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My colleague's experience of Lahore

I wish i could do that, she is Aussie born spoilt bratty girl and comes from a rich family.

Anyway she came up to me just before and asked if i can find her a **** restaurant that does goat curry. Apparently thats now her favourite dish.

I don't care about her opinion, but what she has done is damage all my hardwork of trying to promote Pakistan and that is hurting me.

But there are somethings that we can learn and improve, like learning ethics of asking permission to take selfies and stop littering. We specially need to get rid of this paan stuff.

Well, you can counter her BS by presenting your own views. As a starter, one city doesn't represent entire Pakistan.

There are a million things we can improve. Let me be frank about our people. Our people are immature and corrupt. That doesn't mean that everyone is like this, but many are. We understand this like no other. I wasn't even born and brought up in Pakistan, but I have frequently visited during my childhood. I understand the mindset. So do you.

Let's be frank, much of the world has no notion of Pakistan. They don't know what to expect. This is partly due to our own ignorance and lack of promotion. Pakistan has never taken the effort to promote itself to the outside world. Politically, Pakistan has not been a success story under previous governments. Corruption and mismanagement has been rife. The thought of promoting Pakistan wasn't even on the agenda. Add to that certain happenings on international level. All a recipe for disaster. In short, we haven't helped our own cause and on top of that neither did our so-called allies.

Also ask yourself this question. Why do people continue to visit India despite so many rape incidents? These are even highlighted on international media. You think there is shortage of terrible habits in India? If you are able to understand the answer to this question you will by and large understand how the world works.
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Laotians judging Pakistan, what a joke. Do they even have toilets where they come from. Using leafs to clean their a$$es. Most probably a low class street hooker who married a gora (or a stupid desi) and trying to act superior.
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I reckon the immigration officers were trying to confirm if they were Chinese because of the Corona virus

That might be the case, because I hardly ever came across a Pakistan who are Racist in that regard by questioning a Asian looking person about his Western Passport .

Yes Australia has security guards and police but assault rifles are banned here and security guards only carry a baton. Police carry just hand guns but they are being replaced by stun guns.

Well you can explain her the situation here, I mean we are coming out of a full grown insurgency so it will take some time for people to be full comfortable, Plus the kind of terrorists we have seen who did not spare markets ,school , Hospitals , wedding , Milaad and Mosques .

I have also seen people trying to take selfies on all these vlogs on youtube of Pakistan. Pakistanis are not used to seeing foreigners, so probably that might be the reason and i am sure it will die down once they get used to the presence of foreigners.

Well Hopefully it will die down soon , but as I say maybe its different in other parts of Pakistan, as i mentioned you will see foreigners in Karachi's Posh areas and people hardly giving them a second look .
So one of my colleague just came back from Pakistan, only spent 4 days and the whole time was in Lahore. She was part of a group of 10 people that were invited by her boyfriend's Pakistani friend to attend his wedding. Most of her experience has been negative, and she has ruined all my efforts of promoting Pakistan.

Before i start with what she experienced, let me give a little background on her, she is Aussie born of south-east Asian decent, Laos to be exact. She is a closed minded, spoilt brat who is always looking for people to feel sorry for her. Before this trip the only places she has been was Europe, Dubai and Thailand.

When she came over to tell me that she was going to Pakistan, i knew straight away that this will not going to be good. And i blame her Pakistani friend for this, but i understand that he also wants to promote the country and this was his opportunity, plus he can't just invite his friend and not the girlfriend, especially when they would be paying for their own travel and accommodation.

Anyways even before the trip began i saw her going around and telling people that she "has to go to Pakistan and she is scarred." "I am worried that i will get kid-napped". I even told her don't go to which she replied "i can't let Chris go alone" (Chris is her BF).

So here is what she has to say about her trip. My views are in RED

1. Getting a visa was hard, and they were asked to get separate hotel rooms as they are not married. Even after that it still took more than 10 days to get visa ( I agree this isn't good even though we know that its way better than what it used to be)
2. When they landed in Pakistan the immigration official didn't accept that she is Australian and kept saying that you are Chinese not Australian and how did you get the passport.
3. Their temperature was checked 3 times with a touchless digital thermometer. ( I actually reckon this is a good thing, they are trying to keep people safe and its not like they put the thermometer up her pooper )
4. The first checkpost out of the airport they were stopped again but police. And again they were asked how they have Australian passports. They took their passports away without telling them anything. But they came back after 30mins, returned their passports and let them go. (Nothing new here we all know how Pakistan police works)
5. There were people with guns everywhere especially in front of wedding halls and restaurants. (She means security guards but obviously she says people with guns because that sounds scary)
6. The city is so dirty with rubbish every where and the air smells like vomit. (Abit harsh but true, can't argue with that)
7. The Uber drivers were cheats ( Again we all know this )
8. The people kept taking pictures of them and selfies without asking for permission. She called the people "Shameless" (Again hurtful but it is true).
9. No toilet paper in the women toilets and instead there was mini-showers. She had to get Chris to pay the cleaner to take one from the men's toilet as he wasn't letting Chris take it (Not a big deal in my eyes, just use the freaking shower)
10. She did love the food, the fort and badshahi mosque, But that was the only good thing she had to say about her trip.

