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My hometown Parachinar was attacked and I'm heartbroken by your silence

Demand to provide 100% security or move out. Where anyone demand this? West spend 10 times more on security and they can't avoid terrorist attacks. FC/army is trying to avoid random attacks which are very very difficult.

Parachinar, in Pakistan's tribal north west, remains under siege. The only road connecting this district bordering Afghanistan to the rest of Pakistan has been blocked by Taliban fighters since 2007.

The blockade was briefly lifted in March, or so the Pakistani government proudly announced. The road was open again and travellers would be protected, they said. Owais, a 25-year-old recent graduate of engineering, was one of the few who took the risk and decided to visit his family.

On March 25, his Toyota HiAce and two other vans were stopped on the Thal-Parachinar road by Taliban fighters. Owais and 44 others were kidnapped.

"The whole Kurram region has turned into a detention centre for the people," says local journalist Zulfiqar Ali,

A local human rights activist

referring to the tribal agency of which Parachinar is the administrative capital. Pakistan's tribal areas are divided into seven agencies, with Kurram bordering Afghanistan's Khost province.

On the road to Parachinar, passenger vehicles are frequently attacked and food convoys are torched. Since 2007, hundreds of people have been killed in Kurram due to the violence, while the United Nations says at least 30,000 families have been forced to abandon their homes and move to camps for Internally Displaced People.

But escaping the region has become a difficult task. For residents to make it to Peshawar, the nearest Pakistani city, they have to first go into Afghanistan. That route has often been closed due to military operations by the Pakistani army. And even if they make it through, they face tremendous risks in Afghanistan - because the same fighters are active across the border.

"People cannot even travel there to bury their dead," a local human rights activist told Al Jazeera in condition of anonymity, due to the risks involved in discussing the matter.

The recent troubles in Kurram began as sectarian violence but analysts and local sources say the situation was hijacked by Taliban fighters who use the tribal areas to launch attacks against NATO in Afghanistan.

"Local sectarian groups do not have enough resources to block the road," says Ali. "It is purely a militant issue now."

The Shia are a slight majority in Kurram Agency, an area of about 500,000 residents. During the Afghan Jihad, when the tribal regions were used by the CIA as the training grounds for anti-Soviet fighters, the region saw an insurgence of Sunni hardliners.

"There have been sectarian tensions between Sunni and Shia in Kurram for decades," says Reza Jan, Pakistan Team Lead at the American Enterprise Institute. "But in the past, Sunni-Shia clashes were usually minor. Clashes, when they did occur, were resolved fairly quickly by local leaders and authorities."

After the fall of the Taliban government in Kabul, and Pakistan's crackdown on radical elements in Punjab, the tribal areas became the hub of both Pakistani and Afghan insurgents. But many among the armed groups consider Kurram's Shia tribes - who refused to shelter fighters - as apostates. And Kurram's Shia paid a heavy price as a result.


This isn't new and security agencies failure to protect these people, in the past isn't exactly a big secret. Every Citizen of the state has the right to ask for security not just the VIP and rest have to fend for themselves
Wow, senior members and mods openly displaying their sectarian mindsets on this forum. Things are worse than what I had imagined, the poison has spread far more into society, to the point that it is difficult to even have a rational discussion with people here.

Draw false equivalencies, blame the victim. Stay classy PDF!
Thousands protest in Pakistan to demand security after deadly bombs
By Dilawar Hussain
Reuters•June 29, 2017

By Dilawar Hussain

PARACHINAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of people protested in a Pakistani town on Thursday to demand better security after twin bombings in a market there last week killed 75 people, officials and witnesses said.

Citizens of Parachinar began a sit-in protest soon after the two bombs went off last week on Friday evening, as shoppers were out buying supplies in preparation for the breaking of the fast on one of the last days of the holy month of Ramadan.

A faction of the Pakistan-based Sunni Muslim militant group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi claimed responsibility for the attack in a town where a large number of members of the Shi'ite Muslim minority live.

The crowd, already angry over what they see as the failure of authorities to ensure security, has become more enraged by the shooting dead of three protesters by police trying to keep order.

