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Japan keen to lift ban on collective self-defense, Abe tells NATO

I always wondered how a country with such martial history became docile after a self imposed moratorium.But now with China ever increasing to threaten Japan- I am sure Chinese would exact the revenge of Nanking- Japan has no choice but to project itself as a military power to reckon with. Speak softly and carry a bigstick
Are you asking about Japan ?

If yes, then a conversation I had many years ago with members of the JSDF who were willing to be honest enough, aided by a few beers, was that it took a nuclear smack down and occupation by the US to make the Japanese realize that the mythos they created for themselves can be destroyed. That was the problem the Japanese had with all the centuries of relative social isolation protected by the seas, then brutal exposure to the more technologically advanced Europeans, then the realization that Japan had to modernized, then the arrogance that led to WW II, then finally a defeat so serious that it took 20th century Japan nearly back to the medieval Japan. Keep in mind that this chain was within two generations. So it will require at least one generation of Japanese to cleanse the collective psyche of a militaristic Japan and to start quite fresh in relations to other peoples.
Against the small weak nations, the bomber still plays a large role.

While between the show off of the great nations, it is just a bystander.
I don't underestimate the importance of ICBM,but when was the last time it was used?......ICBM may create panic of nuclear attack but bomber raid won't(excluding WW2 japan case)....It has been in past,is in present and will be in future...see USA,Russia And china(correct me if i m wrong) investing in same tech.
By the way Bomber raid looks cool than ICBM raid :crazy_pilot:
We are ready to roll with anyone. Come get us!
but you're living in the United States though. :victory1:
Temporary, my friend. I am ready to come back to China in case of war against us. I am always available to fight to protect my country interest!
Temporary, my friend. I am ready to come back to China in case of war against us. I am always available to fight to protect my country interest!

if that's the case, than I respect you for that.. You would back up your words with actions if need be.

Unlike a few others around here who are constantly calling for bloodlust and war. Meanwhile, these same people are sitting back on their comfy couches in their host western countries, and wouldn't lift a finger to help if war really did break out.
We know why Japan act like that

Against Chinese aggression, in Vietnam, people calling for nation-wide mobilization, with 5 million of standby forces, official forces at this moment 450,000
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