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The first humans evolved in Africa and spread around the world , so that doesn't mean you are from Africa , dumbass. Every person in the world is from some tribe that migrated from somewhere else across the globe. So just because some of my people might have lived in the Arabian peninsula thousands of years ago doesn't mean I'm from the Arabia. Besides , majority of the population of the Indian subcontinent evolved from the Indus valley civilization which evolved around the Indus river, not anywhere close to the Arabian peninsula.

And talking of population. There are several European countries with a population less than that of Saudis who have made tremendous strides in technology. What do you have to brag about besides creating Osama bin Laden who was a brilliant terrorist by all means. I can see a dozen Indians in the list of nobel prize winners , yet not a single Saudi or arab. I can see a dozen indian names who founded successful silicon valley startups , yet not a single saudi or arab. And how is launching a probe to mars not a big achievement ? Launching a rocket into space isn't as easy a riding a camel , son. Your country won't get the technology to do that in the next 50 years. Your country hasn't even managed to build a rocket to launch something as light as a feather into space , let alone a satellite or a probe.

And yes , no one has forgotten that India has millions of impoverished people , many without toilets. You see not everyone has the luck of finding crude oil beneath their feet. Before the discovery of oil , arabs including saudis were living in conditions way worse than Indians. i doubt they even knew what a toilet was. And also , there are MILLIONS of arabs living in Europe , North America and other parts of the world. Other than the GCC states , most arab countries are poor and are effectively failed states with civil war- Syria, Egypt, Yemen , Iraq, Morocco , Algeria etc etc. So you don't get ahead of yourself. The development that your country has made is not a result of your peoples' intelligence or hard work. Is is literally , liquid luck of finding millions of barrels of crude oil and gas beneath the surface.


The theory, according to science, about people migrating outside of Africa is literary 200.000 years old. On the other hand the migrations from the Arabia Peninsula to India are much more recent.

Congrats for having a few successful Indians out of a population of 1.2 BILLION. Well done. You are such a great people indeed. Guess not great enough to get influenced by outsiders for millenniums and conquered equally by outsiders.

"Your" Indus Valley Civilization was HIGHLY influenced by civilizations in the ME or Semitic people. The Dilmun civilization, located in modern day KSA and Bahrain was for instance a trading civilization with the Indus Valley and the nearby Mesopotamian civilizations.

Besides the Indus Valley civilization is located in Pakistan. 90% of all Indians had or have NOTHING to do with that civilization. LOL.

Not my problem that you don't know anything about the Golden Age in Islam that helped Europe out from the Dark Middle Ages or the dozens of Arab scientists famous across the whole Muslim world and outside of it too.

There are many leading Arab scientists, businessmen (in fact the world's richest man is an Mexican-Arab), doctors and others. Despite only consisting of about 450 million people, roughly 3 times smaller than Indians!

Yes, we have. But thanks for comparing a country that has fewer people than one Indian province, clown. If we had as many people as you we would exceed you. Have no doubt about that.

No, they were not. The Arab world and the Middle East has historically been known as one of the most rich areas in the world. Not called the cradle of civilizations for nothing. For all your false "glory" you have the highest number of poor people in the world.

Congratulations indeed.
:lol::lol: I really wished it worked like that indeed. Its like somedays it gets better and i am getting the notifications while on other days i don't. But the mentions from ignore members i always get :D hope it gets fixed soon.

The solution I gave you is just a temporary fix. :P

Yes, I agree that the notification system needs to be fixed as soon as possible. :)
@al-Hasani hi bro :wave: Whats up? Indians back off Naswarville take the measuring yard elsewhere... @Contrarian as for why its called SUBCONTINENT it is caled so when people try to pool in Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh with India and then the AREA is called SUB CONTINENT...Do you think India now ALONE is called Sub continent? Seriously? Then why give it the name India? Just call it sub continent, lets see how many will agree...
No, the posts in which i am mentioned aren't even invisible. Otherwise if i am not mentioned, the posts of an ignored member stay invisible.
Please PM me the name of those people... the next time they mention or quote you
i will politely ask them not to mention/quote you via MODs
if they presist....
they will be
The Indian subcontinent is 3 times smaller than the Arab world. So not sure if HUGE is the right word. The Arabian Peninsula for instance is bigger than India. Bangladesh and Sri Lanka are tiny areas. Than there is Pakistan, which is distinct part of the Subcontinent. From what I am aware of then Nepal is not the Subcontinent.
Modern India is itself bigger than Arabian Peninsula
Arabian Peninsula - 3,100,000 square kilometres (Arabia (peninsula, Asia) -- Encyclopedia Britannica
Modern India - 3,287,590 square kilometres. (India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indian subcontinent also includes Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bhutan along with Pakistan and Bangladesh.

