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My Adventures Across China

An archway of Imperial Edict in Heavenly Empress Temple

Mazu's Statue

Breathtaking ! Stunning !
Once I post some seafood, I'd like to @Nihonjin1051
Treated by a local family

Local snacks, wonton, noodle, peanut soup, fish balls, oyster omelet,etc.

This is just beyond me now, if i could, i want to eat every single dish posted here. May i ask, is that spicy crab on the lower right? O man.....
This is just beyond me now, if i could, i want to eat every single dish posted here. May i ask, is that spicy crab on the lower right? O man.....
Yes. U know sometimes I find myself a little addicted to post seafood just to make u hungry. LOL
Never been to Fujian but planing to go. However, it is unlikely I will go to Quanzhou, since you will land in Xiamen Internation Airport.

Fujian is home to Hoklo and Hakka , yes? This is ancestral land of Teow Chu Chinese. Btw, if you want to visit Fujian, i recommend you visit Hekeng village, its a cultural icon and one that preserves the beauty of traditional Hakka homes, well more like large town centers. Last time i was in Fujian was over 10 years ago, its beautiful there.

Yes. U know sometimes I find myself a little addicted to post seafood just to make u hungry. LOL

Hahahaha. FYI, my dinner last night was Chinese food. I ordered shrimp and vegetables with fried rice, and ordered singaporean noodles. Looking at the pictures you and Birdy were posting had me craving Chinese food.


Never been to Fujian but planing to go. However, it is unlikely I will go to Quanzhou, since you will land in Xiamen Internation Airport.
It's super closed from Xiamen to Quanzhou. Can u read simplified Chinese? Then I recommend Lonely Planet Fujian and Lonely planet Xiamen
Fujian is home to Hoklo and Hakka , yes? This is ancestral land of Teow Chu Chinese. Btw, if you want to visit Fujian, i recommend you visit Hekeng village, its a cultural icon and one that preserves the beauty of traditional Hakka homes, well more like large town centers. Last time i was in Fujian was over 10 years ago, its beautiful there.

Hahahaha. FYI, my dinner last night was Chinese food. I ordered shrimp and vegetables with fried rice, and ordered singaporean noodles. Looking at the pictures you and Birdy were posting had me craving Chinese food.


Forget about chinese food in US. My uncle opens a restaurant in San Diego and never have food there. I wil l post those Hakka houses tomorrow
Fujian is home to Hoklo and Hakka , yes? This is ancestral land of Teow Chu Chinese. Btw, if you want to visit Fujian, i recommend you visit Hekeng village, its a cultural icon and one that preserves the beauty of traditional Hakka homes, well more like large town centers. Last time i was in Fujian was over 10 years ago, its beautiful there.
I have family photos of that. The picture below is not mine, I dont post family photos.


Although my grandparents original home looks like this. Not this big haha.

It's super closed from Xiamen to Quanzhou. Can u read simplified Chinese? Then I recommend Lonely Planet Fujian and Lonely planet Xiamen
A bit, not good though, i have to refer dictionary a lot. It is not necessary for me to go to Quanzhou since Nan'an is just beside Xiamen.
I have family photos of that. The picture below is not mine, I dont post family photos.


Although my grandparents original home looks like this. Not this big haha.

A bit, not good though, i have to refer dictionary a lot. It is not necessary for me to go to Quanzhou since Nan'an is just beside Xiamen.

Nice. I love those Hakka house, they are like mini castles for the farmers, they can hold out for quite sometime if attacked.
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I have family photos of that. The picture below is not mine, I dont post family photos.


Although my grandparents original home looks like this. Not this big haha.

A bit, not good though, i have to refer dictionary a lot. It is not necessary for me to go to Quanzhou since Nan'an is just beside Xiamen.
u know the most regretted thing when I was there was not stopping in Quanzhou for its food. Have u heard of A Bite of China? A documentary
u know the most regretted thing when I was there was not stopping in Quanzhou for its food. Have u heard of A Bite of China? A documentary
Yeah, i like documentaries and i know this particular one, however I'm not a foodie. I like my food fast and easy to consume. I'm more of historical, engineering and science guy.
Yeah, i like documentaries and i know this particular one, however I'm not a foodie. I like my food fast and easy to consume. I'm more of historical, engineering and science guy.
Then I shall recommend Quanzhou more, it's like a half book of chinese history
Then I shall recommend Quanzhou more, it's like a half book of chinese history

Quanzhou travel guide - Wikitravel
Religious structures
The town has an assortment of religious buildings, some quite old. It has been called a museum of world religions. There are Taoist, Buddhist, and Confucian temples, as anywhere in China, plus Christian churches and one mosque. There are also Hindu and Zoroastrian temples.

