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National Shooter becomes victim of love jihad.

Wow one of the worst bigoted comment I ever read.. why should muslims be stripped off the nationality? Just because they follow other religion? They were born in this country. .they have every right in this country like a hindu have. .just because they didn't follow your bigoted line, they should be stripped off from their voting rights?
Nothing to do with religion. Just their mentality which always proves to be harmful for the nation.
Wow one of the worst bigoted comment I ever read.. why should muslims be stripped off the nationality? Just because they follow other religion? They were born in this country. .they have every right in this country like a hindu have. .just because they didn't follow your bigoted line, they should be stripped off from their voting rights?

@wolfschanzzee please tell me the benefits of declaring India a hindu rashtra?
Stripping citizenship based purely on religious lines can't be done without destroying India's constitution - which means it's not going to happen. But we have a solid mechanism to apprehend anti nationals irrespective of their religion. if that is enforced successfully, nothing more will be necessary.

Note: Treason is not a Muslim monopoly. There are Hindus in this very country who have sold state secrets for money.
Jharkhand Shooter's Husband Arrested After She Charges Him With Forcible Conversion

Jharkhand shooter Tara Sahdev's husband Ranjit Kumar Kohli was arrested late on Tuesday night after the shooter accused him of forcing her to convert to Islam.

Married just for two months, Ms Sahdev had approached the police and women's commission last week, with a story of duplicity and torture.

During courtship, the rich and influential man she knew as Kohli pretended to be a Hindu, Ms Sahdev told the police. Even his family had helped preserve that illusion. But after the wedding, he asked her to convert. When she refused, she was kept in captivity for a month, before she managed to escape.

All this time, she had been starved and assaulted, Ms Sahdev told the police. The family had even sicced dogs on her.

Ms Sahdev had also pointed fingers at the state's minority welfare minister. It was Kohli's connection with the minister that kept him out of police net, she alleged. The minister, Haji Hussain Ansari, had shrugged off the charge, calling it a "small matter".

Jharkhand Shooter's Husband Arrested After She Charges Him With Forcible Conversion
Uniform civil code will never be applied till the Muslim vote bank is irrelevant . To do that you have to strip Muslims in India of their citizenship or take away their voting rights.

Which ghar? One hates the non-martial kind. Other one is busy sending its people to India :p
We already made muslim vote bank irrelevant this time in LS elections,showed the power of hindu unity vote.
Everytime hindus should understand nobody fights for you, you have to unite and fight.Otherwise Muslim vote bank will be preferred over you.Thank to Social media hindus can now communicate effectively with each other and unite removing the caste barriers,differences etc.
Earlier we didnt have this opportunity of unity due to no medium of communication,now we do, this election result was solely due to hindu vote.
It was said in 2004,and 2008 elections that if polling percent was above 50% then chances of bjp win is confirmed, that didnt happen last time, this time polling was over 50% and in most 70% that is how bjp won.
Everytime, Congress and Secular parties win because Hindus dont care about their vote,or never vote claiming everyone is a crook or corrupt,they forget if they dont vote the minority vote even though small will choose the winner even if you abstained. the Muslims vote as a collective hence politicians trust them more as a done deal vote bank and give more favors to them.
We need to understand and act like them,show politicians that without hindu vote nobody can win.
Seculars and minorities as usual wont vote for BJP, even this time too the vote share of Secular parties and Congress was the same it wasn't lowered what boosted BJP was 10 crore new voters younger generation who were propelled towards bjp.

No need to take away citizenship and voting rights, once muslims see hindus vote as a vote bank they will automatically fall in line.They will understand their demands now will not be met as everyone will pander for hindu vote bank not them.

Did you see A.K. Anthony report to congress telling that people started viewing congress as only party for minorities and hence majority didnt vote for them in LS and they lost.That was the reason congress in 68 year history for the first time was celebrating Hindu festivals in its HQ trying to woo hindus back in an attempt.It knows even total pandering to muslims now will not make it win elections it has shifted gear and is turning towards hindu appeasement.
We need to keep reminding congress without our vote nobody can win.
if 15% muslims can play King Maker, think what 80% Can do?
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Most of the money you get is simply sitting idle in many temples. Rest are stolen by those who manages it.most of the newly converted in north India choose other religion because of hunger. .hindu diety should have used those money for the betterment of people

Another Christian eyeing temple money. No surprise. Your churches should have been under the control of govt of India, then you would have know not to speak from your behind.
Wow one of the worst bigoted comment I ever read.. why should muslims be stripped off the nationality? Just because they follow other religion? They were born in this country. .they have every right in this country like a hindu have. .just because they didn't follow your bigoted line, they should be stripped off from their voting rights?

@wolfschanzzee please tell me the benefits of declaring India a hindu rashtra?

so we can get those lower castes to manual scavenging, like the good old days.

