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Myanmar-Bangladesh relations

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We need to invite the worlds media to bangladesh and take them to border areas to see for themselves the backward hate filled nature of the Burmese. Thats all that need be done.

Asean is not going to do much, its toothless.

logistics around arming the rohingas should be put in place and exercised if all else fails. In the 90s Saudi offered support for such a move. They should be sounded out. Obviously we need to
ensure that chinese interests are secured and prepare for the inevitable indian meddling in the CHT. All options have grave consequences and we must ensure we take that which serves our interest best. It maybe doing nothing is the best option but even then we must have viable options if action is warranted.
Rohingya Appeal to Suu Kyi | The Irrawaddy Magazine

BANGKOK—An exiled Rohingya activist last night appealed to MPs and to National League for Democracy (NLD) leader Aung San Suu Kyi to assist the almost 2 million Rohingya living in Burma and elsewhere.

“I would like to ask our beloved Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to speak out of behalf of Rohingya people, and ask for the return of our lost rights, the rights our forefathers had,” said Maung Kyaw Nu, the president of the Burmese Rohingya Association of Thailand.

The Rohingya are a Muslim ethnic minority living mostly in western Burma’s Arakan State where they are denied Burmese citizenship, and subjected to various forms of discrimination: they generally have to wait two to three years for permits to marry; are usually prohibited from leaving the village where they live; and are subject to human rights and other abuses by local civil and military authorities.

When Rohingya couples do receive permission to marry, they must sign an agreement that they will not have more than two children. If a couple marries without official permission, the husband can be prosecuted and spend five years in detention—with Buthidaung jail in northern Arakan State thought to hold prisoners in this category.

However, the Rohingya say they were promised equal rights by Burma’s colonial-era independence heroes, including Aung San Suu Kyi’s father, Gen. Aung San, in return for their support in the struggle against British rule.

“In 1946 General Aung San visited my area,” said Maung Kyaw Nu. “He said to our people ‘I give you a blank cheque, please co-operate with me.’”

All told, around 750,000 Rohingya live in Burma, mostly in Arakan State in the country’s west, with an estimated 1 million more living in exile in Bangladesh, Malaysia, India and elsewhere—an exodus prompted by decades of human rights violations and discrimination.

Rohingya endure squalid and dangerous conditions in camps in Bangladesh and third countries, such is the oppression they face at home, say activists. Some Rohingya undertake a perilous sea journey to Thailand, where in 2009 Thai authorities were accused of pushing Rohingya boats out to sea and leaving the refugees to their fate on the open waters. Other Rohingya attempt get to Indonesia or Australia in search of a new life, including a group of 26 who were almost shipwrecked en route to Australia from Indonesia, subsequently helped to land in Timor-Leste by local fishermen.

The push factor could be increasing, according to Human Rights Watch Asia deputy director Phil Robertson, who says relations between the Rohingya and the majority Buddhist Rakhine in the western region are deteriorating, even as Burma continues a recent glasnost. “While there are now some Rohingya MPs, some Buddhist Rakhine in the state assembly are raising issues for the Rohingya,” he said.

Phil Robertson says Burma’s treatment of the Rohingya and the country’s 100-plus other ethnic minorities is a litmus test for the government’s reform credentials. “Is there a place for the Rohingya in Burma?” he asked.

Thai photographer Suthep Kritsanavarin has visited the region. “Between the Rakhine and the Rohingya there is always tension,” he said, speaking at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand, where his exhibition “Stateless Rohingya: Running on Empty,” is on display.

Burma is scheduled to host a meeting of the Asean human rights commission from June 3-6. It seems unlikely that the Rohingya issue will be discussed at the get-together, as according to Phil Robertson, the Rohingya were not discussed during the commission’s last meeting in Bangkok.

“So far, Asean has been ducking this issue,” he said, asking: “Can Asean grapple with a fundamental regional problem, and solve it?”


May be Bangladesh should press US, EU, UN, Japan and South Korea to take it up with ASEAN and solve this regional issue. If ASEAN cannot tackle an issue like this, how can it solve much bigger problems?
We need to invite the worlds media to bangladesh and take them to border areas to see for themselves the backward hatefilled nature of the Burmese. Thats all that need be done.

Asean is not going to do much, its toothless.

Getting world media attention is an excellent idea. May be we can start a worldwide media campaign to highlight the racist nature of the Burmese and the ethnic cleansing they are engaged in. We need some Hollywood celebrities to sign up and popularize this cause.

Burma is using Su Ki to show a democratic face to the world to open up and become part of the world community. What we need to do is show their real ugly face using the Rohingya issue, so people are afraid to come in and invest in this land of idiots, where there is no telling what idiotic thing they will cook up after an investment is made. Let it remain a hell hole exploited by the Chinese.
Moderators, this thread has been unnecessarily opened with a 4-year old Wiki link. It has no relevance to the present situation. The idea is to divert people's attention from the current Muslim Rohingya expulsion from Myanmar. It should be closed.
I have over the years come across a few burmese who have without fail displayed racist attitude towards others. I think it is part of their genetic makeup compounded by low IQ. I work for a German Technology Consultancy and sometimes these chaps are sent over by one of our chinese client to familiarise themselves to the technology. They seem to have beef with everyone including themselves. You may not believe me once one of these guys refuse to sit next to a Ghanian dude cause he was black. The one time one burmese women turned up with bizarre stuff on her face. Looked like a bangkok ladyboy. In a professional environment as you can imagine these Neanderthals have no place.