There is nothing special about conquering your own house (subcontinent). All those empires gained power after fighting between each other. Not any outsiders. Arabs on the other hand controlled land in 3 continents. The ancient Middle East from where they emerged and where its center was always, to half of Africa, parts of Southern Europe and all of West Asia. So I don't see any valuable comparison….
I dont know why you think that the subcontinent is 'own house'. Is it because its called Indian? Its called Indian because India was most known region of the time.

I did say, if you really want to compare empires, please compare the absolute size of the empires.
Maurya empire for example was 5,000,000 square kms.

Another empire - controlled what is today East Asia - Indonesia, Thailand, etc etc.

Your point is not valid simply because Arabia is at the cross roads of 3 continents - Asia, Africa and Europe. It is therefore incorrect to claim any point of uniqueness here. India is bang in the middle of Asia with Asia alone for thousands of kilometres on either side.

If you wish to compare, compare the size of the empires.

No it is not. USA is less than 300 years old. It was formed by European and later African (slaves) migrants. Since WW2 people from the whole world has arrived, including 3.5 million Arabs and an unknown number of Indians (don't remember how many American-Indians there are).

On the other hand India is way older than that and you are the native people. The native people of the Americas, Indians, never had any real big empires aside from a few. Aztec, Incas etc.
My point was rhetorical. It was intended to convey that with a land mass as huge as that around us, why would there be a need to expand beyond Asia.

Do compare absolute size for reference with that of other empires of the globe.

Eh, the Mughals are not the most famous "Indian" empire because it was the latest one but because it was the most powerful one.
How do you define most powerful?
I would define it as having control of the largest size. Because only with power can an empire control a larger size.
Mughal Empire was however the last great Indian empire.

Once again, how INdian was the Mughal empire in reality? The founders were outsiders that murdered many Indian Hindus, Muslims and in general they oppressed the Hindus and native Indians. Maybe that is where the hatred for Muslims and Islam comes from? It has nothing to do with Arabs….The Mughal empire did not control any areas outside of the Subcontinent either.
Mughal Empire though started off as a Turkic invasion, put down roots in India, married Indians and became Indian in a couple of generations. Their links to their host countries was cut. They did not act as Governors of India answering to a higher authority anywhere else but of this land.
It is for this reason that they are considered an Indian empire. I wont get into religion, as Hindu empires have threatened Budhists, Budhists have threatened Hindus, Muslims threatened Hindus, etc, etc, etc.

Unlike British empire, which while very big was not Indian because Britishers ruled India and answered to a higher authority - Britain.

Refer to my point about size of the Indian empires, not whether or not they moved out of Asia.
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Why are we comparing India to Arabia? Did I miss something?
Mughal Empire though started off as a Turkic invasion, put down roots in India, married Indians and became Indian in a couple of generations. Their links to their host countries was cut. They did not act as Governors of India answering to a higher authority anywhere else but of this land.
It is for this reason that they are considered an Indian empire.
Then please bring this "apna Mughal" when YOUR INDIAN brothers call Arabs as "invaders"

As for their "links to the host country" Dude they literally moved countries and ACTUALLY satisfy the word "INVADERS"
All three are Baloch.

I suppose we all vary, In pukhttons we have those who have Mongolic features

The theory, according to science, about people migrating outside of Africa is literary 200.000 years old. On the other hand the migrations from the Arabia Peninsula to India are much more recent.

Congrats for having a few successful Indians out of a population of 1.2 BILLION. Well done. You are such a great people indeed. Guess not great enough to get influenced by outsiders for millenniums and conquered equally by outsiders.

