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Army donates one-day salary for IDPs
Updated at: 2040 PST, Saturday, May 09, 2009
ISLAMABAD: Armed forces of Pakistan have donated a day's pay for the rehabilitation and welfare of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) of NWFP, according to an announcement by Joint Staff Headquarters on Saturday.
Army donates one-day salary for IDPs - GEO.tv

Let me calculate how much already i had paid for the '05 EQ and the recent Balochistan EQ.

Atleast we feel proud that we have added a little, if not much!

But this should also be known that this is not the only help that the military have provided, before this announcement most of the personnels had already given what they could afford to these IDP camps:enjoy:
God bless the displaced people and our Army.
We should all be united to get ridd of this menace.
Three more camps for IDP’s
Updated at: 1550 PST, Monday, May 11, 2009
PESHAWAR: Commissioner Afghan refugees Syed Jamaluddin Shah said three more camps would be establish for Internally Displaced Persons (IDP).

Talking to Geo News, Shah said two camps will be establish in Riasalpur and Jalozai areas of Noshera and one camp in Dhari Zardad in Charsadda for people migrating from Swat, Buner and Dir. Four thousand families will be accommodated in these camps.

He said more than 600 personnel of Afghan commissionarate are busy in rescue activities in different camps set up in NWFP.
UK Economy News Headlines - FT.com
its tragic and the humiliation people face is unbearable to even watch an old women barely able to walk its very hard to watch but im from mardan and im hearing normal households sending food and basic needs everyone is cutting down and sending food the shopkeepers are giving away food and here the pakistani brothers are trying to gather upto 10000 euro InshAllah by the end of the week so if ur overseas u can help. also a question whats going to happen to the taliban in waziristan
its tragic and the humiliation people face is unbearable to even watch an old women barely able to walk its very hard to watch but im from mardan and im hearing normal households sending food and basic needs everyone is cutting down and sending food the shopkeepers are giving away food and here the pakistani brothers are trying to gather upto 10000 euro InshAllah by the end of the week so if ur overseas u can help. also a question whats going to happen to the taliban in waziristan
مردان اور تخت بھائی میں کچھ لوگون نے مواخات کی یاد تازا کر دی ہے۔۔۔کل جیو کی ایک رپورٹ کے مطابق ایک گاون کے لوگون نے اپنے گھر اور ٕمال محاجرین کے حوالے کر دیا ہے اور خود اپنے بھائیون کے گھر منتقل ہو گئے ہیں

اللہ کی قسم یہ قوم عظیم ہے۔۔۔۔مگر اس کی اشرافہ ابوجہل کی طرح گھٹیا ہے
i want this thread to be dedicated to IDP...
what are they thinking?
wat do they want?
in wat condition they are?
their pictures
etc etc

I have a friend from Malakand who is not actually "internally displaced" (may Allah protect her from that) but I would still like to share something about her. She and her fellow students were "internally displaced" from their school. It was an all girls' school in Swat. The Taliban made all the students go outside and then blew up the building in front of their faces. Imagine....you have such an attachment with your school. I look forward to going back to visit mine, but like she says, "I have nowhere to go back to visit now..." Blowing up girls' schools is just insane!
مردان اور تخت بھائی میں کچھ لوگون نے مواخات کی یاد تازا کر دی ہے۔۔۔کل جیو کی ایک رپورٹ کے مطابق ایک گاون کے لوگون نے اپنے گھر اور ٕمال محاجرین کے حوالے کر دیا ہے اور خود اپنے بھائیون کے گھر منتقل ہو گئے ہیں

اللہ کی قسم یہ قوم عظیم ہے۔۔۔۔مگر اس کی اشرافہ ابوجہل کی طرح گھٹیا ہے

wrora da lek tranlate ka
in mardan and takth bhai area few people vocated their houses and shifted to their reletives and gave whole of their property and house to Muhajereen

I think these great people reminded us MOOAKHAT when same type of act was done by Ansar

Cabinet Division release Rs.500 millions for IDPs
ISLAMABAD, May 11 (APP): Emergency Relief Cell (ERC) of Cabinet Division on Monday released an amount of Rs.500 millions to the Government of NWFP for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). This amount is in addition to Rs.500 million released earlier by the Cabinet Division thus bringing the figure released by Federal Government for IDPs up to Rs. one billion.
Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - Cabinet Division release Rs.500 millions for IDPs
Gilani calls donors’ conference for IDP funding
Monday, 11 May, 2009 | 06:29 PM PST | Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani addressed a session of the parliament on the offensives in the northwest—APP/File photo
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani said Monday his government would host an international donors’ conference to drum up funds for an exodus of people displaced by the Swat offensive.