Authorities have not confirmed that three protesters were killed, saying only they were investigating.

"We are tired of picking up the dead bodies of our people," said Arshad Umerzai, a former provincial government minister.

Umerzai said the prime minister and army chief should visit Parachinar, which is close to the border with Afghanistan, in response to the violence the town has suffered.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif announced 1 million rupees ($10,000) compensation for the families of every victim of the blasts, and 500,000 rupees for the wounded, but the protesters dismissed that, saying victims of attacks in other places got more, a witness said.

Security forces stopped media crew from traveling into the town to cover the protest on Thursday, saying they needed special permission.

Parachinar is part of the Federally Administrated Tribal Areas, ethnic Pashtun-majority areas along the Afghan border covered by special laws and regulations.

A former senator, Allama Abid al-Hussaini, said the sit-in, centered in a town park, was estimated to have attracted 70,000 participants on Thursday. A senior government official in the town said tens of thousands joined the protest.

Parachinar had already suffered two bomb attacks this year, before last Friday's blasts, that killed about 50 people.

Religious leader Allama Fida Mazahiri said the killing of the protesters in police firing was particularly infuriating.

"We have sided with the security forces at every turn in fighting terrorism ... but the firing on protesters is uncalled for and action needs to be taken," Mazahiri said.

(Writing by Saad Sayeed; Editing by Robert Birsel)
We will not let this happen.
But our people have to cut ties from iran and Saudia.
You have already cut off whole bilateral ties with Iran. Don't need to cut with Iran since it's already happened. So in case of KSA, it's good. Work with other powers and keep Pakistan away from middle eastern mess. FIY You have no economic, military, political relations with Iran only an Iranian ambassador. We saw your mercy to our ambassador, after his advice about Shareef's stance, Pak army shot down our drone. Don't want to discuss the drone incident, it's a big mess for a neighboring country. Anyways you have no relations with Iran, whether your Sunni community or Shia one.
I wish forever peace for Pakistan, Shia or Sunni , both are suffering from terrorism. We tell you the roots of terrorism, please lower your relations with KSA until Arabian people and Sunni community of Hashemites of Mekka and Madina, in fact prophet's (pbuh) descendants take the power back from Saudi tribal family once again.
Wow, senior members and mods openly displaying their sectarian mindsets on this forum. Things are worse than what I had imagined, the poison has spread far more into society, to the point that it is difficult to even have a rational discussion with people here.

Draw false equivalencies, blame the victim. Stay classy PDF!
Good to see real faces of people's here
Victims becames cirminal in their dictionary
All the points in this post are valid. Sunnis are also treated as second class class citizens in Iran and more Sunnis have been killed by the extremists than the Shia by the ISIS/Taliban extremists.

However, with due respect the above post reflects the attitude of the majority moderate Sunnis who are not anti-Shia but nevertheless somehow pay no more than lip service to the brutal killing of the innocents.

First & foremost, two wrongs don’t make a right. Majority of the shoppers killed in the Parachinar bazaar were not involved in atrocities themselves. Neither were the Ismaelis of Karachi; why bad treatment of Sunnis by Iraqi Shias should be included as an argument to condone killings in Parachinar or elsewhere?

We are all human beings first & foremost. I am totally against justification / condoning killing of Christians, Jews or Hindus etc., because of Israeli atrocities in Palestine and US support of Israel & Indian cruelty in Kashmir. Based on such argument Trump would be justified in banning all Muslims from entering the United States!

Bigotry exists in all societies to some extent as indicated by Trump being voted in as President and Marie Le Pen competing for the highest office in France. But as rational & intelligent human beings we have to rise above it and condemn injustice of the innocents wherever it is regardless of sect, ethnicity & religion.

Nothing in the world justifies Eid shoppers being bombed simply because they belong to a different sect. Least we can do is to unreservedly condemn such killing and support the victims of Parachinar not because they are Shia but because they are our Pakistani brothers and human beings.

In other words we need to emulate the late Abdus Sattar Edhi, but this can be too much to ask from the majority.

Who cares about Iran? It is not a good example to emulate anyways, I have always been critical of their interference in other nations on this forum.

