would never threaten Mughal rule. Then BRITAIN happened, and supported the resurgence of your nonsense simply to thwart the REAL competition - the Mughal empire. Clever Brits.

And here we are today. One of our nations is proud of its Mughal heritage, who brought some semblance of civilization to a disparate collection of tribes, while the other nation treads water in a cesspool of caste based social order and yes.... Human Sacrifice. Why is India liKe this? because the modern Hindutva movement sees the Mughal history of India as a threat, instead of as an age of enlightenment and prosperity.

Pakistanis simply don't have this bizarre inferiority complex that bhaktistanis regularly take pride in and seem keen to demonstrate.

Let me tell you something. If there is a religion, there will be superstitions. Shall I point out a few things in Islam? I better not stoop to your range.

If you had an idea of caste and its origins you wont be talking like this. But again when you have ever learnt about your own anchestors to have an idea. I dont blame Mughals for invading India. The reason they (and others before and after them) did was the riches India offered. The same people had mines, weapons, temples, archeological marvels (IVC), agriculture, spices, astrology and astronomy. As I said only slaves will spit on their own anchestors.

Learn history. It wasnt the British who defeated Mughals. It was the Marathas. After Nadir Shah, the Mughal emperor was so lost, that the Marathas took pity on him and gave him protection when his own generals plotted against him. They destroyed the last vestiges of Mughal empire before British managed to defeat the Marathas.

I would say Mughals were probably better than the early Islamic invasions which were mostly barbaric. Infact the first 300-400 years were so barbaric starting from Syria to Persia to Sindh. But Karma has a way of giving it back through Mongols. However I do not blame anyone but natives (including urs) for getting invaded. They were divided through sects and caste and had it coming. That's a different topic.
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