Sorry for the long opening post, just thought i would share her experience and my frustration.
Well well...looks like she is a spoilt brat..
If she had travelled then she would know life is different in differnet countries. Who cares if she didnf like it. I was in Lahore 2 weeks ago...amazing place. Yes it is dirty in places but not the way she says
So one of my colleague just came back from Pakistan, only spent 4 days and the whole time was in Lahore. She was part of a group of 10 people that were invited by her boyfriend's Pakistani friend to attend his wedding. Most of her experience has been negative, and she has ruined all my efforts of promoting Pakistan.

Before i start with what she experienced, let me give a little background on her, she is Aussie born of south-east Asian decent, Laos to be exact. She is a closed minded, spoilt brat who is always looking for people to feel sorry for her. Before this trip the only places she has been was Europe, Dubai and Thailand.

When she came over to tell me that she was going to Pakistan, i knew straight away that this will not going to be good. And i blame her Pakistani friend for this, but i understand that he also wants to promote the country and this was his opportunity, plus he can't just invite his friend and not the girlfriend, especially when they would be paying for their own travel and accommodation.

Anyways even before the trip began i saw her going around and telling people that she "has to go to Pakistan and she is scarred." "I am worried that i will get kid-napped". I even told her don't go to which she replied "i can't let Chris go alone" (Chris is her BF).

So here is what she has to say about her trip. My views are in RED

1. Getting a visa was hard, and they were asked to get separate hotel rooms as they are not married. Even after that it still took more than 10 days to get visa ( I agree this isn't good even though we know that its way better than what it used to be)
2. When they landed in Pakistan the immigration official didn't accept that she is Australian and kept saying that you are Chinese not Australian and how did you get the passport.
3. Their temperature was checked 3 times with a touchless digital thermometer. ( I actually reckon this is a good thing, they are trying to keep people safe and its not like they put the thermometer up her pooper )
4. The first checkpost out of the airport they were stopped again but police. And again they were asked how they have Australian passports. They took their passports away without telling them anything. But they came back after 30mins, returned their passports and let them go. (Nothing new here we all know how Pakistan police works)
5. There were people with guns everywhere especially in front of wedding halls and restaurants. (She means security guards but obviously she says people with guns because that sounds scary)
6. The city is so dirty with rubbish every where and the air smells like vomit. (Abit harsh but true, can't argue with that)
7. The Uber drivers were cheats ( Again we all know this )
8. The people kept taking pictures of them and selfies without asking for permission. She called the people "Shameless" (Again hurtful but it is true).
9. No toilet paper in the women toilets and instead there was mini-showers. She had to get Chris to pay the cleaner to take one from the men's toilet as he wasn't letting Chris take it (Not a big deal in my eyes, just use the freaking shower)
10. She did love the food, the fort and badshahi mosque, But that was the only good thing she had to say about her trip.

Sorry for the long opening post, just thought i would share her experience and my frustration.
Is she for real? She was visiting Pakistan, not Amsterdam.
So one of my colleague just came back from Pakistan, only spent 4 days and the whole time was in Lahore. She was part of a group of 10 people that were invited by her boyfriend's Pakistani friend to attend his wedding. Most of her experience has been negative, and she has ruined all my efforts of promoting Pakistan.

Before i start with what she experienced, let me give a little background on her, she is Aussie born of south-east Asian decent, Laos to be exact. She is a closed minded, spoilt brat who is always looking for people to feel sorry for her. Before this trip the only places she has been was Europe, Dubai and Thailand.

When she came over to tell me that she was going to Pakistan, i knew straight away that this will not going to be good. And i blame her Pakistani friend for this, but i understand that he also wants to promote the country and this was his opportunity, plus he can't just invite his friend and not the girlfriend, especially when they would be paying for their own travel and accommodation.

Anyways even before the trip began i saw her going around and telling people that she "has to go to Pakistan and she is scarred." "I am worried that i will get kid-napped". I even told her don't go to which she replied "i can't let Chris go alone" (Chris is her BF).

