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Myanmar Nation unity government calls for Civil War

Please stop blaming Burmese Buddhists for persecuting others and look at your own backyard.

View attachment 776329

@DalalErMaNodi @Sainthood 101 @F-6 enthusiast @Novus ordu seclorum
We are blaming Burma not Buddhism

Don't pollute Buddhism by mentioning ethinic cleansing and a religion in the same breath

B- I don't know about Muslim countries but I told you our minorties aren't going anywhere, it's thier land just as much as it's our and we have quotas and legal protection in place to help them out

Does that mean it's perfect? No, but we sure as hell want to make it better for our brothers who belong to Thier lands

Y'all on the other hand are purely pulling off ethnic cleansing

So no comparison what so ever
Selling weapons to the Burmese military will only worsen the civil war, China should not sell them any weapons and start an economic blockade to force all factions to negotiate instead of fighting.

1. China believes that Rohingyas are a nation of Myanmar, and the Rohingyas issue is Myanmar's internal affairs. If China intervenes in this issue by means of economic blockade, it will violate China's commitment not to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. This will deal a great blow to China's diplomatic integrity.

2. People in northern Myanmar, every time something happens in Myanmar, they go to China as refugees. These people can speak fluent Chinese, use CNY, look like Chinese, and even their mobile phone numbers are Chinese companies. Many of them also have fake Chinese ID cards and illegal bank cards. Once they enter China, we can't find them.
If China's economic blockade of Myanmar, Yunnan will certainly not have only 40k refugees, and 4 million are possible. Who can help China solve the refugee problem? We paid too much.

3, Myanmar has about 2 million Han people, they live in northern Myanmar. There are also some ethnic minorities originated from China in northern Myanmar. The Rohingya problem is the problem of Rohingya people and Buddhists in Rakhine state in southwest Myanmar, which has nothing to do with the ethnic groups in northern Myanmar. They are not wrong, why should they be blocked by the economy? If China imposes an economic blockade on Myanmar, Burmese people will certainly attack the Han nationality in Myanmar angrily. We should protect Han people Myanmar, not make trouble for them.

4. There are Thai (Shan) and Lao (Mon) populations in eastern Myanmar. They are ethnic minorities from Thailand and Laos. Thailand and Laos are bound to protest and oppose China's economic blockade. These two countries have signed the <Cooperation agreement of Mekong four countries> with China. They are countries that deeply participate in and support China's B&R plan and important supporters of China in ASEAN. It is impossible for China not to consider their views.

5. I agree with China to reduce arms exports to the Myanmar military. In recent years, China has indeed significantly reduced its arms exports to Myanmar. However, due to the complex relations between the Wa State, Kokang state, Shan State and China, it is impossible for China to completely cut off Myanmar's arms exports. They are the Han nationality and ethnic minorities originated in China. If China prohibits them from buying weapons, it will inevitably cause protests from domestic nationalists.

6. We need to face the reality. The Rohingya problem is a problem for Bangladesh and Myanmar, not for China. In history, China has never hurt Rohingyas and Rakhine Buddhists. China has done everything it can, and the international community should not ask China for more. I think Bangladesh should deal with this issue as a country, not avoid it.
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Rohingyas are not indigenous. When British used to rule Burma, they brought millions of bengali muslims to work as farmers and day laborers in Burma. These bengali muslims after some time started claiming parts of Arakan and proposed Jinnah to merge parts of Arakan with Pakistan. They also created Mujahideen groups and started attacking Rakhine Buddhists and grabbing lands belonging Rakhine Buddhists.

Listen we have seen this muslim drama in many parts of the world but we Buddhists wont tolerate such drama in Myanmar.

Muslims starts demanding separate state whenever their population grows to a certain level. Kashmir, Pattani, Mindanao and Israel are prime examples. Kashmir belongs to Hindu, Pattani region of Thailand belongs to Buddhists, Mindanao region of Phillipines belongs to Christians and Israel belongs to Jewish/Christian. But the original Kashmiri pandits have been expelled from their land, Buddhist monks are attacked by insurgents in Pattani, insurgents attack churches in Mindanao and Jewish even cannot claim their holiest site.

Burmese Buddhists won't allow another Kashmir, Israel, Pattani and Mindanao like situation in Arakan. We Buddhists will go to any extreme to protect our land.
Look up Kingdom of Mrauk U. Kingdom of Mrauk U was a vassal state of Bengal Sultanate in the 1400s. The muslims settled there in the 1400s, not during british rule. Kingdom of Mrauk U only became part of Burma when it was invaded by Burmesee in 18th century. There was muslims in Arakan for a long time. Nobody went to Burma ( which was a jungle during British time except for Rangoon) during British rule. British Bengal was leagues better than British Burma
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1. China believes that Rohingyas are a nation of Myanmar, and the Rohingyas issue is Myanmar's internal affairs. If China intervenes in this issue by means of economic blockade, it will violate China's commitment not to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. This will deal a great blow to China's diplomatic integrity.

