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N. Korea calls Japan PM Abe a ‘militarist maniac’


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N. Korea calls Japan PM Abe a ‘militarist maniac’
January 12, 2014 4:53pm

SEOUL - North Korea on Sunday lashed out at Japan's hawkish prime minister for seeking to revise Tokyo's pacifist post-World War II constitution, calling Shinzo Abe a "militarist maniac."

In a New Year comment Abe said the country's constitution—which limits its military to self-defense—could be amended by 2020, days after his visit to a controversial war shrine in Tokyo enraged Asian neighbours.

China and South Korea see the Yasukuni Shrine as a brutal reminder of Japan's war-time aggression and failure to repent for its history.

The visit also angered the North, which last month slammed the conservative Japanese leader of "reckless behaviors" that would push Japan into "self-destruction".

The North's ruling party newspaper, the Rodong Sinmun, on Sunday heaped further criticism on Abe for the New Year message, warning that Tokyo's leaders should "behave themselves".

"What Abe said was dangerous outbursts which brought to light the true colors of a militarist maniac," it said in an editorial.

Accusing the prime minister of seeking to "bring back the era... when the Japanese imperialists could dominate Asia", the paper claimed that Tokyo was taking the path of "self-destruction".

"If the present ruling forces of Japan have even an iota of reasonable thinking, they should face up to the reality and behave themselves," it said.

The communist state has habitually slammed Tokyo for failing to repent for its 1910-45 occupation of the Korean peninsula and what it calls Japan's rising military ambitions.

The North's nuclear and missile programmes have raised longstanding security concerns in Japan, which last month announced it will boost its military budget, spending $240 billion between 2014 and 2019 to buy fighter jets and other military hardware.

The move drew a typically angry response from the North, which called it a "crafty and sinister attempt to justify Japan's arms build-up and reinvasion scheme".
N. Korea calls Japan PM Abe a ‘militarist maniac’ | News | GMA News Online
With nuclear and delivery means to cover and destroy the whole Japan.N.Korea is the truly real threat to Japan's very existence. and N.Koreans are famous for their reckless itchy finger behavior.
So funny, the military-oriented North Korea requested the neighbor should disarm.
Japan's capital living in shadow of North Korea's belligerence
By Diana Magnay, CNN
April 10, 2013 -- Updated 0922 GMT (1722 HKT)
Pyongyang is just 800 miles (1,287 kilometers) from Tokyo. It would take between five and 10 minutes for a missile to reach the skies over Tokyo. The concern here is not that North Korea has Japan or indeed any particular target in its sights, whatever its grandiose claims, it is that something might go wrong with a missile test.

N. Korea calls Abe's Yasukuni visit tantamount to war declaration
Kyodo News InternationalDecember 30, 2013 5:45pm
N. Korea calls Abe's Yasukuni visit tantamount to war declaration | GlobalPost
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I think N.Korea is the only country in this world that might use its nuclear weapons against other countries
I believe that even China which has one of the most tolerant foreign policies is now becoming peeved off with North Korea
Wow, you know you got to look at yourself when something like this happens. this is like Dennis Rodman calling you too crazy.
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