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Navy Jet Crashes As It Overshoots Runway In Goa, Pilot Safe, Airport Shut

Seems like it is recoverable.?

Official statement by navy.
Mig 29k accident at Goa Airport
Posted On: 03 JAN 2018 1:07PM by PIB Delhi

An Indian Navy MiG 29K aircraft operating from Naval Air Station at Goa was involved in an accident on 03 Jan 17. The pilot aborted take-off during a training sortie. During deceleration, the aircraft veered off the end of runway and caught fire. The pilot jettisoned the canopy and egressed the aircraft safely. The fire was expeditiously doused by the safety services. A Board of Inquiry has been ordered to investigate the cause of accident.

The runway at Goa was cleared and services were restored expeditiously.
Indian Navy is unhappy with Mig-29Ks. Could be a plan to sabotage any further planned Mig-29K inductions.
Yes. I am talking about Indian Navy too.

Indian navy is going for F/A-18s or RAFALEs and not MIG-29K for its Multi-Role Carrier Borne Fighters (MRCBF) requirement.
IN just didn't want the Naval Tejas in the current state as it can't be a frontline fighter on our carriers (they wanted the LCA-Mk2 form) but they never said anything against the Mig-29K.
First crash in eight years of service since induction, Best safety record of any fighter jet in subcontinent..

We feel your pain Pakistan sends its condolences lol

First crash in eight years of service since induction, Best safety record of any fighter jet in subcontinent..

You Indians are worlds crash dummy test pilots I will leave their . Pakistan syndrome again......tut tut tut
IN just didn't want the Naval Tejas in the current state as it can't be a frontline fighter on our carriers (they wanted the LCA-Mk2 form) but they never said anything against the Mig-29K.

Indian Navy wants Russian MiG-29K jets to be ‘ruggedized’
By: Vivek Raghuvanshi   August 4, 2017


A MIG-29K Fulcrum aircraft from the Indian Navy performs a flyover above the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier Nimitz during Exercise Malabar on July 16, 2017, in the Bay of Bengal as part of Exercise Malabar. (MC3 Weston A. Mohr/U.S. Navy)

This story has been updated to include comment from Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG.

NEW DELHI — The Indian Navy is facing acute maintenance problems with the 45 Russian-made MiG-29K aircraft, which are the sole fighters on the aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya, according a senior Indian Navy official.

“We (Indian Navy) want the MiG-29K aircraft to be ruggedized to carry out operations because landing on the deck of the aircraft carrier is almost like a hard landing and the fighter aircraft needs frequent maintenance,” the Navy official said.

“There are frequent structural defects due to deck landing,” the official added.

The service did not enter into a contract for automatic maintenance of the aircraft with the Russians while purchasing the MiG-29K fighter aircraft in 2004 and 2010 for $2.2 billion.

“Today they are fully dependent on Russia for all major support issues,” an Indian Ministry of Defence official said of the Navy. “The Indian MoD has taken up the matter with the Russians on several occasions. Though the Russians have sent their technical teams, no solution has been forthcoming.”

However, Anastasia Kravchenkov, a representative of Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG, said in official correspondence: “Neither we, nor our partners have received any official claims about operational problems with the Russian MiG aircrafts.”

Arun Prakash, a retired Indian Navy admiral and former service chief, was more critical of the situation: “The truth is that the Indian Navy has virtually funded the development of this aircraft (which the Russian Navy is now adopting), and if the Russians had any ethics they would ensure that every shortcoming is fixed free of cost.”
I can't wait to see Rafael with them

Just imagine the carnage

Panaji : A MiG-29 K fighter jet of the navy skidded off the runway at Goa airport and crashed today. The pilot, a trainee, managed to eject safely from the aircraft, which caught fire after crashing. The airport located inside the naval base has been shut and firefighting is in progress, a senior airport official said.

A statement from the Defence Ministry spokesperson said the incident occurred when the fighter jet, manned by a trainee pilot, overshot runway. Goa airport operates from the Indian naval base INS Hansa.

"All flights are likely to be delayed at Goa Airport as the runway is closed for operations due to Indian Navy's urgent operational requirements," Goa airport authorities said on Twitter.
This is the first MiG-29 to be lost by the Indian Navy which operates the jet off the aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya.

The fighter jet will also be deployed off the INS Vikrant, the first indigenous aircraft carrier being built for the Navy.

The plane was still on runway? If a plane is om runway and some accident happens is it possible to eject ? And if so how they do it? Dont the ejection seats open up from the floor of aircraft? How it works in this scene?
The plane was still on runway? If a plane is om runway and some accident happens is it possible to eject ? And if so how they do it? Dont the ejection seats open up from the floor of aircraft? How it works in this scene?
All fighter jets(3rd gen and onwards I think) have zero zero ejection seats. This means that the pilot can eject even at zero altitude and zero speed(even if the plane is at standstill basically). The ejection seats have a rocket booster and the canopy is jettisoned. The pilot shoots up while strapped in his seat and lands back with a parachute(attached to the seat). It should be easier and less risky to eject on runway(at lower speeds) bcuz there are no significant G forces acting on the pilot.
I can't wait to see Rafael with them

Just imagine the carnage
No one else to blame this time? Previously they were blaming the engines, but now crashing on the runway, that could only mean sheer incompetence, i thought they had the bestest pilots on earth. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
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