2. People in northern Myanmar, every time something happens in Myanmar, they go to China as refugees. These people can speak fluent Chinese, use CNY, look like Chinese, and even their mobile phone numbers are Chinese companies. Many of them also have fake Chinese ID cards and illegal bank cards. Once they enter China, we can't find them.
If China's economic blockade of Myanmar, Yunnan will certainly not have only 40k refugees, and 4 million are possible. Who can help China solve the refugee problem? We paid too much.

3, Myanmar has about 2 million Han people, they live in northern Myanmar. There are also some ethnic minorities originated from China in northern Myanmar. The Rohingya problem is the problem of Rohingya people and Buddhists in Rakhine state in southwest Myanmar, which has nothing to do with the ethnic groups in northern Myanmar. They are not wrong, why should they be blocked by the economy? If China imposes an economic blockade on Myanmar, Burmese people will certainly attack the Han nationality in Myanmar angrily. We should protect Han people Myanmar, not make trouble for them.

4. There are Thai (Shan) and Lao (Mon) populations in eastern Myanmar. They are ethnic minorities from Thailand and Laos. Thailand and Laos are bound to protest and oppose China's economic blockade. These two countries have signed the <Cooperation agreement of Mekong four countries> with China. They are countries that deeply participate in and support China's B&R plan and important supporters of China in ASEAN. It is impossible for China not to consider their views.

5. I agree with China to reduce arms exports to the Myanmar military. In recent years, China has indeed significantly reduced its arms exports to Myanmar. However, due to the complex relations between the Wa State, Kokang state, Shan State and China, it is impossible for China to completely cut off Myanmar's arms exports. They are the Han nationality and ethnic minorities originated in China. If China prohibits them from buying weapons, it will inevitably cause protests from domestic nationalists.

6. We need to face the reality. The Rohingya problem is a problem for Bangladesh and Myanmar, not for China. In history, China has never hurt Rohingyas and Rakhine Buddhists. China has done everything it can, and the international community should not ask China for more. I think Bangladesh should deal with this issue as a country, not avoid it.

You are contradicting yourself.

On the one hand the Rohingya issue is a Myanmar affair.

And yet you say Bangladesh and Myanmar need to deal with it.

What does Bangladesh have to do?

Other than deal with the refugees foisted upon it by a trash government next door?

This is why Bangladesh NEEDS a stronger military.

I can not imagine the Rohingya situation happening if Bangladesh had a credible military deterrence.
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You are contradicting yourself.

On the one hand the Rohingya issue is a Myanmar affair.

And yet you say Bangladesh and Myanmar need to deal with it.

What does Bangladesh have to do?

Other than deal with the refugees foisted upon it by a trash government next door?

This is why Bangladesh NEEDS a stronger military.

I can not imagine the Rohingya situation happening if Bangladesh had a credible military deterrence.

Now Myanmar claims that they are of Bangladeshi descent, which means that only Bangladesh is qualified to negotiate on an equal footing as a country.
If Bangladesh is not willing to come forward, which other country can come forward?

Of course, perhaps in the end, India hopes to solve this problem with Myanmar as the leader-country of South Asian.
But then Bangladesh will lost control of the problem. Your interests are likely to be betrayed.
Do you think India will help Muslims?
Do you think the Bangladeshi government dares to reject the pressure from India and Western countries?
For western countries, if they want to intervene in Myanmar, they must solve the Rohingya problem. Otherwise, they cannot lift the sanctions against Aung San Suu Kyi, and they do not mind sacrificing the interests of Bangladesh.
Rohingyas are not indigenous. When British used to rule Burma, they brought millions of bengali muslims to work as farmers and day laborers in Burma. These bengali muslims after some time started claiming parts of Arakan and proposed Jinnah to merge parts of Arakan with Pakistan. They also created Mujahideen groups and started attacking Rakhine Buddhists and grabbing lands belonging Rakhine Buddhists.

Listen we have seen this muslim drama in many parts of the world but we Buddhists wont tolerate such drama in Myanmar.

Muslims starts demanding separate state whenever their population grows to a certain level. Kashmir, Pattani, Mindanao and Israel are prime examples. Kashmir belongs to Hindu, Pattani region of Thailand belongs to Buddhists, Mindanao region of Phillipines belongs to Christians and Israel belongs to Jewish/Christian. But the original Kashmiri pandits have been expelled from their land, Buddhist monks are attacked by insurgents in Pattani, insurgents attack churches in Mindanao and Jewish even cannot claim their holiest site.

