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N 219 is started being mass produced in 2023 inshaAllah

PTDI Says 10 N219 Aircraft Have the Potential to Be Bought by Minister of Defense in 2023​

CNN Indonesia
Jumat, 25 Nov 2022 03:01 WIB


PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) revealed that the company's N219 aircraft has the potential to be purchased as many as 10 units by the Ministry of Defense (Kemhan) in 2023.

On November 3, this SOE company has obtained a procurement contract for 11 units of N219 aircraft from PT Karya Logistik Indotama.

"Other potential contracts in 2023 are as many as 10 units from the Indonesian Ministry of Defense / TNI AD and 3 Amphibious versions from Riau Islands Province," said PTDI Production Director Batara Silaban at the Indonesia Development Forum (IDF) 2022 as quoted from a written statement, Thursday (24/11).

Batara explained that the aircraft can answer President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) mission in equitable and equitable development by providing multimodal connectivity vehicles to support economic growth and encourage the deployment of growth centers to undeveloped areas.

"The N219 aircraft can be maximized in its use both in the military, civil, and commercial sectors," he said.

At the IDF 2022 event, Bappenas has launched the Indonesian Aerospace Industry Development Roadmap, as a form of support for the sustainability of aircraft projects, both in the form of production and development, especially the N219 aircraft.

"We welcome Indonesia as an aerospace industry that can encourage as a driver of Indonesia's economic growth, this is the point," said PTDI President Director Gita Amperiawan.

He said some of the points related to the masterplan demanded are real products.

"How can we become an industrial country for turboprop aircraft, especially passenger aircraft with a capacity below 100 pax, and we have started with N219, which will soon be followed by N219 Amphibious which is expected to be an aircraft for air bridges, connectivity of islands that number up to 17 thousand," he said.


Brazilian Air Force appoints Cessna SkyCourier as ‘priority aircraft’​

Ricardo Meier
January 22, 2023

The new Cessna SkyCourier twin-engine turboprop can replace the old Embraer Bandeirante in the Brazilian Air Force (FAB). The Textron Aviation aircraft was cited as one of the Air Force’s priority projects, in a meeting held on Friday between the Minister of Defense, José Múcio Monteiro Filho, and President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

In the statement about the meeting, “the KC-390 Millennium multi-mission transport plane, the F-39 Gripen multi-purpose fighter, and the C-408 (light transport aircraft)” are listed as priority projects.

The C-408 is the designation of the SkyCourier, a high-wing, fixed-gear aircraft whose first unit was delivered last year to FedEx.

SkyCourier´s cabin mockup

Although there is no official confirmation, the Air Force should consider the SkyCourier as a replacement for the Embraer C-95 Bandeirante, as both share some operational similarities.
The Cessna, however, is a more versatile aircraft, capable of transporting up to 19 passengers, but also carrying up to 2,720 kg of cargo.

The SkyCourier, on the other hand, is slower than the old Bandeirante, largely due to the fixed landing gear, while the Embraer plane has retractable gear.
C-95 Bandeirante: Brazilian Air Force still flies with the first Embraer aircraft (FAB)

STOUT project​

Replacing the Bandeirante, an aircraft that was delivered by Embraer in the early 1970s, is one of the FAB’s main issues, as is finding a primary training aircraft to replace the T-25 Universal.
At first, the Air Force planned to develop a new utility aircraft in partnership with Embraer that would use hybrid propulsion, the so-called STOUT project, but that was canceled by the previous Air Force Commander.

There is also ongoing development of the ATL-100, a direct rival of the SkyCourier aircraft created by Desaer, a Brazilian manufacturer formed by former Embraer engineers.
Embraer STOUT concept

The company intends to build an assembly line that will start operating in 2025, but this is an optimistic schedule given the very short deadline to build a prototype and certify it.
The possible urgency to replace part of the Embraer Bandeirantes may explain the priority classification given by the Brazilian Air Force to a potential order for the SkyCourier.
And, without a doubt, a considerable boost to the image of the aircraft, which is still at the beginning of its commercial career.

