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Oho thats OK i can understand the loneliness and thats why i often say to u to get married.If not anything else u will have a partner to watch a movie with.:)

I live alone too here in Islamabad and my family is in AJK.

Well when ever u go back to yr family in uk u(well i will strongly advice) to watch that atleast once with yr family or friends. I have watched it already twice in cinema here in islamabad and cant wait for a third time... This movie seriously is so good that u get addicted to it. Even though im also an indirect part of this showbiz stuff and even though we have a lot of jealousy within but many models/directors r here with full of applause for it this also shows how actually good that movie is!!!

And im Going tomorrow night again to watch it third time.
Wow that good huh?

Well, we rarely go to cinema when we are in Pakistan....milna milana hi nai khattam hota :unsure:

Well, I only have a sis in UK...rest of the family is scattered at the moment hehehe....but yea I will try watching it I am sure my cousins will introduce it to me...

Bro I am fine. Thank you for asking. The city is Talinn, Estonia


I went there for some vacation :D

Bro I am fine. Thank you for asking. The city is Talinn, Estonia


I went there for some vacation :D

Oh, thank you for the answer. That looks like a very interesting city and a beautiful one too. I have never been to Estonia or those regions of Europe. The most eastern I have ever been is Poland.:D

Where did you live in Europe, if I may ask? The Netherlands or Germany right? Can't remember.:D

Sorry for the late reply.
I don't hug lesser mortals ! :whistle:

Especially ones whose ribs are showing due to an extreme form of emaciation ! :bad:
But then bones wont hurt you, after all you've double layers of fat on you.:p:
Even liposuction isnt gonna help you,ask your plastic surgeon.

Lil fatso arm-strong.:devil:....


watch this french movie- brotherhood of the wolf(2001)

Yesterday was Friday the 13th(boo)
Ur exams must have finished,so when are you giving us the good news??

Doc I am surprised you didnt give me any horror flicks to watch last nite.

Its called having a low body fat percentage, as in six packs lard boy.
Six packs??
I just fainted
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But then bones wont hurt you, after all you've double layers of fat on you.:p:
Even liposuction isnt gonna help you,ask your plastic surgeon.

Lil fatso arm-strong.:devil:....

View attachment 11712

Yesterday was Friday the 13th(boo)
Ur exams must have finished,so when are you giving us the good news??

Doc I am surprised you didnt give me any horror flicks to watch last nite.

Six packs??
I just fainted

Its not that difficult, for both men or women, when I feel like shredding I tone down to 2000 cals a day, 40-30-30 (PCF split) with at least a 3rd of the protein coming from pre-digested (peptide bonds broken) hydro-whey isolate along with 3g of HMB (along with creatine will cause extreme leucine metabolization) and 9g of BCAAs (Leucine is god's gift) in a 2-1-1 split. Natural protein derived from Surmai, basa and chicken breast, complex carbs (broccoli, spinach, brown rice) except for before and after workout (quick release carbs for said two occasions, specially after a workout when your insulin receptors are functioning at their best, sometimes when I really need to shred and thus cut out on simple carbs I might even indulge in 10mg glucogel oral release med pre workout for targeted energy availability during the exact duration of said workout). Add a good portion of heavy lower body exercises (large muscle group, even the the slightest anabolic response will lead to a large surge in RMR and the muscle groups tend to do well even under catabolic diet conditions) and HIT, after all that you're good to go. But this applies to me since I have a natural predisposition towards being chubby thanks to my bong genes ergo the extreme measures. You can retain lean body mass on this, add some lean mass on the larger muscle groups (hips, thighs, back, chest) with compound movements (isolation exercises will not serve you well in this regime, in fact even with the BCAAs DOMS will still set in and due to the calorie restriction unlike in other circumstances you will not adapt out of the DOMS phase, so no isolation execises), no big biceps or shoulders for the guys either under this regime but expect a strength gain (appreciable gain) in leg extensions/leg presses/pull-ups.

@Ayush How goes life?

@Armstrong How do you know for sure that Levina is a lard bucket like you?:taz:

@Anubis You dare not return from BD without seeing to it that Sayedee is hanged.:angry:
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