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Nadeem F Paracha insults Allama Iqbal.

Mirza Ghulam Ahmed died in 1908 , and Iqbal was inspired by his teachings even in the early 30`s .

On 7th April 1932 C.E., he wrote to Chaudry Muhammad Ahsan: ‘As for the Ahmadiyya Movement, so far as I am concerned, there are many people in the Lahore jamaat whom I regard as honourable Muslims and I sympathise with their efforts to propagate Islam ..."

* The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement believes Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to be the Mujaddid (reformer) of the 14th century Hijra and not a prophet and even Maudodi admits that they can`t be declared apostates

I never referred to the timeline of death.. but rather the influence of works. For a simpler example.. one can appreciate the earlier works of elvis but still think his later years were useless. Someone was right about something then.. but was no longer right about it later. That is the problem with blanket logic, either you are all for one thing or not. Its a problem that occupies 98% of Pakistanis. One can appreciate the economic reforms by Modi even if one disagrees with his approach to communal politics.
Outrage in the land of the pure
48 Comment(s)
Published 2014-03-10 17:27:29
Yaqoob Bhai was gutted when he saw the heart-wrenching images of the famine in Thar on TV. He attacked his burger with much anger and outrage.


Orya Maqbool’s Theory on Famine in Thar …


Yoga in Islamabad …


Led to …


Sindh Festival.


That led to …


Wrath of God.


That led to …


Famine in Thar



A gallant TV vigilante aunty uncovers yet another culprit destroying the moral fabric of Pakistani society: A downtrodden transvestite.


After conducting an invigorating TV programme on Malala’s book, talk show host, Badnam Shahid, and guests Orio Maqbool Biscuit and Sangsar Abbasi, hold a book-burning ceremony in the studio’s parking lot. Apart from burning hundreds of copies of Malala’s book, they also threw Dr. Parvez Hoodbhoy’s glasses into the bonfire.


Later …



A PTI patriot knocks out yet another American agent. On Twitter.


A PTI patriot reacts to news of a drone attack.


A PTI patriot reacts to news of a suicide bomb attack.
^ the above pictorial piece is as absurd as the rambling of those Pakistanis who see conspiracies in everything. He turned a gross mismanagement of thar crisis by PPP into his usual rant against the right. Just like extreme right sees the hand of some foreign force in everything, he sees the hand of the right in every misery.
Why did this man insult the Great Indian Kashmiri Pandit poet?
Why did this man insult the Great Indian Kashmiri Pandit poet?

Because this great Kashmiri pandit was a big proponent of Rightist Islamic ideology and the extreme leftist NFP doesn't like anyone who is Rightist.
Did anyone watch Zaid Hamid's latest show? He was calling the dying people of Thar bhookhe nange. Wonder how many of the Pakistani citizens find it offending.

Time to see if the overzealous Pakistani members on PDF find the honor and dignity of less fortunate Pakistanis dying of hunger even equal to the already well protected reputation of one man who died a century ago.

Will there be anyone to mince any similar words (that he/she may have used for Paracha) at Zaid Hamid for this? :undecided:

I suppose this could work as a litmus to see how much do Pakistanis really do care about the honor and dignity of their compatriots. Otherwise, the superficiality in this thread breaks records!
That is the problem with blanket logic, either you are all for one thing or not. Its a problem that occupies 98% of Pakistanis.

And that 98 % includes you as well ;) ... Khair choriyay ......
NFP is funny in his satire, take things at face value. No need to blow an artery over it.
Because this great Kashmiri pandit was a big proponent of Rightist Islamic ideology and the extreme leftist NFP doesn't like anyone who is Rightist.

Annemarie Schimmel, a famous scholar, pointed out that Muhammad Iqbal “… has been regarded as the unsurpassable master of every virtue and art; he has been made a forerunner of socialism or an advocate of Marxism; he was anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist .... "

I wonder why did he praise Karl Marx so generously when Iqbal was a far rightist !!

صاحب سرمایہ از نسل خلیل
یعنی آں پیغمبر بے جبرئیل
javid Nama, p.64/652.

(Trans: Marx the author of Das Capital ; being one of the children's of Abraham is also a Messenger but without Gabriel i.e. Divine Revelation)

اٹھو میری دنیا کے غریبوں کو جگا دو
کاخ امرا کے در و دیوار بال دو
برمائو غلاموں کا لہو سوز یقیں سے
کنجشک فروماہی کو شاہیں سے لڑادو
سلطانی جمہود کا آتا ہے زمانہ
جو نقش کہن تم کو نظر آئے مٹا دو
جس کھیت سے دہقان کو میسر نہیں روزی
اس کھیت کے ہر خوشئہ گندم کو جلا دو
Bal-i-Jibreel, pp. 109-401/110-402.

(Trans: ‘Rise and awake the poverty-stricken people on earth and shake the wall of the palaces of richmen. Kindle a new fire in the hearts of the slaves and enable the poor sparrow to fight against eagle. Now the days of democracy are coming; therefore you destroy every sign of the yore, you find in the world. The corn-fields which are not for feeding of the peasants then burn every heap of wheat therein.)

