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N 219 is started being mass produced in 2023 inshaAllah


Jul 25, 2013
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The company uses their young employee in this video since the project is a very important bridge to transfer knowledge from senior engineers into younger ones. As in design work, one senior engineer will accompany four young engineers who havent got any design experience yet.
2017 news when the plane undergo its first flight

PT DI Flight Test Aircraft N219​

Thursday, 17 August 2017, 07:59 WIB

President Director of PTDI, Budi Santoso revealed that the success of the N219 flight test is very important for PTDI and the Indonesian aerospace industry, because it is proof that the Indonesian nation is able to design, test, certify until production is the work of the nation's children.

"There is no technical assistance from foreign nations. All are the result of years of hard work or brain from Indonesian engineers to design and later produce N219," he said

According to Budi, N219 and N245 have their own philosophies. N219 is part of the spirit of 1945, N219 and what will later be continued with the N245 program is the embodiment of the spirit of the 1945 proclamation.

The N219 aircraft has carried out a series of tests starting from the wing static test, landing gear drop test, functional test engine off, medium speed taxi and on August 9, 2017. Hopping testing is a test that is likened to an aircraft like jumping by lifting the front wheels, then landing again. This test is to ensure that the avionics system, hydraulic system and machining system are ready and functioning properly to support the aircraft to fly.

"The N219 aircraft underwent high speed taxi and hopping testing, which is testing to run at high speed on the runway and lift the front wheels, then land again." He said This series of tests, analysis and improvement does not stop until the first flight alone. The N219 aircraft still has to go through the fatigue test, flight test development and flight test certification stages which require 3,000 cycle fatigue tests and 300 Flight Hours to get a Type Certificate in 2018.

Furthermore, the serial production stage begins, so that in 2019, the N219 aircraft is ready and fit to enter market, with the priority of meeting domestic needs at competitive prices.

Type certificate is the airworthiness certification of aircraft manufacturing design. This certificate is issued by the regulatory body in this case the authorized in the territory of Indonesia is the Directorate of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations, Ministry of Transportation.

Budi added that the N219 aircraft is designed according to the needs of the community, especially pioneer areas, so that it has the ability to short take of landing and is easy to operate in remote areas, it can be self-starting without the help of a ground support unit.

As for, the advantages of the N219 Aircraft.

The N219 aircraft is a passenger aircraft with a capacity of 19 people with two turboprop engines referring to the CASR Part 23 regulations. The idea and design of the aircraft was developed by PTDI with the development of the program carried out by PTDI and LAPAN.

"By using technology that has been widely found in the market or using, common technology so that aircraft prices can be cheaper with low operating and maintenance costs," he concluded.

The focus for this near term production is for N219, NC 212i, and CN 235 planes. Later, if the development of Elang Hitam Male UCAV and KF21/IFX are completed inshaAllah, then the focus for mass production will be for five types of aircrafts inshaAllah. N 219 program is also undergoing development on its amphibious variant.

Look like N 245 program is delayed

Elang Hitam MALE UCAV




KFX/IFX program

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expected Specification?

The specification is on the website and it is already certified (tested and approved), but the plan is to improve it further and uses more composite materials so next version will likely be much better.


  • Certification basis CASR 23, Commuter Category
  • Engine: Two (2) Pratt & Whitney Aircraft of Canada Limited PT6A-42 with 850 SHP each
  • Avionic : Glass Cockpit Garmin G1000 NXi
  • Hot and high airfield capability
  • Short Take-off and Landing (STOL) operation
  • Take-off and landing on unpaved runway capabilities
  • Un-pressurized cabin
  • Advanced and modern avionics suite
  • Multi hop capability and quick change configuration
  • Easy to maintain
  • Easy to operate


  • Passenger Transport
  • Troop Transport
  • Cargo/Logistic Transport
  • Medical Evacuation
  • Surveillance and patrolling
  • Search and Rescue


Maximum Take Off Weight (MTOW):7,030 Kg
Max. Landing Weight:6,940 Kg
Max. Fuel Capacity:1,600 Kg
Maximum Range with Maximum Fuel:828 NM
Maximum Payload:2,313 Kg
Take Off Distance:435 m
Landing Distance:509 m
Maximum Cruise Speed:210 Kts
Economical Cruise Speed:170 Kts
Stall Speed:59 Kts
Range with 19 pax:480 NM
Range at Max Fuel:828 NM
Operating altitude:10,000 ft
Ceiling Altitude:24,000 ft







At 46 Years Old, PTDI Targets Commercialization of the N219 Aircraft


PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) will be 46 years old on August 27, 2022. (KOMPAS.COM/PUTRA PRIMA PERDANA)

Kompas.com - 08/28/2022, 07:23 WIB

Bandung Contributing Writer, Putra Prima Perdana | Editor Khairina BANDUNG,

KOMPAS.com- PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) turns 46 years old on August 27, 2022. PT DI President Director, Gita Amperiawan said, at 46 years old, his party is targeting to increase the commercialization of the current N219 aircraft. become PTDI's flagship product.