"Your" Indus Valley Civilization was HIGHLY influenced by civilizations in the ME or Semitic people. The Dilmun civilization, located in modern day KSA and Bahrain was for instance a trading civilization with the Indus Valley and the nearby Mesopotamian civilizations.

Besides the Indus Valley civilization is located in Pakistan. 90% of all Indians had or have NOTHING to do with that civilization. LOL.

Not my problem that you don't know anything about the Golden Age in Islam that helped Europe out from the Dark Middle Ages or the dozens of Arab scientists famous across the whole Muslim world and outside of it too.

There are many leading Arab scientists, businessmen (in fact the world's richest man is an Mexican-Arab), doctors and others. Despite only consisting of about 450 million people, roughly 3 times smaller than Indians!

Yes, we have. But thanks for comparing a country that has fewer people than one Indian province, clown. If we had as many people as you we would exceed you. Have no doubt about that.

No, they were not. The Arab world and the Middle East has historically been known as one of the most rich areas in the world. Not called the cradle of civilizations for nothing. For all your false "glory" you have the highest number of poor people in the world.

Congratulations indeed.

For once in my life I agree with an Arab.
Indian measuring yard stick came out AGAIN some few pages ago!


Not who but what!
-_- ok then at least tell me why we call it naswarville ?? and i guess b4 it was naswaristan

alryt dun answer me...huh!!
@Talon why is this thread called naswarville ??? whoz naswar ???
Its a substance found in Pakistan that is smoked.
Wiki it.

Social gatherings, etc, etc -make the connection.

EDIT: Ghilzai and Talon have correctly given its meaning.
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Modern India is itself bigger than Arabian Peninsula
Arabian Peninsula - 3,100,000 square kilometres (Arabia (peninsula, Asia) -- Encyclopedia Britannica
Modern India - 3,287,590 square kilometres. (India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indian subcontinent also includes Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bhutan along with Pakistan and Bangladesh.

I dont know why you think that the subcontinent is 'own house'. Is it because its called Indian? Its called Indian because India was most known region of the time.

I did say, if you really want to compare empires, please compare the absolute size of the empires.
Maurya empire for example was 5,000,000 square kms.

Another empire - controlled what is today East Asia - Indonesia, etc etc.

Your point is not valid simply because Arabia is at the cross roads of 3 continents - Asia, Africa and Europe. It is therefore incorrect to claim any point of uniqueness here. India is bang in the middle of Asia with Asia alone for thousands of kilometres on either side.

If you wish to compare, compare the size of the empires.

My point was rhetorical. It was intended to convey that with a land mass as huge as that around us, why would there be a need to expand beyond Asia.

Do compare absolute size for reference with that of other empires of the globe.

How do you define most powerful?
I would define it as having control of the largest size. Because only with power can an empire control a larger size.
Mughal Empire was however the last great Indian empire.

Mughal Empire though started off as a Turkic invasion, put down roots in India, married Indians and became Indian in a couple of generations. Their links to their host countries was cut. They did not act as Governors of India answering to a higher authority anywhere else but of this land.
It is for this reason that they are considered an Indian empire. I wont get into religion, as Hindu empires have threatened Budhists, Budhists have threatened Hindus, Muslims threatened Hindus, etc, etc, etc.

Unlike British empire, which while very big was not Indian because Britishers ruled India and answered to a higher authority - Britain.

Refer to my point about size of the Indian empires, not whether or not they moved out of Asia.

An Indian claiming Turco afghan empires as Indian, shameful.
Talon, better to keep the mouth shut than talk and be proven as ignorant.
Please look up how this thread started. Pathological hatred of Indians or 'Indophobia' does not imply you label all issues to Indians.
I said collectively Indians coz 3 of you against him alone!

Plus i have no FEAR of INDIANS
A phobia is, when used in the context of clinical psychology, a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation

Wonder who is the ignorant here :whistle:

2ndly, it is no secret you people keep trying to say we are better (in literally everything and literally at every chance you guys get) than you you and you all over the forum so saying yard stick is better than using other harsher words which you may like I believe!

There are better ways to bring a discussion to an end instead of starting EACH post with a denial and then going on to promote INDIA this and that....
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