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Navjot Sidhu Says Travelling To Pakistan Better Than Visiting South India

"Punjabis" killed each other like street dogs so I don't think they'll have good things to say for each other
- He is a politician trying to win favor from current PM of Pak (and his friend)
favors can lead to votes- which'll lead to seat of CM or state governor

I wont read too much into it tbh- scars of killings are not easily forgotten
You wont easily move on from rape of Nanking?, so it'll be hard for Punjab to move on from the killings

Yeah I totally get that the Partition was fucking ugly. No doubt about that.

It's just that this isn't the first time I've seen Punjabis accentuate their ties with Pakistan over their ties with other Indians like Gangetic Indians, South Indians, Bengalis, etc. I know Punjabis have a racial supremacist attitude towards other Indians and I can't help but think they accentuate their ties to Pakistan as an effort to distance themselves from other Indians, who they feel superior to.
It's just that this isn't the first time I've seen Punjabis accentuate their ties with Pakistan over their ties with other Indians like Gangetic Indians, South Indians, Bengalis, etc. I know Punjabis have a racial supremacist attitude towards other Indians and I can't help but think they accentuate their ties to Pakistan as an effort to distance themselves from other Indians, who they feel superior to.

Most of Bollywood movies were directed by the Punjabis for the Pakistani market.. The rest of India was not the intended targetted audience alot of people don't realize this until this day. It was movies with a Punjabi audience target. Alot of racial undertones
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Punjabis took control of the country and only lost power recently when Modi came to power
what? who? were nehru and his daughter Punjabi?

they were as Punjabi as Pakistan's pandit Nawaz chor. they too were kashmiri brahman just like pandit chor. they too own congress just like pandit nawaz owns PMLN. de fact two royal families (of the same blood ruling over two hapless, helpless, unfortunate nations
found this but not read it yet
I feel like Punjabis have a racial supremacist attitude towards South Indians and towards Gangetics. So when Sikhs say they identify more with Pakistan, although it is natural because linguistically and racially, they are closer, I feel they like to emphasize this point as a way of differentiating themselves from Southern Indians, who they see as strange and inferior.

India is highly racial country and perhaps more racial than anywhere else in the world and the reason for that is because there is multiple racial groups in one country so it becomes quickly low-key dog eat dog world the stronger once dominate etc etc there is internal power-struggle. The Punjabi ethbalishment are not satisfied with Modi and co since the farmer incident it probably sealed BJP future imo they will also try to oust him to avoid some sort of civil strife in India to get things back to control.. With a continued BJP presence it could run into a civil war and even some states want to leave india example if West Bengal was offered opportunity to separate today they would and couple of others
India is highly racial country and perhaps more racial than anywhere else in the world and the reason for that is because there is multiple racial groups in one country so it becomes quickly low-key dog eat dog world the stronger once dominate etc etc there is internal power-struggle. The Punjabi ethbalishment are not satisfied with Modi and co since the farmer incident it probably sealed BJP future imo they will also try to oust him to avoid some sort of civil strife in India to get things back to control

I feel like Punjabis are considered the elite in India and this is generally recognized by most Indians, even though some try to deny it. I feel like in the overseas Desi communities, a lot of other types of Indians try to associate themselves with Punjabi culture to appear cool or something.
no more east Punjabis Muslims left in there all were either killed or driven into Pakistan in 1947. And now Sikhs soldiers murder rape Kashmiris only idiot nation like ours Pakistan that forgives enemies Bangladeshis & Sikhs and afghans murder. Why is pm imran paying homage in there temple for a religious guy like imran the Quran forbids this type of things.
I feel like Punjabis are considered the elite in India and this is generally recognized by most Indians, even though some try to deny it. I feel like in the overseas Desi communities, a lot of other types of Indians try to associate themselves with Punjabi culture to appear cool or something.

I have noticed that also some try to somehow deny that but most of them just admit it out right. They dominate the military they are the real ethablishment
No they don't wtf are you seeing. Only Pakistan Punjab can relate to him as same language are kinda the same. There's no similarity between Quetta and Amritsar or Peshawar and Jalandhar.
Amritsar and Jalandhar were once part of Durrani Empire and once everything till Kabul was part of Mughal Empire,due to centuries of migrations from Khorsan to Delhi region they do have lot of similarities.
had you studied his life/career you'd have known that he is more hindu than modi the teli. even a cursory look at him will tell you what he is in reality.

his current mission is to placate moron khan and to coerce him to stop talking about kashmir and give corridors to bharati traders.

Ahhh makes sense
Benefits of opening Kartarpur Corridor. Sikhs who's been to Pakistan have seen the reality and is not ready to take the Indian narrative about Pakistan anymore.

But what can India do? Can they block the Kartarpur corridor? Indian Sikhs are warming up to Pakistan - and at the same time, Hindutva is working hard to alienate them.

It won't be too long before Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir join Pakistan. They belong to same ethnicity and culture as Pakistanis. Their bonds are too strong.
I feel like Punjabis have a racial supremacist attitude towards South Indians and towards Gangetics. So when Sikhs say they identify more with Pakistan, although it is natural because linguistically and racially, they are closer, I feel they like to emphasize this point as a way of differentiating themselves from Southern Indians, who they see as strange and inferior.

Punjabis are a superior race both in India and Pakistan. They are the greatest ethnicity in South Asia.
I feel like Punjabis are considered the elite in India and this is generally recognized by most Indians, even though some try to deny it. I feel like in the overseas Desi communities, a lot of other types of Indians try to associate themselves with Punjabi culture to appear cool or something.

Punjabis belong to the martial race and they are natural leaders in both India and Pakistan. Both Indian and Pakistani Military leadership is made of Punjabhis.
"Punjabis" killed each other like street dogs so I don't think they'll have good things to say for each other
- He is a politician trying to win favor from current PM of Pak (and his friend)
favors can lead to votes- which'll lead to seat of CM or state governor

I wont read too much into it tbh- scars of killings are not easily forgotten
You wont easily move on from rape of Nanking?, so it'll be hard for Punjab to move on from the killings

All the old generation of the partition era are mostly dead or on the death bed. The new generation do not carry that burden any longer. The potential for united Punjab is ever increasing.
All the old generation of the partition era are mostly dead or on the death bed. The new generation do not carry that burden any longer. The potential for united Punjab is ever increasing.
Nope, no one wants it
you're trolling Sir....
There North has more in common with whole of Pakistan than whole of Bharat.

AJK (Pak) and J&K (Ind) have the same ethnicity.

North Punjab (Pak), East Punjab (Ind), Haryana (Ind) and Himachal (Ind) have the same ethnicity

South Punjab (Pak) and Rajasthan (Ind) have the same ethnicity

Sindh (Pak) and Gujarat (Ind) have the same ethnicity
Nope, no one wants it
you're trolling Sir....

You are blind not to see the truth.
Those who migrated in 47 or relatives of those who were killed are a small minority. We native western Punjabis don't care about killings of 47

Exactly. Those who participate in such riots are always a minority and most of the common people do not carry such burden.
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