The state says it has allocated one billion rupees for relief efforts, but critics warn that is a fraction of the money needed for reconstruction and law enforcement to win the war against the Taliban.

‘An international conference of donors will be convened shortly in Islamabad,’ Gilani told the parliament during a debate on the offensives in the northwest, which UN officials say has uprooted more than 360,000 people.

He said a prime minister’s relief fund had been established adding: ‘I appeal on all of you and philanthropists to donate generously to this fund’.

Gilani said military action against extremists was imperative.

‘The very existence of the country was at stake. We were left with no option,’ the prime minister said.

‘Militants challenged parliament, the judiciary, law enforcement agencies and the writ of the government, trying to destabilise the country,’ he said.

‘We will force them to lay down their arms and respect the writ of the government. The defence of the country is strong and we will defeat them.’

The prime minister recognised that military action was not a permanent solution and reeled off a list of requirements which would require funds.

‘We will have to strengthen the law enforcement agencies, enhance the capacity of the Frontier Corps and Frontier Constabulary, make police stations bomb-proof, and provide the latest vehicles and communication facilities to the security forces in the region.’

‘We will also have to acquire equipment to jam FM radio stations to block their anti-government propaganda,’ he added.
DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Gilani calls donors? conference for IDP funding
13 colleges, schools to host IDPs in Mardan

Updated : Monday May 11 , 2009 7:45:45 PM

PESHAWAR: As many as 13 Colleges and Schools have been notified as relief camps in order to accommodate the huge influx of IDPs of Swat, Buner and Dir.

According to information received from Commissioner Mardan Division, these schools included Govt Polytechnic Institute Takht Bhai, GGHS Jalala, GHS Jalala, GGHSS Takht Bhai, GGHS Ganji, GHS Pati Killi situated at Malakand Road, Mardan, Govt Degree College Shenkar, Katlung Road Mardan, GHS Khair Abad, GHS Garyala,GHS Shahbaz Garhi, GGHS Shahabaz Garhi, GPS Shahbaz Garhi, GMS Nawa Killi Rustam situated at Rustam Road Mardan.

The Commissioner has directed that the principal of the educational institute turned relief camps will be focal person of whole relief operation within the vicinity of his respective institute.

The Principals concerned will issue a two shaped duty roster of their teaching and other staff, i.e. one from 0700- 1300 hrs and 2nd from 1300-1800 hrs for registration of IDPs. These registration forms will be provided by Social Welfare Department.

13 colleges, schools to host IDPs in Mardan,5/11/2009 8:34:31 PM
Over 0.7 millon IDPs provided shelter under elaborate arrangements : NDMA
ISLAMABAD, May 11 (APP): Over 7,75,169 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) of Bajaur and Swat have been provided shelter and relief within and outside camps in Swabi, Nowshera and other areas in an effort to rehabilitate them. In response the recent influx of IDPs, NDMA and provincial authorities are fully geared up to meet the challenge, Chairman, National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), Lt Gen. (Retd) Farooq Ahmad said addressing a press conference here.

He informed that in addition to 5,53,929 IDPs, a fresh influx of 36,032 families (2,21,240) individuals have been registered in and outside the camps.

The Chairman said to meet the requirement new sites for establishing camps are being developed in Swabi, Nowshera and other areas.

For the convenience of IDPs 34 registration points for incoming IDPs have been established.

He said the transportation for stranded people in conflict zone is being arranged by provincial authorities in coordination with military authorities.

NDMA teams along with representatives of UN Humanitarian Agencies have been deployed in Mardan to coordinate and facilitate civil administration.

So far NDMA has mobilized 28,804 tents, 1,99,226 Blankets/Quilts, 10,887 Tons of ration, 22,466 kitchen sets, 183,994 Plastic Mats and other items like mosquitoes nets and jerry cans etc. from Federal Resources, humanitarian organizations and PRCS.

