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N-deal with Pak could hit ties, India cautions China

I don't understand Ramu, this isn't even a full fledged nuclear deal with Pakistan like the Indian NSG rules violation -- ahem, I mean 'exemption' -- it doesn't expand Pakistan's nuclear weapons capability, so why so much hostility towards Pakistan and opposition to something that would help in Pakistan's development?

Is the Indian mindset so elitist and petty that it cannot bear the thought of Pakistan developing and advancing?

For all the snide jibes of 'Pakistan is jealous of India's development and progress' that I see on the webosphere, it is the attitude of India and many Indians that actually fit the bill on that count.

Sorry but if history is anything to go by, Pakistan has always played double games.....We have to take a proactive role. The fuel could be diverted and looking at Pakistan's track record it is very possible. I mean els would you have an Army General pitching this deal to China so badly. It's so clear to me, but maybe you and others are trying to ignore that tid bit.
^^ Please read the discussion before firing off posts. This issue has been discussed to death. In summary: a) How did Israel get nukes? Who proliferated? b) How did SA get nukes? Who proliferated? c) How did Indian nuclear scientists get abducted/run off? d) Why where multiple stolen shipments of radioactive material located in India, theft that resulted with the connivance of people working in the nuclear program? e) How did active live nukes go un accounted in the US? f) How were nukes flying across the states when they shouldn't have been - where was nuclear security, where were checks and balances? g) What was the first instance of Iran reportedly obtaining nukes? From the Soviet States. Where was proliferation concern then and what price has Russia paid for this?

Scapegoating Pakistan on this issue is ridiculous, especially when countries have officially conspired to deliver nuclear weapons - lock, stock and barrel - to rogue states like SA (during Apartheid) and Israel. Have those states been sanctioned or disciplined via international agreeements?

It is widely recognized that the Pakistan Government had no role in proliferation activities.

Finally, even if you assume that there is risk of proliferation, how will two civilian nuclear plants change anything? The argument has no merit and no legs to stand on. Khushab, almost entirely for the wepons program, is already active. Multiple delivery systems and over a hundred nuclear weapons are already built. New weapons are coming on line every single year. How do two civilian nuclear reactors for energy consumption impact proliferation concerns by even an iota? They don't.
Don't worry guys....China will try to make an argument for nuke reactors but the western world will react. Their media will go overtime to show how China is assisting in proliferating nuke tech and once the media changes public perception, then it is a matter of time before China gets hit with some sort of sanctions for violating NPT which it is a part of. China is a great country, great economy, etc but they won't survive when the world starts turning their back to their products. China better think long and hard about long term consequences.
I am 100% sure that this deal is not going to happen.

What is benefit for china by industrializing pakistan giving electricity. They don't want another competitor at geographicaly better located.
then it is a matter of time before China gets hit with some sort of sanctions for violating NPT which it is a part of. China is a great country, great economy, etc but they won't survive when the world starts turning their back to their products. China better think long and hard about long term consequences.

Seriously, what are you going on about? This is a highly amusing perspective that betrays your utter lack of understanding of the global balance. Pigs will sprout wings and fly as elegantly as eagles before China is sanctioned :-)

It seems there is very little point engaging you in discussion because you are miles removed from reality. Good luck to you.
Look TL i completely agree with idea of Pakistan's energy deal with Chin. U guys seriously need energy resources (i have few Pakistani friends and even my professor of ur origin says the same).

But understand the global politics keeping aside India. If this deal goes through than they cannot pressurize Iran to give or nor to other country.

If the United States were not to register opposition to China’s new exports, that would signal the United States under Obama was prepared to brush off an important nuclear nonproliferation norm on grounds of political expediency.

Pakistan Deal Signals China's Growing Nuclear Assertiveness - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Interesting and forsighting article.
And Who exactly are You to say that

Why you guys have objection with Pak-China deal, if you can make deal with US then whyn't we... Do you think that you are the superpower of Asia or what........that every thing must approve first from you guys...
why Army Chief has to comment on Civilian Nuclear Deal???
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Why you guys have objection with Pak-China deal, if you can make deal with US then whyn't we... Do you think that you are the superpower of Asia or what........that every thing must approve first from you guys...

The Critical Mass for enriched U -235 is approx 53 kgs where as Plutonium has only 7-11 kgs of PU.

Where I fear is why Pakistan needs both Enrinched Uranium and Plutonium.
When country like India is based on Plutonium why Pakistan is feeling so much threat that it needs both Enrinched Uranium and Plutonium. Plus their Bomb design( Chinese ) is so compact that it enables them to do many things.

So under these circumstances if they go for a Nuclear deal that also with China, then its Understood, that the deal is not meant for power Generation.

This also explains that you peole are not staying with Minimum Credible Detterance but Mutually Assured Destruction(MAD).
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Don't worry guys....China will try to make an argument for nuke reactors but the western world will react. Their media will go overtime to show how China is assisting in proliferating nuke tech and once the media changes public perception, then it is a matter of time before China gets hit with some sort of sanctions for violating NPT which it is a part of. China is a great country, great economy, etc but they won't survive when the world starts turning their back to their products. China better think long and hard about long term consequences.

well is sound good but reality is different

question is there any back door support from USA to Pakistan
Why you guys have objection with Pak-China deal, if you can make deal with US then whyn't we... Do you think that you are the superpower of Asia or what........that every thing must approve first from you guys...

no we never say super power of Asia but world is saying that India as an global power :smitten:

and the question for PAKISTAN - china nuke deal well lets see how USA will react on all this thing
Seems like several posters just made accounts to troll on this thread. Pittiful, this is about Pakistan. We don't want to hear about INDIA anymore! Please stick to the topic!
I am 100% sure that this deal is not going to happen.

What is benefit for china by industrializing pakistan giving electricity. They don't want another competitor at geographicaly better located.

I think it may or may not happen. Right now is a toss up. China is into power projection and act as a counterweight to the US. China already cooperates with a lot of regimes around the world considered as "rogue" by the US. The only thing holding back could be US' objections. If US and other NPT member states think that Pakistan is too unsafe for transfer, there could be pressure on China. It is more of a China issue here than Pakistan's. Pakistan asked the US and got turned down. Will China step in? What are the Chinese thinking - their pros and cons of doing this? If China does this deal with Pakistan, the US will see this as a challenge to its authority. Will China want to do that? Will China want to spoil its relationship with India? This is ALL about China. We'll have to wait and see.
Is there any credible source talking about Indian objections with details? I have a feeling its just media. But anyway, lets keep the electrons flying across the net ;)
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