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@Talon Not Lab exactly. That will be later part. You know its hard to get funding.

From culture I mean, brain-storming session, people working together with inter-disciplinary research, exchange of ideas. etc. People from one field can help out in research in other field.

Like if I study spread of extremism, I need a social scientist, a mathematical modeler, a statistician, etc. etc. Ground realities coupled with research experience of others.

I no longer work with one close knit group. Now its about managing many, assisting in assigning positions, research committee. :D
@KRAIT Of course no one works in 1 group....

BTW, when I said closed knit community I meant individual level (behavioural and habits)...nothing to do with the groups at work....

Well, collaborating needs people willing to work together, overlook their differences and of course a well equipped lab always helps making sure you know the suppliers so that things do not come in late and delay your work....

BTW, this is all job of technicians...We are only to work and collect data from different groups to be analyzed...I do not take part in the formation of collaborations though I easily can but prefer to be in an already established area :rofl: yea am lazy :angel:
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what does it say marsha?? did u get only 5/10 in your test..:angry: and cute avatar..:D

it was a question in an urdu exam to write on a subject As u sow so shall u reap....

so da kid wrote :Once upon a time i went to my freinds house n he was sleepin,next day when he came to my house then i was sleepin so it proves da sayin abuv ...as u sow so shall u reap :unsure:
it was a question in an urdu exam to write on a subject As u sow so shall u reap....

so da kid wrote :Once upon a time i went to my freinds house n he was sleepin,next day when he came to my house then i was sleepin so it proves da sayin abuv ...as u sow so shall u reap :unsure:

:omghaha: a perfect example of the subject..
it was a question in an urdu exam to write on a subject As u sow so shall u reap....

so da kid wrote :Once upon a time i went to my freinds house n he was sleepin,next day when he came to my house then i was sleepin so it proves da sayin abuv ...as u sow so shall u reap :unsure:

The pun is in the word "sow" that gets lost in translation. "sowna" is "to sleep" in Urdu.
Thanks for the sarcasm laced aunty compliment - I will take that in my stride.

You have landed yourself into trouble once, and by Naswar-land stories more than that, and havent really learnt your lesson. Your choice.

The forum administration is no longer going to be an arbiter for any fights you have, so hopefully you will stop whining about all your personal communications off the forum over here.

You are responsible for your own falls.

@Awesome @WebMaster @Aeronaut @Oscar

Yes, and you are the epitome of justice, kind-heartedness, youth, bravery and well non-vicious behaviour?

Do we even know each other for you to pass that judgment?

@Argus Panoptes Talking behind people's back by posting like this when the other doesn't know the accusation nor can defend is just so darn easy - as far as I can see, you need a spine! Next time, tag me.

lol miss @Elmo none of us mean to insult you or accuse you,specifically me,when I said:"lol elmo" i meant to express enjoyment for closing thread and by re-opening it,not in sense to make fun of you.
Pakistan defense forum is a website which invites everybody to express their thoughts about defense and other geopolitical issues.Naswar corner introduced by @Hyperion has added more interests and fun in this forum.members don't feel themselves alien here,because we got a chance to communicate with each other and to remove various misunderstandings, whereas we also are able to know our admin and become close friends.
yes,but if some member tries to abuse this forum and goes contrary to forum rules then he/she should be banned,but closing a forum is not a good idea.
I appreciate your hard work and assure you especially from my side that i am not gonna act tharki,even other members are evident!!:D
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@Talon and @Elmo..... cool down plz! Lets make this thread a nice chit chat one!! :)
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@Talon That's our biggest challenge. Well, I always wanted to do this. So I did.

Lets see what happens. :enjoy:
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Na dear!! Got a job!! :D

Already njoyed summer all year long.. Because there was so rain here.. Now it started raning and it feels awesome!!

Aha!!! so, what do you do ?....... i never asked you.......:)

I love the rain , now you are making me feel jealous.:D

It was a hot day today.

Anyway there are 20-25 percent chances of rain on Sunday here.......It usually doesn't take that long.
Aha!!! so, what do you do ?....... i never asked you.......:)

I love the rain , now you are making me feel jealous.:D

It was a hot day today.

Anyway there are 20-25 percent chances of rain on Sunday here.......It usually doesn't take that long.

Lets say, I am a unsucessfull guy tried lot of jobs and now venturing in to new field :D

Here it was 40-45 degrees hot and lot of humdityy.. Our place was famous for its rainy seasons and now due to the massive deforestation and all those buildings, Kerala is going to become a desert.. :(
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