All the new camps are being prepared by Provincial Government at international standards.

In the efforts civil society, local NGOs and philanthropists are also participating.

The Chairman said the NDMA, being the national level focal body to coordinate and facilitate the disaster management, has been engaged in management of the IDPs since inception of military operations against the militants in Bjaur and Swat, he told a press conference.

He informed that prior to current Swat operation, more than 5,53,929 IDPs are being looked after by provincial government with the help of Federal Government, various humanitarian agencies including Pak Red Crescent Society (PRCS) with coordination of NDMA.

He said more than 91,017 IDPs were housed in 11 camps in different districts and rest of the IDPs are provided relief in the form of food and non-food items on monthly basis.

These IDPs in camps are provided with Health, Education and Psychosocial treatment facilities, he added.

The Chairman said special care is being provided to the children and vulnerable families. There are about 27 temporary schools functional for 13,436 students (Boys and Girls) in the camps and evening classes in 63 government schools.

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency )
u guys must be thinkin that i sometime end up postin many useless news articles... but the truth is that i cant resist sharing any news which i read about our displaced families

Occasion brings smiles to internally displaced women

Monday, May 11, 2009
Myra Imran


The Mother’s Day brought smiles to around 50 internally displaced women from Swat, who gathered here Sunday to observe the day with civil society workers.

Organised by Potohar Organisation for Development Advocacy (PODA), the event was the first experience of its kind for these women now settled in Mohallah Safdar Abbas, Pirwadhai.

“People here keep distance from us, as if we are terrorists,” said one of the women, obviously delighted and surprised all the same at this maiden interaction with the local women.

No one from among these IDPs had ever heard about the Mother’s Day and they seemed more interested in sharing their traumatic experiences. The civil society members distributed sweets among them and listened to their grievances while telling them to use whatever skills they possessed to support their families.

Majority of them said that they were good at embroidery and sewing while some were experts in vegetable growing and others said that they used to help their husbands in the fields. All of them looked quite worried about their husbands and older children, left behind to take care of fields and animals. “Wheat fields were ready for harvesting and fruit trees were full of apricots and peaches and we could not afford to leave the hard work of a full year just go to waste like that,” said one woman. She said that “we women” had no choice, but to leave everything behind. “These trees, fields and animals are our livelihood.”

Migrating from their villages did secure their lives, but a new set of problems in an absolutely new environment awaited them in Rawalpindi. “We do not have much to eat, our children are not being given admission in schools and even the doctors are not ready to treat us,” complained another woman.

She said that they had identity cards, but the school administrations ask for birth and school leaving certificates. “How can people who left their area in an emergency arrange for such documents.” She said that they had no source of income and their children scavenge garbage all day to earn enough to buy a meal.

The latest arrival of IDPs in this locality came three days ago while the first family reached three months earlier. Among the gathering of 50 women, only two said that they had studied till Grade III. “All our children were going to school until the Taliban came and started ordering people to stop sending the kids to schools”, said one woman whose daughter’s school was bombed by Taliban. The girl, a seventh grader became paralysed from waist down due to fear and shock from the bombing.

The PODA officials told ‘The News’ that there are around 200 families settled in Mohallah Safdar Abbasi with each having eight to 10 children. “The area is not a refugee camp and the first few families actually came here to stay with their relatives already settled in this area,” said Sameena Nazir, directress PODA. As more and more people migrated from the troubled areas, the number of families has increased. These IDPs are mainly from Swat and Kohistan areas from the villages of Purana Gaun, Bebrain, Kalam, Ramir, Lati Kot, Khushal, Panjgaram, Sataal, Aieen, Naji Gahri and Satgaran.

Talking about the threat of Taliban, they said that they had to leave due to constant threats to their lives. “I was afraid to send my children to school or even outside home fearing they may not come back alive.” They were unanimous in their opinion that Taliban were cruel and the local people did not support them. “If we supported them, we would not be leaving our homes and livelihoods,” remarked one woman while another pointed out that Taliban used to insult them and humiliate their families.

The PODA Directress Sameena said that internally displaced mothers were suffering economically, physically and emotionally and needed urgent help from both society and the government. “If help fails to arrive in time, these garbage picking children will have no choice to but to join madrassas.” She said that most of the IDPs spoke Kohistani or Pushto languages and were shy to ask for help. “They are in urgent need of trauma counselling and income generation help.”

