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most important thing.... i do not have much knowledge about defence related weapon issues... when you guys talk on particular issue, i open another tab and start study on related issue :P
I've actually done that ! :D
What I'm working on these days is the question - How is the reality as we know it actually 'real' ? And what the hell does the word 'real' means to begin with ? What if our 'dreams' are the reality that we much talk about ? What if only in our 'dreams' whatever we do really happens & whatever we don't doesn't ?
Well I love dreams especially when I get to sleep for 12 hours. I think dreams as real and when I am awake as dream. :lol:

One can be super rich, do any stuff in dreams. :enjoy:

Sometimes I sleep just to see dream if being awake is boring. So jaao, chaadar taan ke. :D
It actually does sound pretty nice.. at least in the movies... people high on hash and chanting .......

Next time, I'll play the recording when I am high... I'll report back the experience....

Actually it is nothing scintific, but frank admission of ignorance. I guess its from one of the vedas.
The writer says.. nobody know who created this universe, did he create or did he not, who is observing us, is anybody indeed observing...
It actually does sound pretty nice.. at least in the movies... people high on hash and chanting .......

Next time, I'll play the recording when I am high... I'll report back the experience....

it starts with sanskrit and changes to hindi within 10 seconds... I can understand street sansrit (if there is such a thing) but not these chantings... :)
Actually it is nothing scintific, but frank admission of ignorance. I guess its from one of the vedas.
The writer says.. nobody know who created this universe, did he create or did he not, who is observing us, is anybody indeed observing...
Well I see it as a truth. Do you know whether someone is watching over you, who created the universe, is there a God or not ?

Admittance of Ignorance is first step of enlightenment. You are still in Ignorance. :enjoy:

This is the real zest of these words. Shoonya or Zero. Science says about Universe and Big Bang. What was before Big Bang ?

Its a problem to infinity. And only solution of Infinity is Absolute Zero.

To keep a mind to stability rather than going insane whether there is a god or not, what is universe etc., they gave the Concept of Shoonya, Zero.

That was for real intellectuals. For rest, concept of God was created and for so called intellectuals, Atheism was created.

If you try to observe and think about all the religion, they all converges at common point.

That's why I never hated any religion. Just hated the twisted version made by people.

Well its a long discussion and gets quite boring especially if you have to type a lot. Its Naswar time. :enjoy:
Nuclear / Chemical I am your guy... Biological contact @Talon. However, she is really bitchy and says that she doesn't know much... then she will start with her spit story.. and by the time that finishes you'll be dead anyways.... Death by botany/zoology .... :D

If you prefer a slow death, contact @Armstrong, he will kill you from within your head, we can call it implosion-of-neurons. If you want to die running and scared shitless, contact @arp2041. On the other hand, do you prefer an exotic way to die? Then @KRAIT is your guy! :D

Want to be banned? All requests to @Aeronaut & @WebMaster.

No matter what happens, never wish to be killed by @Marshmallow, she will hunt you down like dog, in every corner of this forum. :unsure:

most important thing.... i do not have much knowledge about defence related weapon issues... when you guys talk on particular issue, i open another tab and start study on related issue :P
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Well I see it as a truth. Do you know whether someone is watching over you, who created the universe, is there a God or not ?

This is the real zest of these words. Shoonya or Zero. Scince says abou Universe and Big Bang. What was before Big Bang.

To keep a mind to stability rather than going insane whether there is a god or not, what is universe etc., they gave the Concept of Shoonya, Zero.

That was for real intellectuals. For rest, concept of God was created and for so called intellectuals, Atheism was created.

If you try to observe and think about all the religion, they all converges at common point.

That's why I never hated any religion. Just hated the twisted version made by people.

Well its a long discussion and gets quite boring especially if you have to type a lot. Its Naswar time. :enjoy:
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. :)
It is the only exercise worth doing - Nothing else matters ! :tup:

These days I'm thinking along the lines that if nothing is reasonable or nothing is right or wrong or any of those maxims that we take for granted as the building blocks of thought or something from which everything else flows from, then if therebe a need to define them then something that transcends it maybe be able to define that for us for that something would not be subject to the same limitations that we are - Our faculty of mind ! If, however, there isn't anything that transcends all of this then nothing makes sense, life has no purpose and there is nothing wrong, immoral or unreasonable in slitting a toddler's throat !

What if this is where the notion of religion came from ? Something transcendent to make some sense out of these things. I find some of this discussion in the Koran & that makes me wonder - What if an illiterate merchant out of Arabia was on to something 1400 years ago ?

So I think its worth looking into ! I'm still exploring it so I won't argue for or against it.

Well continue searching. Personally, i think your thinking too fatalistically. Couldn't life be just be about enjoying yourself and then we perish? Anyway consider, if living a life of enjoyment is without purpose on earth, then suppose there is a heaven and you get to it, what will be the purpose there. Everlasting enjoyment? :D

Anyway, the author of that book was not an illiterate, whoever it was. I've researched it for quite a while and have plenty of proofs, but won't discuss it here in case someones 'feelings get hurt'. Will email you when I get the chance.

For now, need to sleep.
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