Desaer ATL-100

N219 Amphibious is already in detail design phase and expected to start manufacturing the prototypes in 2024.


Indonesian Aerospace must build another production line for N219 Amphibious program in their factory complex.

With the resurgence of oil and gas industry and large new off shore oil and gas project, this industry can demand many Amphibious plane for the operation of rig on the sea.


Offshore Oil And Gas Is Back, Baby​

By Irina Slav - Jan 23, 2023, 7:00 PM CST

  • A flurry of massive deals has breathed life into the offshore oil and gas industry.
  • The biggest deal was QatarEnergy’s contract with McDermott for expanding the production capacity at the North Field.
  • Offshore drilling is picking up everywhere as demand shows no signs of declining, no matter what apocalyptic visions climate speakers try to paint.

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At last week’s World Economic Forum gathering in Davos, several speakers had harsh words for the oil and gas industry, including UN head Antonio Guterres and the IEA’s chief Fatih Birol. Their message was clear: we need to stop producing oil and gas to solve the climate problem.
While this was happening, however, the world continued to need energy, and oil and gas continued to be the optimal form of energy for most of the things we need energy for. So, with demand forecast—including by the IEA—to surge this year above the growth rate of supply, new drilling is flourishing. Especially offshore.

In December last year, Oilprice reported that the stocks of offshore drilling contractors such as Transocean, Valaris, and Noble Corp were skyrocketing amid robust demand for their services, with day rates for drilling rigs surging as well.

Now, the Wall Street Journal is reporting that rates could top $500,000 per day, up from about $400,000 at the moment, with offshore drilling picking up everywhere as demand shows no signs it is about to start declining, no matter what apocalyptic visions climate speakers try to paint.

“Over the past year and a half, everyone started drilling again offshore, and they want to use the most efficient rigs and all of a sudden, bam!” Noble Corp chief executive Robert Eifler told the Wall Street Journal. “After eight years we basically have full utilization of the high-end drillship fleet.”

A roundup of the biggest deals signed in the offshore drilling industry last year reinforces the perception of a strong revival. The biggest deal was QatarEnergy’s contract with McDermott for expanding the production capacity at the North Field, which McDermott said is one of the largest single deals in its history.

Qatar was also involved in the second-largest offshore deal for 2022, with Italy’s Saipem, again for the North Field, which is understandable as the Qatari government plans to boost the country’s LNG production capacity from 77 million tons annually to 110 million tons. That means there will be a lot of work for offshore drilling contractors.

Adnoc is also boosting its production capacity with the help of Schlumberger and Halliburton, which got two contracts with the Emirati major last year worth some $4 billion. The same is true for Aramco, which has announced plans to increase its oil production capacity by 1 million barrels daily to a total of 13 million. According to Evercore, most of Saudi Arabia’s—and the UAE’s—new capacity will come from offshore developments.

Norway is also eyeing strong expansion of its oil and gas drilling, all of which takes place offshore, despite previous government pledges for a gradual reduction in oil and gas production and a shift towards renewable energy. Earlier this month, Norway’s petroleum ministry awarded 47 new exploration licenses to 25 companies.

Offshore drilling is booming in Brazil, Guyana, and Suriname as well, per the Wall Street Journal. Brazil’s Petrobras said it will boost spending between 2023 and 2027, with most of the money going into exploration and production. Guyana is enjoying the results of a string of offshore discoveries that have boosted the tiny nation’s oil exports by 164 percent in 2022, with revenues hitting $1.1 billion. Suriname is seemingly on Guyana’s path to oil riches, although it is meeting some challenges.

Analyst expectations about the offshore drilling market appear to be upbeat. Oil prices are higher than they were in 2019, oil demand is strong, and offshore drilling contractors are turning a nice profit. Deepwater drilling is particularly attractive since that’s where most of the world’s untapped oil resources are.

According to data from Westwood Global Energy Group, some 90 percent of the world’s offshore rigs were contracted to work or were already working as of last December. That’s up from about 60 percent five years earlier, the WSJ noted in its report.