We are Pakistanis who love Pakistan, but if the Armed Forces do a lousy job and do f*** all about these incidents, we will call them out for it.
You have already cut off whole bilateral ties with Iran. Don't need to cut with Iran since it's already happened. So in case of KSA, it's good. Work with other powers and keep Pakistan away from middle eastern mess. FIY You have no economic, military, political relations with Iran only an Iranian ambassador. We saw your mercy to our ambassador, after his advice about Shareef's stance, Pak army shot down our drone. Don't want to discuss the drone incident, it's a big mess for a neighboring country. Anyways you have no relations with Iran, whether your Sunni community or Shia one.
I wish forever peace for Pakistan, Shia or Sunni , both are suffering from terrorism. We tell you the roots of terrorism, please lower your relations with KSA until Arabian people and Sunni community of Hashemites of Mekka and Madina, in fact prophet's (pbuh) descendants take the power back from Saudi tribal family once again.

Pak shot down drone which was flying inside Pakistan. Let me know if Iran will allow Pakstan F-16 over Tehran before you complain.
This is a town under the complete control of FC, it is in lockdown and cordoned off from the rest of the country, and locals have to go through 7-8 checkpoints to get to the main city center. This has become a huge hassle for the locals, but they managed to ignore their irritation in light of supporting the FC.

In such security conditions, how is it possible for multiple suicide bombers, a car full of bombs and explosives to get through these checkpoints, and attack innocent civilians with impunity?

Certain FC personnel are complicit in this (who let the bombers through), it would be best if the Army does not deny this, and bring the perpetrators to justice.
This is a town under the complete control of FC, it is in lockdown and cordoned off from the rest of the country, and locals have to go through 7-8 checkpoints to get to the main city center. This has become a huge hassle for the locals, but they managed to ignore their irritation in light of supporting the FC.

In such security conditions, how is it possible for multiple suicide bombers, a car full of bombs and explosives to get through these checkpoints, and attack innocent civilians with impunity?

Certain FC personnel are complicit in this (who let the bombers through), it would be best if the Army does not deny this, and bring the perpetrators to justice.
Time for a Pakistan in Pakistan
What does Iran have to do with the events in Parachinar? Looks like people just want to deflect. It would be good to focus on our internal matters, and non Pakistanis shouldn't be commenting either.
The Armed Forces are truly non sectarian, any and all are encouraged even atheists. The people their deserve to be heard. The demands for security are reasonable.

The sectarian division is one of the ways the country can be dealt with a massive problem.
Another issue is that which brand of Islam is correct - Shia or Sunni? Shia have split Islam to such a degree that their brand looks like a new religion in comparison to the original.

Stop playing God.

It is for Allah alone to decide who is on the right path or who is not. He doesn't need, nor has he asked us for our opinions and assistance in matters related to him ...

Stop projecting. I said parachinar isn't the only place to get hit. Even deobandis/wahabis are killed by them because bombs don't discriminate. Demand of 100% security is stupid and doesn't make any sense. They never demanded this before so why now? Because of Pak joining saudi military alliance?

Yes, but only those Wahhabis/Deobandis die who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, or who have chosen to serve the LEAs of Pakistan. No Deobandi/Wahhabi is being killed for his 'religious beliefs'. No Wahhabi/Deobandi place of worship or religious gathering has ever been targeted by the terrorists. There is a clear sectarian angle to the ongoing Terrorism in Pakistan. Denying "Facts" won't help.
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This is a town under the complete control of FC, it is in lockdown and cordoned off from the rest of the country, and locals have to go through 7-8 checkpoints to get to the main city center. This has become a huge hassle for the locals, but they managed to ignore their irritation in light of supporting the FC.

In such security conditions, how is it possible for multiple suicide bombers, a car full of bombs and explosives to get through thesef checkpoints, and attack innocent civilians with impunity?

Certain FC personnel are complicit in this (who let the bombers through), it would be best if the Army does not deny this, and bring the perpetrators to justice.
A friends husband is an army doctor , he was posted at parachinar, so got to know through her that movement in and out of parachinar is kept in checks , area was kind of secluded.

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