The main problems faced by IDPs, she said were lack of housing, discrimination in renting homes (most people are afraid to rent out their homes to IDPs fearing that they are coming from terrorist areas), schooling for children and access to healthcare. “Most families are not even able to have two meals a day.” She said that these women were ideal candidates for Benazir Income Support Programme, but they did not have any idea how to have access to those funds. “They are not receiving any Zakat or Bait-ul-Mal funds or help from the Social Welfare Department.”
Occasion brings smiles to internally displaced women
Trust announces Rs100m relief for displaced people

Monday, May 11, 2009
Bureau report

PESHAWAR: The Ummah Welfare Trust, a non-governmental organisation, has announced a relief package worth Rs 100 million for the internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Buner, Swat and Lower Dir districts.

Chairman of the Ummah Welfare Trust Maulana Muhammad Idrees said the trust would leave no stone unturned for to help the affected people from the troubled areas. He said the organization was providing all kinds of facilities like medical assistance, cooked food, juices and biscuits for children. He added that special transport facility was being ensured to bring the affected population safely to the camps.

Imran Shah, a staffer of the trust, said it would also provide ration and other facilities to the Sikh families who had migrated to Hasanabdal from Buner. NWFP Chief Minister Ameer Haider Hoti has lauded the spirit of the trust.

Meanwhile, the ANP MPA from Swabi, Sikandar Irfan, told ‘The News’ that Ummah Welfare Trust had extended timely and worthwhile support to the camp for IDPs in Chotha Lahor town and earned the gratitude and goodwill of the people. “We approached the Ummah Trust and it generously extended assistance for the IDPs in three installments. The trust built a mosque and community kitchen, provided cooked food and every kind of facility to the displaced people,” he explained.
Trust announces Rs100m relief for displaced people

Absence of NGOs being felt in relief work

Monday, May 11, 2009
Javed Aziz Khan

PESHAWAR: Though thousands of kind-hearted individuals and families have extended support to the violence-affected people of Malakand, yet the absence of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in the relief operation has been greatly felt.

Over a million people have fled homes in Bajaur Agency and Malakand Division since military operation was launched in two areas. Several families from the Mohmand Agency have also registered their members in the camps, located in re-latively peaceful parts of the province.

One is encouraged to see how the commoners of Swabi, Mardan, Peshawar and Nowshera are sharing their houses and facilities with the displaced people.

Majority of the houses in these districts have accommodated three to five families from Malakand who are being provided food and clothes.

“Almost all villages of the Swabi district have accom-modated thousands of IDPs as their guests. Women have been lodged inside the houses while males are residing in hujras,” said Ali Rahman of Shewa Adda in Swabi, who has been hosting around 60 male and female individuals for the past one week.

In this time of need, very few of the reputed NGOs can be seen launching their operations in the IDP camps. The Tarakai family is solely hosting over 8,000 male and female members at their sprawling house as well as their charity schools.

The provincial president of Tehrik-e-Insaf is also provid-ing food, accommodation and other facilities to hundreds of IDPs. Local leaders of the Awami National Party, Pakistan People’s Party, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz and Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid, Jamaat-e-Islami, Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam and Pakistan People’s Party-Sherpao are also contributing to sooth and compensate the IDPs.

Swat orphanage granted equipment

Monday, May 11, 2009
Bureau report

PESHAWAR: The Swat District Government has provided gas generators, refrigerators, blankets, furniture and other equipment to Khpal Kor Foundation, a non-governmental organisation, to benefit 240 orphans residing in the orphanage.

A press release stated that the KKF offered education, lodging, food, clothing, and health services to 160 orphans. The Swat District Government had provided electric fans, mattresses, bedding, sewing machines and other goods to the foundation. The orphanage can accommodate an additional 80 children.

During the handover ceremony, KKF Director Muhammad Ali said the CNG-run generators would help reduce the problems of children being faced during electricity loadshedding. He added that during the winter there was lack of enough hot water for these children to take bath, however, the government provided CNG geezer, which enabled the children to use hot water during the cold weather in winter.
this nation is not weak and can definately resist any storm....
inshAllah we will sail through this rough sea with our heads high
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