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N 219 is started being mass produced in 2023 inshaAllah

N 219 Amphibious Development



On the occasion of this visit, Leaders were present in the ILST control room and looked at the various panels to control the attitude of the test model and wind conditions.

At this time BBTA3 has just completed Floater testing for the N219 Amphibious. The monitor shows a floater test model hanging in the test section.
N 219 Amphibious development program is already in detail design phase, most probably started being produced (the prototype) next year in 2024.

Basic design has already been freezed. N 219 Amphibious version is not just adding 2 floaters on each plane, the aerodynamic of the plane should be improved as well. N219 Amphibious basic design has already undergone wind tunnel test around 400 polars until the end of 2021.

N 219 Amphibious development. Under Indonesian wind tunnel facility.

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N 219 Basic during wind tunnel test



N 219 gets type certificate in18 December 2020. The mass production version from what I heard will be the improvement version of the plane after having more than 451 hours of flight test from 2 flying prototypes. N 219 plane design also has already been tested in wind tunnel for around 2000 polars (including improved version) since its first initial development.

There is plan for the company to invest around 109 million USD in order to increase the production rate of N219 manufacturing line into 36 planes per year.


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African country Defense minister visited Indonesian Aerospace recently and inspect N 219 production facility

African country Defense minister visited Indonesian Aerospace recently and inspect N 219 production facility

Looks like N-129 based on old Britain Norman defender with new technologies
Detail information about N 219 development, but it is in Indonesian language

The Struggle Behind PTDI's N219 Aircraft

Wisma Putra - detikJabar
Monday, 22 May 2023 07:00 WIB


Senior Flight Test Engineer PTDI Hindawan Hariowibowo (Foto: Anzala Ajra)

Bandung -
Flight test of the N219 aircraft produced by PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) was completed in 2020. Thus, the Directorate of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operation (DKPPU) of the Ministry of Transportation also gave a Type Certificate for the aircraft named Nurtanio by President Joko Widodo.

In addition to the pilot and co-pilot, the success of the N219 aircraft flight test is inseparable from a flight test technician. He is Hindawan Hariowibowo, the man who was born in Jakarta 61 years ago is a witness to the history of the journey of the N219 aircraft.

detikJabar had the opportunity to visit Hindawan's work desk at PTDI, Jalan Padjajaran, Bandung City, Tuesday, May 16, 2023. In the conversation, the man who graduated from master's degree at Cranfield Institute of Technology in England said, it takes a long time to test the N219 aircraft.

"For N219 flight test development and certification of 500 hours, we completed almost 2 years," said Hindawan opening the conversation.

Hindawan, who has pursued a career at PTDI since he was 24 years old, revealed that there were two prototypes of the N219 aircraft that were carried out flight tests. This is done so that the testing process that must reach 500 hours can be completed quickly.

The first prototype, the flight test includes physical flight, including how the climbing ability, how the cruising speed for example, then includes flight tests of control stability. For the second prototype, namely for flight tests the system includes its avionics, radio, then radar and navigation systems.

"The test journey was actually from the first flight, we were in 2017, at the end of August, and we got the certification at the end of 2020 in December. So during that period we were a long time in the first prototype, so the iteration time, especially in flight control, we found some problem, then we have to modify it, we strengthened what the flight control mounts are, for example, like that, now after it feels better, it will be submitted for certification, "he said.

Senior Flight Test Engineer N219 PTDI Hindawan Hariowibowo
Senior Flight Test Engineer N219 PTDI Hindawan Hariowibowo Photo: Anzala Ajra​

Hindawan said, every test flight of the N219 aircraft he participated with the pilot and other crew. Hindawan also flew and felt the shortcomings of the aircraft and recorded them for later refinement.

"Yes, so if I do the job, it will be as a fligh test engineer, the term is to be a flight test engineer. For example, if for the climb test we test at what altitude, then at what weight the aircraft, then at what temperature we arrange the flight test plan. Now from there we will discuss with the pilot this can be done or not, if the danger is done or the risk is anything, well like we discuss with the pilot test, well after that we will participate on board again, "he explained.

"When conducting flight tests, engineers record the data even though we are backed up whether instrumentation is also right, but we record, if there is something that needs to be repeated, we discuss again with the pilot," he added.

Hindawan admitted that he was proud to be involved in testing this N219 aircraft. As is known, almost half of this aircraft component is produced in Indonesia. "Finally succeeded, very relieved," he said.

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The Struggle Behind PTDI's N219 Aircraft

Wisma Putra - detikJabar
Monday, 22 May 2023 07:00 WIB


Senior Flight Test Engineer PTDI Hindawan Hariowibowo (Foto: Anzala Ajra)

Bandung -
Flight test of the N219 aircraft produced by PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) was completed in 2020. Thus, the Directorate of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operation (DKPPU) of the Ministry of Transportation also gave a Type Certificate for the aircraft named Nurtanio by President Joko Widodo.

