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My name is Pakistan and I’m not an Arab

Not at all, i read the Quran in English

You don't read the Quran or rather recite the Quran in English, you read the translation of the Quran in English.

As RangerPK and Oscar have said, Yankees wearing ponchos and incorporating Spanish, us speaking English and wearing their clothes, Indians doing the same, and all that doesn't translate to a cultural invasion, but Arab culture is somehow invading us!

Some people try and portray themselves as very balanced people and blame other people for being bigoted against the West, but deep down, those people themselves are bigoted against the Arabs.

Just like Developereo said, one is a religious fanatic, other is a liberal extremist.

Pakistanis should call back all expats from arab nations !

Why not from all over the world?

That would be a great way to get rid of the $12 Billion we are getting each year!
Dude we take guidance from Quran as well as hadiths to derive the laws..Namaz is mentioned in Quran but procedure of namaz , how many rakaat naamz, their timings, how to do ablution and everything related to it is taken from hadits and same is the case of many others islamic things including hijab. You can claim to be more expert of those who are well versed in arabic and made hijab part of islam..i am not talking about burqa here

The clearest verse on the requirement of the hijab is surah 24:30–31, asking women to draw their khimār over their bosoms

Hijab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Actually recently there was a debate on an Arabic facebook group, and most Arabs supporte that Hijab isnt mentioned in the Quran
(I know enough arabic myself as well)
Also read your own article, there's a part about other views too
Actually recently there was a debate on an Arabic facebook group, and most Arabs supporte that Hijab isnt mentioned in the Quran
(I know enough arabic myself as well)
Also read your own article, there's a part about other views too

Good to know that you have some knowledge of Arabic and now you can explain better the verse asking muslim women to not display their beauty to Namhram..now question is what beauty Quran talking about which women should not display to Namahram ? :what: Its not Muslim insecure men here who is asking this to Muslim women :)
Good to know that you have some knowledge of Arabic and now you can explain better the verse asking muslim women to not display their beauty to Namhram..now question is what beauty Quran talking about which women should not display to Namahram ? :what: Its not Muslim insecure men here who is asking this to Muslim women :)

The word namehram or it's equivalent has never been used, the concept is pakistani.
The word namehram or it's equivalent has never been used, the concept is pakistani.

I am having doubts about your Arabic knowledge now :) Namhram is ghayr mahrams in arabic

In Islamic sharia legal terminology, a mahram (Arabic محرم, also transliterated mahrim or maharem) is an unmarriageable kin with whom sexual intercourse would be considered incestuous, a punishable taboo. Current usage of the term covers a wider range of people and mostly deals with the dress code practice of hijab.

The plural form of the word in the Arabic language is maharim with long second vowel (Arabic محارم, also transliterated maharem). Sometimes the word is capitalized but there is not a general consensus that the word should be capitalized like Muslim. (The Arabic alphabet has no upper-case vs. lower-case distinction.)

Mahram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am having doubts about your Arabic knowledge now :) Namhram is ghayr mahrams in arabic

In Islamic sharia legal terminology, a mahram (Arabic محرم, also transliterated mahrim or maharem) is an unmarriageable kin with whom sexual intercourse would be considered incestuous, a punishable taboo. Current usage of the term covers a wider range of people and mostly deals with the dress code practice of hijab.

The plural form of the word in the Arabic language is maharim with long second vowel (Arabic محارم, also transliterated maharem). Sometimes the word is capitalized but there is not a general consensus that the word should be capitalized like Muslim. (The Arabic alphabet has no upper-case vs. lower-case distinction.)

Mahram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I said I know ENOUGH, to understand the ayat(s) in question.
Good job, so we know you can google. I have been learning arabic at school - what more can you want?
If you don't believe me you can ask the mods to check my location, I have to know arabic for the sake of job and university.
Why not from all over the world?

That would be a great way to get rid of the $12 Billion we are getting each year!
I specifically said arab because then our arab bashing would carry more weight otherwise it is just chota mu aur barri baat.
I would like to add there is another factor which is very anti Indian, not because they hate India, but because they are influenced by Western American culture, The Burger kids hate Indian culture with a passion, they find everything about Indian culture irritating. The burger kids listen to western English music, or Pakistani music inspired by western culture, they only watch hollywood movies and tv series and hate bollywood and indian soaps with a passion. They even go far to use the English language to carry out day to day conversations.

I think we often over look this...

So in a way, we have an anti thesis to growing Indian culture in our society, which is the growing western culture in our society. So I wonder, if we might end up having a polarized the society? Mr Imran Khan is of the opinion our society is being polarized...

I also want to add one more point, being against Indian culture does not mean you hate them and certainly does not mean one has accepted western values. Though it sucks that most of the kids in Pakistan who are against Indian culture are the type of baboons you described.
I said I know ENOUGH, to understand the ayat(s) in question.
Good job, so we know you can google. I have been learning arabic at school - what more can you want?
If you don't believe me you can ask the mods to check my location, I have to know arabic for the sake of job and university.

You said mahram is pakistani concept and i bring evidence that its not Pakistani but Islamic as list of mahram can be found in Quran and now you blame Google for it.

