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Exclusive website for displaced people, they'll just have to login with their NIC number and they'll guided to the nearest camp...and given every neccasity of life available there.

A job well done by an unknown Pakistani residing in America...

Just heard it on geonews.
Labour Ministry contributes Rs. 200 million for IDPs
ISLAMABAD, May 13 (APP): Minister for Labour and Manpower Syed Khursheed Shah called on Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani here at the PM House on Wednesday and presented a cheque of Rs. 200 million on behalf of his Ministry for the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). The Prime Minister thanked Syed Khursheed Shah and the Ministry of Labour and Manpower for their generous contribution in this hour of need.

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - Labour Ministry contributes Rs. 200 million for IDPs
No one to dry their tears

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

By Kamal Siddiqi

Mardan: It does not take long before tears start to stream down the faces of the displaced people gathered at the Shahzad Town camp, now a tented village located on the outskirts of Mardan.

Parwez Khan, 26, recalls how his family started their journey in three trucks from Babaji Kandau, a village near Ambela in Buner District. “On the first day, two of the trucks were targeted and all the men, women and children died,” says the young man holding back his tears, adding, “Today, I have only half of the family.” But the tears are not only of sorrow, they are of frustration too. It takes two days to have a card made that entitles one to such basic necessities such as a tent and food.

People have to line up at different points to meet their requirements. In most instances, they left their towns and villages in Swat and Buner with only clothes on their backs. As many as a million people have left their homes in Swat, Buner and Dir districts in what is becoming the largest displacement of people within Pakistan in the country’s history.

Now they are stranded in an alien place with no one to share their sorrows. Politicians and government officials come and go. There is a stall set up by the ANP but it has nothing to offer except promises of help. On Saturday, PML-N leader Zafar Iqbal Jhagra visited the camp. But he spent an hour talking to reporters and 20 minutes talking to the refugees. Jhagra and other leaders come and go. The system of distributing relief goods is faulted, pilferage is common. But the bigger worry is not how to distribute the supplies but how to cater for the swelling numbers of refugees.

Aurangzeb Khan arrived from Pir Baba village in Buner four days back after three days of constant bombardment. He says while most of his family members made it, their eldest brother stayed back to look after the livestock. “We are worried about him. There is no news about him,” he says.

People talk of the wheat crop ripe for harvest left in the fields. Of animals and properties abandoned in the desperate rush to get out. “I am sure much of what we have left will be looted,” says another displaced man, who says he saw lines of cars and trucks burnt out on the road out of the valley. “There were corpses ******* on the road. No one stopped to bury them.”

While some talk of constant bombardment by the Army on civilian positions, most of those interviewed say that the Army action was inevitable. Sardar Ali from Mingora, who fled along with his wife and five children, blames the Taliban for the state in which Swat is today. “Our problems started after the Taliban came. Till then, Swat was peaceful. Peace can only return once they leave.”

It is a misconception that the people of Swat and Buner support the Taliban, confirmed many. “We felt abandoned by the government and we started to feel like we were hostages,” commented Sardar Ali. Many others murmured in agreement. They said the decision to leave their homes was taken at the last minute. “As we saw how the fighting was escalating, we felt the best option was to leave.”

Many complained that the government did not give them enough time to move out. Others said that many of their relatives had been forcibly stopped from leaving by the Taliban.

Qaisar Khan, a volunteer, who works with the UK-based Ummah Welfare Trust, says that the two medicines most in demand are anti-scabies lotions and anti-depressant pills. The young volunteer has done work in the aftermath of the 2005 earthquake and says that there is the same feeling of helplessness amongst the people. “The only difference is that the earthquake was an act of Allah. And this test has come from the people.”

In all this, there is a feeling amongst the people here of being abandoned by the people and the government of Pakistan. Many say that the sufferings that they are facing today may well extend to others if the Taliban are not checked. One angry man said: “We are Pakistanis too. Why have we been forgotten in the war between the Army and the Taliban?”
No one to dry their tears
Don't know if this has been posted before but here goes:

1. sms SWAT to 4361 to donate right away to the SWAT Relief Fund!

