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Myanmar-Bangladesh relations

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Today or tomorrow the Rohingyas will make their country independent of Myanmar. Rohingyas are the citizens of Arakan since 1433. It is Myanmar which illegally occupying that land.

This is the problem with a section of Muslims. Wherever they become the majority they start fighting for secession overlooking the law of the land. Such types deserve no mercy and must be hunted down to the last person.
This is the problem with a section of Muslims. Wherever they become the majority they start fighting for secession overlooking the law of the land. Such types deserve no mercy and must be hunted down to the last person.

Exactly. I sympathise with their plight until I am reminded of their grand plans for a autonomous muslim country in Myanmar. What annoys me is that the global media don't pick up on this and it is more convenient to portray them as being poor, persecuted innocents. The Rohingya are just as culpable for the ethnic unrest in Arakan and they are shunned because, after everything, they plan to turn Arakan into a muslim country. I personally think that's why the world's governments have not come forward to condemn the Burmese in this instance.
Your post clarifies why the Rohingya are persona non grata in Myanmar. Underneath it all, they don't just long for citizenship. They want to carve up their own piece of Arakan and turn it into a muslim caliphate. Bangladeshis would love that too because the idea of annexing any part of Arakan get's you excited. Well, as long as these people want an autonomous state, they will not be welcome and as long as they want an autonomous state, I will fully support their repatriation to Bangladesh.

Bangladesh is not a Muslim caliphate for starters.

Eastwatch is entitled to his own opinions. And I really doubt if it is in any country's interest to see another state for them. It'll in fact be counter productive.

Please understand that refugees is never a permanent solution to anything. And above all, respect International Laws governing human rights and refugees.

I mean, your country have just started on the international arena, and for your sake, please don't screw it up. It is in our interest (Bangladesh) to see Myanmar being prosperous.
Bangladesh is not a Muslim caliphate for starters.

Eastwatch is entitled to his own opinions. And I really doubt if it is in any country's interest to see another state for them. It'll in fact be counter productive.

Please understand that refugees is never a permanent solution to anything. And above all, respect International Laws governing human rights and refugees.

I mean, your country have just started on the international arena, and for your sake, please don't screw it up. It is in our interest (Bangladesh) to see Myanmar being prosperous.

The thing is we're not screwing it up. The international community has said almost nothing on this issue for a number of reasons:-
- the stories of 'thousands of muslims' being killed is fabrication
- the intelligent ones are aware that these people's ultimate goal is a muslim caliphate in Myanmar
- the international community tacitly accepts Bangladesh's role in this conflict by asking them to open their borders

Like I've said before, the Rohingya themselves should be given the choice of which country they would like to live in. Whether they have been in Myanmar for 50 or 200 years, their Bengali homeland should not turn its back on them and only see them as Burmese refugees. They are Bengali people and if they wish to resettle in Bangladesh then you should not oppose them.
The thing is we're not screwing it up. The international community has said almost nothing on this issue for a number of reasons:-
- the stories of 'thousands of muslims' being killed is fabrication
Like I've said before, the Rohingya themselves should be given the choice of which country they would like to live in. Whether they have been in Myanmar for 50 or 200 years, their Bengali homeland should not turn its back on them and only see them as Burmese refugees. They are Bengali people and if they wish to resettle in Bangladesh then you should not oppose them.

Dude why it is so hard for you to understand that we don't define our country based on ethnicity nor based on religion. Our constitution are for the people of Bangladesh regardless of ethnicity and religion. So, if somebody is Bengali or not does not make any difference as long as he/she is a citizen of Bangldesh. Our constitution does not allow us to push any Rakhaine or Marma to Myanmar. Its illegal. Same goes for Rohingiyas, we cant allow them as they are not citizen of Bangladesh by birth. You got to be born here to claim yourself as citizen, your Bengali root does not count.