You did not even reply to my previous post where i asked what is that beauty which muslim women should not display according to Quran surah 24:30–31 and how you interpret the verse asking women to draw their khimar over their bosoms.

I dont need proof of your Arabic skills. I am aksing for your personal explaination or say tafseer of these verses as you are denying common explaination . I am not interested in pulling legs here and if you dont agree with Quran then there is nothing much i can do. you can follow Islam as you wish
You said mahram is pakistani concept and i bring evidence that its not Pakistani but Islamic as list of mahram can be found in Quran and now you blame Google for it.

You did not even reply to my previous post where i asked what is that beauty which muslim women should not display according to Quran surah 24:30–31 and how you interpret the verse asking women to draw their khimar over their bosoms.

I dont need proof of your Arabic skills. I am aksing for your personal explaination or say tafseer of these verses as you are denying common explaination . I am not interested in pulling legs here and if you dont agree with Quran then there is nothing much i can do. you can follow Islam as you wish

I blamed google? When? What I meant was, you can't claim superior knowledge by providing a link.
I did not reply because it was completely irrelevant and I know the chauvinist thought process behind your inferences.
My personal, actually the only logical, explanation is that women have always worn the silly head covers during preislamic times in pagan arabia but walked around with bare bosom, so in the pretext of already wearing khimars the Quran asks them to cover their bosom (which should be enough to answer your question), but you choose to deduce/extrapolate from that that head covering itself is must then there's nothing could be done. I mean because of people like you we're already back at the point with all these 'hijabis' we see walking with breasts almost bare but heads painstakingly covered.
I blamed google? When? What I meant was, you can't claim superior knowledge by providing a link.
I did not reply because it was completely irrelevant and I know the chauvinist thought process behind your inferences.
My personal, actually the only logical, explanation is that women have always worn the silly head covers during preislamic times in pagan arabia but walked around with bare bosom, so in the pretext of already wearing khimars the Quran asks them to cover their bosom (which should be enough to answer your question), but you choose to deduce/extrapolate from that that head covering itself is must then there's nothing could be done. I mean because of people like you we're already back at the point with all these 'hijabis' we see walking with breasts almost bare but heads painstakingly covered.

Dude i cannot do anything for your personal judgement or assumption. Whatever i said about hijab was not my personal opinion but it is opinion of most scholars and expert of Islamic jurisprudence . You can follow your personal logic and i don't have any problem with it but for your kind information hijab is not just covering your head and exposing your chest.. Read what is hijab before jumping towards conclusion

Hijab is not a piece of cloth on your head | Farhat Hashmi

Just because some of the sisters have their head covered, they think that the requirement of Hijaab is fulfilled. They don’t realize that wearing a Hijaab requires much more than just covering your head.

Actually, if you think about it, Hijaab is the way you talk…..the way you walk….the very way you carry yourself. In fact, Hijaab is an attitude in itself. Its a whole way of life.
Allaah says:
“And say to the believing women to lower their gazes, and to guard their private parts, and not to display their beauty (zeenah) except what is apparent of it, and to extend their headcoverings (khimars) to cover their bosoms (jaybs), and not to display their beauty except to their husbands, or their fathers, or their husband’s fathers, or their sons, or their husband’s sons, or their brothers, or their brothers’ sons, or their sisters’ sons, or their womenfolk, or what their right hands rule (slaves), or the followers from the men who do not feel sexual desire, or the small children to whom the nakedness of women is not apparent, and not to strike their feet (on the ground) so as to make known what they hide of their adornments. And turn in repentance to Allah together, O you believers, in order that you are successful.” (Surat-un-Nur: 31).

If you look carefully at the ayah, it clearly states that the head covers (khumur) should be drawn over the neck slits (juyoob). Khumur is the plural of the Arabic word “khimar” which means a headcover. Juyoob is the plural of the Arabic word “jaiyb”, which refers to the neck slit (of the dress).

Yet, some sisters just cover their head with something, and think they are fulfilling the rights of Hijaab, although part of their hair or body is showing, or their whole neck and chest area are exposed. Actually, that was the way of the women of Jahilliyah.
Al-Qurtubi said: “Women in those days used to cover their heads with the khimar, throwing its ends upon their backs. This left the neck and the upper part of the chest bare, along with the ears. Then Allah commanded them to cover those parts with the khimar.”

So secure the scarf well around your face, covering your neck/chest area, and keep those half sleeves and capri pants for your Mahrams

Sorry.…tight jeans and short shirt just don’t cut it
You can’t wear tight jeans and a short shirt with a piece of cloth on your head and think this is Hijaab. Nor can you wear anything else that is tight, describing the shape of the body in any way, even if it is long. The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said:
“In later (generations) of my ummah there will be women who will be dressed but naked. On top of their heads (what looks) like camel humps. They will not enter into paradise or (even) get a smell of it.” (Muslim)
Don't diss Arab clothes till you've worn them....

I personally don't think Arab cloths are very fashion forward, but I guess if you live in a desert, they can be quite functional. We can adopt the functionality of their cloths to make our lives easier, but if there is another culture with a better alternative, then we can learn from them as well.
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