So here is what she has to say about her trip. My views are in RED

1. Getting a visa was hard, and they were asked to get separate hotel rooms as they are not married. Even after that it still took more than 10 days to get visa ( I agree this isn't good even though we know that its way better than what it used to be)
2. When they landed in Pakistan the immigration official didn't accept that she is Australian and kept saying that you are Chinese not Australian and how did you get the passport.
3. Their temperature was checked 3 times with a touchless digital thermometer. ( I actually reckon this is a good thing, they are trying to keep people safe and its not like they put the thermometer up her pooper )
4. The first checkpost out of the airport they were stopped again but police. And again they were asked how they have Australian passports. They took their passports away without telling them anything. But they came back after 30mins, returned their passports and let them go. (Nothing new here we all know how Pakistan police works)
5. There were people with guns everywhere especially in front of wedding halls and restaurants. (She means security guards but obviously she says people with guns because that sounds scary)
6. The city is so dirty with rubbish every where and the air smells like vomit. (Abit harsh but true, can't argue with that)
7. The Uber drivers were cheats ( Again we all know this )
8. The people kept taking pictures of them and selfies without asking for permission. She called the people "Shameless" (Again hurtful but it is true).
9. No toilet paper in the women toilets and instead there was mini-showers. She had to get Chris to pay the cleaner to take one from the men's toilet as he wasn't letting Chris take it (Not a big deal in my eyes, just use the freaking shower)
10. She did love the food, the fort and badshahi mosque, But that was the only good thing she had to say about her trip.

Sorry for the long opening post, just thought i would share her experience and my frustration.
She does not have much exposure to developing countries.

Lahore and Islamabad are two of the most developed cities of Pakistan. If she think Lahore is bad, then imagine what she will think about Karachi, Gujranwala and others.

I have a better idea, tell her to visit India next time. She will love it more. :lol:
She does not have much exposure to developing countries.

Lahore and Islamabad are two of the most developed cities of Pakistan. If she think Lahore is bad, then imagine what she will think about Karachi, Gujranwala and others.

I have a better idea, tell her to visit India next time. She will love it more. :lol:
She should try china then she will know
i dont think her stupid, non practical and kinda immature experience deserve a whole thread.

do we have mods or when we will stop making every GORA a celebrity that we discuss their stupid and bias personal thinking?

Lahore and Islamabad are two of the most developed cities of Pakistan. If she think Lahore is bad, then imagine what she will think about Karachi, Gujranwala and others.
sorry to burst your bubble but i have been to Lahore as well and people there are the most jahils, at least people in Karachi dont go berserk when they see a foreigner.
Lahore has good and bad areas. You have rich areas and then you have slums. However most people of Lahore are decent and nice people.

It seems like she didn't visit Defense, Model Town, Liberty, or any posh Housing schemes or developments.

Where did your friend get married?

Then again it could be that in her selective amnesia, she doesn't remember the good parts of Pakistan and only dusty keechar crowded areas.
So one of my colleague just came back from Pakistan, only spent 4 days and the whole time was in Lahore. She was part of a group of 10 people that were invited by her boyfriend's Pakistani friend to attend his wedding. Most of her experience has been negative, and she has ruined all my efforts of promoting Pakistan.

Before i start with what she experienced, let me give a little background on her, she is Aussie born of south-east Asian decent, Laos to be exact. She is a closed minded, spoilt brat who is always looking for people to feel sorry for her. Before this trip the only places she has been was Europe, Dubai and Thailand.

When she came over to tell me that she was going to Pakistan, i knew straight away that this will not going to be good. And i blame her Pakistani friend for this, but i understand that he also wants to promote the country and this was his opportunity, plus he can't just invite his friend and not the girlfriend, especially when they would be paying for their own travel and accommodation.

Anyways even before the trip began i saw her going around and telling people that she "has to go to Pakistan and she is scarred." "I am worried that i will get kid-napped". I even told her don't go to which she replied "i can't let Chris go alone" (Chris is her BF).

