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National Shooter becomes victim of love jihad.

wtf is happening here in this thread?

Nothing happened that would not happen in a thread discussion conversion and stuff. It followed its natural course and degenerated into the bashing of Sanghis and counter accusations.
Huh? Is this your reply? I asked for betterment of your people not people of other religion.. Or you can keep it safe in your lockers, but dont whine about Hinduism in danger..

What benefits? what peace? What makes you think that declaring India a Hindu nation will bring peace?? Uniform civil code can be achieved even with out a Hindu nation.. Just need political willpower..

They will simple choose another way..

There were no riot because of secularism.. Just hardcore fanatics from every religion spreading their venom and brainwashing youth.. Its not limited to any single religion..

Again, it only need political will power.. Most of the reservations give advantages to low caste Hindus mainly..

You seriously believe it?? Its like what Jinnah dreamed about Pakistan while creating it and look at the plight of the minorities there..

Do tell me how people were treated in the name of caste in those Hindu rashtra.. Our own state history states that lower caste women were not allowed to cover their breasts.. There were rituals like Sati.. The concept of conversions were not in Hindu religion because was a strict caste code.. You didnt want any low caste to become a brahmin or vice versa.. Now try again and tell me what is the benefit of declaring India a Hindu nation??
1)There is Betterment of my people and everyone in Hindu Rasthra.
2)Peace, so that no secular fool can try a riot on the basis of secularism since it is a Hindu rasthra.
3)If they choose another way we will block that way, since those NGO's whose agenda is to convert and foment trouble will be banned like china did.
4)All riots happened because a secular Minority doesn't like hindu majority or its festivals and therefore they riot.That will stop in Hindu Rasthra as we won't be having these Pseudo Secular parties who turn blind eye to crimes by minority for votebank.
5)Reservations are also given to Minorities even after they converted Muslims fighting for 15% reservations.Is a religion backward?There will be selection based on Merit only.
6)Which Islamic Country do you think was secular in their history and lived long enough?Hindu Kingdoms were secular and gave asylum to various persecuted groups and religions in history, they never committed genocide or rioted against them nor made them second class citizens.Hindu history is there to vouch for it.
That is the difference between a secular Pakistan dream of Jinnah and Hindu Rasthra.
Which Religion says "Truth is one and the paths are many to reach it"? NONE except Sanatana Dharama.
)Sati,Jauhar,Child Marriage, khap panchayats,Purdah,Ghoonghat were all done by Hindus to survive under islamic rule so that hindu women stayed safe from muslims.
Nowhere does Hinduism tells women to wear a ghoonghat or purdah only islam and christianity says that.
Hinduism is a dynamic religion it always evolves with time unlike Abrahamic religions which are stuck in time,The were no conversions before as there was no need to as everyone went about minding their own business only Abrahamic Religions seek to convert and defeat other religions Sanatana Dharma doesn't.
Shuddhi Movement was introduced as an evolutionary response just like sati,jauhar,khaps,purdah were a response to islamic rule.
Now we have Ghar wapasi programme. as a evolutionary response.
Caste system is dead in Cities,Even in Tier 2 towns.Villages will lose it in a decade with Modi rule.
Now tell me what is wrong with Hindu Rasthra ?
Secularism is a concept of Abrahamic Religion, which seeks to seperate church from the state.
We never had such concepts because Sanatana dharma by default was secular.
Swami Nityananda has no cases against him. Whether he had sex with a grown woman is none of your business. No one comes to your house to videotape you and you should not go to his house to videotape him. Have some decency. He has not taken a vow that he would not have sex nor are you anyone to question him.

So if you want to be a sleazy fellow and go about watching others sex tapes, that is your karma. Do not drag others in it.

Let us wait for the verdict on Madani. I guess vote bank politics protected him all this while.
well,Your blind on Nithya is hard like rock i think...yes,its your personal choice...but don't insist others to believe your blind theory..
I am not a supporter of madani nor even a Muslim..
for me both madani and nithya are anti socials and must be put behind bars..
Muslim held for masquerading as Hindu and marrying

A Muslim youth has been arrested for marrying a Hindu woman on the pretext of being a Hindu in the second such incident in Jharkhand this week, police said.

Police said Ehsan Aalam made a fake identity in the name of Sonu Singh and sexually exploited the woman on the promise of marrying her.

Aalam was arrested Wednesday after the woman's parents found out that he was Muslim.

The Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) calls the incident Love Jihad - a term used by the party to accuse Muslim men of luring Hindu girls into marriage and then forcing them to convert to Islam.

Following the incident, the BJP Thursday called for a shutdown in Chatra district.

"We have called for a shutdown in Chatra demanding the district administration to act in a tough way against those people indulging in Love Jihad," Vinay Singh, BJP Chatra district president, told IANS over telephone Thursday.

"There are at least three more cases in the district where Hindu girls were trapped in love by Muslim boys," he added.

Muslim held for masquerading as Hindu and marrying | Business Standard News

Now the seculars will blame BJP for protesting against it
well,Your blind on Nithya is hard like rock i think...yes,its your personal choice...but don't insist others to believe your blind theory..
I am not a supporter of madani nor even a Muslim..
for me both madani and nithya are anti socials and must be put behind bars..

First of all I am not his follower. I only put in his defense because I have read up on the controversy. No one is asking you to follow him, but if you are going to go around maligning him, then expect to be countered.
First of all I am not his follower. I only put in his defense because I have read up on the controversy. No one is asking you to follow him, but if you are going to go around maligning him, then expect to be countered.
feel free to counter me....
Some times i feel that education has nothing to do with ones common sense and reasoning ability...More so even worse.....
Ask any autowalas,vegetable sellers or a tea boy in your locality about the opinions..Mostly it would be precise and exact..They have more reasoning and common sense than any educated chapps..
'Happy Ganesha Utsava wishes to you and your family.''.
feel free to counter me....
Some times i feel that education has nothing to do with ones common sense and reasoning ability...More so even worse.....
Ask any autowalas,vegetable sellers or a tea boy in your locality about the opinions..Mostly it would be precise and exact..They have more reasoning and common sense than any educated chapps..
'Happy Ganesha Utsava wishes to you and your family.''.

At last we agree. Thanks for the wishes and wish you the same.
Ahh the love of secularism...!

Kudos to the brave woman for reporting this case.

The news says this dirtbag had political contacts; I hope he blurts out Isharat Jahan ke Pappa's name: Nitishullah Kumar/Khan.

And then let IB deal with these filth.
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