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N-deal with Pak could hit ties, India cautions China

Well, then perhaps you needed to be part of the conversation I personally had with the senior most police officer in the intel unit that investigated this issue. Then perhaps your opinion would differ from the above.

I am sure my being a part of that conversation wouldnt have been possible, but if you want to share, I am listening. Else, this is just like other unsubstantiated claims that we keep hearing from some members, though for the 1st time from you...
Well, then perhaps you needed to be part of the conversation I personally had with the senior most police officer in the intel unit that investigated this issue. Then perhaps your opinion would differ from the above.

And the Senior Most Police Official who is Investigating this case, Let out the Clues he had to a considerably Ordinary Citizen Like You.... Its hard to Figure Out Who is telling Lies, Either You or the Senior Most Police Official ...... Next time come Up with a more realistic Story
IndianArmy, first off, behave yourself.

Secondly, I don't give a ra.t's a$$ whether the Indian cricket team comes to play in Pakistan, but I do consider it highly improper for India to ask Sri Lanka not to go to Pakistan. Wreaks of desperation and a bullying attitude...
I am sure my being a part of that conversation wouldnt have been possible, but if you want to share, I am listening. Else, this is just like other unsubstantiated claims that we keep hearing from some members, though for the 1st time from you...

You're right. You being a part of the conversation wouldn't have been possible.

The net-net is that the terror attack in Lahore was funded by India and carried out on the instructions of RAW. I am not interested in a debate or discussion on this simply because I see this incidence of terror as one more episode in a long running exchange between India and Pakistan. It is no surprise to me that India was behind this. And you will see the same attitude on the part of the Pakistan government. We know India has connections with several terror outfits in Pakistan, and we also know that by us harping on this, India is not about to have second thoughts and suddenly give up these linkages. Therefore the best way to combat this is to find and kill these terrorists and the people who form the links back to RAW.

If you believe that RAW is a very innocent organization that is not a cloak and dagger outfit, but rather a very well behaved research and analysis wing for improving India's agricultural output, or reducing levels of pollution in Mumbai, then be my guest. When you get a chance, you might want to pick up "Profiles of Intelligence" by Brig. (retd) Tirmizi. You may find the parts about Indian intelligence ops in Pakistan interesting.
And the Senior Most Police Official who is Investigating this case, Let out the Clues he had to a considerably Ordinary Citizen Like You.... Its hard to Figure Out Who is telling Lies, Either You or the Senior Most Police Official ...... Next time come Up with a more realistic Story

No he didn't let out any clues.

He just told me - as several Police and Pakistan Government officials have said publicly - that India is supporting terrorism in Pakistan and the attack against the SL team was funded and ordered by RAW. India has long been running a campaign of terror in Pakistan, so I don't know what shocks you about the above disclosure.
china dnt give a damn to india.

The scenarios....

1) India-US proposed nuclear deal and India specific safe guards in IAEA and NSG.

2) Pakistanis said "Indians are gone... They are going to taste real America"..... but on the other hand tried their best along with China to stop the deal at IAEA and NSG.

3) Pakistan wants same types of nuke deal with US but denied.

4) Now Pakistan want nuke deal with China but India cautioned China that it will hurt bilateral ties!!!

Now what we got from these four? India has the capability to caution China and we did it successfully earlier but Pakistan could not even make a sound regarding India-US nuke deal. :cheers:
talking about paST......China stoped work in Pakistan occupied kashmir after India objected:partay:

which past you talking about?:cheers:

and then we always have another news about china started new projects in Azad Kashmir.

I don't know why but some peoples believes in Indian media blindly....... oh come stop reading Times of India..... ToI publish India threatened china to stop projects in Azad Kashmir and China Accepted........ chinese/Pakistani sources bring another news of a new project china starting in Azad Kashmir....... there have been many dillusional indian fellows claiming samething and we shut their mouth with bundle of new projects china initiated in past 2 years......

Stop reading Indian news or read news from all three countries to see the clear picture
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