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Muslims won't give up Babri Masjid : Razakars

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LOL the Arabian pagans had no holy place. They just kept a couple of idols there, which were removed when the religion was removed. Mecca was used as a storage for their idols and the area surrounding it was used for merchant talks.

Oh so now desecration and destruction have a new word coined for them - "removed when their religion was removed" :)

lol consider the structure in Ayodya was removed ofcourse with all due respect.
Im aware of that but there is also the black pagan stone Muslims kiss in kabba there is no diffrence in a idol of Jesus you see in Church or the one Hindus make of Krishna

I have a nephew and a niece, I kiss them numerous times a day.. Now does this mean I worship them?

For that black stone, read what caliph said about it..
We don't worship that "stone".

Otherwise we'd be worshiping fallen asteroids by now :lol:

Yes im well aware of what you worship but the stone is still a pagan black stone which Muslim kiss it existed b4 Mohamed was born

I have a nephew and a niece, I kiss them numerous times a day.. Now does this mean I worship them?

For that black stone, read what caliph said about it..

Who said you worship it? im just stating we make statues the same why Christains make of Mary or Jesus does that mean Jesus is stone or if I break Jesus statue he will die?
The first two lines show how much you know about the things and from where you have been reading up the cooked up stories.

If you have time read up in the "Eminent Historians : Their technology, their line and their Fraud" by Arun Shourie.

Oh and did someone compare temples in India with mosques in Spain..perhaps the little difference is Hinduism is native to India while Islam was not to Spain. The original people were the Catholics and they rightfully won it back from the invaders.

The original people were the IVC.. when did Hinduism become native to India..?? It also stems from sources outside of India.. and eventually reached the form it has today by thriving in India..which are more cultural than religious.
Probably the Jains have more say in terms of original Indian religion than Hinduism..
But then Sikhism is also developed in India.. but it has major influences from Islam.. does that mean Sikhism is Alien to India?

In that manner every religion has inspiration..
I will read the book.. but whats to say that has not been cooked up in there..
Why is my PoV cooked up and your's not?
That is a defeatist atttude. Brushing the problems under the carpet hoping they would vanish. Nothing less than a temple is acceptable there.

How is that defeatist attitude?? It would bring peace and heck ask the Saudis to fund it they are always looking to waste money anyway.
That is a defeatist atttude. Brushing the problems under the carpet hoping they would vanish. Nothing less than a temple is acceptable there.

I actually dont give a crap if there is temple or a circus built there.... too much time and energy has been wasted on a trivial issue, when there are thousands of issues that need immediate attention in India.... as far as protection of hindu/muslim sentiments is concerned, both the religions are mature enough that they wont descend into chaos with or without a temple/mosque
Im aware of that but there is also the black pagan stone Muslims kiss in kabba there is no diffrence in a idol of Jesus you see in Church or the one Hindus make of Krishna

Incorrect again..
The stone is not worshipped.. the black stone has little pagan origin.
Again.. as I said.. reading up on actual Islamic history and not bits and pieces of what selectively suits your PoV will help.
The same with propagating an Anti-Muslim view by joiing up bits and pieces of Indian Medieval history to make Muslims out to be the bad guys.. good effort by some key Indian members though.. shows how ridiculed Muslims are in India.
Hypocris shines through. So your books are enough proof they existed. But our scriptures are not.

Do your scriptures say Adam Noah and Moses Existed?? i told you already that three religions books says they existed, so your argument was to prove their existence.
Oh so now desecration and destruction have a new word coined for them - "removed when their religion was removed" :)

lol consider the structure in Ayodya was removed ofcourse with all due respect.

That is where you are mistaken nothing was destroyed the idols were removed from the structure, and the pagans took the idols to their homes. Those same pagans eventually became Muslim so again the comparison is irrelevant. You guys tore the whole mosque down in retaliation for a hundred year old beef, that is the difference.
I actually dont give a crap if there is temple or a circus built there.... too much time and energy has been wasted on a trivial issue, when there are thousands of issues that need immediate attention in India.... as far as protection of hindu/muslim sentiments is concerned, both the religions are mature enough that they wont descend into chaos with or without a temple/mosque

Best post of the thread :cheers:

What Ayodha was.. is.. no longer matters.
Both Hinduism and Islam are bigger than Ayodha and the ego's of the little men fighting over it.
The original people were the IVC.. when did Hinduism become native to India..?? It also stems from sources outside of India.. and eventually reached the form it has today by thriving in India..which are more cultural than religious.

That is a hypothesis. Understand the difference between a hypothesis and a fact. And anyway IVC was not in Arabia..anything east of hindukush was considered a part of traditional Bharat.

Probably the Jains have more say in terms of original Indian religion than Hinduism..
But then Sikhism is also developed in India.. but it has major influences from Islam.. does that mean Sikhism is Alien to India?

Where do you think Jainism evolved from...and lol Jains are some of the most devout worshippers of Lord Hanuman as far as I have seen.

Sikhism originated in the lands that comprise Bharat. Not in the Semitic lands. Hence it will always be Indic in nature.

In that manner every religion has inspiration..
I will read the book.. but whats to say that has not been cooked up in there..
Why is my PoV cooked up and your's not?

Because that book systematically and with proof demolishes the myth of Budddhist persection in the hands of the Hindus and explains the political motivation behind those cooked up stories being spread by few "eminent" historians.
Yeah, it's just a building. Why fret? The earliest Muslims prayed out in the open desert.
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