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Narendra Modi said teach Muslims a lesson: IPS officer

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Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Narendra Modi said teach Muslims a lesson: IPS officer

In what can be seen as a setback for Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi, Senior IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt has filed an affidavit in the Supreme Court accusing Modi of complicity in the Godhra case.

Bhatt has said that he had to approach the Supreme Court because he had no faith left in the Special Investigation Team (SIT) appointed to probe into the Godhra case. Bhatt has, in his affidavit, accused the probe agency of trying to protect the Gujarat government and not acting on the information it had.

Bhatt claims that he was in the meeting at the Gujarat CM's residence late on February 27, 2002 night, when Modi had asked his officials to go slow in the matter.

According to TV reports, Bhatt alleged that in the meeting with a group of about eight police officers that night, Modi ordered, "Muslims be taught a lesson".

Modi "further impressed upon the gathering that for too long the Gujarat police had been following the principle of balancing the actions against Hindus and Muslims while dealing with communal riots in Gujarat.

This time the situation warranted that 'the Muslims be taught a lesson to ensure that such incidents do not recur ever again.' The chief minister expressed the view that the emotions were running very high amongst the Hindus and it was imperative that they be allowed to 'vent out their anger'," Bhatt claimed.

He has also blamed senior police officials of blindly following Modi's instructions during 2002.

Bhatt blames the SIT of trying to hide the truth and not working to bring to light the conspiracy behind the Godhra riots.

Bhatt has also requested the Supreme Court to provide protection to him and his family.

Gujarat top cop says Narendra Modi played role in Godhra riots - Hindustan Times
The Pioneer :: Home : >> Prime witness was

The prime witness in the Best Bakery case was “manipulated” and “coerced” to give false evidence before the trial court in Mumbai. This startling disclosure has emerged from an affidavit sent to the Chief Justice of Bombay High Court on June 17, 2010 by Sheikh Yasmeen Banu, whose father-in-law Habibulla owned the ill-fated Best Bakery. Yasmeen’s husband Nafitulla was injured when rioters set Best Bakery ablaze. Nafitulla later died due to illness. In all, 14 persons were killed in the blaze.

In her affidavit dated June 17, 2010, Yasmeen, whose eyewitness account of the carnage played a crucial role in the conviction of the alleged accused persons stated that her deposition before the trial court was made under duress and she regretted that the innocent persons have been convicted on the basis of her testimony. She has implicated social activist Teesta Setalvad for her “fabricated deposition.”

Yasmeen stated that after the carnage she went to her parents’ home at Chhotaudepur along with her maternal uncle. After sometime, she went to Baroda along with her daughter and mother and started living in Best Bakery house after getting it repaired.

That is when Yasmeen was approached by Setalvad’s trusted right-hand man Rais Khan. Incidentally, Khan has separately accused Setalvad of fabricating the affidavits of the riot witnesses.

Yasmeen stated that one day, Rais Khan, who is associated with Teesta Setalvad, visited her along with local Muslim leaders and said that there was a danger to her (Yasmeen) life here and she must come to Mumbai where Best Bakery case was contested. “Rais Khan connected me to Teesta Setalvad from his cell phone. Teesta Setalvad also persuaded me to come to Mumbai along with him and promised me to help from every point of view,” Yasmeen said.

Yasmeen said she and her mother were forced and threatened, even assured by Rais Khan that he and Teesta Setalvad will fulfill all her needs throughout her life.

“After getting assurances from Muslim leaders, Rais Khan and Teesta Setalvad, I along with mother and my daughter left for Mumbai with Rais Khan by locking my house and leaving all the household articles there, which I brought from my widow mother’s house from Chhotaudepur.”

In Mumbai, Yasmeen was kept at Ashok Guest House in Bazaar for one month. Yasmeen said Rais Khan daily took her to Setalvad’s house at Nirant Bungalow, Juhu Tara Road, Santacruz (West), Mumbai, which is her office also. “Teesta Setalvad used to explain to me about the case there. From there she used to take me to the office of Public Prosecutor Manjula Rao and thereafter she used to drop me at the guest house,” she points out.