This surge in demand for offshore drilling, especially in deep waters, has also revived demand for drillships that were put offline during the pandemic and the industry downturn it caused. Drillships cost about $100 million to put back online, and owners are demanding most of the money upfront.

And their clients are paying it: the WSJ notes a deal between Valaris and Equinor for a drillship that was sent to drill in the deep waters offshore Brazil. Of the total value of the deal—$327 million—$86 million was paid upfront, including for the reactivation of the vessel.
So, despite increasingly loud calls for what effectively amounts to shutting down the oil and gas industry, the real world is demanding more oil and gas, and the industry is delivering. From the shores of Brazil to the North Sea and the Persian Gulf, drilling contractors are putting up rigs to pump more oil and gas from underneath the seabed. Analysts are calling it a supercycle.

By Irina Slav for Oilprice.com


N219 Aircraft and Roadmap Make Aerospace Industry Triumphant​

Rep: Erik PP/ Ed: Erik Purnama Putra

N219 aircraft in the hangar of PT Dirgantara Indonesia, Bandung City, West Java.

N219 aircraft in the hangar of PT Dirgantara Indonesia, Bandung City, West Java.
Photo: PT DI Dock

Rabu 21 Dec 2022
04:43 WIB

The development of domestic aircraft increases Indonesia's economic productivity.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, the aerospace industry is a solution for Indonesia to become a developed country in the future. This is because from the results of studies and research, only the aircraft industry can provide the greatest added value to Indonesia's economic growth in a sustainable manner.

The National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) also launched the 2022-2045 Aerospace Industry Ecosystem Development Roadmap. The Roadmap can be a guide for the implementation of development policies to realize a competitive national aerospace industry, as well as bring progress, and common prosperity.

Deputy for Economic Affairs of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti explained, if the government wants to increase the per capita income of the Indonesian people consistently, the solution must be able to encourage PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) together with all parties to develop domestic aircraft.

From the studies conducted by Bappenas and other stakeholders, he said, Indonesia must be willing to learn from the United States (US). That's because the aerospace industry in the U.S. is the industry with the second largest average wage after the information and technology (IT) sector.

On that basis, Indonesia inevitably has to make the domestic aircraft industry successful. Consequently, if the move is successful then high economic growth could continue to be achieved for years.

"One of the keys we can drive long-term economic growth can only be by increasing productivity. Without increased productivity, Indonesia cannot grow sustainably for the long term," she said at the Indonesia Development Forum (IDF) 2022 themed 'Reviving The Aerospace Industries Through Sustainable Aircraft Project in Indonesia' in Nusa Dua, Badung Regency, Bali on November 22, 2022.

Amalia explained, to develop the stages of industrialization in Indonesia, it can be started by focusing on human capital intensive industry. He said that if the government is able to encourage the domestic aircraft industry to squirm, other related industries will definitely move. As a result, it can create a multiplier effect for the Indonesian economy.

According to Amalia, the most important thing is that the development of domestically made aircraft supports the process of technology adoption to increase Indonesia's economic productivity. He revealed that the development of the aerospace industry has been included in Indonesia's Vision 2045.

In the next century of celebrating Indonesia's independence, the industrial sector is targeted to be a driver of economic growth with a contribution of 26 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). Amalia realized that developing the entrepreneurship industry would face a big deal. So that the matter cannot be handed over to PT DI alone.

"We have to do this in a callaborative effort. If we want to increase competitiveness quickly and encourage progressive economic growth most importantly, PT DI, government, academia, and the entire aerospace ecosystem must work together shoulder to shoulder," amalia said.

Production Director of PT DI Batara Silaban said that his party is now developing the N219 aircraft as a product of the nation's children. He emphasized that the aircraft with a capacity of 19 passengers really started from the process of designing the building, becoming a prototype, to certification, carried out by PT DI employees as the nation's sons and daughters.

"It is clear that N219 is one aircraft project we revive the existing industry, making N219 an icon of building the aerospace industry," said Batara.

