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NATO must deal with, not ignore Turkish problem: French official

UPDATE 1-Turkish military official denies French claim that warship was harassed

ANKARA, June 17 (Reuters) - A senior Turkish military official said on Wednesday it was “completely untrue” that the Turkish navy had harassed a French warship, denying an assertion by a French official.

Earlier on Wednesday, the French defence ministry official accused the Turkish navy of harassing a French warship on a NATO mission.

He said the French ship had wanted to check whether the Turkish vessel Cirkin was smuggling arms to Libya. In response, French officials said the Cirkin had switched off its tracking system, masked its ID number, and refused to say where it was going.

The Turkish military official told Reuters the French warship did not establish communications with the Turkish ship during the incident.

“If one takes into account that the French warship was refuelled by our side before the alleged incident, it is clear how inappropriate and intentional the allegation is,” he said.

The French foreign ministry has accused Turkey’s navy of acting in a hostile manner towards its NATO allies to prevent them from enforcing a United Nations arms embargo on Libya.

Turkey, which backs the internationally recognised GNA authorities in Tripoli, has secured a foothold in Libya by helping to repel an assault on the capital by the Libyan National Army (LNA) of eastern commander Khalifa Haftar, who is backed by the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Russia.

“Turkey is fulfilling its obligations as an ally today as always,” the Turkish military official said. “It has saddened us that the matter has reached this stage.” (Reporting by Orhan Coskun Writing by Daren Butler Editing by Sandra Maler and Rosalba O’Brien)

Which one is true ??

The Courbet was deployed as part of the NATO mission SeaGuardian in the Mediterranean,alongside the Italian navy and,ironically the Turkish navy. (A frigate and a tanker).



We don't know yet if the order to control the cargo ship was given by Irini command or French command. But it seems the Courbet was sent to support the Greek frigate Spetsai.

Meanwhile a senior Turkish military official denied the French allegations,saying they were untrue,claiming Turkish ships had used the camera integrated in their radar to "observe the French ship which was carrying out a dangerous maneuver at very close distance and as a safety measure." At no time,the Turkish ships used radar illumination against the French frigate,adding that the latter had not sought to establish contact with the Turkish navy.

According to this official, Turkish ships had even, before the incident, supplied the same French frigate with fuel. "We are saddened to see that this incident developed contrary to the spirit of friendship and alliance," said the official, adding that Turkey had shared images of the incident with NATO.

Manœuvre turque «agressive»: Ankara rejette des allégations «infondées» de Paris


Well now that's words against words I believe...
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Let me make some obvious predictions. In 10-20 years or so Europe will look around and find some sort of Islam Empire on its southern borders. And after America's fall this Islam Empire will look at Europe as a territory for settlements, because North Africa and more so Central Africa will be even worse place to live than it is now. And you, Europeans will scream :" Russia, save us, we are your brothers-Europeans. Save aour aces like you did in times of Napoleon and Hitler!"
And what will Russia answer? You can move your ases to us and settle here. But not a single Russian soldier will die for your lands.
HaHaHa, I like this prediction of yours, I believe it inevitable
Fake news
But even if it’s true won’t change anything on the ground maybe empty statement to please Macron&France

"Fake news".

It's said within French military circles that within the next hour Rafales in Corsica took off in emergency with a tanker and flew over the area of the incident. (French tanker flight was reported that day)

An ATL2 MPA also took off while at the same time the chief of staff made a communiqué about a missile launch.

A tanker and two frigates were dispatched in emergency from Toulon naval base while the BPC Mistral and the frigate Guépratte which had just crossed the Suez canal were sent off Libya. There's permanently a nuclear attack submarine in the mediterranean,it was probably in the area too...

It's been revealed the French frigate Courbet was ordered by NATO to control the suspect ship. If indeed the ship was carrying medical supplies as claimed by the Turks,its navy wouldn't have taken such an aggressive approach. Turkish sailors were even seen helmets and body armors on behind their guns,ready to shoot at the French navy.
^ a different view point, i dont know which side is true but giving ur actions I think u french are lying.
This is a complete lie.

