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@ghilzai , how genuine is the claim of Ghilzai's being Turkic people? Why is the tribe not speaking a Turkic language then? I have always thought that Pashtuns were a Indo-Iranian people, although not pure by any means, that spoke an Indo-Iranian language that is close to Baluch and strangely to Kurdish? The Kurds speak an Indo-Iranian language but in terms of their ancestry and descent then they have mixed with us Semitic people, in particular Assyrians and Arabs for centuries. Sometimes it is difficult to tell us apart. Aside from Kurds mixing with other people too.

Allah knows best but ghilzais are like no other pukhtoons, very different, you have to look at the landscape we are in and its always been dominated by Turkic tribes from the gokturks to Seljuks to ghazans etc etc.

Pukhtoons themselves are not racially same but a federation of like minded people.
Allah knows best but ghilzais are like no other pukhtoons, very different, you have to look at the landscape we are in and its always been dominated by Turkic tribes from the gokturks to Seljuks to ghazans etc etc.

I once visited a Pashtun website that a Pashtun fried of mind told me about. He is from the Yousufzai tribe or what it is called.

Pashtun Community - PASHTUNFORUMS.COM ever heard about that page? They are fiercely anti-Pakistani apparently. On that forum there is a Pashtun user who says he is a Ghilzai and he also believes that the Ghilzai people were originally Turkic nomadic tribes that settled in what is now Afghanistan and where absorbed by the locals and began speaking Pashtun and married into other Pashtuns..

For that he is fiercely attacked by other users who says that this is nonsense. At least that is what I have been told by my Pashtun friend. I don't know that forum personally.
What is Turco-Persian people? Who tells about siding with anybody? Since when have Arabs been at war with Pashtuns or Afghanistan? Did the Arabs not die for Afghanistan and the Pashtun people very recently in the hundreds to defend a land far from their own from Russian and communistic intruders? Are thousands of Pashtuns not living in Arab lands while we two speak and earn there living there while we speak? Of course some of them also caused problems but that was a minority. That also caused problems in their homelands… Good and bad apples.

Quite true but Iran holds a special place in our heart, always has always will.

No issues with Arabs if they have no issues with Iran, and no I am not Shia but a Sunni hanafi.

I once visited a Pashtun website that a Pashtun fried of mind told me about. He is from the Yousufzai tribe or what it is called.

Pashtun Community - PASHTUNFORUMS.COM ever heard about that page? They are fiercely anti-Pakistani apparently. On that forum there is a Pashtun user who says he is a Ghilzai and he also believes that the Ghilzai people were originally Turkic nomadic tribes that settled in what is now Afghanistan and where absorbed by the locals and began speaking Pashtun and married into other Pashtuns..

For that he is fiercely attacked by other users who says that this is nonsense. At least that is what I have been told by my Pashtun friend. I don't know that forum personally.

We are pro pak as our elders accepted pak as their nation and we will shed last drop of blood to preserve this land and their promise.

I am pakistan.
Once again my example is genuine since the size of the Arabian Peninsula is the size of India. That difference is minimal.

Why are you talking about the Indian Subcontinent still? I already told that the Arab world of today is 3 times bigger than that and located on the two biggest continents on the world and several historical regions of the world.

My point was that no "Indian" empire has ever controlled land outside of the NATIVE Indian Subcontinent. Hence it is pointless to compare it with the Arab civilizations/empires that in size are only beaten by the extremely short-lived Mongol Empire and the British and French modern-day Empires that came to existance 1000 years after.

The achievement of conquering your own home and establishing your own authority there is not as big an achievement like conquering extremely vast territories outside of your native lands and controlling that for centuries and influencing the new areas in every way possible. An influence that is still felt on every field this very day.
Again, I dont understand why you keep claiming that 'Indian subcontinent' is our 'home'. Is it because its called a subcontinent?

Because Indian subcontinent varies in extreme from part to part.
I said if you really wish to compare this, compare the size of the empires instead of their geographical location.

Another factor here is the population. Indian subcontinent is heavily populated, whereas Arab world si not. It was always a challenge to manage large populations, whereas Arab world has extensive very less inhabited deserts and thus were easier to control.

Anyway "Indian" is not a single ethnic group by an RECENT nationality. We are discussing from a completely wrong perspective.
As a nationality, yes. India is recent.

