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Nawaz breaks silence, addresses APC

Whole argument is that why nawaz sharif ...every one is corrupt..when listen to this argument i feel how come pakistan still exists
The medical report was presented by PM Imran Khan's doctors from his own Shaukat Khanum Hospital.

PM Khan sent Shaukat Khanum doctors to confirm Nawaz Sharif's illness: Khurram Dastagir

Yup. PM Imran Khan is definitely a habitual liar, a self-declared u-turner and his supporters are no doubt confused as ever.
Look back it my own conculsion ofcourse he was ill just like 50% of people who are above 60 but that didnt mean h need any further care..

No doctor can predict someone health nawaz sharif can drop dead anytime doesnt mean he needs to be hospitalized or go abroad ...

Healthly people can drop dead from MI. You dont need to be an associate professor of medicine to decide that

Imran khan docs said the samw thing..
This isn't my main motivation, I have a lot of valid criticism for Nawaz, he is far from any sort of credible leader in my eyes and estimation.

However, on this subject of democracy, military over-stepping and hegemony, upholding of constitutional law and rights, I fully agree with him. And no other politician of ours at this time is saying what he is. Imran Khan used to say this at one time, and I supported him fervently, I would again if he wises up on this and goes back to his old politics. I don't doubt your intentions at all, you are a well meaning individual who is also educated and aware, in your view you are saying what you know to be true and making valid judgments on that basis. Let's just say I disagree with your perspective, there's a lot that I wish the Pakistani public could be made aware of that goes on behind the scenes, Nawaz just alluded to 10% of it, your opinion might change if you were aware of the rest of the facts.

I'd add to the list, upholding constitutional law as the most crucial element. and generals should also be held to their oaths as members of the armed forces in order to "... uphold the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan which embodies the will of the people".
Ofcourse..but what the political parties are suggesting that we step backwards give them NRO they arent interested in military role as long as they are let go..why do u think there is pressure on establishment ..because once u start pressing one corrupt person people will start asking questions on others (including those in military establishment)

But what nawaz shrif is saying is that lets become like old days where you scratch my back and i will scratch yours..this is beyond pathetic ...

The reason why i believe sooner or later the country will collapse is bcz the people have accepted corruption as an acceptable practice
in munafiqon kay sino say dil nikal lainay chahiyay jin mein mulk kay raaz hain or yeh humhain dhamka rahay hain usay lay ker. kabhi kesi neech admi ko apnay sar per nahi bithana chahiyay yeh hamari saza hai.
or sadkay hai stablishment ko jin ko in kay ilawa koi mulk mein insan nahi mil raha.
Yeh qoam raham kay qabil hai kahin hum per ajtamai bijli na gir jaye. inhain abhi bhi dair nahi lag rahi.
The medical report was presented by PM Imran Khan's doctors from his own Shaukat Khanum Hospital.

PM Khan sent Shaukat Khanum doctors to confirm Nawaz Sharif's illness: Khurram Dastagir

Yup. PM Imran Khan is definitely a habitual liar, a self-declared u-turner and his supporters are no doubt confused as ever.

Ohh i didn't know doctors prepare test reports. Last time I check it was done by lab assistant. In a rotten country (thanks to NS since 1983 and PPP since 1969) where supreme court judge on camera got wine and later proved by lab to be honey you want me to believe on reports.

I am talking about what I see.

Person looking absolutely fine.
3 time PM 2, time Chief minister, do not trust medical system of the country. isnt this itself a question mark?
3 time PM, 2 time Chief minister is questioning the institutes like judiciary, election commission and NAB?
HE has energy to do political activity but can't come to Pakistan to answer the question about his wealth?

The biggest irony he was speaking from the very same appartments about which he initially declined to know and when ownership documents were leaked, he gave a different explanation in parliament and finaly fake douments in court?
Just because a judge say so doesnt make a case fake..there were 5 other judges

Case is pretty straight forward.. Just because pakistanis dont call undocumented wealth as kick backs doesnt make it all good.
I know corruption is in our culture but it doesnt make it more acceptable
It's so, funny that you want to accept the decesion by the same judge who frist sentenced Nawaz on really unclear charges while same time, you don't wana accept what he is telling later, as how he been pressured by the unknown /known agriculter dept?
While, in this world its not accepted as a fair trail in any country at all
Ohh i didn't know doctors prepare test reports. Last time I check it was done by lab assistant. In a rotten country (thanks to NS since 1983 and PPP since 1969) where supreme court judge on camera got wine and later proved by lab to be honey you want me to believe on reports.

I am talking about what I see.

Person looking absolutely fine.
3 time PM 2, time Chief minister, do not trust medical system of the country. isnt this itself a question mark?
3 time PM, 2 time Chief minister is questioning the institutes like judiciary, election commission and NAB?
HE has energy to do political activity but can't come to Pakistan to answer the question about his wealth?

The biggest irony he was speaking from the very same appartments about which he initially declined to know and when ownership documents were leaked, he gave a different explanation in parliament and finaly fake douments in court?
Was it that appartment, for which Nawaz get sentenced for?
by a pressured jidge? 😉
Or was that IQAMA?
you know how funny it makes all that, drak justice system in pakistan? 😉
It's so, funny that you want to accept the decesion by the same judge who frist sentenced Nawaz on really unclear charges while same time, you don't wana accept what he is telling later, as how he been pressured by the unknown /known agriculter dept?
While, in this world its not accepted as a fair trail in any country at all
Do you really a need a court to tell you that NS is corrupt?

Even his supporters dont claim this. The claim is khata ha tu lagata bhi tu hai ...

Brother, you should remember to have a system of open bribery system running you must have a very weak structure and institutes and this weak institutes and structure is the reason of the problems of Pakistan.