2. For constant live info on SWAT IDPs log onto We are live ! | The Swat Plea

3. NCA camp for Swat refugees. Preferably donate dry goods such as rice, flour, lentils, grams, sugar, tea, dried milk, biscuits, cooking oil, floor matting, polythene sheets, used clothes, shoes and mosquito repellent. There is also a medical and water resource fund that would appreciate monetary donations. Donations & goods can be dropped off at NCA, Lower Mall, Lahore. First 3 truck loads leave on Thursday. So hurry!!!
The government is trying its best. Motorway and Highway police are to donate 10,000 each for IDPs. Our orginisation are starting a collection which will be sent to a IDP camp outside Rawalpindi and i know of so many people playing their part (small or big).

Has anyone seen the Government sponsored ad's on TV? Mostly showing on DAWN? Great move by the government! Reminded me of Kargil Conflict and 2005 quake! Gets the red pakistani blood flowing... :)
Got this on my email, please forward it...

Subject: Sawat Relief Camp
Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 11:46:19 +0500

Dear All,

I am working as an active part of NGO-Mission Resuce Pakistan. Current project is to help the diplaced women, children and people of Swat who are lying on the streets and roads in good numbers of 22 Lac. They need the list which is enclosed here.

You being distant can immediately help with cash, for which I can send you the account number of MRP for remittance. You can also ask your family members in Pakistan to help us with whatever they can spare.

We are setting up a camp at P.A.F. Base, Shahrah-e-Faisal to collect this all coming Saturday and Sunday inshaLLAH.

Least, forward this email to all.



Goods Required:

Dry milk
Edible Oil (sachets)
Flour bags
Candies for Children

Soaps for washing clothes etc.

For Children:
Story Books
Coloring Books
Coloring materials
Copies & pencils
Bedding (Gudda’s, pillows & sheets etc.)

Pain Killers
Cough syrups
Antibiotic oral medicines and for external use (e.g. Furecin powder)

For this commodity, we are looking at cash donations.
^^ I would not send any money to people communicating through email. The best option is to donate to reputable organizations who are already working in the area.

I mean why would you want to donate to some unknown guy when Edhi, Red Crescent and UNHCR are functioning in the affected areas?

Stick with the known entities with a proven track record - the information is on the first page of this thread.
^^ I would not send any money to people communicating through email. The best option is to donate to reputable organizations who are already working in the area.

I mean why would you want to donate to some unknown guy when Edhi, Red Crescent and UNHCR are functioning in the affected areas?

Stick with the known entities with a proven track record - the information is on the first page of this thread.

You aren't familiar with Mission Rescue Pakistan I guess. Pretty known entity. They did a lot of aid work during the earthquake.

Last I checked this camp is being organised in collaboration with the Pakistan Air Force on PAF Base Faisal.

If one is hesitant with giving money, that's okay. But you can certainly donate goods to the relief camp at the base.
You aren't familiar with Mission Rescue Pakistan I guess. Pretty known entity. They did a lot of aid work during the earthquake.

Last I checked this camp is being organised in collaboration with the Pakistan Air Force on PAF Base Faisal.

If one is hesitant with giving money, that's okay. But you can certainly donate goods to the relief camp at the base.

No, I was not familiar with them. I googled them and it appears they have been reviewed on the Teabreak blog as well.

They way you presented the information made it seem like an unsolicited email, especially the part about XYZ giving people his account number if they were interested in sending money.

I think it would be better to give links to the organization's website and use their donate option - but that seems to be out of order.


The part about the camp at the PAF base may or may not be true - I can't tell through an email, and even if it is true, how does one know whether this particular individual is associated with it?