Well, I already told you that the size of those empires is still significantly bigger than that of the "Indian" ones.
I really dont have any idea about Arab empires. Was one King controlling all the Arab world, or whether there were different kings of different regions but all Muslim.
I really dont have much idea.

Is not most of all the architecture you see, main Indian tourist attractions etc. not a legacy of the Mughal Empire? What about all the foreign words, many of Persian, Arab, Turkish origin that you Indians have absorbed into your own languages and claim as your own now? How did nearly 20% of the Indian population turn Muslim suddenly? Thanks to the Mughals.
The mughal empire was the last Indian empire. That automatically means that they would have most impact.

The same way, British empire was the last empire which ruled India - and they have had even more of an influence on India.

I hope you understand the logic. Influence is maximum when it is most recent.

That said, you should know that 13% of India is Muslims.
That main tourist attractions of North India are of Mughal heritage. There are equally important attractions in West India, South India and East India which are not of Mughal Heritage.

Once again, what is Indian exactly? That is new construction that is less than 70 years old. They married mostly Northern Indians who have close to nothing in common with the Indians of the South other than Hinduism.
The different empires ruled both North and South India in varying degrees. We never called it India then, we called it Bharatvarsha.
The reality is that they were FOREIGNERS. Intruders who conquered lands in what is now India. People of a totally different descent, religion, culture etc. You did not absorb them out of your free will but they absorbed you.
So we can say that if the British and French who stayed in some parts of the Arab world for a few decades could be claimed as local "Arabs" if they just married a few locals and absorbed their culture on us and made 20% of us Christians while committing massacres in the process.
The invaders were turkic, yet over time they became Indian more and more. They influenced India and India influenced them. They put down roots here - in India.
They became Indian with generations, not decades. With their sons and daughters and THEIR sons and daughters.
They intermarried with other Indian kingdoms to strike alliances. That is how it eventually became an empire from a kingdom - an Indian empire.

There is a reason I said that British empire is British not Indian despite the fact that they ruled India for over a century.

Also did the Mughals not commit many atrocities and where they not hated by the local Hindu masses? Is that not exactly why most Indians hate Islam?
They did. Only in North India. Mughal influence was limited in South India.
But the Hindus also committed attrocities on Budhists, the Sikhs on Hindus, the Budhists on Hindus.

Lastly is it not correct that many Northern Indians claim ancestry from outside of India? Why is that?
Because there were studies that said that ancient North Indians came from Persia. They were called Aryans.
There are an equal number of studies that say this is not so.

What is important here is that I dont get how this is relevant or of significance in either case.
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Quite true but Iran holds a special place in our heart, always has always will.

No issues with Arabs if they have no issues with Iran, and no I am not Shia but a Sunni hanafi.

Strange because I know that most Pashtuns dislike Iran and its influence and Pashtuns have fought many wars with Persians.
Visit that forum I referred to which has Pashtun members from across the world. I have been told that a tiny minority likes Iran…. Most dislike them.

If the Iranians stopped interfering/meddling in the Arab world and causing trouble there would be no animosity since we are people closer to each other than we would admit. Much closer. Iranians are the Indo-Iranian people, aside from Kurds, who have most in common with us Arab and Semitic people (both live next to us) and both have been heavily influenced by us. Sometimes you cannot tell us apart in terms of looks.

Lastly Turkic people and Iranians have historically also been great enemies. So no offense but your views surprise me a lot.
What is Turco-Persian people? Who tells about siding with anybody? Since when have Arabs been at war with Pashtuns or Afghanistan? Did the Arabs not die for Afghanistan and the Pashtun people very recently in the hundreds to defend a land far from their own from Russian and communistic intruders? Are thousands of Pashtuns not living in Arab lands while we two speak and earn there living there while we speak? Of course some of them also caused problems but that was a minority. That also caused problems in their homelands… Good and bad apples.

Am not afghan though, I appreciate your help and efforts for my kin but I am no afghan.
:lol: I haven't taken your advice i am waiting for it to get fixed soon. Yeah right as if the mods are online most of the time and they would immediately do something of that sort it would probably take months for mods to do anything, considering how they aren't very regular :angel:

Haha! I was joking. :lol:

If you do feel harassed or insulted by those on your ignore list, just "mention" some moderators & any of your friends. You may mention me too, but I generally intervene if I see something really offensive. I also think that it's good if people handle minor arguments on an Internet forum themselves because it improves their ability to debate.

