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Muslims(Pakistanis) and RSS Hindus(Indians) Non-Stop Clashes In Leicester(UK)

This current debacle has only further validated the Two Nation Theory, even Hindus and Muslims abroad can't live together in peace without fear of the law.

They are lying and full of shit, they have to pretend to condemn them for image purposes. I bet you deep inside they fully support what they are doing and might even be assisting them, Hindu leaders haven't once told their community to knock it off and quit attacking random Muslim bystanders but instead have played victim the whole time. I don't like British Pakistanis much myself but their criminal activities never targeted Hindus or Indians, the Hindu community incited this whole thing which could spread throughout the whole nation.

They exported a bunch of uneducated twits from backwards villages in the name of "labor", while declining visa apps from actual educated and decent people, it is clear that they want the exact opposite of what you described. After all that's what the politicians and the elite want to see, chaos, and we are witnessing that in real time. I always predicted that the UK would eventually turn into a battle ground between Indian/Pakistani immigrants, it was only about time the true feelings between the two groups surfaced and god damn was I correct.

Our elders were hard working stand up people. Watch your mouth
. . .
Funny news I heard from an old guji mate who is cursing RSS goons for this situation. He was saying the fear is stopping some parents from sending kids to school and others are calling in sick into work. Toilet tissue sales have sky rocketed as well as the men folks are literally crapping their pants!

Round the clock guard duties have been arranged so they report attacks.😂

And the party hasn't started yet. 😂

Gujis in Birmingham are terrified as well and so are the gujis around Ealing from where a RSS bus departed to take violent veggies to Leicester.

They mistakenly thought it would just weak Pakistanis but instead 20 year boys on performing scouting missions to Leicester. Wait til the veterans show up who fought the national front.

I don't think the night life will be same in Leicester for a while as night clubs won't be safe for gujis as they will be confronted and torn to pieces.

What has RSS done?

Bitten off more than they can chew?! This ain't over and won't be until RSS goons are beaten in larger numbers.
. . .
Atleast our boys got captured while fighting and didn’t surrender by signing any document.

Yeah your boys didn't sign any surrender signature

Simply made buffer zones on own claimed territory without any signature

Now won't dare to patrol territory that they used to patrol and that too without signature

I didn’t say he is Indian, just pointed out that he’s Indo-Iranian who’s father only is from Pakistan (by birth) and Indian origin. Basically a muhajir.
muhajirs/Urdu speakers will kill you if you mix up their nationality like that....
Pakistani is just a Pakistani, part of my family is from Indian Punjab, Ill just describe their ethnicity, city or clan, some guy on this forum is from Uzbek family, and another qizilbash speaks Farsi as his native language - all of em identify as Pakistanis and in extension with their tribe, or original city,or ethnicity none of em say they are Iranian or Indian origin
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Channel 4 News in the UK basically put the root cause at the feet of Indian immigrants recently who has disturbed the harmony.

ie "new Indian immigrants who have bought with them the politics of extreme right wing hindu extermist ideology....."

if you know Channel 4 news, then you should know how significant this report is....
Well half of your country is practically a buffer zone between your state and insurgents/gangsters.

Still can patrol anywhere we want to unlike your boys who can't go to PP15 because PP of your boys is too small to fight Chinese
muhajirs/Urdu speakers will kill you if you mix up their nationality like that....
Pakistani is just a Pakistani, part of my family is from Indian Punjab, Ill just describe their ethnicity, city or clan, some guy on this forum is from Uzbek family, and another qizilbash speaks Farsi as his native language - all of em identify with their tribe, or original city,or ethnicity none of em say they are Iranian or Indian origin
Didn’t mix up their nationality, pointed out he’s an Indo-Iranian, there are plenty NRIs who say they’re proud Americans and are not Indians and don’t identify as Indians but they’ll remain Indians no matter what they say, either way lets end this discussion.

Still can patrol anywhere we want to unlike your boys who can't go to PP15 because PP of your boys is too small to fight Chinese
PP15 is not even 0.0000001% of India’s landmass, but half of your country is practically a buffer zone, any patrol gets ambushed where you lose men and material on a daily basis. Be it Balochistan or Waziristan or Gangsters of Sindh/South Punjab as you discussed here.
"Some reports" of the Leicester riots heading into Smethwick, Birmingham according to Channel 4 News...

- All i can say - is those Gandu's(Indian immigrants) best not start that crap in Smethwick, Birmingham as all the Pakistani's in that region are all Mirpuri's .. and there is nothing more they like - than a good fight ... hopefully common sense prevails and everyone there calms down.
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You are going off topic, Brit Paks never targeted or attacked Hindu Indians before this debacle.

Well, the question is who caused the debacle? There is no proof that it was started by Indians. All we have is a bunch of twitter posts and videos by you guys claiming they did it, but it could just as easily have been Pakistanis provoking Indians after the match, with the usual religious slurs cow this cow that, multiple gods etc etc. Looking at how British Pakistanis have had issues with other communities in the past, it is more likely that they started the whole thing than the other way around. Obviously, i am not denying that the Hindutva minded primitive immigrants have further compounded the issue.

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