The French was there initially for a NATO mission called Sea Guardian which Italy and Turkey participated too by the way. But when they saw the Turkish ship they switched to IRINI operation, which means no longer NATO but EU Force commandment.

They use such subtleties, which are important from a legal point of view, to gain more support while they deserve none because they were trying to raid a Turkish ship without the consent of Turkey which is completely illegal and it's not the first time they are trying to do that.


Furthermore whats that with this statement?

Whom exactly are u trying to fool here?
^ a different view point, i dont know which side is true but giving ur actions I think u french are lying.


Furthermore whats that with this statement?

Whom exactly are u trying to fool here?

NATO Marcom ordered the Courbet to control the cargo ship.

".....la frégate légère furtive Courbet, qui, à la demande du commandement maritime allié de l’Otan [MARCOM] s’apprêtait à mener une opération de contrôle."


Of course as in every disputes,someone is lying.... but who ?
And I will quote again.... :"

This is a complete lie.

The French was there initially for a NATO mission called Sea Guardian which Italy and Turkey participated too by the way. But when they saw the Turkish ship they switched to IRINI operation, which means no longer NATO but EU Force commandment.

They use such subtleties, which are important from a legal point of view, to gain more support while they deserve none because they were trying to raid a Turkish ship without the consent of Turkey which is completely illegal and it's not the first time they are trying to do that."

"France does not side with either of the two camps Libya It has always expressed that there is no military solution to the Libyan conflict."

-> France blocks EU call to stop Haftar's offensive in Libya
-> Jean-Yves Le Drian about Haftar


"Finally, wasn't supporting Marshal Haftar a bad idea?"

"I'll let you be the judge. The Libyan National Army controls a large part of the territory. And in the camp of its opponents, we find among the militiamen, those responsible for hold-ups, specialists in predation and jihadists. Among Haftar's opponents are mafia groups of smugglers who torture and enslave migrants. They are not fighting for Sarraj but for the protection of their criminal activities. Haftar fought against terrorism in Benghazi and southern Libya, and that was in our interest, in the interest of the countries of the Sahel, in the interest of Libya's neighbors. I support everything that serves the security of the French and countries that are friends of France."


It seems like ur country is upset because ur dictator is loosing heavily on influence and by that extension ur country as well.
Let me make some obvious predictions. In 10-20 years or so Europe will look around and find some sort of Islam Empire on its southern borders. And after America's fall this Islam Empire will look at Europe as a territory for settlements, because North Africa and more so Central Africa will be even worse place to live than it is now. And you, Europeans will scream :" Russia, save us, we are your brothers-Europeans. Save aour aces like you did in times of Napoleon and Hitler!"
And what will Russia answer? You can move your ases to us and settle here. But not a single Russian soldier will die for your lands.
Lol nice try, meanwhile Russia is establishing itself on NATO's eastern and southern flanks.

I expected better from you. Let me know if youre a wannabe Western white. MrPutin appreciates Islam in Russia. You are giving the worst image of Russia to us. Just a hint, dont comment as a fool.
You think Russians like Muslim?
Lol Russians are the biggest Muslim butcherers out there kiddo. :lol:

This is what Russians write on the wall of Mosque in Libya:


I am not Western and never wanted to be. But I want Europe to remain white and Christian. I do not want immigrants there to ruin those beautiful places created by centuries of hard work. I am also not again Islam - I am against the things like Islam Khalifat or Empire, and plans of some Islamists to conquer Europe by sword or by demography. By the way - I am strongly against Western wars in Middle East. West must rebuild Libya, Iraq and Syria and let the people back to their homes.
Muslim men must go to Europe and Russia and marry as much White Girls there, Convert them to Islam and have as much babies as possible
Lol nice try, meanwhile Russia is establishing itself on NATO's eastern and southern flanks.
Yes-yes, it is Russia expanding its military block to US borders in last 30 years, not USA to Russia's. Oh, and it is Russia destroying America's allies with coup's and wars.
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