The caption of this poem is ‘Farman-i-Khuda’ (God’s Ordain) and it indicates that God is not pleased with the institution of Capitalism

روح سلطانی رہے یاقی تو پھر کیا اضطراب
ہے مگر کیا اس یہودی کی شرارت کا جواب
وہ کلم بے تجلی وہ مسیح بے صلیب
نیست پیغمبر و لیکن در بغل دارد کتاب
Armaghan-i-Hijaz, (Urdu), p. 8/650.

In this poem which is in the form of poetic dialogues between Satan (Iblis and his advisers (members of his high command). Iqbal vigorously attacks those religious leaders who are the pets of the Capitalists. In his opinion the present type of democracy in the East is nothing but a cover for dictatorship. In the following verse Iqbal calls Marx a Prophet or a messenger without divine revelation:
وہ کلیم بے تجلی وہ مسیح بے صلیب
نیست پیغمبر و لیکن در یغل دارد کتاب
Armaghan-i-Hijaz, p. 8/650

(Trans: He a Moses without divine manifestation; he a Christ without a Cross? And though not a Prophet or Messenger of God but has got a Book in his bossom).
. .
@Azlan Haider, did I say far rightist? He was proponent of Islamic right and his praise for Karl Marx was only in context of social justice which is in agreement to Islamic teachings. Don't confuse Islamic right wing with the conventional right of the west.
@Azlan Haider, did I say far rightist? He was proponent of Islamic right and his praise for Karl Marx was only in context of social justice which is in agreement to Islamic teachings. Don't confuse Islamic right wing with the conventional right of the west.

I know what is the left-right political spectrum dear . What annoys me sometimes is people trying to blame everything on left without even knowing what the left stands for . And you are wrong , Neither Iqbal , nor Jinnah was a proponent of Islamic right . They were both leaned towards socialism . Jinnah`s vision of Islamic Socialism had more to do with fabianism than Islam (Jinnah was an avid member of Fabian Society in early 30`s) Jinnah hoped for "renaissance of Islamic culture and ideals"(18 August 1947) . Iqbal too was a socialist who criticized conservative orthodox Islam , and believed in "Reconstruction of Islamic thought" . Dr. Ali Shariati ('ideologue of the Iranian Revolution" and labelled as Islamist Marxist by some) said about Iqbal :
" If one were to reconstruct the form of Islam which has been made to degenerate in the course of history, re-assemble it in such a way that the spirit could return to a total body, transform the present dazed elements into that spirit as if the trumpet of Israfil were to blow in the 20th century over a dead society and awaken its movement, power, spirit, and meaning, it is, then, that exemplary Muslim personalities will be reconstructed and reborn like Muhammad Iqbal.
........His efforts are not just casual and scientific forms or of the kind that Sartre called 'intellectual demonstrations of political, pseudo-left-ists' but rather of the kind exhibited by responsible individuals......."
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I know what is the left-right political spectrum dear . What annoys me sometimes is people trying to blame everything on left without even knowing what the left stands for . And you are wrong , Neither Iqbal , nor Jinnah was a proponent of Islamic right . They were both leaned towards socialism . Jinnah`s vision of Islamic Socialism had more to do with fabianism than Islam (Jinnah was an avid member of Fabian Society in early 30`s) Jinnah hoped for "renaissance of Islamic culture and ideals"(18 August 1947) . Iqbal criticized conservative orthodox Islam , and believed in "Reconstruction of Islamic thought" .

I like being objective, if something good is proposed by left I have no problem with it. Orthodox Islam as you put it had little to do with the spirit of Islamic teachings and principle or at the very least it's leadership failed to raise voice inst the injustice in society and in world in general. Just as you would not like to judge socialism by the conduct of Stalin but rather with the spirit presented in the original texts, it's better not to judge real Islamic teachings with the conduct of those who failed to follow the spirit presented in the original teachings.

To be honest, it would be wrong to classify Islam in either right or left, it's just different. An extreme rightist may view it as left leaning and an extreme leftist may view it as right leaning, when in reality it's somewhere in between.
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To be honest, it would be wrong to classify Islam in either right or left, it's just different. An extreme rightist may view it as left leaning and an extreme leftist may view it as right leaning, when in reality it's somewhere in between.

Islam is a religion (complete code of life) which has been interpreted in different ways by different people .

But I believe that Islam was the first organized socialist movement in the world . We read in Quran :

"And in their wealth have due share those who ask for help and those who are deprived." [51:19]

“They ask you as to what they should spend. Say what is surplus with you” [2:219]

”…And those who hoard up gold and silver and spend it not in Allah’s way- announce to them a painful chastisement.” [9:34]

Qur’an is unmistakably in favour of the weaker section of society (there are a lot of verses in this regard) and it predicts ultimate leadership (though not dictatorship) of proletariat

"And We are willing to be bounteous to the ones who were deemed weak in the land, and make them leaders, and make them the inheritors" [28:5]

Nowhere does Quran support imperialism or capitalism .

it's better not to judge real Islamic teachings with the conduct of those who failed to follow the spirit presented in the original teachings.

I totally agree with you on this .
And I hope now you realize that it is not fair to bring in "Left vs Right" for what was NFP`s personal opinion , and the person he criticized (i.e Iqbal) was a socialist too :)
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