However, if I am in the mood to argue or even troll, I will join you. :partay:
Personality Test

You will be AMAZED at how scary, true and accurate this test really is

1. Pick a number from 1-9.

2. Multiply that number by 3.

3. Add 3.

4. Multiply by 3 again.

5. Your total will be a two digit number.

6. Add the first and second digits together to find the number of your personality

It will be in the list of 17 below:

1. Idealistic & dreamy
2. Thoughtful & caring
3. Clever & resourceful
4. Spiritual & mystical
5. Faithful & Romantic
6. Bored & restless
7. Decisive & competitive
8. Impatient & impetuous
9. Troll at PDF
10. Cheerful & generous
11. Energetic & cheerful
12. Original & inventive
13. Clever & friendly
14. Kind & humane
15. Lucky & Aggressive
16. Sensitive & patient
17. Selfish & moody
I know,,,,,
i would have been very surprised if any female would have
girls are more into humanities :P

Oh please don't even go there :devil: That triggers some very misandrist streaks in me :D

Haha! I was joking. :lol:

If you do feel harassed or insulted by those on your ignore list, just "mention" some moderators & any of your friends. You may mention me too, but I generally intervene if I see something really offensive. I also think that it's good if people handle minor arguments on an Internet forum themselves because it improves their ability to debate.

However, if I am in the mood to argue or even troll, I will join you. :partay:

I know you were joking but i highly doubt you are a seasoned troll though :lol:
Personality Test

You will be AMAZED at how scary, true and accurate this test really is

1. Pick a number from 1-9.

2. Multiply that number by 3.

3. Add 3.

4. Multiply by 3 again.

5. Your total will be a two digit number.

6. Add the first and second digits together to find the number of your personality

It will be in the list of 17 below:

1. Idealistic & dreamy
2. Thoughtful & caring
3. Clever & resourceful
4. Spiritual & mystical
5. Faithful & Romantic
6. Bored & restless
7. Decisive & competitive
8. Impatient & impetuous
9. Troll at PDF
10. Cheerful & generous
11. Energetic & cheerful
12. Original & inventive
13. Clever & friendly
14. Kind & humane
15. Lucky & Aggressive
16. Sensitive & patient
17. Selfish & moody
got 6........wat sorcery is this ??!! :o:
Strange because I know that most Pashtuns dislike Iran and its influence and Pashtuns have fought many wars with Persians.
Visit that forum I referred to which has Pashtun members from across the world. I have been told that a tiny minority likes Iran…. Most dislike them.

If the Iranians stopped interfering/meddling in the Arab world and causing trouble there would be no animosity since we are people closer to each other than we would admit. Much closer. Iranians are the Indo-Iranian people, aside from Kurds, who have most in common with us Arab and Semitic people (both live next to us) and both have been heavily influenced by us. Sometimes you cannot tell us apart in terms of looks.

Lastly Turkic people and Iranians have historically also been great enemies. So no offense but your views surprise me a lot.

I have visited that forum many times but since the anti pak sentiments were rife I decided not to go there.

They called me one of them and brother but I can never be brothers with those who hold animosity towards my beloved pakistan.

Mostly kids on that forum and I wouldn't trust an afghan as far as I could throw him, his loyalties change by the minute by the highest bid.

I believe Arab leadership and Iranian leadership needs to be executed and normality will follow, they have to plant hatred to keep their thrones.

Monarchy is haram in Islam so why a monarchy in Saudia?.
Personality Test

You will be AMAZED at how scary, true and accurate this test really is

1. Pick a number from 1-9.

2. Multiply that number by 3.

3. Add 3.

4. Multiply by 3 again.

5. Your total will be a two digit number.

6. Add the first and second digits together to find the number of your personality

It will be in the list of 17 below:

1. Idealistic & dreamy
2. Thoughtful & caring
3. Clever & resourceful
4. Spiritual & mystical
5. Faithful & Romantic
6. Bored & restless
7. Decisive & competitive
8. Impatient & impetuous
9. Troll at PDF
10. Cheerful & generous
11. Energetic & cheerful
12. Original & inventive
13. Clever & friendly
14. Kind & humane
15. Lucky & Aggressive
16. Sensitive & patient
17. Selfish & moody

I got no.9 :ashamed:
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