He explained that PT DI's background in developing N219 is to reach areas that are indeed difficult to access other transportation. Therefore, the design of N219 is devoted to reaching pioneer areas and mountainous areas that have minimal airport facilities.

"The design of N219 is in accordance with the characteristics of the Indonesian archipelago. In addition to connectivity, N219 can also (be for) logistics in pioneering areas, configurations can also be for health and disaster services, as well as defense systems, to support the tourism industry, can be configured according to existing needs," said Batara.

He stated that PT DI has identified and projected the potential market needs of N219 in the country to reach 131 aircraft. The figure consists of 77 ordinary aircraft and 54 seaplanes, which can be used for local government (pemda), defense sector, and institutions.

Batara is grateful that PT Karya Logistik Indotama (KLI) has signed a contract to purchase 11 units of N219 during the Indo Defence 2022 event. The Indonesian Army will also order 10 units and the Riau Islands Provincial Government (Pemprov Kepri) three units.

With such a contract in sight, he said, PT DI certainly needs the support of financing sources in order to fulfill orders. If the financial problems are met, Batara believes, PT DI can immediately catch up with the first flight for 24 months from now or in other words the product will be handed over in mid-2024.

He emphasized that if the N219 aircraft is properly realized, it will contain a local content of about 44.96 percent, which involves 19 local industries supplying components. According to Batara, if N219 production is running, the government targets in the term the domestic content level (TKDN) to reach 60 percent.

On that basis, PT DI requested support so that the N219 project could run smoothly. Thus, the work process is able to have a tremendous impact on the development of related industries. "This can provide added value for all parties," said Batara.

Meanwhile, aviation expert Ilham Habibie said that aerospace technology has been classified as high tech. Even so, he advised PT DI as an integrator of aviation industry companies to start paying attention to the arrival of new technologies that are being developed in various parts of the world.

Although there is no certainty, he said, in the future, aircraft technology will not only rely on avtur. Ilham advised PT DI to follow the latest technology to anticipate changes in the future. The goal is that Indonesia can adapt when the latest technology is used in the world aviation industry.

"Once upon a time an aircraft would be able to fly and take off entirely from electric or partial power, whether fully electric or hybrid, or completely changed concept to hydrogen as fuel. Making our industry environmentally friendly and climate-friendly is a necessity, not only an impact but we must develop it," said Ilham.

Prevent foreign exchange from escaping

Vice Chairman of CSE Aviation, Samudra Sukardi explained, Indonesia, which consists of 270 million people with 17,000 islands, has around 600 airports and airstrips. With such conditions, the presence of aircraft can be used as an air bridge, because each region is not connected to each other.

"Air bridge means air transportation. To accelerate the economic growth of the province or region, it is necessary to transport air throughout Indonesia," said Samudra.

He assessed that Indonesia, which is an archipelagic country, needs a feeder aircraft in charge of transporting passengers from small cities to big cities or small cities to small cities to be collected in big cities. So, the presence of the N219 aircraft is really a need that must be met immediately.

With the presence of PT DI production aircraft, it can supply considerable domestic needs. Samudra considers that the size of the N219 aircraft under development is that it has almost no competitors abroad, so its products can be easily absorbed by the domestic market.

"It's a plane that's hard to replicate. Singapore alone is difficult to imitate, this is a flagship, because it accelerates the growth of the national economy, both state and provincial. This prevents foreign exchange from escaping," Samudra said.

He gave an example, the local government in Papua has been buying foreign-made aircraft. That way, there is money coming out for payment. For this reason, the local government should later buy N219 aircraft to be operated to carry passengers or goods in the Papua region.

"In order to build an air bridge, it is necessary to unify the policies of all relevant departments to be integrated, support the interests of the industrial ecosystem, and prioritize N219 products as superior so that a multiplier effect will occur. The market must be encouraged by the Ministry of Defense, Bakamla, local government, lest they (buy) out, because foreign exchange comes out," said Samudra.

