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@Armstrong Buttsy, how goes life bro? Still pining away like a hopeless romantic? Anyway, what's with the 10 year tax audit exemption, does Nawaze think so little of the Pakistani awaam that he believes that they do not have the requisite iota of intelligence to grasp the significance of such a move?
What is naswar precisely? Do you know what qat (khat) is @DESERT FIGHTER ?

Did you know that alcohol was widespread in the Arab/Semitic world once and that the word alcohol has an Arabic root?

For example the father of the great Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra) was somewhat of an alcoholic and that Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra) himself drank before his conversion to Islam?

If I recall the first recorded trace of beer can be traced to modern day Iraq LOL!
Pashtun right? Recognize the hat. Is that real alcohol, LOL? Alcohol free bears probably. Have it too in the Arab world, LOL. Tasted one and it was absolutely horrible.
I was watching 60 minutes not long ago and saw this remarkably report.

What do people say to that?

How an Afghan and a Navy SEAL became "brothers" - CBS News

The "hat" = Chitrali Cap...

Beer = The REAL DEAL:
45347 (1).jpeg
What is naswar precisely? Do you know what qat (khat) is @DESERT FIGHTER ?

Did you know that alcohol was widespread in the Arab/Semitic world once and that the word alcohol has an Arabic root?

For example the father of the great Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra) was a vicious alcoholic!

If I recall the first recorded trace of beer can be traced to modern day Iraq LOL!

Yes the Babylonians came up with beer, a credit to human civilization if there has ever been any any. A stout lager can make life seem less burdened.
But what is naswar precisely? Don't bother googling it.

If you like relaxation you should try qat. I have only tried it once.
I don't drink. Drinking is VERY common here in Denmark. The Danish youth have the world record in drinking.

WHO concerned about Danish kids’ drinking habits - News in English

Children as young as 13 drink in the weekends (beer ) and it is considered acceptable. Do not understand it quite frankly.
What is naswar precisely? Do you know what qat (khat) is @DESERT FIGHTER ?
The herb thing u guys chew in Yemen ...

Did you know that alcohol was widespread in the Arab/Semitic world once and that the word alcohol has an Arabic root?

You mean sharab?

For example the father of the great Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra) was somewhat of an alcoholic and that Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra) himself drank before his conversion to Islam?

If I recall the first recorded trace of beer can be traced to modern day Iraq LOL!

Alcohol first appeared in the Indus valley civilization during the Chalcolithic era, between 3000 BC - 2000 BC. Sura, a drink brewed from rice meal, wheat, sugar cane, grapes and other fruits.....

@al-Hasani naswar:


You make small balls n keep it under your upper lip...


It is a curse. Half of the country chew it…. Yemen is a rich fertile land but a great, great number of agricultural areas are used to cultivate qat which needs a HELL lot of water.

It might be a mild drug and stimulant but….. better without it… But the tradition is several thousands years old and it is grown everywhere in the mountainous areas which most of Yemen is so close to impossible to remove it.


It is a curse. Half of the country chew it…. Yemen is a rich fertile land but a great, great number of agricultural areas are used to cultivate qat which needs a HELL lot of water.

It might be a mild drug and stimulant but….. better without it… But the tradition is several thousands years old and it is grown everywhere in the mountainous areas which most of Yemen is so close to impossible to remove it.

A cousin of mine used to have a few opium plants at his farm house..lol..

While wild canabis grows in KPK.. (although not everywhere)...
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