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N-powered sub Arihant all set to sail out from Vizag

But if you even get a chance to talk with eminent DRDO, ISRO scientists, much of them are pro BJP. My professor on electromagnetism left DRDO to join a private college because of dismal situation inside DRDO. But you may feel free to disagree and put forward your own postulations.

sir jee leave it!! Not worth debating. Anyway just want to add that It was NDA govt which seriously started work on ATV and other submarine projects or else there wouldn't have anything called Arihant today.
Submarine project delayed due to government apathy - The New Indian Express
Captain I have had this fear, this deep and seething fear, lodged in my being. That we have become Bangladesh- all that is missing is a liberal dosage of hilsa. We have become so partisan and so blind to the realities of politics- so accustomed to raising our leader on to the pedestal of divinity and demonizing the other as the danavs of old that no worthwhile discussion or exchange remains possible on this forum. :frown:

I am fed up of this guynextdoor .

He is the single reason , every technical thread gets filled with political cr@p .

Why don't the mods take some action against him ???
Indigenously built nuclear-powered submarine, INS Arihant, is finally set to sail out from its base at Vishakhapatnam. The 6,000-tonne submarine, armed with nuclear missiles, is ready after years of efforts interspersed with sanctions in 1998 and impediments due to non-availability of cutting-edge technology.

“The nuclear reactor that will power the submarine can be formally declared ‘critical’ anytime now, while the nuclear-tipped missiles to be launched from underwater are in place,” sources said.

“Everything is ready,” a functionary said. “The wait is for the monsoon to subside before Arihant (slayer of enemies) dives into sea. A certain amount of calm is needed at sea when the vessel goes out the first time. The monsoon on the East Coast starts weakening by the middle of August, meaning the submarine will slither out in a couple of weeks from now,” he added.

“Around 95 per cent of harbour trials are over,” sources said. Once the submarine is out at sea, it will run on nuclear-powered 80MW pressurised water reactor (PWR). The PWR was developed by the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) with assistance from a Russian designing team. It uses enriched uranium as fuel and light water as coolant and moderator.


Once at sea, the vessel will be gradually loaded with weapons and missiles. All parameters will be tested after each addition. “Each test will be conducted underwater for two months or more. This will include the Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM)”, sources said.

New Delhi has done 10 underwater launches of SLBMs code named ‘B05’ using a submerged pontoon to mimic a submarine. It can travel 700 km, while the bigger variant, so far know as the ‘K-4’, can hit targets 3,500 km away and will finally be installed on Arihant and also the next two follow-on submarines of the same class.

The submarine will provide second-strike capability in case of a nuclear attack. It is the easiest to launch a nuclear strike from a submarine as it remains submerged, hence the enemy cannot detect it.

In December 2010, the then Navy Chief Admiral Nirmal Verma had announced: “When Arihant goes to sea, it will be on a deterrent patrol (armed with nuclear-tipped missiles).” Being nuclear-powered, the submarine will not have to surface for two months to breath, like the conventional vessels have to.

India will join the US, the UK, France, and China by having such technology and prowess.

Arihant has cost Rs 15,000 crore. It has been jointly developed by the Navy, BARC and the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) at the Visakhapatnam naval dockyard. Russian designers assisted in building the vessel. Other companies involved in the development of the submarine are Tata Power and Larsen & Toubro (L&T). The project, earlier known as the advanced technology vessel (ATV), has been under development since 1998.


N-powered sub Arihant all set to sail out from Vizag | idrw.org
On a technical thread about defence platforms, if you do not have anything to contribute the silence is a suitable option. Please keep your congress/bjp garbage out. There are ample avenues to discuss that.
On a technical thread about defence platforms, if you do not have anything to contribute the silence is a suitable option. Please keep your congress/bjp garbage out. There are ample avenues to discuss that.

Oh the thread is far cleaner now than before- I believe Oscar sir finally got down to it. Anyway on point-

The final validation of this reactor at sea is crucial since once that has been achieved the DAE can go forth and get busy with designing and building the 150-180MW reactor for the follow on class of ballistic missile submarines. The latter being an essential requirement for a truly operational triad against the gamut of opponents we may face.
Oh the thread is far cleaner now than before- I believe Oscar sir finally got down to it. Anyway on point-

The final validation of this reactor at sea is crucial since once that has been achieved the DAE can go forth and get busy with designing and building the 150-180MW reactor for the follow on class of ballistic missile submarines. The latter being an essential requirement for a truly operational triad against the gamut of opponents we may face.

As per previous statements by the then outgoing DRDO chief V.K. Saraswat, the nuclear reactor should already be operation now. Even the article by OP states that the nuclear reactor will be declared to be formally working.

Do you have any information on the follow on submarines? I thought we were just going for the 4 with similar specifications.
As per previous statements by the then outgoing DRDO chief V.K. Saraswat, the nuclear reactor should already be operation now. Even the article by OP states that the nuclear reactor will be declared to be formally working.

Do you have any information on the follow on submarines? I thought we were just going for the 4 with similar specifications.

Four with similar specifications give or take any modifications which might come up as a result of data thrown up by the trials* in the latter models. After which comes the follow on program- it will operate with at least 12 SLBMs** and be rated at a tonnage exceeding twice the displacement of the Arihant class submarines. The real component that will need development will be the new reactor but the DAE is well equipped for the job. There should be quite a bit of carry over from the Arihant program specially in terms of manufacturing infrastructure, materials***, sensors and reactor safety and maintainability features****.

**12 at the least. The said SLBM will probably operate with a range between 6000-8000 Km.
*** For example high grade steel. The high grade steel required for the reactor in the Arihant project was supplied by HEC Ranchi.
**** This, IMO, would have been the area and discipline in which the Russians would have contributed most prominently.
@Congress and BJP Supporters> enough..................

On Topic> Hope the reactors goes critical soon
How many N-Submarines did IN planned...?

Six...three are already under construction.

And this article is flawed as it says the monsoon in the east coast weakens in August. When the actual monsoon in the east coast sets only in September.

The winter monsoon is called north-east monsoon. and the Summer monsoon is south-west. It is summer and hence there is not going to be any monsoon in the east. Shiity IDRW.
Six...three are already under construction.

And this article is flawed as it says the monsoon in the east coast weakens in August. When the actual monsoon in the east coast sets only in September.

The winter monsoon is called north-east monsoon. and the Summer monsoon is south-west. It is summer and hence there is not going to be any monsoon in the east. Shiity IDRW.

Where did you get the 6 figures from ?? Are you counting in the Akulas too ??

According to most reports , India plans to build only 4 Arihant class subs . After that , the plan is to build SSBNs with higher displacement .
Where did you get the 6 figures from ?? Are you counting in the Akulas too ??

According to most reports , India plans to build only 4 Arihant class subs . After that , the plan is to build SSBNs with higher displacement .

Yes...what else? 4 arihant submarines and 2 Akulas...he just asked how many nuclear submarines we are planning to have...and the answer is six...he never asked if it was SSBN or SSN.
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