If we just allow some Bengali or Muslim only because of their religion or ethnicity then our minority people (Rakhanine for instance) wont take it easy. See bunch of Rakhaine live in Tekhnaf region where the unrest is happening.
The thing is we're not screwing it up. The international community has said almost nothing on this issue for a number of reasons:-
- the stories of 'thousands of muslims' being killed is fabrication
- the intelligent ones are aware that these people's ultimate goal is a muslim caliphate in Myanmar
- the international community tacitly accepts Bangladesh's role in this conflict by asking them to open their borders

Like I've said before, the Rohingya themselves should be given the choice of which country they would like to live in. Whether they have been in Myanmar for 50 or 200 years, their Bengali homeland should not turn its back on them and only see them as Burmese refugees. They are Bengali people and if they wish to resettle in Bangladesh then you should not oppose them.

We have our own citizenship laws. And for your information, most of them want to go back to Myanmar.

There's no indication whatsoever to make Myanmar a Muslim caliphate. And neither do they have the resources or organization to do so.

Refugees is never a permanent solution. And neither should you celebrate before the egg hatches.
Dude why it is so hard for you to understand that we don't define our country based on ethnicity nor based on religion. Our constitution are for the people of Bangladesh regardless of ethnicity and religion. So, if somebody is Bengali or not does not make any difference as long as he/she is a citizen of Bangldesh. Our constitution does not allow us to push any Rakhaine or Marma to Myanmar. Its illegal. Same goes for Rohingiyas, we cant allow them as they are not citizen of Bangladesh by birth. You got to be born here to claim yourself as citizen, your Bengali root does not count.

Probably for the same reasons you don't understand that unless you don't get over yourselves, you are condemning these people to a life of misery. Despite all your big talk about brotherhood and mercy, you are sticking by your insistence that these people are not your contrymen. Well, our constitution says that they are not our countrymen either. The longer you go on with this charade, the longer this problem will go on. Like a lot of you on here have said, they are your islamic brothers and as others pointed out, you aren allegedly a free, prosperous and morally righteous country who are part of 'the next 11'. Why then are you so opposed to these people settling there. Your moral hypocracy on this subject is laughable.

Think of it like this: all you have to do is allow a million of so bengali speaking muslims to come over and you can enjoy peaceful and prosperous relations with your big ASEAN neighbour Myanmar. You can build that rail and road to China and tap that ASEAN market. Why are you so opposed to this? Because at the heart of this issue is the little dream you people have of the Rohingya becoming an autonomous region so you could have some claim on Arakan.

We have our own citizenship laws. And for your information, most of them want to go back to Myanmar.

There's no indication whatsoever to make Myanmar a Muslim caliphate. And neither do they have the resources or organization to do so.

Refugees is never a permanent solution. And neither should you celebrate before the egg hatches.

Absolute bullshit.
Probably for the same reasons you don't understand that unless you don't get over yourselves, you are condemning these people to a life of misery. Despite all your big talk about brotherhood and mercy, you are sticking by your insistence that these people are not your contrymen. Well, our constitution says that they are not our countrymen either. The longer you go on with this charade, the longer this problem will go on. Like a lot of you on here have said, they are your islamic brothers and as others pointed out, you are a free, prosperous and morally righteous country who are part of 'the next 11'. Why then are you so opposed to these people settling there. Your moral hypocracy on this subject is laughable.

The morale of the story is that, its not morally right things to do to help a rogue state in its view of ethnic cleansing. Islamic brotherhood always stand and that is why thousands of people in the border lines up to help those Refugees. But, enough is enough and its time to hit back.

If your constitution says some people of your country are not citizen then you need to change the constitution as its your $hit. You got to clean it...

Think of it like this: all you have to do is allow a million of so bengali speaking muslims to come over and you can enjoy peaceful and prosperous relations with your big ASEAN neighbour Myanmar. You can build that rail and road to China and tap that ASEAN market. Why are you so opposed to this? Because at the heart of this issue is the little dream you people have of the Rohingya becoming an autonomous region so you could have some claim on Arakan.

