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N-deal with Pak could hit ties, India cautions China

Seriously, what are you going on about? This is a highly amusing perspective that betrays your utter lack of understanding of the global balance. Pigs will sprout wings and fly as elegantly as eagles before China is sanctioned :-)

It seems there is very little point engaging you in discussion because you are miles removed from reality. Good luck to you.

Oh really.....here is answer for you....Wasn't China placed on an arms embargo by the West after Tienanmen Square Massacre?
well is sound good but reality is different

question is there any back door support from USA to Pakistan

We'll find out, won;t we? I mean if the US does allow this to happen that means we have no friends. This means even if we are not 100% competent go for our weapons systems, bring confidence to our sectors. On top of that, we should be engaging in copying defense systems from every and any source.
Nuclear industry chiefs head to NZ | Stuff.co.nz

Experts at the meeting are expected to clash when the US argues - somewhat uncomfortably, given the US-India deal - that the proposed sale to Pakistan violates the international body's standards, the Christian Science Monitor reported.

"China is expected to counter that what would be a lucrative deal for one of its state-owned companies should be 'grandfathered' because the two reactors are part of a deal that actually predates China's 2004 membership in the NSG, which monitors nuclear transactions," the newspaper reported.

Some nuclear nonproliferation experts have said the US opened the door to deals like China's by pursuing a deal with India that will provide nuclear materials and technology to a country that is a non-signatory of the treaty and thus outside international inspection requirements.
you should really read and then talk, it says there that "because" US is providing the same kind of deal to India it has no case arguing against Pakistan and especially when such a deal was made before China became a NSG member
Seriously, what are you going on about? This is a highly amusing perspective that betrays your utter lack of understanding of the global balance. Pigs will sprout wings and fly as elegantly as eagles before China is sanctioned :-)

It seems there is very little point engaging you in discussion because you are miles removed from reality. Good luck to you.

China has been under sanctions for about 20 years now...not economic but military sanctions.
China has been under sanctions for about 20 years now...not economic but military sanctions.

Fat difference that has made. Sanctions only effect weaker nations, you and i both know that. China is too self sufficient and significant to be under any meaningful sanctions.
China has been under sanctions for about 20 years now...not economic but military sanctions.

I know about the post Tiananmen sanctions. First, let's not even consider how utterly ineffective they are, but bringing them up in this context is entirely irrelevant for this discussion. China has made much of its progress in the last 20 years and the situation it was in two decades ago is nowhere close to the situation it is in today. How many hundreds of billions $ worth of T-bills was China buying at the time of the Tiananmen uprising?

Coming back to the topic at hand, China will not be sanctioned for exporting nuclear reactors to Pakistan. If it was going to be sanctioned for anything, it should have been sanctioned back in the early 90s for cooperation on Khushab.

It ain't happenin'
A question here.. I am not able to understand the significance of this deal. What will it provide Pakistan which its not already getting or can get from China. What are the political agendas behind the publicity ?? some of the options I can think of

1. Playing hard to get with USA
2. Local public consumption in Pakistan.. Parity vis-a-vis India
3. China&Pakistan testing waters for a larger military transactionon the nuclear front

Thoughts welcome...
Unless, the deal threatens India’s security or proliferation, India should not have any problem. I personally feel this deal is not going to make much of a difference to India’ security - Pakistan already has access China’s nuclear technology. However, China and Pakistan should address proliferation concerns to the world before the deal go through
A question here.. I am not able to understand the significance of this deal. What will it provide Pakistan which its not already getting or can get from China. What are the political agendas behind the publicity ?? some of the options I can think of

1. Playing hard to get with USA
2. Local public consumption in Pakistan.. Parity vis-a-vis India
3. China&Pakistan testing waters for a larger military transactionon the nuclear front

Thoughts welcome...

I personally feel that it is more for the public consumption and to certain extent playing hard with USA. Any larger military transaction on the nuclear front appear remote - majority of nations are going to oppose any military nuclear transaction tooth and nail
China has been under sanctions for about 20 years now...not economic but military sanctions.

so what you are implying is that US will put in place economic sanctions against China? The simple answer is No! it would be extremely dangerous for US itself
1) China is the largest lender to US (holder of largest USD reserves) if US put economic sanctions then the demand for dollar will face a sever hamper as the US will lose its largest lender. Not only that, large sell trriger from China will lead to devaluation in USD, as other reserve holders and investors will face their wealth in USD denominated investments declining, this will trigger a 2nd rally of sell signals leading to a further deterioration. for stabalization, when USD will look for demand of dollars, simply there wont be much as investors will like to invest in stable currencies (like Euro). you can search on google that in the times of crisis China was not ready to buy US treasuries and wanted obama's guarantee which obama unwantedly undertook.
2) Furthermore, Though having a strong export sector contributing to growth, most of the growth in China now stems from internal demand rather than external one. This can be verified by looking at the GDP break-up and growing bank credit along with rising property and security markets.
So If US decides to go hard on China.....it will have more dangerous effects on US economy still lingering for a stable growth than China
Indian members are unbelievable, I am still wondering what has been so hard in these 285 posts that they can't understand about the reasons for this deal and why it is needed and what would be the requirements.

Military specific nuke deals are not advertised, they happen behind the scenes without anyone knowing about it, till the reactors show up on satellite imagery, so if these deals have been advertised, its common sense they are for power generation and will come IAEA safeguards and monitoring.

Can members stop spinning round and round with not being able to catch the tail. ??????? Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

---------- Post added at 01:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:38 AM ----------

Indian members are unbelievable, I am still wondering what has been so hard in these 285 posts that they can't understand about the reasons for this deal and why it is needed and what would be the requirements.

Military specific nuke deals are not advertised, they happen behind the scenes without anyone knowing about it, till the reactors show up on satellite imagery, so if these deals have been advertised, its common sense they are for power generation and will come IAEA safeguards and monitoring.

Can members stop spinning round and round with not being able to catch the tail. ??????? Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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