She further added that during this period, she was paid by Teesta through her staff Dhyansingh and Pradip. Yasmeen was kept for 11 months in Room No. 102, at Mariam Apartment, Ismile Katre Road, Bazaar.

Indicating that all the witnesses were kept under Setalvad’s supervision, Yasmeen said when she was shifted there, the same day other witnesses of the Best Bakery case, namely Taufel, Rais, Shezad, Selon, Ashraf, Shahjahan, Zahira Sheikh and her grandmother also came to stay there.

“Rais Khan and Teesta Setalvad kept strict observation on the flat in which we were residing, we were not able to go out and no one was allowed to meet us. Neither were we having mobile nor were we allowed to talk to anybody, even if we requested. We were not permitted to open the window of the room. Dhyansingh or sometimes Pradip, working in the office of Teesta Setalvad, used to stay for 24 hours there. They used to fulfill our requirements as well as keeping watch on us,” Yasmeen states and adds whosoever was called for deposition in the court used to leave the house and did not return.

Yasmeen said the witnesses were kept in a Government guest house during the period of deposition. “They used to get mobile phone from Teesta’s men in which outgoing calls were barred. Teesta used to explain on mobile on what they have to depose,” she said.

She revealed that Public Prosecutor Manjula Rao where Teesta Setalvad used to be present “everybody was tutored what to speak against whom in the court.”

Claiming that the depositions, which she gave against the persons, on the advice of these people, were unknown to her, Yasmeen said Teesta, Manjula Rao and Rais Khan used to take the witnesses to show their (accused) photographs to her on computers to identify them.

“She took my signatures on a few papers about which she (Yasmeen) had no knowledge,” Yasmeen said, adding that Rais Khan and Teesta Setalvad visited them till the trial continued and assured them that they will fulfill all commitments made to them after the completion of the deposition. Yasmeen was sent to Ahmedabad after the trial and was kept in a house for four months in Shaper Mill Compound.

“I was removed from the house the very next day of the pronouncement of judgement. I came to know that in the name of Best Bakery Case and for arranging deposition of persons like us, Teesta has collected lakhs of rupees and nothing was given to us,” she said.

With nowhere to go, Yasmeen returned to her uncle’s house. The Best Bakery was now out of her reach because her husband’s second wife lived there. After her maternal uncle refused to support her, some people took pity and contributed money to buy her a hut. Her misery did not end. She re-married, got pregnant and was then dumped by her husband. Yasmeen now lives with her mother and two children.

Accusing Rais Khan and Teesta Setalvad of cheating her, Yasmeen said, “By giving false deposition in this case, I have not only lost my ancestral property Best Bakery, which was in my possession and where I started leaving and earning my livelihood, but also on the basis of false assurances, so many innocent persons got convicted. Because of this, I am feeling guilty and probably due to this reason I am leading poor and sorrowful life. I always repent why I did the wrong thing on the advice of a person like Teesta.”

She added that since the judgement of the Best Bakery Case has been delivered on the basis of false testimonies, due to this reason her affidavit be treated as a petition, and the case be re-heard so that now no poor person can be bribed and misled by such people and no innocent person is wrongly punished and “the persons like Teesta Setalvad and Rais Khan be tried as per law, who by misleading and bribing poor, weak and unsupported persons like us, are managing false testimonies.”

Yasmeen sent this affidavit by post in June’2010 not only to the Chief Justice of Bombay High Court, but to Chief Justice of India, Chairman NHRC and Director General of Police, Gujarat. But, despite passing of 10 months no action has been taken against Teesta Setalvad and Rais Khan.
Why is he speaking now? Did he "follow" the order?