This may all be completely legit, but MRP needs to be more structured and transparent with soliciting donations, so people do not have doubts.
No, I was not familiar with them. I googled them and it appears they have been reviewed on the Teabreak blog as well.

They way you presented the information made it seem like an unsolicited email, especially the part about XYZ giving people his account number if they were interested in sending money.

I think it would be better to give links to the organization's website and use their donate option - but that seems to be out of order.

Mission: Rescue Pakistan - Be National, Act National

The part about the camp at the PAF base may or may not be true - I can't tell through an email, and even if it is true, how does one know whether this particular individual is associated with it?

This may all be completely legit, but MRP needs to be more structured and transparent with soliciting donations, so people do not have doubts.

Copy pasted it directly from an email that came my way. Will be careful the next time.

As for Teabreak blog... I have no idea... They helped out a lot during the earthquake relief operations in 2005. Probably you weren't in the country then.

Last I read, Mr XYZ was giving MRP's account number for remittance. Didn't think much into it.

I am sure they wouldn't be that so imprudent as to use a military base for dubious business. Will forward your suggestions about transparency etc if I run across the organisers ever.

Bottom line: It's just a link. Whoever wants to donate through them help can go to PAF Faisal, those who don't well there is always Edhi/UNHCR/ICRC etc.

If you feel this isn't right, please feel free to delete it here and at another thread about IDPs' relief, it's called "Swat and Malakand Refugees".

Army dispatches relief goods for IDPs
KARACHI, May 14 (APP): Pakistan Army, Karachi Corps Headquarter on Thursday dispatched the first consignment of relief goods for the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in NWFP areas, here. It is worth mentioning that Pak Army has already announced their one-day pay and part of their rations to help the IDPs alongwith establishing medical resources in all IDPs camps.

The relief goods sent through trucks comprise on eatables and items of daily use, says an ISPR press release.

A large number of NGO’s and philanthropists have contacted the Army authorities for donations of relief good for IDPS to be sent across to relief camps in NWFP.

The Army authorities have established a camp, at Central Ordnance Depot (COD) at Rashid Minhas Road for collection of relief items.

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - Army dispatches relief goods for IDPs

there u go. if u r in karachi u can just give ur donations to army who can then take it to IDP camps.
CM spent whole day in ID camps at Mardan, Swabi
PESHAWAR, May 14 (APP): The NWFP Chief Minister Ameer Haidar Khan Hoti Thursday spend the whole day in the camps for the IDPs established in the districts of Mardan and Sawabi and acquired about the conditions with respect to quality of food, shelter and other basic needs of life provided to the IDPs.

The Chief Minister mixed up with the IDPs and discussed freely with the people in the camps in Jalala and Yar Hussain.

On the occasion Senior Provincial Ministers Rahim Dad Khan, Bashir Ahmad Bilour, Provincial Minister for Information and Public Relation Mian Iftekhar Hussain, Provincial Minister Hidayat Ullah Khan, Home Secretary fayaz Toro, Members of Emergency Response Cell, Commissioner Mardan Khalid Khan, DCO Muhammad Adeel, Police Officials and Camp Incharge Ali Anan were also present on the occasion.

The Chief Minister announced financial assistance and provision of electricity, quality food and non-food items for the IDPs from Buneer, Dir and Swat. The IDPs largely welcomed the announcement and raise slogans in favour of the government.

The Chief Minister examined the health facilities, food, distribution of assistance stuffs and other administrative matters and issue directives for further betterment, in both the camps.

He expressed satisfaction over the arrangements however he laid stress on making it in accordance with the expectations of the affectees.

The Chief Minister also greeted the affectees one by one and shakes hands with them. He also examined various stalls of different government, non-government and welfare organizations.

Officials of Livestock and Dairy Development Department informed the Chief Minister that arrangements of medicines have been made for the cattles of the affectees.

The chief minister said that cattles is the assets of the homeless people and any deficiency in its look after should be fulfilled. Some affected families complaint to him that they have yet to be provided tents for the past three four days. The Chief Minister immediately directed the incharge of the camp for their shifting to Mazdoor Abad camp.

