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NATO must deal with, not ignore Turkish problem: French official

Let me make some obvious predictions. In 10-20 years or so Europe will look around and find some sort of Islam Empire on its southern borders. And after America's fall this Islam Empire will look at Europe as a territory for settlements, because North Africa and more so Central Africa will be even worse place to live than it is now. And you, Europeans will scream :" Russia, save us, we are your brothers-Europeans. Save aour aces like you did in times of Napoleon and Hitler!"
And what will Russia answer? You can move your ases to us and settle here. But not a single Russian soldier will die for your lands.
I expected better from you. Let me know if youre a wannabe Western white. MrPutin appreciates Islam in Russia. You are giving the worst image of Russia to us. Just a hint, dont comment as a fool.
I expected better from you. Let me know if youre a wannabe Western white. MrPutin appreciates Islam in Russia. You are giving the worst image of Russia to us. Just a hint, dont comment as a fool.

You are such a fake guy and act as ambassador for Iranian regime. No one but you clowns think Russians want good for the Muslims in the region. But they are helping you fight against Syrians so they must be good about Islam. No one care if they like Islam or not and no one want anything to do with Europe like he falsely claim.

What people want is free ME region from dictators and foreigners. Your dictatorship is one of them.
You are such a fake guy and act as ambassador for Iranian regime. No one but you clowns think Russians want good for the Muslims in the region. But they are helping you fight against Syrians so they must be good about Islam. No one care if they like Islam or not and no one want anything to do with Europe like he falsely claim.

What people want is free ME region from dictators and foreigners. Your dictatorship is one of them.
I can not blame @vostok if he hates us because of Ottomans massacre of innocent Christian masses. Ottomans and Safavid kingdoms were not representing Islam as a Religion but a Kingdom of a bunch of Kings hungry for power. Although Ottomans were Most crule towards innocents.

Btw, . Doesnt influence me a bit. You want Muslims at internal war forever. So i pray for sake of all those innocent Sunnis and Shias who died for Actions and words of sectarian scums like you, die the worst death and your souls be revived with Iblis your master.
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I can not blame @vostok if he hates us because of Ottomans massacre of innocent Christian masses. Ottomans and Safavid kingdoms were not representing Islam as a Religion but a Kingdom of a bunch of Kings hungry for power. Although Ottomans were Most crule towards innocents.

Btw, you can bark all you want. Doesnt influence me a bit. You want Muslims at internal war forever. So i pray for sake of all those innocent Sunnis and Shias who died for Actions and words of sectarian scums like you, die the worst death and your souls be revived with Iblis your master.

I do not care about Vostok. He is ambassador for Russian gov't that seek for Europe to shift right away from USA. What he thinks about Islam or Muslims is not something I care about. I am talking about you, proclaimed Muslim who throws Islam out of the window when it comes for your govt wrongdoings. Don't pretend to be some champion for Muslims.

Muslims need to be both criticized and have good leadership. That leadership is not going to be Iran. Nor any other country , it's going to be good people. You don't wish for good in this region, you wish for Iranian hegemony regardless if it causes chaos or not. And your words are meaningless.
I do not care about Vostok. He is ambassador for Russian gov't that seek for Europe to shift right away from USA. What he thinks about Islam or Muslims is not something I care about. I am talking about you, proclaimed Muslim who throws Islam out of the window when it comes for your govt wrongdoings. Don't pretend to be some champion for Muslims.

Muslims need to be both criticized and have good leadership. That leadership is not going to be Iran. Nor any other country , it's going to be good people. You don't wish for good in this region, you wish for Iranian hegemony regardless if it causes chaos or not. And your words are meaningless.
If you can Stop us from taking that leadership then feel free to do So. We will have it whether you like it or not.
I expected better from you. Let me know if youre a wannabe Western white. MrPutin appreciates Islam in Russia. You are giving the worst image of Russia to us. Just a hint, dont comment as a fool.
I am not Western and never wanted to be. But I want Europe to remain white and Christian. I do not want immigrants there to ruin those beautiful places created by centuries of hard work. I am also not again Islam - I am against the things like Islam Khalifat or Empire, and plans of some Islamists to conquer Europe by sword or by demography. By the way - I am strongly against Western wars in Middle East. West must rebuild Libya, Iraq and Syria and let the people back to their homes.
I am not Western and never wanted to be. But I want Europe to remain white and Christian. I do not want immigrants there to ruin those beautiful places created by centuries of hard work. I am also not again Islam - I am again of things like Islam Khalifat or Empire, and plans of some islamist to conquer Europe by sword or by demography. By the way - I am strongly against Western wars in Middle East. West must rebuild Libya and Syria and let the people back to their homes.
As a Russian, you sir must be aware that war in Syria and displacing them was a Western Plan for greater Israel. You might wonder why Israel is So active in this conflict, i expect you Russian Dude to Know that those poor souls in Europe didnt Choose to be displaced and forced into leaving their lands. Who in his right mind leaves his Home unless someone with idiotic imaginations.