Burmese Buddhists won't allow another Kashmir, Israel, Pattani and Mindanao like situation in Arakan. We Buddhists will go to any extreme to protect our land.
Then ask your buddshit dog to GTFO of bangladesh.
Look up Kingdom of Mrauk U. Kingdom of Mrauk U was a vassal state of Bengal Sultanate in the 1400s. The muslims settled there in the 1400s, not during british rule. Kingdom of Mrauk U only became part of Burma when it was invaded by Burmesee in 18th century. There was muslims in Arakan for a long time. Nobody went to Burma ( which was a jungle during British time except for Rangoon) during British rule. British Bengal was leagues better than British BurmaView attachment 776402
Yes Arakan was not part of Burma so what? Invasions were common back then and Burma rightfully conquered Arakan. If you think Burma should leave Arakan then you muslims should leave Turkey, Iran, North Africa because they have been conquered from different nations, white people should leave USA and Canada because they have been conquered from the native Americans.

Muslims settled in Arakan during the 1400s so what? We Buddhists are in Arakan since 5000 years and Arakan has some of the sacred Buddhist sites like the Mahamuni Buddha image.
Now Myanmar claims that they are of Bangladeshi descent, which means that only Bangladesh is qualified to negotiate on an equal footing as a country.
If Bangladesh is not willing to come forward, which other country can come forward?

Of course, perhaps in the end, India hopes to solve this problem with Myanmar as the leader-country of South Asian.
But then Bangladesh will lost control of the problem. Your interests are likely to be betrayed.
Do you think India will help Muslims?
Do you think the Bangladeshi government dares to reject the pressure from India and Western countries?
For western countries, if they want to intervene in Myanmar, they must solve the Rohingya problem. Otherwise, they cannot lift the sanctions against Aung San Suu Kyi, and they do not mind sacrificing the interests of Bangladesh.

If you take the word of a violent junta who kills its own people then nothing I say here is useful.
You guys are really underestimating the Burmese army as well as it's incredibly difficult terrain, remember during WW2 Imperial Japan which was on blitzkrieg across East Asia and Pacific it was here that their war machine got bogged down in it's swaps and marshes and finally came to a halt.
This is not a question of whether China is willing, but whether China can do it.
Compared with Myanmar, China does have strong strength. However, national harmony cannot be solved by the strength of a neighboring country.
China can only host refugees, give humanitarian assistance to Rohingya people, and ask Myanmar and Bangladesh to negotiate. What else can China do?
This issue requires the efforts of both Bangladesh and Myanmar.

Well if China stops supplying spares for all the defense stuff (ships, aircraft), Tatmadaw will collapse in a month.

China CCP holds the key, but whether they want to use that key is something else.
You guys are really underestimating the Burmese army as well as it's incredibly difficult terrain, remember during WW2 Imperial Japan which was on blitzkrieg across East Asia and Pacific it was here that their war machine got bogged down in it's swaps and marshes and finally came to a halt.

The Burmese people sided with the Japanese in WWII against the British. Did you study any history on this?
Well if China stops supplying spares for all the defense stuff (ships, aircraft), Tatmadaw will collapse in a month.
that's a wrong statement i think, tatmadaw is fighting insurgents with small arms ,artillery and armoured vehicles they make in their own country. its not like their Sy-400 or sukhois are going to make any difference against rebels. Even their helos are useless. They're getting shot down by FN-6 manpads supplied by either BD or PRC (by means of wa State).
This is why Bangladesh NEEDS a stronger military.
And the present BD govt does not want a strong military capable of waging wars. The Chief Executive of this unelected govt knows that wars produce popular generals which is not what she desires.

Unelected Hasina wants to pose herself as the most popular leader of the country. So, there is no strong military that can wage offensive wars. Rohingya issue remains unresolved because of this callous woman.
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Well if China stops supplying spares for all the defense stuff (ships, aircraft), Tatmadaw will collapse in a month.

China CCP holds the key, but whether they want to use that key is something else.

The Burmese people sided with the Japanese in WWII against the British. Did you study any history on this?

It can't collapse, maybe only aircraft and ships cannot be used, guns and Toyota pickup trucks can be used.
Cuba has been sanctioned by the USA for so many years, have you seen the collapse of the Cuban army?
Moreover, Thailand and Laos can also provide arms.
OK, Even if the Burmese army is weakened, what are you going to do?

Do you think the Burmese will agree to your terms, instead of being completely angered and causing greater harm to the Rohingya people?
You konw, at that time, they didn't care about anything because all the sanctions had been triggered.

Why can't Bangladesh come forward and negotiate frankly with Myanmar? You won't lose anything.
You guys are really underestimating the Burmese army as well as it's incredibly difficult terrain, remember during WW2 Imperial Japan which was on blitzkrieg across East Asia and Pacific it was here that their war machine got bogged down in it's swaps and marshes and finally came to a halt.
I am hearing they have S-400,SU-30 that's a OTT weapon for a country their size
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