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - CM spent whole day in ID camps at Mardan, Swabi

every leader should be goin there and spending time with these ppl. let them know that they are not alone in this and we stand with them
2000 tents, two generators, relief goods provided to IDPs at Charsadda camp
PESHAWAR, May 14 (APP): On the directives of the NWFP Chief Minister Ameer Haider Khan Hoti, 2000 tents, two generators and two electricity transformers were provided to the Internally Displaced Persons camped at Charsadda.

A press release issued from Emergency Response Unite established at the official residence of the NWFP Chief Secretary here Thursday said that moreover, 2000 utility store packages, including 20 kilograms atta, 5 kilograms dal and 5 kilograms sugar in each pack were provided to the IDPs camps in Mardan while 1500 such packages each were sent to Peshawar and Swabi camps.

On the directives of the Chief Minister PPAF has started survey for installation of hand pumps and playing facilities in Swabi camp. The same facilities would also be extended to Mardan as well. The CM has also directed the secretary social welfare to increase the number of staff at the camps so that the matters relating to the IDPs could be handled with enhanced speed and ensuring timely and quick relief to them. According to the ERC, the CM has directed the director food NWFP to provide 10000 bags of 20kg flour to the District Coordination Officer, Swat on emergency basis.

He has also directed for establishing a collection point in the PAF Museum, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi for the purpose to collect donations for the IDPs.

Meanwhile, the World Food Programme (WFP) on Thursday handed over the use of PRC Warehouse in Peshawar and has also agreed to add donations in their own fruit baskets, the ERC press release added.

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - 2000 tents, two generators, relief goods provided to IDPs at Charsadda camp
for those in Islamabad u can give ur donations to PAF (air headquarter)

PAF launches relief campaign for IDPs

ISLAMABAD, May 14 (APP): Pakistan Air Force stands united with the nation in help mitigating the sufferings of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) of Swat, Buner and Dir and launched relief campaign on the instructions of Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman, Chief of Air Staff on Thursday.

“Relief cells have been established on all PAF bases for the collection of edible items, Medicines and other relief goods from the personnel of Pakistan Air Force. The central relief camp has been established at Air Headquarters Islamabad,” said a news release issued by DPR (Air) on Thursday.

Tents, Bedding and Ration for 300 families are being dispatched to Mardan relief camps, it said.

Meanwhile, “CAS Relief Fund” account for the support of IDPs has been established at HBL, F-8 Markaz, Islamabad. In this connection, Rs two million and Rs 0.5 million have been donated by Pakistan Air Force and Pakistan Air Force Women Association (PAFWA) respectively.

Pakistan Air Force transport aircraft fleet is ready to undertake the relief operations. Pakistan Air Force has offered the services of its fleet for the airlift of donated goods for the IDPs as dispatch centers at PAF Base, Faisal (Karachi), PAF Base Lahore and PAF Base Samungli (Quetta) have been established.

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - PAF launches relief campaign for IDPs
Shahbaz, Raisani tour relief camp
Updated at: 1849 PST, Friday, May 15, 2009
MARDAN: Chief Ministers of Punjab and Balochistan Friday visited a relief camp set up in Takhtbai tehsil of District Mardan.

They inquired about the difficulties being faced by the displaced persons living in these camps and assured them to solve their problems.

NWFP Chief Minister Amir Haider Hoti accompanied the two chief ministers in the camp. They spent some time at the Mazdoorabad camp with the displaced persons.

On this occasion, Balochistan Chief Minister Aslam Raisani offered a cheque of Rs500 million to Hoti for the relief fund. He hoped that the operation would end soon and the affected families would return to their homes.

Speaking to the displaced persons, Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif said that the government of Punjab would stand by the affected persons in this difficult time.
Shahbaz, Raisani tour relief camp - GEO.tv
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