Lol and I am of the opinion if you honestly love your significant other and wish the best for them you would definitively ask them to convert.

with this mindset, I can see why where certain countries are where they are on the economic, social totem pole in the world.
Wow one of the worst bigoted comment I ever read.. why should muslims be stripped off the nationality? Just because they follow other religion? They were born in this country. .they have every right in this country like a hindu have. .just because they didn't follow your bigoted line, they should be stripped off from their voting rights?

@wolfschanzzee please tell me the benefits of declaring India a hindu rashtra?
Benefits, Uniform civil code,Peace, no fake conversion drama etc.
No Fake Ngo's sent by foreign powers to wreak havoc on the basis of religion.
No more riots because of secularism.
People will be chosen based on merit not on reservation since law applies equally to all.
Minorities can live in peace and not try to bully majority which results in conflicts most of the time.
Hindu kingdoms were Hindu Rasthras yet they didnt have riots nor did they forcibly try to convert someone or committ genocide.
As in Hindu Philosophy there is no conversion so everyone minds their own business, only Abrahamic religions believe in conversion to swell their ranks and anihilate the other religion by Attrition.
Such concepts wont have a place in hindu rasthra.Everyone will be free to practice their religion though as Sanatana Dharam followers SIkhs,buddhists,jains etc. are at peace with one another likewise will be applied for Abrahamic religions in Hindu Rasthra.
Good Enough? or want more?

so we can get those lower castes to manual scavenging, like the good old days.

with this mindset, I can see why where certain countries are where they are on the economic, social totem pole in the world.
You are a Moron you know that? If it was Manual Scavenging like good old days, Why would they let Modi become PM?or others achieve high posts in BJP?
Ever been to RSS and what they teach or as usual you are speaking out of your arse from Australia without any link to reality?
This is what happens when you read Evangelist and sickular propaganda.If RSS were demons why are they the first ones in scene every time an accident or natural calamity takes place in India and help people irrespective of caste?
Even your secular freedom fighters praised RSS and Sangh for observing brotherhood and there was not even a trace of casteism in those organizations.
with this mindset, I can see why where certain countries are where they are on the economic, social totem pole in the world.

Lol yeah which certain countries, pray tell me?

You know thats a logic fail, right?

Lets say I am a hardcore hindu and I marry my love, an hardcore Muslim. As per you, as we both love each other, we would want our other half to convert and be happy. So what it would be? I convert or she? :woot::woot::crazy:

True one of you would have to relent. Although all "hardcore Muslims" don't date at all so I think that is a moot scenario.
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The best we can do is divide them along sectarian lines and create conflicts among them like Dr Swamy suggested.
yeah....but he should start that process in his own family..his son in law is a Muslim...
churches should have been under the control of govt of India, then you would have know not to speak from your behind.
Nowadays churches acts more like a business organization...They are the very first ones that should have been under the strict control of government....A self proclaimed bishop of an independent church in Kerala owns a worth of around 3000 crores...whats his source??..No one knows about it...They are the real vultures who are preying the blind beliefs of innocent followers....

Not true Ravi. :mad: It's as much a social problem as it is an economic one. :)

He lives in another world. :omghaha:

Pls stop counter-trolling :P
hahaha..but its is a valid point...???
Nowadays churches acts more like a business organization...They are the very first ones that should have been under the strict control of government....A self proclaimed bishop of an independent church in Kerala owns a worth of around 3000 crores...whats his source??..No one knows about it...They are the real vultures who are preying the blind beliefs of innocent followers....
I believe all religious institutions should be free from Government control. The whole lot of them. A secular Government has no business interfering with people's faith.

In this case above malpractises, once reported, can be and should be investigated. But this does not contradict my last sentence. :)
so we can get those lower castes to manual scavenging, like the good old days.

with this mindset, I can see why where certain countries are where they are on the economic, social totem pole in the world.
Slavery has nothing to do with hindurastra or any religious B.S...
slavery was rampant in many European and American nations...and has been in many Arabian and Persian countries like iraq etc etc...
They are not hindu rashtra either...
Slavery has nothing to do with hindurastra or any religious B.S...
slavery was rampant in many European and American nations...and has been in many Arabian and Persian countries like iraq etc etc...
They are not hindu rashtra either...

I was being facetious
Not true Ravi. :mad: It's as much a social problem as it is an economic one. :)

He lives in another world. :omghaha:

Pls stop counter-trolling :P

In hindsight, that comment should not have been made. But my point to Kingmamba and others like him stands. The countries where you want to live, have a high standard of living and want to bring up your family have a distinctly 'secular' outlook.

First for all the so called secular parties here do nothing to integrate Muslims except some patronizing drivel, indulge in short terms populism without addressing long term needs like education, training etc.

But no, the politicians indulge themselves in giving sops.
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