And he absolutely doesn't say what those lessons were. At one point he alleges that Modi asked police to go slow. Does that mean that Modi simply asked police to not do anything? Was that the order or as he put it, teaching the lesson?

besides, if I remember correctly, Modi had called for aid of military the very same day. I am not sure when they arrived though.
this is the only thing standing between him and the prime ministership of india. once modi is clear, he has to be the PM
Please this case needs closure. Every other day conflicting reports come about and this is just getting disgusting.Either acquit him or give a judgement and hang him.

are you nuts? this case is never going to be closed! afterall our impotent govt in center needs to fall back time & again on this case to mask their continued failure to govern the country.
I think their is already an overdose of this Modi threads which finally become battle ground of Indian's.
are you nuts? this case is never going to be closed! afterall our impotent govt in center needs to fall back time & again on this case to mask their continued failure to govern the country.

An excellent article worth reading :

For the pseudo-secular/reverse communalism Talibans out here :

On 'Secular' Fatwas​

Human rights activists are not shy about bringing their own prejudices to the table

Madhu Purnima Kishwar

The disdain with which leading lights of the anti-corruption movement – Mallika Sarabhai, Medha Patkar, Kavita Srivastava et al – are publicly threatening to dislodge Anna Hazare from the leadership role because he praised Narendra Modi’s rural development work in Gujarat indicates that the poor man was only being used as a convenient symbol that can be discarded as arbitrarily as he was chosen to lead the ‘movement’.
Human rights activists can retain their credibility only as long as they remain steadfastly non-partisan. To the person killed, it matters little whether the murderous mob was shouting ‘Lal Salaam’, ‘Har Har Mahadev’ or ‘National Unity’ as did the mobs that massacred over 10,000 Sikhs in north India following Indira Gandhi’s assassination. However, the secular brigade shows a consistent soft corner for those who kill under the Maoist or communist banner as well as those who verbally profess secularism.
Narendra Modi’s acts of commission and omission during the 2002 riots deserve the strongest of condemnations. Those crimes need to be impartially investigated and the guilty punished. Just as we are proud that our democratic system ensured a fair trial even for a publicly identified ISI-associated terrorist like Kasab, so also we should let the courts take the Gujarat trials to their logical conclusions.
Those who ask for Modi’s head would do well to remember that hordes of Congressmen in Gujarat gleefully joined the BJP and RSS goons who went around massacring innocent people.
The overall track record of the Congress in this matter is no better, if not much worse, than that of the BJP. In addition to the 1984 massacre of Sikhs in north India, it masterminded numerous other riots through the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. None of the killers of politically engineered riots in Meerut, Malliana, Bhiwandi, Bhagalpur, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Surat and scores of others were ever punished. The Congress also injected terrorism into Punjab by its covert support of Bhindranwale’s Khalistani brigades in order to wrest control of the SGPC that presides over wellendowed gurdwaras. It did incalculable harm to the Sri Lankan Tamils by creating a Frankenstein’s monster like the LTTE. The secessionist movement in Kashmir owes its origins and draws sustenance from the Congress party’s penchant for rigging elections to install puppet chief ministers.
And yet, even those of us who genuinely want to see the guilty among Congress leaders pay for their crimes do recognise that there is a lot more to this premier national party than a legacy of mayhem and massacres. There are times when the Congress party has actually lived up to the highest values of Indian democracy and some of our best contemporary politicians have emerged from the Congress fold.
Due to their ideological predilections and cosy relationship with the Congress high command, most of those attacking Hazare have a history of acting as the fighting arm of the Congress against Modi and the BJP. But to declare Hazare a political untouchable because he is not as ideologically committed to their brand of secularism is to display deadly arrogance. One earns the moral right to criticise only when one has the moral courage to acknowledge the positive aspects or good deeds of those we condemn for specific evil actions. One should be able to condemn Modi for his role in the 2002 massacre and point to his many other blind spots and lapses, without feeling the need to deny his positive role in Gujarat leading the country in many vital areas such as assured power supply to all villages, measures for bringing down the maternal mortality rate by providing financial and other support for safe deliveries to poor women, and a 9.8% growth rate in agriculture while the rest of the country remains stuck at 2-3% growth. It is one of the few states where farmers at large are not at war with industry, where delivery mechanisms for government services have improved dramatically.
The manner in which Maulana Ghulam Mohammad Vastanvi, the vice-chancellor of Darul Uloom of Deoband, was humiliated and asked to resign for stating that the development agenda of Modi is benefiting Muslims in equal measure shows that the ‘secular’ gang has acquired a vested interest in promoting a siege mentality among Muslims. The man they condemn as the ‘maut ka saudagar’ seems to have recognised the folly of promoting communal polarisation. He has not let another riot take place in Gujarat, a state which witnessed numerous caste and communal riots under Congress rule. In recent years, hundreds of Muslims have won municipal elections on BJP tickets. Democracy with its one-person, one-vote principle has tamed Narendra Modi. But those who don’t need to get endorsement for their political posturing from citizens on whose behalf they speak, are not amenable to such self-correcting mechanisms.
The task of cleansing our polity of crime and corruption is not a battle between demons and angels. It requires taking the entire spectrum of political opinion on board including those who support Maoists or vote for Modi. Such a task cannot be done by those who harbour blind prejudice, and partisan agendas. It is best done by people of compassion, and humility; people who remain fair and non-partisan even when dealing with those they hate.

