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Yeah and then end up getting an infraction as well. I am not very keen about the prospect :P If your description is indeed anything to go by then i have indeed seen that kind of trolling very often in a particular section but then its fun as well :D

Yeah, sometimes the trolling on that section does get annoying, but the place does get boring without all the entertainment. :lol:
good :pop:
I think girls are less intelligent than boys thats why they don't have much knowlege about tech stuff
e.g. how many girls participate in military threads here

Alpee i'll curse your kittes if you don't stop now might even have to abduct them :devil:. Girls don't need the opinions of boys anyways they know how they are more sensible and intelligent :angel:
Sorry, I should be preparing for my one exam I have the second January next year instead of writing essays.

Anyway I might be hot-heated on this forum but I am not that in reality and in reality I don't really have a problem with Indians. Only the ones who hate Islam and who insult us Arabs and Middle Eastern people for no reason.

For example I had no problem having a serious debate with @Contrarian who seems like a friendly guy while I have difficulties tolerating or taking individuals such as that sarthak seriously who also disappeared when it became too intellectual for him….
In that case(your exam), we can continue our discussion later after your exam from exactly where we left off. PDF should never impair our real lives.
That said, the initial point of my conversation still stands. I will not and neither will other Indians tolerate the kind of things you wrote initially about my religion, in the other thread which started off this entire conversation.

Best you use better words next time.

On the second point, yes the debate has been interesting after that initial start off. I do hope this carries on in the future as well.

LOL!! He is certified troll, spend you energies on exam preparation
I hope you weren't referring to me?
You can start abusing mods, two birds with one stone :angel:

I can't they are too friendly. Only some Iranian members and some Indian members provoke me. Others not. But I will contact Webby and tell him to make a voluntarily ban until the third January otherwise I am seriously going to fail. Fully deserved though. No martyrdom at all but we must remember our real lives and obligations despite this being a great forum with great people.
I can't they are too friendly. Only some Iranian members and some Indian members provoke me. Others not. But I will contact Webby and tell him to make a voluntarily ban until the third January otherwise I am seriously going to fail. Fully deserved though.
Maybe I will leave the forum altogether due to being here too much. That must be the consequence if it impacts my real life negatively, for example me failing an exam due to not preparing well enough.
Whats your major? Maybe someone can tutor you on your addictive site :rofl:
I can't they are too friendly. Only some Iranian members and some Indian members provoke me. Others not. But I will contact Webby and tell him to make a voluntarily ban until the third January otherwise I am seriously going to fail. Fully deserved though.
i have been throough this phase... but now i can control for how long i am on PDF
Btw PDF doesn't voluntarily ban nowadays...
Whats your major? Maybe someone can tutor you on your addictive site :rofl:

Something as nerdy as chemical engineering. I normally don't tell what I study until I am forced too. Not really "sexy" is it, LOL.

i have been throough this phase... but now i can control for how long i am on PDF
Btw PDF doesn't voluntarily ban nowadays...

Well, then there is no other option than the one suggested.:D

In all seriousness never seen a more addictive forum. Don't know how to explain it…..

@Contrarion no bigge. I should not have called that Farooq troll for an INdian Hindu. In reality I have no problems with Indians or Hindus which many Indian users can testify too nor have I ever trolled any Indian section. I will maybe disappoint some of the Pakistanis users here :-)D)but that is actually the reality.
No - but i attest the certificates :big_boss:

Which one you use?


- :rofl: @Aeronaut

Something as nerdy as chemical engineering. I normally don't tell what I study until I am forced too. Not really "sexy" is it, LOL.

Well, then there is no other option than the one suggested.:D

In all seriousness never seen a more addictive forum. Don't know how to explain it…..

hmmmm...I hate Chemistry during my A-LEVELS had an obnoxious excuse for a teacher ...ruined me from A++ Chem student in O-levles to JUST pass in A-LEVELS :cray:

So yr working now?
I thought u were studying.
Oh PhD is a full time job
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