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Its a substance found in Pakistan that is smoked.
Wiki it.

Social gatherings, etc, etc -make the connection.
Talk about ignorance!
Naswār (Pashto: نسوار‎), nās and nasvay ([[Cyrillic script|Cyrillic]]: Насвай),(Niswar) is a moist, powdered tobacco snuff (similar to dipping tobacco or snus) consumed mostly in Afghanistan,Iran, Pakistan, India, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Naswar is stuffed in the floor of the mouth, under the lower lip, or inside the cheek for extended periods of time.

When it comes to claim whats in their country you filter out some and boast of some? lovely!
An Indian claiming Turco afghan empires as Indian, shameful.
Didnt realize that Mughal India was ruled from what is today Afghanistan?
Or was it Delhi/Agra/etc.

If tomorrow an Ethnic Afghan becomes PM of India, would you say India is a turco afghan nation?
Because we would still be saying that he/she is an Indian.
It's a tobacco it's usually wrapped in a tissue and held on the wisdom teeth.

Best brand is the f16 brand, it's never smoked.
Oh dont worry he was just trying to show his IGNORANCE is more than mine! :whistle: The Indian measuring YARD STICK at its best!! ;)
Modern India is itself bigger than Arabian Peninsula
Arabian Peninsula - 3,100,000 square kilometres (Arabia (peninsula, Asia) -- Encyclopedia Britannica
Modern India - 3,287,590 square kilometres. (India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indian subcontinent also includes Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bhutan along with Pakistan and Bangladesh.

I dont know why you think that the subcontinent is 'own house'. Is it because its called Indian? Its called Indian because India was most known region of the time.

I did say, if you really want to compare empires, please compare the absolute size of the empires.
Maurya empire for example was 5,000,000 square kms.

Another empire - controlled what is today East Asia - Indonesia, etc etc.

Your point is not valid simply because Arabia is at the cross roads of 3 continents - Asia, Africa and Europe. It is therefore incorrect to claim any point of uniqueness here. India is bang in the middle of Asia with Asia alone for thousands of kilometres on either side.

If you wish to compare, compare the size of the empires.

My point was rhetorical. It was intended to convey that with a land mass as huge as that around us, why would there be a need to expand beyond Asia.

Do compare absolute size for reference with that of other empires of the globe.

How do you define most powerful?
I would define it as having control of the largest size. Because only with power can an empire control a larger size.
Mughal Empire was however the last great Indian empire.

Mughal Empire though started off as a Turkic invasion, put down roots in India, married Indians and became Indian in a couple of generations. Their links to their host countries was cut. They did not act as Governors of India answering to a higher authority anywhere else but of this land.
It is for this reason that they are considered an Indian empire.

Unlike British empire, which while very big was not Indian because Britishers ruled India and answered to a higher authority - Britain.

Refer to my point about size of the Indian empires, not whether or not they moved out of Asia.

Once again my example is genuine since the size of the Arabian Peninsula is the size of India. That difference is minimal.

Why are you talking about the Indian Subcontinent still? I already told that the Arab world of today is 3 times bigger than that and located on the two biggest continents on the world and several historical regions of the world.

My point was that no "Indian" empire has ever controlled land outside of the NATIVE Indian Subcontinent. Hence it is pointless to compare it with the Arab civilizations/empires that in size are only beaten by the extremely short-lived Mongol Empire and the British and French modern-day Empires that came to existance 1000 years after.

The achievement of conquering your own home and establishing your own authority there is not as big an achievement like conquering extremely vast territories outside of your native lands and controlling that for centuries and influencing the new areas in every way possible. An influence that is still felt on every field this very day.

Anyway "Indian" is not a single ethnic group by an RECENT nationality. We are discussing from a completely wrong perspective.

We can take this discussion once the Arab world merges (never going to happen) or the Middle East merges together (never going to happen either).

Well, I already told you that the size of those empires is still significantly bigger than that of the "Indian" ones.

Is not most of all the architecture you see, main Indian tourist attractions etc. not a legacy of the Mughal Empire? What about all the foreign words, many of Persian, Arab, Turkish origin that you Indians have absorbed into your own languages and claim as your own now? How did nearly 20% of the Indian population turn Muslim suddenly? Thanks to the Mughals.

The only more unifying thing I can think of in India is Hinduism which is shared across ethnic groups, geography, language etc.

Once again, what is Indian exactly? That is new construction that is less than 70 years old. They married mostly Northern Indians who have close to nothing in common with the Indians of the South other than Hinduism.

The reality is that they were FOREIGNERS. Intruders who conquered lands in what is now India. People of a totally different descent, religion, culture etc. You did not absorb them out of your free will but they absorbed you.

Also did the Mughals not commit many atrocities and where they not hated by the local Hindu masses? Is that not exactly why most Indians hate Islam?

So we can say that if the British and French who stayed in some parts of the Arab world for a few decades could be claimed as local "Arabs" if they just married a few locals and absorbed their culture on us and made 20% of us Christians while committing massacres in the process.

Lastly is it not correct that many Northern Indians claim ancestry from outside of India? Why is that?
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@Aamna14 i think you get the alerts but the posts are invisible right?

No, the posts in which i am mentioned aren't even invisible. Otherwise if i am not mentioned, the posts of an ignored member stay invisible.

I might have ignored one member last year just to try the ignore function out. There isn't anyone in my ignore list at the moment. :lol:

Previously, if I recall correctly, there was an option to show posts from ignored members.


In your case, the "mentions" are probably overriding the system's ignore function.

So it's probably not too far fetched to assume that all of the issues we have complained about are related.
I said collectively Indians coz 3 of you against him alone!

I believe I am responding here with utmost respect for all members - that includes Al Hasni.
Not trying to bully anyone.

In any case I request Indian members to please reply/post with respect to others instead of bad mouthing. No point is conveyed that way.
Plus i have no FEAR of INDIANS

Wonder who is the ignorant here :whistle:
Then you ought to have read how things started here without blaming Indians. Infact I learnt this from you. In case of any problem with your posts, you start off with calling everyone - Islamophobe, etc, etc.
2ndly, it is no secret you people keep trying to say we are better (in literally everything and literally at every chance you guys get) than you you and you all over the forum so saying yard stick is better than using other harsher words which you may like I believe!

There are better ways to bring a discussion to an end instead of starting EACH post with a denial and then going on to promote INDIA this and that....
Frankly dear, Indians do like to point out that we are better - but only in context to Pakistanis. This behaviour is reserved only for them, not others.
-_- ok then at least tell me why we call it naswarville ?? and i guess b4 it was naswaristan

alryt dun answer me...huh!!
Its supposed to be a chit chat site with no proper topics...because @Hyperion and me were forced off threads for starting casual chit chats so he made the 1st naswar thread so that we wont be chased off threads...and well being a Pakhtun he went for naswar :rofl:

You know that you use this word "fret" a lot
something wrong with the word? :unsure:
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