  • Kaiyuan Temple (开元寺), Xi Jie near Xinhuan Bei Lu, northwest of downtown. The largest and most famous Buddhist temple complex in the area. The well-landscaped grounds house two famous tall pagodas, several temple buildings, an ancient stone turtle, and a variety of religious art. The Xi Jie (West Lane) outside of the temple is a busy shopping streets, with all kind of shops selling souvenirs, joss paper and other Buddhist items, snacks, and books. 10 yuan.
  • Qingjing Mosque (清净寺), Tumen Street. The only surviving mosque of the many that used to exist. It is over 1,000 years old, and was rebuilt in 2009 so the dome is now restored after a 200-year absence. Well worth a visit. 3 yuan.
  • Taoist temple (Guan Di Temple), (just east of the mosque). Large and impressive. Note the huge (over 2 stories tall) ritual furnace for burning joss paper. free.
  • Confucian Temple (孔庙), (A couple of blocks west of the Taoist Temple, just off Tumen Street). This is the main Confucian temple in town.
  • Chongfu Temple, Chongfu Road (Northeast of the city center, near where Dong Road turns into Donghu Road). A beautiful if small active Buddhist Temple.
  • Old Saint (崇福寺), (On the peak of Qingyuanshan just outside town). An enormous statue of Lao Tse, the founder of Taoism, which attracts people from all over China.
  • Tian Hou Gong, (At Tianhou Lu (Tiangou St) and Zhongshan Nan Lu (Zhongshan South St), at the southern edge of downtown). Dedicated to Tian Hou ("Heavenly Empress"), although known as Mazu, the patron fiigure of sailors. Note the ancient bixi turtle with an illegible stele on the temple's grounds.
  • Six wins tower (六胜塔). , Six tower is the study of architecture and art precious kind of song and Yuan dynasties. The tower is of granite attic type structure,36.6 meters high, around the end of about 47meters, octagonal five layer, the carved Seiko, magnificent, with something comparable to Quanzhou tower.
  • Quanzhou Museum, (In a park north of the West Lake (Xi Hu)). Don't miss a small "stele forest" behind the museum. free.
  • Puppet Museum, (From the mosque, walk West (away from the Taoist temple) along Tumen Street, take the first right, go a short distance and take the first right again (if you reach a park on your right, you have gone too far), the museum is a short way along on your left (if you reach the French restaurant, you have gone too far)). * Quanzhou is famous for puppets and the museum is excellent. They sometimes do shows, which are excellent, but not on a regular schedule. You need to be lucky to catch one, or to have a group of 20 or so people and make arrangements.
  • Fujian-Taiwan Kinship Museum (In a park north of the West Lake (Xi Hu), just east of Quanzhou Museum).
  • Maritime Museum. Excellent museum. Quanzhou was, up to the 15th century, one of China's greatest trading cities and a major base for her powerful fleets. The museum's Ancient Ships Pavilion is located on the grounds of Kaiyuan Temple; as of Feb 2012, the pavilion is closed for renovations, but one can still peek into the windows.
Other sights
  • Monument to Koxinga (Zheng Chenggong) (鄭成功; Zhèng Chénggōng). An enormous equestrian statue that appears to be guarding the town, up on a hill on the east side of the city. He was a local boy whose family were seafarers, merchants trading with Japan, and pirates. On land, he became a general, resisting the then-new Qing (Manchu) dynasty. His base on Xiamen'sGulang Yu is one of the tourist sites there. He is best known for driving the Dutch out of Taiwan in the 1660s, the first major wave of Chinese immigration to Taiwan was his soldiers settling down and bringing their families. He is one of the few people seen as a hero by the current governments on both sides of the straits, beating the foreign devils makes you a good guy in everyone's books.

  • Cai ancient dwellings
The ancient residential buildings by Cai Qichang and his son, Cai senior in the Qing Tongzhi years (1862) to Xuantong three years (1911) built. The existing more complete house in all 16, and are arranged in parallel are orderly distribution to approximately 3hectares (40 acres ) of a rectangular block, thing long200 meters, North and south100 meters wide, covering an area of 15300square meters.