Absolute bullshit.

Thats a nice proposition. If you keep on pushing the people left and right then I cant blame them for that.
Probably for the same reasons you don't understand that unless you don't get over yourselves, you are condemning these people to a life of misery. Despite all your big talk about brotherhood and mercy, you are sticking by your insistence that these people are not your contrymen. Well, our constitution says that they are not our countrymen either. The longer you go on with this charade, the longer this problem will go on. Like a lot of you on here have said, they are your islamic brothers and as others pointed out, you are a free, prosperous and morally righteous country who are part of 'the next 11'. Why then are you so opposed to these people settling there. Your moral hypocracy on this subject is laughable.

They have been in your country for generations. If the Chinese Muslims (Panthay) can, no reason why the Rohingyas cannot.

Grow a pair will ya?

Think of it like this: all you have to do is allow a million of so bengali speaking muslims to come over and you can enjoy peaceful and prosperous relations with your big ASEAN neighbour Myanmar. You can build that rail and road to China and tap that ASEAN market. Why are you so opposed to this? Because at the heart of this issue is the little dream you people have of the Rohingya becoming an autonomous region so you could have some claim on Arakan.

What kind of an idiotic claim is that? And they don't speak Bengali.

Absolute bullshit.

Thats a nice proposition. If you keep on pushing the people left and right then I cant blame them for that.

Precisely. What this boils down to again is your little wet dream of an expanded Bangladesh in Arakan. You'll never be able to extend your borders militarily so you want the Rohingya to be your little pawns. Well, too bad. That will never happen. The only ones who suffer are your Rohingya.
They have been in your country for generations. If the Chinese Muslims (Panthay) can, no reason why the Rohingyas cannot.

Grow a pair will ya?

What kind of an idiotic claim is that? And they don't speak Bengali.


I thought you were meant to be the 'intelligent' one. You come up with soundbites in a recent article in your national newspaper as your validation that they want to come back to Myanmar? When it is a political hot potato about whether they should be allowed to reside in Bangladesh? Bullshit.
Precisely. What this boils down to again is your little wet dream of an expanded Bangladesh in Arakan. You'll never be able to extend your borders militarily so you want the Rohingya to be your little pawns. Well, too bad. That will never happen. The only ones who suffer are your Rohingya.

And....just since when did Bangladesh ever propose that? Are we threatening you? Are we bulling you? Are we threatening you to take your resources?

You've been spreading your crap since 1978, we never instigated anything against you. And we maintained cordial relations with Myanmar.
Precisely. What this boils down to again is your little wet dream of an expanded Bangladesh in Arakan. You'll never be able to extend your borders militarily so you want the Rohingya to be your little pawns. Well, too bad. That will never happen. The only ones who suffer are your Rohingya.

Little dream of Arakan.. Muhahahah...

We could had taken Arakan back in 60's but we did not considering that Rakhanines are majority there. But what we expected you to do that you honor your minorities who resembles like us. Thats all we asked. But as you are digging your own grave, who us to stop you. You will loose Arakan eventually today or tomorrow.
We?? 'You' didn't even have a country in the 60's.

I can tell you've got a raging hard on for a war. Especially if you're far away and won't have to do any of the fighting other than over the computer. But your delusions of grandeur are unbelievable. You should go relax and dream about girls rather than dream about your Bengali armies marching into Arakan.
Little dream of Arakan.. Muhahahah...

We could had taken Arakan back in 60's but we did not considering that Rakhanines are majority there. But what we expected you to do that you honor your minorities who resembles like us. Thats all we asked. But as you are digging your own grave, who us to stop you. You will loose Arakan eventually today or tomorrow.

Maybe we should kick out all the Rakhines and Chakmas out of BD in exchange for the Rohingyas :D

We?? 'You' didn't even have a country in the 60's.

Pakistan was much stronger at the time.
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