Suitable for Papua

Director of PT Aviasi Puncak Papua (APP) Samuel Resoeboen said, in Papua there are actually 700 airstrips. It's just that only 300 airstrips have been flattened and have certificates from the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub). Most of the airstrip was built by locals, whose location was in the mountains and the length of the runway was below 1,000 meters.

He also shared his experience when he had to take a pioneer plane at several airfields in Puncak Jaya Regency, whose locations were very challenging. Marome Airstrip, for example, is at 6,200 feet with a runway length of 350 meters, Sinokla Airstrip at 4,250 feet with a runway length of 566 meters, and Hukimo Airtsrip at 5,920 feet with a runway length of only 210 meters.

He explained, the geographical condition of Puncak Jaya Regency which consists of 26 districts and 206 villages is at an altitude of 2,600-4,000 meters. Access to Puncak Regency can only be passed by plane. If PT DI can complete N219, then surely the local government in Papua is very interested in buying it.

That way, the turnover of money in Papua remains in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. His party is also ready to promote the aircraft made by the nation's children to various local governments on Cenderawasih Earth. As a consequence, Samuel said, the Ministry of Transportation and PT DI must create maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) facilities in Papua.

This is so that the aircraft maintenance process can be carried out without the need to leave the island. Not only that, Samuel admitted that he was also ready to help market N219 to neighboring countries whose geographical location is similar to Papua.

"Our neighboring country Papua New Guinea also needs a lot of aircraft like N219, we can help sell there. Open an MRO (aircraft workshop), a lot of planes in Papua New Guinea there is nothing (workshops) there, can come to us for maintenance," Samuel said.

Not to forget, Samuel reminded, PT DI must ask permission from the Ministry of Transportation to conduct flight tests in Papua. Because if N219 can successfully pass the approval test in Papua, he believes, the whole world will flock to buy the aircraft. This is because the flying terrain in Papua is very challenging and can test the toughness of the aircraft.

"Because it's this condition, he (the plane) succeeded, everyone was interested, it's a superior aircraft. We have an additional four new provinces and development needs more aircraft, it needs small aircraft and the N219 market is wide open," Samuel said.

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Close comparison between

Textron Sky Courier (first flight in 2020)


N219 (First flight in 2017)

N219 can replace many Twin Otter planes used in Indonesia, including in Papua region.

Example how Indonesian female pilot operates Twin Otter in Papua.

Report on the start of N219 Amphibious development in 2020 and N219 design improvement. From researcher in BRIN I get lately from other credible source, it said that N219 design will have several improvement coming from basic research project going on in LAPAN (Government Aerospace and Space Agency).

Indonesian Aerospace is also undergoing design improvement after N219 gets Type Certificate. Design improvement is made after 300 hours flight test is completed in 2020, so the improvement will likely be adopted by N219 mass production series.

This is document from Indonesian Aerospace (2020)

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Based on Indonesian Aerospace information, the company can only produce 4 N219 each year under current production facility capacity.



During prototype manufacturing development phase





Other production hangar like this can still be used to optimize production. This is inside Helicopter production line which still has big space to conduct other plane assembly in my opinion.

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The company uses their young employee in this video since the project is a very important bridge to transfer knowledge from senior engineers into younger ones. As in design work, one senior engineer will accompany four young engineers who havent got any design experience yet.
Just on a side note, who ever made this video probably shouldn't be allowed to make another.

This was very poorly made.

Cool plane though.
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Just on a side note, who ever made this video probably should be allowed to make another.

This was very poorly made.

Cool plane though.

The plane is still intended to serve domestic market, so look like current adds is already enough. At least until 2030 the planes will likely only serve domestic market. I think the adds is made by their public relation team. The video quality is also not good, but it is enough to portray the program development which is intended to give new engineers recruit some experience on how to design and develop a plane from scratch.
Indonesian Aerospace staff explained N 219 plane to President Jokowi during Indodefense event in November 2022.


Amphibious variant seen during the event

Local company who will provide interior for the plane


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