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N-deal with Pak could hit ties, India cautions China

Lets face it.

China has a lot to gain from India compared to what it will lose from Pakistan.

The Indo-China war scenario's have become recent history. Now the two nations have too much to lose if they ever fight each other. This is why talks of friendship are springing up every now and then.

oh yes u see there is a Chinese saying "always forgive what some one had done to you but never make it a habit to forget "
Above news shows ill intentions of Indian govt. Its civil nuclear deal, help to bring prosperity in Pakistan, increase employment and trade, help to curb terrorism.
So, in other words Indian govt is not interested in prosperous Pakistan. Instead India wants Pakistan ask for nuclear deal from India like Bangladesh asking nuclear reactor from India. Dual standards, what a shame.

If Indian think China will gain more from India...na, Indians are living in fools heaven. Chinese got full secured trade route from China to middle east and Africa, which is multi billion dollar route. That's one of reason China is badly loading Pakistan Navy and Airforce. Its basically both US and China policy to have strong Pak navy right on the mouth of Persian gulf.
"China has assured us that its nuclear cooperation with Pakistan is for peaceful purposes," he said.

Krishna was responding to BJP member Ram Jethmalani's concern over supply of two nuclear reactors by China to Pakistan recently.

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I went to China, and cried alot about the reactors; they told me to go climb a pole.
I must say that Indian Government and Indian people are living in a dream world, which is quite clear from the wordings of this news report 'India cautions China'. I mean this is just hilarious.........

guys! get down of your high horses and face reality.

Yea,its hilarious cuz it denotes Indian rise,which obviously will burn your as$ out.

I must say that Indian Government and Indian people are living in a dream world, which is quite clear from the wordings of this news report 'India cautions China'. I mean this is just hilarious.........

guys! get down of your high horses and face reality.
India not only cautions China,but it also threatens it,thats why you have flashes featuring 'China moving its troops and missiles towards Indian border'..
WAQAS Just accept the reality and get off your high donkey!
Yea,its hilarious cuz it denotes Indian rise,which obviously will burn your as$ out.


india is rising we accepted that long ago but ppl tend to forget that no matter how long the son is he still speaks to his father with craned neck no offence buddy but u just cant undo the china influence and u cant undermine our relations
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