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Naswar Corner

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That doesn't discount the fact that it is 'your interpretation' of farz or the dress code ! No one is arguing that praying 5 times a day isn't obligated...we're talking about a piece of garment !

And it isn't the religiosity or the irreligiosity of a person that determines whether what he is saying is reasonable or not...it is reason ! And what you guys are saying is unsubstantiated by the Koran & is purely your interpretation of what God wants us to do - Read the article & the links that Zarvan posted - None of them mention a single hadith or a single koranic verse with the words 'Hijab', 'Abaya' or 'Burqa' in them & yet all of them have the temerity of interpreting the literal translation of the Koranic verses & the Hadith to mean something that 'literally' they don't.

As for my 'religiosity' ! I don't pray nor am I very religious person but by God I have a deeper understanding of Islam than your esteemed self for I have studied people like Ghazali, Avicenna, Averroes, Maimonides, Iqbal, Khayam, Rumi, Shams & so many others with a genuine desire to learn ! From where I stand, if this is your understanding of Islam & the embodiment of the 5 prayers, than my friend, you woke up today at 4 a.m to do Yoga...not to pray !

Study god and his scriptures rather than Avicenna, Khayam- or Rumi. Even the people you cite prayed 5 times a day for which you try to mock me.
Religious understanding will have no value on the day of judgement-
it will work against you- you had the knowledge and you chose not to follow it-

about Hijab in Quran-

The word 'hijab' in the Quran

Hijab is the term used by many Muslim women to describe their head cover that may or may not include covering their face except their eyes, and sometimes covering also one eye. The Arabic word 'hijab' can be translated into veil or yashmak. Other meanings for the word 'hijab' include, screen, cover(ing), mantle, curtain, drapes, partition, division, divider.

Can we find the word 'hijab' in the Quran?

The word 'hijab' appeared in the Quran 7 times, five of them as 'hijab' and two times as 'hijaban', these are 7:46, 33:53, 38:32, 41:5, 42:51, 17:45 & 19:17.

None of these 'hijab' words are used in the Quran in reference to what the traditional Muslims call today 'hijab' as a dress code for the Muslim woman.

God knows that generations after Muhammed's death the Muslims will use the word 'hijab' to invent a dress code that He never authorised. God used the word 'hijab' ahead of them just as He used the word 'hadith' ahead of them (45:6).

The word 'hijab' in the Quran has nothing to do with the Muslim women's dress code.

Very nice article-
The Dress Code for Women in the Quran
i am taking medicine and its very sedative. so half wake half sleepy:drag:
what about you???
naswar corner is converting to a religious thread :fie:
and i dont like it........
i am taking medicine and its very sedative. so half wake half sleepy:drag:
what about you???
naswar corner is converting to a religious thread :fie:
and i dont like it........

What happened to you?
I am fine, and a little busy these days.
These Months (November & December) are tiring due to Round Tests.
just a little sick. but now ok.

yes you visit very rare now days. we are miss our old frnds. talon hyperion you,, zaidi12 as you people are busy now days. and visit very rare.
khair ALLAH kary tests achy hon ap k def.pk to yahin hai kahin nahi ja raha.....:P
Where did that unicorn doctor go to? Probably should say researcher.. it was Talon if I remember correctly.
just a little sick. but now ok.

yes you visit very rare now days. we are miss our old frnds. talon hyperion you,, zaidi12 as you people are busy now days. and visit very rare.
khair ALLAH kary tests achy hon ap k def.pk to yahin hai kahin nahi ja raha.....:P

Don't know why but Waisi Ronaq nahi rahi! :undecided:
Kahan hain sub??? :cry:
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