This khata ha tu lagata ha is good slogan for those who dont have a vision but an educated person whould be able to see the bigger picture.

Why the judiciary system is in cripple?
Why law enforcement agencies are unable to do their job ?
Why bureaucracy are not interested in doing their jobs?

Because this system suits the elites like NS and Zardari. In this system only powerful get the benefit. You need to realize that for long term sustainable development we need to change this system which is a painful process.
Was it that appartment, for which Nawaz get sentenced for?
by a pressured jidge? 😉
Or was that IQAMA?
you know how funny it makes all that, drak justice system in pakistan? 😉

Iqama hit his eligibility brother back in 2016. The Iqama case was decided by Supreme Court.
He was punished in the wealth case at a much alter stage.

Furthermore, NS had the option to prove himself innocent in front of Supreme court and not in front of any pressurized judge but he chose not to. Took the plea that supreme court cannot hear the case directly.

Furthermore, his court is in appeal in front of higher courts. If he is innocent why not to face it?

There are too many holes in the ship you riding on. Only if one has the courage to speak the truth.

Before defending the corrupts you should atleast study the facts.
Do you really a need a court to tell you that NS is corrupt?

Even his supporters dont claim this. The claim is khata ha tu lagata bhi tu hai ...

Brother, you should remember to have a system of open bribery system running you must have a very weak structure and institutes and this weak institutes and structure is the reason of the problems of Pakistan.

This khata ha tu lagata ha is good slogan for those who dont have a vision but an educated person whould be able to see the bigger picture.

Why the judiciary system is in cripple?
Why law enforcement agencies are unable to do their job ?
Why bureaucracy are not interested in doing their jobs?

Because this system suits the elites like NS and Zardari. In this system only powerful get the benefit. You need to realize that for long term sustainable development we need to change this system which is a painful process.
It's simple, you just can't declare anyone as a criminal just because of your perceptions, evn though I'm not going to defend Nawaz or zardari but they not the only ones who did the crouption all along and the cases against them are too funny?
While other papajones bussines owners never been asked anything about anything?
You can't have double standards in judicial system, and if u can't real bring factual charges, no matter what u think, no one will ever get punished!
Nawaz was idiot. Now everyone knows in pakistan that nawaz is a traitor and became altaf hussain.

Sooner or later JIT volume 10 will open. Nawaz politically dead now
It's simple, you just can't declare anyone as a criminal just because of your perceptions, evn though I'm not going to defend Nawaz or zardari but they not the only ones who did the crouption all along and the cases against them are too funny?
While other papajones bussines owners never been asked anything about anything?
You can't have double standards in judicial system, and if u can't real bring factual charges, no matter what u think, no one will ever get punished!

Brother I am not declaring anyone corrupt on just perception. Any person having knowledge of financial matters study the NS can easily conclude of the massive corruption. Furthermore, I personally know some of their business partners so I kind of have information from person who has seen these things happen in front of them.

I am all in for accountability at all. Why only papa jones? include sugar mafia as well. The person within PTI and armed forces are as much accountable as NS and Zardari.

However, dont you think we are being made fool by these sharief and zardari by saying wo bhi tu hai?

NS and Zardari should answer for their own crimes and should go in court for papa jones and sugar mafia. INfact if they are innocent they should help in making stronger and more powerful law that can take care of armed forces as well. But contrary the demand is to weaken the laws of NAB, to exclude politicians out of NAB ambit.

So who is fool here ? NS, Zardari or the people who are defending them ? are they fighting for rule of law or justice for common person? are they?

I will end here and leave this to your own self assessment to see what are you defending for? We should keep PTI pressurized for accountability of all but rather we are helping the culprits by defending PMLN.
I'd add to the list, upholding constitutional law as the most crucial element. and generals should also be held to their oaths as members of the armed forces in order to "... uphold the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan which embodies the will of the people".
Based on your view above alone, Nawaz Sharif should detach himself from Pakistani Politics as he and his family has been the main beneficiary of such acts by Generals. He doesn't get to call others out on what he enjoyed for most of his life.
This isn't my main motivation, I have a lot of valid criticism for Nawaz, he is far from any sort of credible leader in my eyes and estimation.

However, on this subject of democracy, military over-stepping and hegemony, upholding of constitutional law and rights, I fully agree with him. And no other politician of ours at this time is saying what he is. Imran Khan used to say this at one time, and I supported him fervently, I would again if he wises up on this and goes back to his old politics. I don't doubt your intentions at all, you are a well meaning individual who is also educated and aware, in your view you are saying what you know to be true and making valid judgments on that basis. Let's just say I disagree with your perspective, there's a lot that I wish the Pakistani public could be made aware of that goes on behind the scenes, Nawaz just alluded to 10% of it, your opinion might change if you were aware of the rest of the facts.

I'd add to the list, upholding constitutional law as the most crucial element. and generals should also be held to their oaths as members of the armed forces in order to "... uphold the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan which embodies the will of the people".

Brother you are hundred percent right. But do you really believe, NS view about military is for strengthening constitution?

Is this really about strengthening parliament?

We all know that it is for his own accountability. NS fight with the army is for power and not for people of Pakistan. How much favors he has given to India and modi? He even never mentioned kulbushon yadev.

While I agree that Generals should remain to their job but this is only possible if all other institutions start doing their job which includes, parliament, judiciary, bureaucracy, cabinet and law enforcement agencies. Only then role of establishment in state matters (excluding defence) can be minimized.

Now tell me who is working for strengthening these institutes? Is it PMLN or PTI? PTI is trying to strengthen these institutes which might ultimately result in democracy and PMLN and PPP is stopping PTI for any law amking or any other process improvements.

We should look at the bigger picture and not just individual issues in isolation.
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