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Naswar Corner

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Oh Christ man...there isn't anything wrong with me physiologically; If anything my libido has been at the highest ever ! I just don't like that anymore; that companionship thing...solitude is so much better ! Plus I find women the most pretentious of the two genders ! We're uncouth & uncultured, they're pomp & pretension epitomized ! And this is not to say that there aren't some extraordinarily wonderful things about them but that these two things are so 'asphyxiating' for me that none of the others matter to me on a personal level.

You said it wonderfully bro, fúck girls. Pun intended.:smokin:
Khud to doba tha zalim hamein bhi lay doba-
Yara, where is this person... he needs to be lynched! :angry:
That's cool kiddo. However, I highly doubt that we are related! :blink:


Dont you think the doubt should be on whether you can be a mom or no- :angel:-
Laghta hain orat zaat nay Armstrong ko naraaz kardiya.

Ironically this character Armstrong was arguing with me how women are to be treated like queens some pages back on this thread.
Buddy, low level of testosterone has all the symptoms that Arm is displaying, it's not that uncommon to begin with. You feel sad, depressed, think too much, sex drive goes down.. basically you become a Taliban without the T! :D

Ok, but what does it have to do with going to gym? And is it a chemical in your brain, and does eating more meat make more of it? And how comes vegs also have high testosterone? Shits confusing.
You said it wonderfully bro, fúck girls. Pun intended.:smokin:
Tumm bhi na, usko aur khush karo.. He needs to jump into girls, eyes closed! :drag:
Ok, but what does it have to do with going to gym? And is it a chemical in your brain, and does eating more meat make more of it? And how comes vegs also have high testosterone? Shits confusing.
Dude, bio-chemistry is very very very confusing... Why does Naswar react the way it reacts? :P
I am hyperion's father

You must be an indian- only indians stoop that much low-
You must be an indian- only indians stoop that much low-

Well stooping low is a prequisite in the procreation of any child: Hyperion included.
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