"Our first target is to produce N219 and N219 must be commercialized," said Gita when met after opening the commemoration of PT DI's 46th Anniversary in the parking area of PT DI's PKSN Building, Jalan Pajajaran, Bandung City, Saturday (27/8/2022) .

Gita added that the current production of N219 is prioritized for domestic needs. One of the agencies that have placed an order is the Ministry of Defense (Kemhan) to add the main weapon system (Alutsista) to the TNI. "The Ministry of Defense through the foreign loan program has ordered 10 units," he said.

In addition, Gita said, the N219, which is designed to connect inter-island connectivity, outer islands, and remote areas that are difficult to reach, can also be owned by local governments. "From the Ministry of Home Affairs, we are being directed so that the N219 can be owned by the Provincial Government so that the market is wider," he said.

Although it still prioritizes domestic needs, the N219 which has the advantage of being able to land on a simple and unpaved and short runway is also in demand by several countries.

"With South Africa, not only buying, but also up to TOT. Turkey also wants to develop by joining production for the amphibious (N219) variant," he said.

Not only the N219, other aircraft produced by PT DI are also being promoted for commercialization. "Not only N219, there is also existing CN235 and we can market N212 so that its output increases production capacity," he said.

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Who said European doesnt need small passenger plane ? This is relatively new plane, the same as N 219, but with fewer passenger seats, around 9 seats, compare to 19 seats of N 219

New plane, the same class, from USA. First flight in 2020, three years after N 219 first flight.

Cessna Skycourier, developed by Textron. Just get FAA certificate


PT DI Reveals Plans to Sell 10 N219 Aircraft to the Indonesian Army​


"In terms of the target market, thanks to the Ministry of Defense, God willing, this year will get 10 [N219 sales units] for the Indonesian Army."

Wibi Pangestu Pratama - Bisnis.com 06 September 2022 | 21:01 WIB

Bisnis.com, BELITUNG — PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) or DI stated that it would sell 10 units of N219 aircraft to the Indonesian National Army army or TNI AD. In addition, the aircraft manufacturer plans to offer N219 to local governments as a mode of inter-island transportation.

This was conveyed by the President Director of PT DI Gita Amperiawan in the opening press conference of the Development Ministerial Meeting series, Tuesday (6/9/2022) in Belitung. DI will attend one of the side events of the G20 series of events.

Gita explained that after the N219 obtained the airworthiness certification, it commercially marketed the aircraft. One of the transactions that will take place is with the Indonesian Army.

"In terms of the target market, thanks to the Ministry of Defense, God willing, this year will get 10 [N219 sales units] for the Indonesian Army," gita said on Tuesday (6/9/2022).

In addition, he also said that through cooperation with the Ministry of Development and State Planning (PPN), PT DI will open up opportunities for the sale of N219 aircraft to local governments. According to Gita, the aircraft can be a mode of transportation or logistics distribution in the archipelago area.

Local governments can not only play the role of aircraft owners, but also operators of the use of N219 aircraft. Gita considers that this allows many parties to benefit from the use of N219.

"PT DI's strategy is to make this N219 dedicated first to the domestic, its design is for the connectivity of 3T, underdeveloped, frontier, and outermost areas," he said.

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KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. President Director of PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) Gita Amperiawan revealed that the commercial price of the N219 Nurtanio aircraft was around US$ 6.8 million. The N219 Nurtanio has received an airworthiness certificate so that it can be marketed commercially.


PTDI at Singapore Airshow 2022​

Elang Hitam MALE UAV latest footage

N219 gets 11 planes order alhamduliLLAH by national logistic company, PT Karya Logistik Indotama (KLI) . Total amount of contract is 80.5 million USD. The signing is in IndoDefense 2022 event, 2-5 November, Jakarta.

The event is witnessed by Minister of Defense, Prabowo Subianto (brown dress) and Minister of Planning, Suharso Monoarfa (white dress)


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