The writer is professor, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi.
till these days where was the officer? Lol
nothing but these congress fools propoganda against modi and bjp...
we know modi and we support him,and gujrat is wat it is today because of modi

This man is caught saying in some channels that he dosent have faith in sit..! sit, which is supreme court appointed which has nothing to do with modi and still... u know. it is nothing but poor congress propaganda towards their whipping boy.
Why is he raising a hue and cry now after so long ? The timing is highly suspect and on the face of it looks like another congress attempt to divert attention from its dreadful mismanagement at the centre and discredit Modi.
Narendra Modi said teach Muslims a lesson: IPS officer

In what can be seen as a setback for Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi, Senior IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt has filed an affidavit in the Supreme Court accusing Modi of complicity in the Godhra case.

Bhatt has said that he had to approach the Supreme Court because he had no faith left in the Special Investigation Team (SIT) appointed to probe into the Godhra case. Bhatt has, in his affidavit, accused the probe agency of trying to protect the Gujarat government and not acting on the information it had.

Bhatt claims that he was in the meeting at the Gujarat CM's residence late on February 27, 2002 night, when Modi had asked his officials to go slow in the matter.

According to TV reports, Bhatt alleged that in the meeting with a group of about eight police officers that night, Modi ordered, "Muslims be taught a lesson".

Modi "further impressed upon the gathering that for too long the Gujarat police had been following the principle of balancing the actions against Hindus and Muslims while dealing with communal riots in Gujarat.

This time the situation warranted that 'the Muslims be taught a lesson to ensure that such incidents do not recur ever again.' The chief minister expressed the view that the emotions were running very high amongst the Hindus and it was imperative that they be allowed to 'vent out their anger'," Bhatt claimed.

He has also blamed senior police officials of blindly following Modi's instructions during 2002.

Bhatt blames the SIT of trying to hide the truth and not working to bring to light the conspiracy behind the Godhra riots.

Bhatt has also requested the Supreme Court to provide protection to him and his family.

Gujarat top cop says Narendra Modi played role in Godhra riots - Hindustan Times

I have only one thing to say to the officer:

Since he is a senior police officer, he should know that the SIT is appointed by and reports to the Supreme Court.

Hence, this looks like a well timed move with political backing, looks like this guy will head the new justice banerjee commission, or the like, followed with some other fat assignments.

Congress remains a very dangerous organisation that will sacrifice ANYTHING to stay in power.

I'm not saying modi is innocent, i don't know that, but I know congress has even less interest in finding the truth than anyone else.
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