#EDIT Actually this is not complete. ;)
Quanzhou travel guide - Wikitravel
Religious structures
The town has an assortment of religious buildings, some quite old. It has been called a museum of world religions. There are Taoist, Buddhist, and Confucian temples, as anywhere in China, plus Christian churches and one mosque. There are also Hindu and Zoroastrian temples.

  • Kaiyuan Temple (开元寺), Xi Jie near Xinhuan Bei Lu, northwest of downtown. The largest and most famous Buddhist temple complex in the area. The well-landscaped grounds house two famous tall pagodas, several temple buildings, an ancient stone turtle, and a variety of religious art. The Xi Jie (West Lane) outside of the temple is a busy shopping streets, with all kind of shops selling souvenirs, joss paper and other Buddhist items, snacks, and books. 10 yuan.
  • Qingjing Mosque (清净寺), Tumen Street. The only surviving mosque of the many that used to exist. It is over 1,000 years old, and was rebuilt in 2009 so the dome is now restored after a 200-year absence. Well worth a visit. 3 yuan.
  • Taoist temple (Guan Di Temple), (just east of the mosque). Large and impressive. Note the huge (over 2 stories tall) ritual furnace for burning joss paper. free.
  • Confucian Temple (孔庙), (A couple of blocks west of the Taoist Temple, just off Tumen Street). This is the main Confucian temple in town.
  • Chongfu Temple, Chongfu Road (Northeast of the city center, near where Dong Road turns into Donghu Road). A beautiful if small active Buddhist Temple.
  • Old Saint (崇福寺), (On the peak of Qingyuanshan just outside town). An enormous statue of Lao Tse, the founder of Taoism, which attracts people from all over China.
  • Tian Hou Gong, (At Tianhou Lu (Tiangou St) and Zhongshan Nan Lu (Zhongshan South St), at the southern edge of downtown). Dedicated to Tian Hou ("Heavenly Empress"), although known as Mazu, the patron fiigure of sailors. Note the ancient bixi turtle with an illegible stele on the temple's grounds.
  • Six wins tower (六胜塔). , Six tower is the study of architecture and art precious kind of song and Yuan dynasties. The tower is of granite attic type structure,36.6 meters high, around the end of about 47meters, octagonal five layer, the carved Seiko, magnificent, with something comparable to Quanzhou tower.
  • Quanzhou Museum, (In a park north of the West Lake (Xi Hu)). Don't miss a small "stele forest" behind the museum. free.
  • Puppet Museum, (From the mosque, walk West (away from the Taoist temple) along Tumen Street, take the first right, go a short distance and take the first right again (if you reach a park on your right, you have gone too far), the museum is a short way along on your left (if you reach the French restaurant, you have gone too far)). * Quanzhou is famous for puppets and the museum is excellent. They sometimes do shows, which are excellent, but not on a regular schedule. You need to be lucky to catch one, or to have a group of 20 or so people and make arrangements.
  • Fujian-Taiwan Kinship Museum (In a park north of the West Lake (Xi Hu), just east of Quanzhou Museum).
  • Maritime Museum. Excellent museum. Quanzhou was, up to the 15th century, one of China's greatest trading cities and a major base for her powerful fleets. The museum's Ancient Ships Pavilion is located on the grounds of Kaiyuan Temple; as of Feb 2012, the pavilion is closed for renovations, but one can still peek into the windows.
Other sights
  • Monument to Koxinga (Zheng Chenggong) (鄭成功; Zhèng Chénggōng). An enormous equestrian statue that appears to be guarding the town, up on a hill on the east side of the city. He was a local boy whose family were seafarers, merchants trading with Japan, and pirates. On land, he became a general, resisting the then-new Qing (Manchu) dynasty. His base on Xiamen'sGulang Yu is one of the tourist sites there. He is best known for driving the Dutch out of Taiwan in the 1660s, the first major wave of Chinese immigration to Taiwan was his soldiers settling down and bringing their families. He is one of the few people seen as a hero by the current governments on both sides of the straits, beating the foreign devils makes you a good guy in everyone's books.

  • Cai ancient dwellings
The ancient residential buildings by Cai Qichang and his son, Cai senior in the Qing Tongzhi years (1862) to Xuantong three years (1911) built. The existing more complete house in all 16, and are arranged in parallel are orderly distribution to approximately 3hectares (40 acres ) of a rectangular block, thing long200 meters, North and south100 meters wide, covering an area of 15300square meters.

#EDIT Actually this is not complete. ;)
Yes yes, I will go there next time, I think I have just explored one tenth of Fujian's highlights or less

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