Not to mention a couple of thousand Muslims in Germany or in France can never change the demo of that country. They wouldnt have left their homeland if West didnt destroy their countries.
As a Russian, you sir must be aware that war in Syria and displacing them was a Western Plan for greater Israel. You might wonder why Israel is So active in this conflict, i expect you Russian Dude to Know that those poor souls in Europe didnt Choose to be displaced and forced into leaving their lands. Who in his right mind leaves his Home unless someone with idiotic imaginations.

Not to mention a couple of thousand Muslims in Germany or in France can never change the demo of that country. They wouldnt have left their homeland if West didnt destroy their countries.
That is just what I say - West must build home for every Syrian, Iraqi or Libyan refugee in their places of origin and pay some tribute for several years to restart their economy. You can not just throw people away if they have no place to go.
That is just what I say - West must build home for every Syrian, Iraqi or Libyan refugee in their places of origin and pay some tribute for several years to restart their economy. You can not just throw people away if they have no place to go.
They will Leave Europe as soon as war ends. Their countries are fool of Resources, oil, gas, etc. Thanks for your reply Btw. It makes me hopeful and optimistic about Future.
Let me make some obvious predictions. In 10-20 years or so Europe will look around and find some sort of Islam Empire on its southern borders. And after America's fall this Islam Empire will look at Europe as a territory for settlements, because North Africa and more so Central Africa will be even worse place to live than it is now. And you, Europeans will scream :" Russia, save us, we are your brothers-Europeans. Save aour aces like you did in times of Napoleon and Hitler!"
And what will Russia answer? You can move your ases to us and settle here. But not a single Russian soldier will die for your lands.
Aah, no matter how hard you try, the hatred of Islam comes out one way or the other. It os perfectly fine to have murderous genocidal russians in syria and lybia propping up similar tyrannical, murderois regimes, yet Islam is to blame somehow. Get rid of your own president(and allies) if you are so much against empires.
They will Leave Europe as soon as war ends. Their countries are fool of Resources, oil, gas, etc. Thanks for your reply Btw. It makes me hopeful and optimistic about Future.
Do not get me wrong - I am not against Islam. I have more common with ordinary Muslim Kazakh than with liberal secular pro-Western Russian or Ukrainian. But I know how powerful ideology it could be in wrong hands. I want to be wrong, but from what I see now - so called Islamists will try to conquer kafirs.
Do not get me wrong - I am not against Islam. I have more common with ordinary Muslim Kazakh than with liberal secular pro-Western Russian or Ukrainian. But I know how powerful ideology it could be in wrong hands. I want to be wrong, but from what I see now - so called Islamists will try to conquer kafirs.
Arabs were stabbed by your mentioned guys. They are the only reason that Israel exists. Their So called Islam is serving USA ironically. Just imagine how could USA Come into Afghanistan militarily. Someone provided them with required excuse. Their Islam is worshipping USA, Thats all they believe in.
If you can Stop us from taking that leadership then feel free to do So. We will have it whether you like it or not.

You must be a young kid or something to be this delusional and misled. Being power hungry gets people nowhere. Hope you change your mindset one day.
I am not Western and never wanted to be. But I want Europe to remain white and Christian. I do not want immigrants there to ruin those beautiful places created by centuries of hard work. I am also not again Islam - I am against the things like Islam Khalifat or Empire, and plans of some Islamists to conquer Europe by sword or by demography. By the way - I am strongly against Western wars in Middle East. West must rebuild Libya, Iraq and Syria and let the people back to their homes.

Europe is white and christian and will remain so. Seems like you are doing propaganda for Russia or channeling your projections unto Muslims. Hardly any of us have affiliation with Europe or care about it, what we care about is stable and free MENA region from Iranian, American, Israeli, French, and Russian interference in peoples affairs and usurping of their resources. That is a reasonable cause and it's not your business if local people want to form union or not.

Thats not asking for power, its uniting people under the flag of Iran. You can like it or not. Go hang yourself if it Brothers you lmao

I already know what you want but forum audience and Pakistani's not well aware. Thank you for showing them your true intention which is no different than other foreign powers meddling in the MENA region.
france & other nato nations need to pull there heads outta there behinds & realize that Turkey is a natural ally of the Libyan people, Turks are & will be welcomed with open arms by the libyan people on account of being Muslims...that gives Turkey the right to assert itself on behalf of the libyan people, europe needs to kiss its interests good by. they are no longer welcome in northern africa.

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