In addition to the pilot and co-pilot, the success of the N219 aircraft flight test is inseparable from a flight test technician. He is Hindawan Hariowibowo, the man who was born in Jakarta 61 years ago is a witness to the history of the journey of the N219 aircraft.

detikJabar had the opportunity to visit Hindawan's work desk at PTDI, Jalan Padjajaran, Bandung City, Tuesday, May 16, 2023. In the conversation, the man who graduated from master's degree at Cranfield Institute of Technology in England said, it takes a long time to test the N219 aircraft.

"For N219 flight test development and certification of 500 hours, we completed almost 2 years," said Hindawan opening the conversation.

Hindawan, who has pursued a career at PTDI since he was 24 years old, revealed that there were two prototypes of the N219 aircraft that were carried out flight tests. This is done so that the testing process that must reach 500 hours can be completed quickly.

The first prototype, the flight test includes physical flight, including how the climbing ability, how the cruising speed for example, then includes flight tests of control stability. For the second prototype, namely for flight tests the system includes its avionics, radio, then radar and navigation systems.

"The test journey was actually from the first flight, we were in 2017, at the end of August, and we got the certification at the end of 2020 in December. So during that period we were a long time in the first prototype, so the iteration time, especially in flight control, we found some problem, then we have to modify it, we strengthened what the flight control mounts are, for example, like that, now after it feels better, it will be submitted for certification, "he said.

Senior Flight Test Engineer N219 PTDI Hindawan Hariowibowo
Senior Flight Test Engineer N219 PTDI Hindawan Hariowibowo Photo: Anzala Ajra​

Hindawan said, every test flight of the N219 aircraft he participated with the pilot and other crew. Hindawan also flew and felt the shortcomings of the aircraft and recorded them for later refinement.

"Yes, so if I do the job, it will be as a fligh test engineer, the term is to be a flight test engineer. For example, if for the climb test we test at what altitude, then at what weight the aircraft, then at what temperature we arrange the flight test plan. Now from there we will discuss with the pilot this can be done or not, if the danger is done or the risk is anything, well like we discuss with the pilot test, well after that we will participate on board again, "he explained.

"When conducting flight tests, engineers record the data even though we are backed up whether instrumentation is also right, but we record, if there is something that needs to be repeated, we discuss again with the pilot," he added.

Hindawan admitted that he was proud to be involved in testing this N219 aircraft. As is known, almost half of this aircraft component is produced in Indonesia. "Finally succeeded, very relieved," he said.


Closer look on him (video)


Indonesian Aerospace foresees local market for 120 N219s​

By Greg Waldron26 May 2023
Indonesian Aerospace is upbeat about the commercial and military prospects for its 19-seater N219 turboprop.

The company sees a domestic market of 120 examples over the next ten years, according to Indar Atmoko, Indonesian Aerospace’s senior executive vice president commercial.


Powered by two Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A engines, the N219 attained a local type certificate in 2020.

In June, Indonesian Aerospace – also known as PTDI - expects to sign a contract with the Indonesian Army for eight examples. It will take 20 months to produce the first aircraft, with one or two examples subsequently produced every three months.

An army commitment for the N219 was first announced in November 2022, although initially this was for 10 examples. November 2022 also saw private company Karya Logistik Indonesia commit to 11 examples.

Atmoko says that should additional orders follow the army deal, production at PTDI’s Bandung factory could ramp up to 10 aircraft annually, or possibly even 12.

Atmoko spoke with FlightGlobal and the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace (LIMA) exhibition. At the show, Indonesian Aerospace signed up Malaysian aerospace firm Airod as its marketing and sales agent for the N219 in Malaysia

Indonesian Aerospace also sees the N219 potentially performing surveillance missions for Indonesia’s coast guard. In the maritime surveillance role the aircraft has endurance of 4hours.


Source: Greg Waldron/FlightGlobal

A model of the proposed N219 Amphibian at LIMA in 2023

Another potential market is resources. Indonesia’s government has mandated that more or processing take place domestically, creating a requirement for large, manpower intensive facilities in remote areas.

The N219, which can operate from rough air strips, is well suited to such missions, particularly since it boasts a large cargo door.

Indonesian Aerospace also intends to develop an amphibious version of the N219, a useful capability given that Indonesia comprises thousands of islands.

The amphibious version would be aimed at the country’s tourism market. The company also sees various local governments obtaining the aircraft.


Left, Indonesia Planning Ministry Economist, Right, Riau Islands Province Governor


One plane is currently in Riau Islands Province


Riau Islands Province Map

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