The rohinga issue needs to be highlighted to the world. This is not Bangladeshs problem, it is burmese problem and it is for them to solve. I agree with the BAL Government of not letting the rohingya in as that will prompt further ethnic cleansing. Also we should not get into any discussion with the burmese. Simply beef up the border areas so they do not presume any misadventure. As they are trying to enter the realms of civilisation let their own action damn them.

Bangladesh has a route to the world via the sea, connection to china over land would be good but not that critical. Whilst the rohinga issue should not be considered above our national interest, against the unsophisticated burmese we must remain absolutely resolute and firm. Deal with them only if it serves our interest. It is about time a nation of 170m shows the disdain and contempt that these racist uncivilised uncultured nation deserve.

Not all are like this. I have a couple of coworkers from Myanmar. Both are nice people and good friends of mine. But it could be because they are from good families and they stayed in the US for many years.

Now a days they are spreading rumor that Rohingya migrated after 1947 or even after 1971. This is what they are claiming, just like Indians are claiming that all 30 million Bengali Muslims in India are actually illegal migrants.

The blatant racism shown by Myanmar poster is also prevalent among comments from Burmese in the comment section of the irrawaddy article I posted. Please check out these comments.
Moderators, this thread has been unnecessarily opened with a 4-year old Wiki link. It has no relevance to the present situation. The idea is to divert people's attention from the current Muslim Rohingya expulsion from Myanmar. It should be closed.

Yes, that one link is old, but this is no ground for closing this thread, as many of us have contributed to this thread. As for Rohingya expulsion and supporting Rohingya insurgency, we are covering that in this thread. But I will let moderators decide what they want to do.

And you are asking to start Jihad in Arakan using Rohingya's, and calling us "stupid rajakars"? Are you being sarcastic or you really want to start a religious war, so US could bring in the drones and start taking out Rohingya's, like they are doing in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
idune Bhai, regardless of whether this is a false flag Indian or not, please look at the posts I made about the situation in Myanmar. There are 101 insurgencies among all kinds of ethnic groups, Karen, Chin and some of them are Christians. The Myanmar Burman dominated govt. is giving them rights only after prolonged fighting and then after getting into cease-fire with them. I think Rohingya insurgency option may work to eventually get this Rohingya problem into some kind of resolution.

If we don't do anything now, and if they kick all Rohingya's out, we will loose a significant geopolitical leverage in Rakhine state and Myanmar in general and we should also not forget India is investing in Sittwe to connect to Indian NE states by seas, going over this Muslim populated land in Rakhine and Chin.

May be we should thank RAW and its alleged staging of this incident to open a can of worms.

As I see it, we have to prioritize on what is ahead of us.

First, we have to deal with humanitarian crisis. Current situation may not dictate us putting direct pressure on Myanmar but Bangladesh can pursue other external powers to put pressure. Also, Bangladesh can take immediate measure to get these people food and perhaps shelter.

In fact Bangladesh should openly call on india to put pressure on Myanmar to stop these repressions. As india claims stake in regional affairs and call it its backyard, india has to act accordingly to restore order. That will put india on spot.

Also, Awami League regime should call on to Malaysian friend who are too willing to invest on so many things on Bangladesh today to use their ASEAN pressure point.

Second, pinpoint indian instigation and sync up with stake holders in the region (excluding india) and outside.

Third, we have to work on short, mid and long term plan on how we can get our goals achieved. That is where and when carrot and stick approach can work. But while applying stick there are many ways to do that instead of being direct which india will be eagerly waiting to use against us. There are indirect ways to apply stick and get desired results.
Vijay Nambiar, U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon's special adviser on Myanmar, flew into the capital of Rakhine to visit Maungdaw, a town near the border with Bangladesh where the violence flared on Friday. He was accompanied by Myanmar's Border Affairs Minister General Thein Htay and 15 Muslim leaders from Yangon.

"We're here to observe and assess how we can continue to provide support to Rakhine,” said the envoy

Top UN envoy visits turbulent western Myanmar - The China Post

Things are moving in the right direction.
Every Indian is a RAW agent and every bad thing that happens in BD is RAW conspiracy :tup: lol
Are you here for trolling? This accusing RAW trend was started by pakistanis lols like Mujib won election coz Raw money, Mukti terrorist Bahini is raw product! At least Bengalis are better than you guys, accusing RAW is part of propaganda war for us before losing anything unlike you guys who after losing huge part of their territories cries and blames RAW for that.
Talking like an indian, acting like an indian and smelling like an indian claim as Burmese...what a BIGOTTED stink.

May be you are smelling your own brown sh!t idiot. He is as much an Indian as much your dad is Pakistani.
Are you here for trolling? This accusing RAW trend was started by pakistanis lols like Mujib won election coz Raw money, Mukti terrorist Bahini is raw product! At least Bengalis are better than you guys, accusing RAW is part of propaganda war for us before losing anything unlike you guys who after losing huge part of their territories cries and blames RAW for that.

Lols we have nothing to fear from RAW because they are weak organization unlike BD's who blame RAW when there is too much salt in your food... btw what large territories have we lost do tell
huge part of their territories cries and blames RAW for that.
But I guess it were bengalis who claimed that Eastern territory belongs to them. and secondly it outnumbered indian soldiers who died to give you your nation. and their air strikes on certain occasions, after spiting you out Pakistan have dealed with much greater powers. Myanmar isn't a bigger problem for us.
Just as terrorist mukti bahini, Bangladesh is also an illegitimate product of raw conspiracy. In Bengali we call such children as jaroz sontan.Lol
No need to show your class.... We know india is outcome of illegitimate relation of Lady mountbatten and nehru. In dhaka we call it HARAMZADA
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