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Muslims(Pakistanis) and RSS Hindus(Indians) Non-Stop Clashes In Leicester(UK)

This current debacle has only further validated the Two Nation Theory, even Hindus and Muslims abroad can't live together in peace without fear of the law.
They are lying and full of shit, they have to pretend to condemn them for image purposes. I bet you deep inside they fully support what they are doing and might even be assisting them, Hindu leaders haven't once told their community to knock it off and quit attacking random Muslim bystanders but instead have played victim the whole time. I don't like British Pakistanis much myself but their criminal activities never targeted Hindus or Indians, the Hindu community incited this whole thing which could spread throughout the whole nation.
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Muslims Pakistanis & Hindus Indians Non-stop clashes in Leicester UK
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funny thing is the Indian consulate defended the Indian Hindus attacking the Indian Muslims

It took Pakistani kids from Birmingham to teach these little RSS fanboys a lesson .

Friday -Saturday night story broke of Indians attacking a Pakistani in Leicester who in fact turned out was a Indian heritage Sikh .

The kids from the area went Leicester smashed these gujus who were spouting off all kind of things against Pakistanis .

After The stories I heard these Amazon slave Labour minimum wage slaves from India won’t try this shit again .

These RSS fanboys are lucky they weren’t petrol bombed like we used to do to the far right back in the day .
Fear of Muslims has reached India, do not antagonise Muslims.
Fear of Muslims has reached India, do not antagonise Muslims.
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you do know that this is anti-muslim propaganda? to demonize them as animals and make them the enemy number #1
this cartoon reminds me of early 1900s anti-black cartoon in USA which served as fuel fo white lynching mobs

anti chinese

ofcourse a patwari is too stupid to understand but still, I tried
Actually its the other way around. Muslim Pakistani extremists have always been a menace in the UK, holding out rallies, all that ShariaforUK crap etc etc

The white people are nice, dont want no criminal records, so they let these blue collar minimum wage Pakistanis do their own thing.

The only difference now is that the new indian immigrants are just as jahil, uneducated and primitive tribal minded as British Pakistanis, and they are doing the same crap to you that you guys have done to other communities for decades, and now are crying islamophobia, Hindutva and what not.
You are going off topic, Brit Paks never targeted or attacked Hindu Indians before this debacle.
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