So here is what she has to say about her trip. My views are in RED

1. Getting a visa was hard, and they were asked to get separate hotel rooms as they are not married. Even after that it still took more than 10 days to get visa ( I agree this isn't good even though we know that its way better than what it used to be)
2. When they landed in Pakistan the immigration official didn't accept that she is Australian and kept saying that you are Chinese not Australian and how did you get the passport.
3. Their temperature was checked 3 times with a touchless digital thermometer. ( I actually reckon this is a good thing, they are trying to keep people safe and its not like they put the thermometer up her pooper )
4. The first checkpost out of the airport they were stopped again but police. And again they were asked how they have Australian passports. They took their passports away without telling them anything. But they came back after 30mins, returned their passports and let them go. (Nothing new here we all know how Pakistan police works)
5. There were people with guns everywhere especially in front of wedding halls and restaurants. (She means security guards but obviously she says people with guns because that sounds scary)
6. The city is so dirty with rubbish every where and the air smells like vomit. (Abit harsh but true, can't argue with that)
7. The Uber drivers were cheats ( Again we all know this )
8. The people kept taking pictures of them and selfies without asking for permission. She called the people "Shameless" (Again hurtful but it is true).
9. No toilet paper in the women toilets and instead there was mini-showers. She had to get Chris to pay the cleaner to take one from the men's toilet as he wasn't letting Chris take it (Not a big deal in my eyes, just use the freaking shower)
10. She did love the food, the fort and badshahi mosque, But that was the only good thing she had to say about her trip.

Sorry for the long opening post, just thought i would share her experience and my frustration.
It is good to promote Pakistan by inviting others but these others should not be confused with some fu**ers.
She clearly has a hardcoded bad reputation of Pakistan in mind with no interest of going there

Point 1 : This seems surprising, hotels don’t ask such especially the 4 star ones. So i guess they tried some strict cheap hotel

Point 2 : CAA and FIA officials have all the right to question upon immigration, however, generally there is a trend throughout Pakistan, even in banks to always be suspicious of the next person even when not necessary

Point 3 : Good, they must have checked it again 3 more times

Point 4 : my point 2 for this one again, sab ko apna bharam dikhana hai

Point 5 : She is a scum to highlight negatively This point

Point 6 : I am glad she didn’t visit karachi, lahore is still cleaner, this is a valid concern tho, a concern where work needs to be done seriously.

Point 7 : Don’t know what happened with them, could be yes, generally these ride sharing drivers are cheaters just to save ten rupee fuel

Point 8 : Again, Very valid concern, no one has got the right to take pictures of others and behave especially in front of foreigners as if they are seeing safaid chamri for the first time

Point 9 : Better she just pull pants back up without even using tissue papers as not washing shit and just using papers doesn’t actually clean you, water does it. Disgusting filthy people
You know what, I used to get really pissed at PK for not doing anything to promote PK, but now I am the opinion, thanks to Allah that we have been saved, we don't need tourism on that scale, it just corrupts the local populace and though it can provide a boost to the economy, it also brings many problems, - we are not ready for it. So best to leave it to people who love and enjoy the country's good aspect while working to destroy the bad parts.

As an add on we do need to clean the country, why oh why are we such a dirty people, we throw our rubbish anywhere and everywhere. Come on people let us all clean and green Pakistan.
Experiences differ i would like to add as well. My Arab in laws had a great time during my wedding in Pakistan. Some of them look pretty much white (red hair) and some are darker so they were asked if they are all really members of the same family at the airport, which was an odd question to ask imo. Their passport surnames are the same and they are saying they are one family, but thats where it stopped. There wasnt any harassing.

They thought that Lahore was super clean (given its size) and the infrastructure great. Then again my parents in law grew up in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon and Syria so they know what the real world looks like and arent spoiled brats.

At the end of the day attitude plays a huge role. They smiled instead of showing attitude and got hospitality. Even Mcdonalds (the ultimate symbol of capitalism) gave them free ice cream.

I underatand why you would not want to promote Pakistan, but i would say promote it to the right people. Seasoned travelers will have no issue with Pakistan, but the indivudal you are talking about seems to belong to in 5 star resort. Promoting Pakistan to such people is futile.
Experiences differ i would like to add as well. My Arab in laws had a great time during my wedding in Pakistan. Some of them look pretty much white (red hair) and some are darker so they were asked if they are all really members of the same family at the airport, which was an odd question to ask imo. Their passport surnames are the same and they are saying they are one family, but thats where it stopped. There wasnt any harassing.

They thought that Lahore was super clean (given its size) and the infrastructure great. Then again my parents in law grew up in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon and Syria so they know what the real world looks like and arent spoiled brats.

At the end of the day attitude plays a huge role. They smiled instead of showing attitude and got hospitality. Even Mcdonalds (the ultimate symbol of capitalism) gave them free ice cream.

I underatand why you would not want to promote Pakistan, but i would say promote it to the right people. Seasoned travelers will have no issue with Pakistan, but the indivudal you are talking about seems to belong to in 5 star resort. Promoting Pakistan to such people is futile.
Really a rare sight to find such Palestinian’s, as most of the humble ones are from the generation that is very old or almost finished (those who were played by jews by creating israel), if you have no issue, you can answer my question as i really am surprised upon one observation, is your wife Palestinian? And you are a pure Pakistani origin ? Because, mostly Palestinians look down on us especially the ladies

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